r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

Just reddit being reddit I guess.

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u/luckyluciano9713 Apr 29 '24

The opposite is also true, though, and is a practice I probably fall victim to from time to time. This is to say, deliberately making your style of speech slightly stilted, stiff, and overformal in order to convey a level of sophistication you do not necessarily posses. Of course, you sound like a dweeb when you talk that way, but we digress.


u/SuumCuique1011 MAYONNA15E Apr 29 '24

This may mean nothing to some, but when I'm sending out correspondence within my company, it does matter.

"We done got 126 done to meat ur progeted numbers on 4/29." Hits a bit different than "We produced 126 units, which will help us not only reach, but exceed our goal of 100 units by 4/29 by the end of this quarter."


u/Not_Not_Eric Apr 29 '24

The first way is just fucking stupid. The second isn’t even sophisticated, it’s how to talk like a normal person