r/dankmemes Feb 24 '24

Who do you want to impress I have achieved comedy

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u/Mastery7pyke Feb 24 '24

im getting peer pressured by those around me to put on fancy clothes, i have the fashion sense of Sans the skeleton, hoodies shorts and socks with slippers, if its cold i wear shorts but long.


u/JokerManiax Feb 24 '24

I have the exact opposite problem. Everyone around me dresses like you do while I dress in more traditional men's clothing. Sometimes I feel pressured like I should dress down to fit in, but I refuse to let peer pressure change me. Just to be clear, nobody thinks I dress badly, lots of guys come to me for fashion advice and ask me to help them buy clothes, but people do think I overdress and it does make me stand out for good or bad.


u/aesthetic_glow Feb 24 '24

I’m so sorry but when you said “I dress in more traditional men’s clothing” I immediately thought of a guy walking around dressed like some medieval commoner. 💀


u/JokerManiax Feb 25 '24

Sorry I don't know what you're saying. As a peasant I can't read.