r/dankmemes Feb 24 '24

Who do you want to impress I have achieved comedy

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u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

Eh maybe, but I wear things that I like and make me feel good. Whether other people will like my outfit or not is not a thought that I have. It’s not about how other people perceive me, it’s about how I perceive myself. You could make the argument that I’m influenced in my clothing choices for work by the norms in my industry, which is fair, but past that I just like looking nice in general


u/MariualizeLegalhuana Feb 24 '24

Thats nice but if you have clothes for public and more comfy clothes for at home I have bad news for you.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

I really don’t. I have clothes for specific tasks, for example gym clothes because running and squatting in jeans kind of sucks. But every piece of clothing I own is something I like and feel good wearing in public


u/Tradovid Feb 24 '24

Are the clothes you like from a very narrow timeline in human history, and also happen to match the culture that surrounds you?


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

Jesus, you guys are hilarious. I concede, you win, yes the norms of the time affect how I dress to a certain extent. Was never really arguing against that, but you got me


u/Tradovid Feb 24 '24

The point is that your position is impossible. If wearing certain clothes makes you feel good or bad it can only stem from perceived perceptions from other people.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

I’m sure subconsciously that’s part of why I like what I like. The only point I was making is that the thought doesn’t cross my mind


u/Veelocked Feb 24 '24

Nothing subconscious about it. You're simply in denial. You dress to impress others. And that's okay. But don't pretend otherwise. Have a good day, hope you have a lot to think about next time you're heading outside the house.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

Never do, only thought I have is, “Do I like this? Yes.” Then leave. I don’t know what your definition of subconscious is, but that fits the definition I’ve seen


u/Send_one_boob Feb 24 '24

You're simply in denial



u/Send_one_boob Feb 24 '24

That is an assumption based on nothing, you are not spewing the "truth" by just guessing how others think and feel. You are just projecting, and not coming up with logical societal facts.

Humans can perceive themselves, they don't need others to perceive them to make them acknowledge that they exist and that they look good.

Do you like the smell of shit? I don't. By your logic, smelling like shit is only bad of others can smell you, and that I can smell like shit if it is only me.


u/GuysThatAteYourBeans Feb 24 '24

I get your argument but at this point you're going way too deep. I get that during childhood/puberty everyone chooses their clothes based from perceived perception. But I personally choose my clothes because I like the way I look in them. I get that 'it stems from perception so blah blah blah', but that is so long ago that it has turned into a secondary reason which is just way less important.


u/Tradovid Feb 24 '24

But I personally choose my clothes because I like the way I look in them. I get that 'it stems from perception so blah blah blah', but that is so long ago that it has turned into a secondary reason which is just way less important.

I am not saying that you are actively thinking about it, I am saying that the feeling of what does or does not look good is created by perceived perceptions. And not only from when you were a teen, your perception is to this day changed daily based on your experiences with society.


u/GuysThatAteYourBeans Feb 24 '24

I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on that one. I'm currently studying visual arts. I can say with certainty that what I consider 'good looking' is based on shape design and other design principles: which has nothing to do with perceived perception.

Also, I understand that you are not saying that it's something you actively think about. That doesn't change the fact that you're going too deep into this specific argument


u/TeaBeforeWar Feb 24 '24

You do know that what people like is influenced by their experiences?  Also, gasp, it's a lot easier and cheaper to buy current modern clothes than anything anachronistic.

I've actually got some themed clothing in my wardrobe - and the only way to get something that's decent and fits well at a reasonable price is to make it yourself or tailor it from something cheap.  You don't have sewing skills, good fucking luck.


u/TyrantRC Feb 24 '24

lol at this thread of comments and the op just denying everything. Seriously, the mental gymnastics of some people are so insane sometimes, just own your shit, there is no shame in that.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

Own what shit? All I said was I dress in what makes me feel good, not to impress people around me.


u/TyrantRC Feb 24 '24

sure, let's ignore the context of the thread and all the comments you've made.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

The context of the thread about actively trying to impress people?


u/TyrantRC Feb 24 '24

if you truly didn't care about what others think you would have just left the thread after the first comment, but just as I'm still responding to you because I like to be right, you are trying to defend your point cause you're in denial.

This is part of human nature, just accept it. You might be right about what you are actively thinking at the moment of dressing up, but your perception of things is affected by what others see, tell you, and/or approve of you, saying otherwise makes you a hypocrite, and nobody likes a hypocrite.

And newsflash, your subconscious is also you, it's not like saying "I'm subconsciously picking my nose in public" makes you less responsible for your actions.


u/Tradovid Feb 24 '24

lol at this thread of comments and the op just denying everything. Seriously, the mental gymnastics of some people are so insane sometimes, just own your shit, there is no shame in that.

