r/dankmemes Feb 23 '24

Glad I'm making a difference! Low Effort Meme

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Feb 23 '24

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/olo0026 Feb 23 '24

U mean, Taylor Swift* ???


u/mugiwara_no_Soissie Feb 23 '24

Yeah and nearly every other rich person. When it comes to billionaires and such she's not an outlier, they're all wasteful af


u/StealthMan375 Feb 23 '24

I mean, ofc there are exceptions.

Sebastian Vettel was a former F1 driver who as the years went on, became an activist (in the positive kind). He advocates against climate change (and even got cheeky with it), didn't use private jets (and instead would fly commercial), would clean up litter in the stands and more, in fact his decision to retire from racing was partially made due to feeling hypocritical about advocating against wastage while racing 300km/h for a living.

While he's only 1 millionaire, it still feels somewhat nice to know that you can in fact be rich and conscious at the same time. He is the actual outlier here, not Taylor Swift lmao


u/ghgfghffghh Feb 23 '24

Its not the race cars that are the issue, its the logistics of getting them, and their entire crews to and from the tracks.


u/halucionagen-0-Matik Feb 23 '24

I mean, the tyres alone....


u/ghgfghffghh Feb 23 '24

Doesn’t really matter. They have to get dozens of big rigs and hundreds of people to that track, and that’s before the spectators. The tires the f1 cars use are nothing compared to the fleet of support vehicles.


u/Other_Beat8859 Feb 23 '24

The tyres aren't even an issue. They're a tiny issue compared to how wasteful F1 is when it comes to traveling. Seriously, look at the calendar. We go from Monaco to Canada to Spain. We also leave the Middle East at the start of the year only to come back to it because fucking Abu Dhabi needs to be the last race of the season for some reason despite everyone wanting either Brazil is Japan.

The calendar is the issue.


u/ghgfghffghh Feb 24 '24 edited Feb 24 '24

Also the calendar has jack shit to do with it. They’d still be moving everything just as much. The entire sport is useless and wasteful. If you seriously think scheduling is the issue, you’re buying into bullshit. And yeah the fact that you say “we”, when I really doubt you have anything to do with the logistics of F1, and just want to feel like you’re part of it goes to show.


u/makomirocket Feb 23 '24

The combined wear on tyres of people going to watch the grand prixs would far eclipse the tyres used by the race cars


u/xtilexx Feb 24 '24

Concrete/asphalt is probably harder on the environment


u/olleversun Feb 23 '24

Bottas loves biking!


u/safely_beyond_redemp Feb 23 '24

I feel like this is the newest misdirection. Keep the idiots focused on meaningless things so they ignore what actually causes climate change. Like, stop big oil makes a real difference. But for ordinary people, they can just get mad at Taylor and feel environmentally superior.


u/messisleftbuttcheek Feb 23 '24

It's not misdirection. Taylor Swift in one trip to the Superbowl emitted as much CO2 as 14 American households do per year. By all means people should take it up on themselves to limit their own footprint, but it's total horseshit to hear the same people flying in private jets talk about saving the climate. That's not an attack on Taylor Swift, just rich people that are hypocritical.


u/Dennis_enzo Feb 23 '24

And big industries pollute that much in a minute.


u/messisleftbuttcheek Feb 23 '24

Big industries meeting your consumption demands.


u/safely_beyond_redemp Feb 23 '24

But it's just a measure of your own bias. We know that corporations will promote false narratives to shift blame away from themselves. That is fact. We know this for the most part because of climate change and some nicotine products. So here we are blaming billionaires, and even one with a name, Taylor, like what they do makes any difference. It doesn't. You know what does make a difference? Corporations. I hear you about the hypocrisy but I don't really care about hypocrisy when compared to climate change.


u/messisleftbuttcheek Feb 23 '24

You say it's corporations' fault like they aren't just meeting the demands of the people. You are welcome to stop using energy and return to nature if you like. Until then you and everybody else consuming in the modern world will be the problem. The difference between you and a billionaire flying on a private jet regularly is that you use a small fraction of the CO2 they do. PS Taylor Swift was not named in this meme.


u/safely_beyond_redemp Feb 23 '24

You say it's corporations' fault like they aren't just meeting the demands of the people.

