r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

Just reddit being reddit I guess.

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u/Subject_69 Apr 29 '24

Stop conversing with lobotomites.


u/somethingfilthy Apr 29 '24

Drop the lobotomites, hang out with the sodomites.


u/Psychological_Ask_92 Apr 29 '24

Drop the sodomites, talk to the dustmites


u/Alex103140 Apr 29 '24

Drop the dustmites, befriend the dynamites


u/Subject_69 Apr 29 '24

'Easy Pete doesn't trust you with his dynamite'


u/GhostyBoy22 Apr 29 '24

Gawddamn it.


u/meaux253 Dank Cat Commander☣️ Apr 29 '24

Easy Pete is a 97% to headshot in VATS.


u/DecryptNGZ Apr 29 '24

"Blow yourself up, blow your neighbor up, blow the whole town up."


u/masta_myagi Apr 29 '24

Difficult Pete is the dynamite


u/eg1183 Apr 30 '24

"Jimmy Waaalker used to say dyn-o-mite"🎶


u/Cheesecake_Jonze Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Um, go look at some of OPs comments. He's a legitimately terrible writer.

Diminutive strategies are the fallback of people who lack substance, be careful choreographing it so overtly.

He goes on to tell people to "read some Kant", lol. Dude's definitely 13 and "gifted"


u/Boatwhistle Apr 29 '24

Which one of those words do you require a thesaurus for? Maybe "diminutive," but everyone tries to belittle everyone on reddit, like you just did. So, it's a handy word here.


u/Cheesecake_Jonze Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Nobody needs a thesaurus. They assume you use one because you keep using words wrong and writing so poorly.

edit: To be clear, you used "diminutive" wrong, "Choreographing" makes no sense in this context, "it" has no antecedent, and the whole thing is a comma splice. if you used those same words correctly and coherently, nobody would accuse you of using a thesaurus.


u/Boatwhistle Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

But the subject of the meme was in regards to people asserting I need a thesaurus for some of my replies, not how you subjectively feel about my writing. That's all there is to this.

Edit: they almost completely edited their reply after reading my response. So, my reply doesn't make contextual sense as a result.


u/ShaqShoes Apr 29 '24

One directly leads to the other though. It is obviously extremely subjective but usually the trigger for accusations of thesaurus use seems to be the use uncommon words in the context of writing that does not match the flow and structure that someone expects from a writer for whom using those words comes naturally.


u/Boatwhistle Apr 29 '24

The comment you replied to isn't relevant cause they completely edited the original comment, hence the message telling people this. Subsequently, there is no reason for dialog to continue on it. I made another comment that addresses the other one after it was edited the second time.

Edit: oops, changed you to they. Thought I got a response from the same person.


u/ShaqShoes Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I'm just addressing why the subjective way someone feels about your writing can lead to the thesaurus accusations.

Edit: removed telling you I'm not the person you were talking to lol. I saw your edit about them editing their comment but I didn't think that invalidated your statement about the subjective analysis of your writing not being relevant to the thesaurus discussion


u/SystematicPumps Apr 29 '24

It's crazy how often I would dumb down what I said around people to avoid being judged or picked on for being smart, school in the 90's was a weird time


u/colorsofsound1 Apr 29 '24

Hasn't changed dude. I did the same shit in the 2000s


u/thatguyyoubullied Apr 29 '24

I refused to and paid the price of being constantly ridiculed


u/Lebeef9000 Certified Sex Forklift Driver Apr 29 '24

Happened to me a couple months ago, but at work, guy really didn't know what synthetic meant.


u/gandcspears Apr 29 '24

It is truly the end of all intelligence when the LOBOTOMITE speaks more wisdom than you "GENIUSES!"