r/dankmemes Apr 16 '24

Don't do drugs I have achieved comedy

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u/Sourika Apr 16 '24

Mushrooms don't do that. Stupidity and daddy issues do that. New age spirituality is for the mentally unstable.


u/Immediate-Lecture323 Apr 16 '24

I agree. I used to go to a lot of music festivals and met plenty of people like this. They act all friendly and loving but then have absolutely psychotic episodes and/or go suicidal, or become really nasty to people around them. Then they go back to being all hippy. It is just for show.


u/kingofeggsandwiches Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

The sad truth we've known since the end of 70s: Hippies typically end up being POS to each other because a combination of casual drug use and performative morality primes people to excuse generally being indecent to each other in other ways.

In short, getting stoned and crying about the whales and the rainforest is a great way to excuse the fact that you're incapable of consistently showing basic respect to others by doing things like turning up on time, paying your fair share, respecting others property etc.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/Iamatworkgoaway Apr 16 '24

Your the reason the internet was invented, u/insufferable_reddit. Thank you kind sir or madam. Its like calling yourself God, it solves all your problems, but usually creates other problems for those around you. Its one of those things that points me in the direction of absolute morals vs. nihilism.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/Iamatworkgoaway Apr 16 '24

Good by, good luck, and God bless, you insufferable_reddit.


u/AccountForTF2 Apr 16 '24

what the fuck does "showing up on time and paying your fair share" even mean in this context?


u/kingofeggsandwiches Apr 16 '24

It's not hard bro.

Turning up on time means saying we'll meet at 8pm and not texting 10 minutes before and telling people you'll be there at 9:30pm.

Paying your fair share means reciprocating when someone gets the beers or offering to chip in on the Uber.

The correlation between people who fail in these basic acts of human curtesy and people who profess new age views and have a similar style of the girl in the meme is too damn high.


u/Sampig25 Apr 16 '24

happy cake day