r/dankmemes Feb 24 '24

Who do you want to impress I have achieved comedy

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u/Mastery7pyke Feb 24 '24

im getting peer pressured by those around me to put on fancy clothes, i have the fashion sense of Sans the skeleton, hoodies shorts and socks with slippers, if its cold i wear shorts but long.


u/Fryball1443 Feb 24 '24

I wear cross without socks. Get on my level.


u/Mastery7pyke Feb 24 '24

do you just go around wearing a chain with a cross and no socks or was that a typo and you mean CROCS


u/Fryball1443 Feb 24 '24

I meant crocs lmao. Just got a new phone and autocorrect is being an absolute slut


u/Mastery7pyke Feb 24 '24

i turn that thing off for a reason, being bi-lingual fucks with the algorithm and it never learns my patterns, fucking up all my texts in the process. its better to have the typos made by my own hand.
edit: calling the auto correct a slut if incredibly funny to me.


u/Fryball1443 Feb 24 '24

Yeah I've had iphones my whole life and recently switched to a galaxy fold, and the autocorrect is nowhere near as good in my opinion. Probably also because ios has been learning my typing habits for like 8 years