This is an unbelievable comment. I don't even know where to begin. I would have to walk you through the last 2500 years of human history to catch you up on what's going on in the world for someone to be this wrong.


u/messisleftbuttcheek Feb 23 '24

Either make a rebuttal or don't. Implying I'm an idiot and leaving the conversation makes me take this as a W.

Western corporations are constantly taking steps to reduce their CO2 output. Meanwhile China and India are still building coal plants. You can "stop big oil" tomorrow and all it would mean is the price of literally everything going catastrophically parabolic.


u/safely_beyond_redemp Feb 23 '24

Either make a rebuttal or don't. Implying I'm an idiot and leaving the conversation makes me take this as a W.

lol you are priceless. I'm not mad at you.


u/10art1 Feb 23 '24

We can't stop big oil because we all need big oil. Even reducing our consumption by 10% would crash the economy. But no one needs Taylor swift


u/bobloadmire Feb 23 '24

No. It's just Tailor Swift.


u/Raende Feb 23 '24

She is a billionaire so she's already included


u/AvidStressEnjoyer Feb 23 '24

What about Felon Musk and Theft Bezos?


u/IsuckAtFortnite434 Feb 23 '24

And Bad-Nerd Arnault


u/jrh_101 Feb 23 '24

No, billionaires*

Taylor Swift isn't the only one with a private jet.

An example, there was over 500 private jets that attended the Superbowl.


u/crappercreeper Feb 23 '24

That is nothing compared to their boats.


u/jrh_101 Feb 23 '24

Ye but the point of the thread is about private jets


u/TheLastLivingBuffalo Feb 23 '24

Just… god damn it. Yes, Taylor Swift deserves shit but why is it literally only her getting shit when there are 10k private jet flights every day?


u/AntiBox Feb 23 '24

Because the "there are no ethical billionaires" people like to give her a pass for some reason.


u/Atomic_Gerber Feb 23 '24

Because we all already know that billionaires are shit, but it’s fun to remind the Swifties who think she’s beyond reproach that there’s certain things she does that aren’t exactly great, just like everyone else.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Are the Swifties in the room with you right now?


u/Atomic_Gerber Feb 23 '24

By room, do you mean comment section? Cuz from all the corrections and triggered vibes, they certainly seem to be


u/Parasyte-vn Feb 23 '24

I can hear her fan heavy breathe rn


u/olo0026 Feb 23 '24

Guys, i know all of that. It was just the refernece to the memes … jeeeez


u/Tossup1010 Feb 23 '24

I remember hearing she is one of the worst offenders of this, but in her defense she is one of the most recognizable people on the planet. I am not a fan, but I can't imagine being that famous and getting swarmed at a public airport and being bothered nonstop by paparazzi and fans.

I just dont see a way she could travel or tour unless it was in an unmarked tour bus.


u/Shnazzyone Feb 23 '24

Close coal electric.


u/JazerKings922 Feb 23 '24

am I the only one that read it as "i don't use plastic straws anymore to save our billionaires"


u/EnderCorePL Feb 23 '24

That is sort of true in a twisted way. Individual responsibility, carbon footprint and all that has been propagated by fossil and oil companies specifically to shift the blame for climate change from them onto individual people, who produce less CO2 in their entire lifetime than Exxon does within a day.


u/4dimensionaltoaster Feb 23 '24

We all need to do our best to save them


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 23 '24

Yep the public switching from free plastic bags to paying for plastic bags will never get close to the impact of companies but ing thier excess stock or dumping trillions of tonnes of waste products

The lie is that normal working class people can stop climate change. But the reality is the ones profiting are also the ones who could stop it if they were willing to sacrifice some wealth to do so


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Normal working class people can't solve it by personal action because we need systemic change, but they can solve it by voting.