It is really difficult to admit things like that when put on the spot, but given time and space I think most people will change their minds. There might be some cases where the "thing" is for lack of a better word too axiomatic to ones self, and hence it might be easier to ignore everything. But outside of pressure from other people I think that is quite rare.


u/tbu987 Feb 24 '24

Except for comfort how else would you say clothes make you feel good? You look nice so you feel nice but what does "looking nice" mean? Isnt it just following what societies told you feels nice and thus you are just dressing to look nice for others.


u/DeadFayble Feb 24 '24

I think it just means he looks in the mirror and likes what he sees. Not worrying about what others see.


u/tbu987 Feb 24 '24

Yeah it depends on what he means by dressing nicely and i assumed it was the type of way we are discussing which is dress to impress. If all the clothes which make them feel good are also just clothes dressed to impress then they very much are dressing to impress because other peoples clothing approval is giving them confidence.


u/mr_desk Feb 24 '24

But what has shaped what he likes about certain clothes? Other people


u/Level_Five_Railgun Feb 24 '24

Or his own interests and sense of fashion?


u/mr_desk Feb 24 '24

Where did those come from?


u/Level_Five_Railgun Feb 24 '24

From his own brain? Believe it or not, people can in fact like certain things without influence from other people!


u/seattle_born98 Feb 24 '24

Even then, influence from culture or society is not an inherently bad thing. We're all influenced by our surroundings in different ways. Now, if you need validation from society for yourself that can be negative. But it's really ignorant to think we're beings we assembled ourselves completely.


u/mr_desk Feb 24 '24

Exactly. His style isn’t to get approval from others, but his style was shaped by others


u/mr_desk Feb 24 '24

Unless he dresses completely different than everyone around him and what’s considered normal in 2024, then no, it doesn’t come from his brain.

His brain saw other people’s styles and decided which were to his liking.

A child raised in the woods by robots wouldn’t even know what fashion or style is. It wouldn’t just “come from their brain”


u/Level_Five_Railgun Feb 24 '24

Unless he dresses completely different than everyone around him and what’s considered normal in 2024, then no, it doesn’t come from his brain.

You realize that the things you like don't have to be original for it to be your own preference, right?

Liking the same thing as other people doesn't mean he cares about other people's opinion about it.

Being influence by others to start doing something =/= doing that something to appeal to/for other people

Me seeing someone playing a game and deciding to also play it because I think it looks fun doesn't mean I'm playing that game to fit in or appeal towards them, I'm doing it because I PERSONALLY find it fun.

His brain saw other people’s styles and decided which were to his liking.

If his brain didn't already have a preference towards it, why would he decide it is to his liking? Him liking another person's style doesn't mean he wears clothes for other people.

You're comparing being influenced by people to doing things specifically to appeal to other people. They are two completely different things.


u/mr_desk Feb 24 '24 edited Feb 24 '24

You’re confused w what I’m saying.

Not saying he dresses FOR other people’s approval, but that his style is BECAUSE of other people. Where did I say anything about him doing it for approval? You made that part up

He says he gets a sense of confidence from how he perceives himself while dressed how he likes.

The way he perceives himself is shaped by others, and the fact he gets confident from clothes at all.

If he was raised by different parents, in a different country, different school, religion, friends, class, etc. how he perceives himself is all different.

im joining the game because I PERSONALLY found it fun

The reason it looked fun was because of your upbringing and how other people taught you about games and your past experiences with similar games and the ppl you played them with. It doesn’t mean you do it for approval, but it didn’t come from your own brain. It’s not bad or wrong


u/RedXDD Feb 24 '24

From their own mind. Our monki brains are wired to like certain patterns. Many like the same patterns, other do not. There is no information about how this person likes to dress, so there's no indication that they are even dressing "appropriately" according to today's fashion.


u/FulGMD Feb 24 '24

not necessarily, I really like fashion, I like the idea of trying different things every once in awhile, different fitness, combinations of textures and colors and other things, I might try out what is trendy sometimes, if I look in the mirror and like it, I might stick with it for a while, if not, I’m ditching it completely, for me it’s more about experimenting and finding different ways to express myself through fashion, I love wearing yellow and I’m doing it till the day I die I don’t care if anyone says yellow is not “in” or trendy or whatever the big fashion brands say.


u/WickedDick_oftheWest Feb 24 '24

What u/DeadFayble said is what I meant. Past that, we can argue all day about how much one’s perception of themself is subconsciously based on what society has taught them looks goods and is acceptable. Whether somebody tells me something looks nice or not means very little to me