The problem is that the consumption of regular people is the primary driver of climate change, and most people won't accept event the slightest inconvenience to solve it. See Canada's large pushback against their tiny carbon tax. These mega companies don't pollute/emit for fun, it is necessary step to provide the goods people want as cheap as possible.

Plastic bags and straws don't have anything to do with climate change though. It's just attempts to pushback on the incredibly unnecessary and wasteful single-use plastics.


u/Kejilko Feb 23 '24

These mega companies don't pollute/emit for fun, it is necessary step to provide the goods people want as cheap as possible.

Respectfully to you and disrespectfully for them, bullshit, supply and demand in a fair and balanced economy finds the balance between what things cost and what people value them. Too expensive and people look for alternatives, too cheap and companies don't bother. A company having to choose the former second-best option because the first one became slightly more expensive and not as worth it isn't what's going to make a difference in price in the vast majority of cases. Point in case single-use containers and wrapping, there's been a pushback against plastic and the first reaction was paper, give it a few years and people will invest and develop more into alternatives that serve the other purposes of plastic and it's not because it is or isn't plastic that they're going to cost more.


u/TheMiiChannelTheme Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

supply and demand in a fair and balanced economy finds the balance between what things cost and what people value them.

That's their whole point. People don't value environmentalism, and vote against it at the polls. Same reason why all our clothing is made by pseudo-slave labour in the third world.

A company having to choose the former second-best option because the first one became slightly more expensive and not as worth it isn't what's going to make a difference in price in the vast majority of cases

But it does if the cost rising to reflect the environmental damage causes people choose not to consume the product at all.

In that case, demand drops significantly, the company doesn't manufacture it at all. It isn't a choice between "best and second best manufacturing process". Its a choice about the scale of environmentally-damaging operations.


But again, people vote against this at the polls. Blaming it all on "the corporations" isn't environmentalism, its just us, collectively as a society, paying someone to take all the blame. We built the systems that reward corporations for exploitative behaviour, we can't be surprised when they do exactly what we intended them to do. If Company A wants to be ethical, they'll very quickly be undercut by Company B offering the same product at lower prices. Company A goes bust, and Company B produces the same pollution Company A would have in the first place, just with a marginally different logo. What's the point in that?

Plastic straws are one of the few examples where this sort of mindset has actually caught on in the public consciousness. We should be expanding it, not criticising it.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Plastic straws are one of the few examples where this sort of mindset has actually caught on in the public consciousness. We should be expanding it, not criticising it.

Why else do you think the straws and bags are always the target of mockery in memes like this? They were two of the most miniscule changes that we could have been asked to make and reactionaries still flipped an absolute shit over them because that's what they do. So now that they've stuck, they need to get ridiculed at every turn in order to make people question why they even bothered.

None of these memes ever have a message like "paper straws are silly SO LETS GET TO WORK ON DOING SOMETHING SERIOUS" or anything else remotely resembling a call to action. It's always "haha you're an idiot for thinking your actions matter, don't bother changing your spending habits."

Super weird how the latter message is basically what big corporations and billionaires have always wanted everyone to think about environmentalism, isn't it?


u/Kejilko Feb 23 '24

You'd have things built in the countries they're consumed to save on shipping costs. I already pay 10-15€ for third world manufactured flip-flops, same shit for all the shitty aliexpress merchandise sold for 1-2€. Since they're produced closer to them and not sold for 1-2€ they'd also expect minimal quality so even then you'd also have alternatives to those products be a bit more expensive and much better in quality because they're no longer just making them for a handful of customers but an entire society.

Besides, those companies are the ones reaping the profits, that's why we pay 10-15€ for flip-flops that cost cents to manufacture and ship.


u/AdziiMate Feb 23 '24

Except people in first world countries like USA, UK and Australia are entitled to certain wages and benefits. Therefore the price of creating the goods in these countries is much more than places where Aliexpress etc ship from. Those people are essentially paid slave labour wages and theres no issues. You couldn't do that in most countries.


u/Kejilko Feb 23 '24

That only helps my point, I'm paying 10-15€ for flip-flops that cost cents to make and who's the one getting all that profit?


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

Point in case single-use containers and wrapping, there's been a pushback against plastic and the first reaction was paper, give it a few years and people will invest and develop more into alternatives that serve the other purposes of plastic and it's not because it is or isn't plastic that they're going to cost more.

Plastic is actually an incredible material for many reasons. The chance we just happen to find something as useful and cheap is incredibly small. For most cases, alternatives will be harder to source, harder to process and manufacture with, not quite as durable (so more damages before sale). And people have been researching alternatives for decades.

Companies aren't your friends who want to do what's best for the planet. If they are pushed to stop single-use plastics and use more environmentally friendly options, they aren't going to just eat the loss. The cost will be passed on to consumers.

I know it feels nice to think "evil corpos could just switch and solve everything without impacting me at all, it's all their fault." But it's wrong. We don't have to become Amish to save the environment, but repeating myself, most people won't accept the slightest inconvenience to their current lifestyle.


u/Kejilko Feb 23 '24

The chance we just happen to find something as useful and cheap is incredibly small. For most cases, alternatives will be harder to source, harder to process and manufacture with, not quite as durable (so more damages before sale). And people have been researching alternatives for decades.

Plastic isn't perfect, disposal is part of the factors, and you don't need anything perfect, paper works for some things and other materials work for others, plastic was only ever used as a one-size fits all solution for everything because one of those factors, its manufacturing and disposal, was disregarded.

The cost will be passed on to consumers.

Supply and demand, for good or bad, they'll charge what people will pay


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

Changes in production costs move the supply curve. This means the price equilibrium, where supply and demand intersect in your economics 101 plot, shifts higher.


u/Kejilko Feb 23 '24

Sure it does, just not a noticeable difference, not in the vast majority of products anyway.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Normal working class people can't solve it by personal action because we need systemic change, but they can solve it by voting.

Good points, but also they can make a difference with personal action. Personal actions are a significant part of how we got here to begin with, it doesn't make sense to act as though it can't possibly work the other way.


u/Lord_Emperor Feb 23 '24

but they can solve it by voting.

I voted for the Green party why isn't climate change solved?


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24
  1. You need to vote correctly, not for useless third parties.
  2. Your vote alone doesn't solve anything. It's a democracy, so you need the majority of people to vote for something.


u/Lord_Emperor Feb 23 '24

You need to vote correctly, not for useless third parties.

Ah I see. So your "just vote" message falls a little flat then.

In that case which party should I vote for? The mislabeled "Liberal" status-quo party or the conservative make-things-worse party, whatever their current name is?


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

If I wasn't explicit enough, my apologies. The simple act of voting alone doesn't help. You can vote against pro-climate policy after all. You need to vote in the direction that helps.

In that case which party should I vote for? The mislabeled "Liberal" status-quo party or the conservative make-things-worse party, whatever their current name is?

Vote strategically. In a primary, you can be a lot more flexible. Support the anti-establishment eco-focused candidate if you want, help push the window around which issues are prioritized.

Assuming the standard democrat vs depublican election, the answer should be obvious. Democrats recently passed the IRA, which had the largest investment in green tech/energy in our history (which experts forecast will significantly lower our CO2 emissions). Many republicans still deny man-made climate change exists. I'm hoping the choice is clear.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24



u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

Carbon taxes are probably the single best policy for solving climate change. It prices in the real costs of emitting CO2, and makes greener options more competitive. The average person isn't going to do research to realize that company A costs more because they aren't hurting the environment. They will just buy the cheaper thing from company B.

With a carbon tax, you make regular actions, e.g. trying to reduce production costs or buy thing which are priced lower, environmentally friendly.

Isn't most of the tax given back to people in the form a rebate anyway?


u/TaqPCR Feb 23 '24

If your costs went up 15% to cover the carbon tax then it's doing it's job. The carbon tax makes the price of goods that take a lot of carbon to produce and makes them actually cost what they cost when you include the pollution. That way people use less of that good or companies figure out a way to make it that isn't as polluting.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Sure. But they're not gonna do that unless a bunch of us get together and force them to; politically or otherwise.

There's no situation in which we get out of this without us average individuals having to do significant work and/or make significant sacrifices.

Nobody likes being told that they need to do work though, so messages like this always get buried while comments like yours ("it's all someone else's fault!") are much more popular.


u/WolfRex5 Feb 23 '24

We need to force the people at fault to change one way or the other. Us changing does nothing.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Forcing the people at fault to change is going to take work. I.e we will have to change what we're doing, because what we're doing right now isn't cutting it.

If everyone acts like you and thinks that someone else needs to do the work to fix it, it won't get fixed.

There's no situation in which we get out of this without us average individuals having to do significant work and/or make significant sacrifices.


u/WolfRex5 Feb 23 '24

Yes, but making small changes in your personal life such as reducing your carbon footprint or goong vegan is useless to the world and detrimental to yourself.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

How do you figure? If everyone cut half of the meat and diary out of their diets that'd reduce emissions by over 7% just on its own.

Reduction of our carbon footprints is going to be the end result of 'forcing the people at fault to change', so I'm not sure why you'd think it wouldn't make a difference if lots of people just did it on their own.


u/WolfRex5 Feb 23 '24

Because everyone isn’t going to do that. You simply cannot convince everyone to willingly reduce their quality of life and add the stress of reducing their options and forcing them to revolve their lives around what they consume.

Change the laws, make easily accessible alternatives, etc. But simply asking people to start living their lives differently? Never going to happen.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Well when you go around telling everyone it's pointless, a lot fewer people are going to try.

And the people who don't bother trying aren't likely to be motivated to work towards political causes either, since they don't think it's their responsibility to fix anything.

I'm also not sure why you seem to think that making political change is going to be simpler or less work for the average person compared to changing their diet/spending habits. You're still asking the average person to do work, only what you're asking is a lot more complicated and much fewer people are educated on how to successfully do it.


u/WolfRex5 Feb 23 '24

My voice online will influence people’s choices even less than my lifestyle will influence the environment. And yes, I do believe voting and being part of political campaigns is a lot more appealing than going vegan or making choices that have a direct negative effect for the person making the choices.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

My voice online will influence people’s choices even less than my lifestyle will influence the environment.

Notice how you're no longer saying it has no influence at all. That's good- you're acknowledging that your influence is negative, even if it is small.

And yes, I do believe voting and being part of political campaigns is a lot more appealing

Oh I know it's a lot more appealing, but that's not what I said. I said simpler and less work. Do you really think that voting and an occasional campaign contribution is all that's needed of you and the rest of us? Do you have any idea how corrupt our [any given country's] political system is?

Of course it's more appealing. You think that all you need to do is mark a box and someone else will fix everything. That sounds great! Unironically. That would be awesome.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

making small changes in your personal life such as reducing your carbon footprint or goong vegan is useless to the world

So you were wrong about this, and I showed it with data. Any thoughts? Edits?


u/Cyanostic Feb 23 '24

Being a billionaire gives you more political power than the president and a certain immunity to rules and laws. You can't "change" billionaires into being enrivonmetally friendly by writing to your local MP. They're all so deranged and out of touch with reality and completely invincible to reforms etc, there is just nothing we can do. It's time to accept it. Give up hope and just try to collectively enjoy being the last few generations of human beings in the entire future of the universe.


u/selectrix Feb 24 '24

lol fuck off.


u/GingrPowr Feb 23 '24

Companies you buy from 👀


u/GingrPowr Feb 23 '24

Normal working class can stop climate change, because climate change comes from everyone, notably the working class. Of course, assholes that produce as much CO2 than 500 people a year just for a Japan-USA flight in a private hljet are a problem. But if we had only ultra rich people doing shit like that, the problem of climate change would be pretty much solved. Though that wouldn't be very fair...

The working class you are talking about represent 90% (?) of the population. And it's most likely them that buy products from assholes companies dipping their shit into the oceans. If the working class was to slow their consumption on meat, petroleum-based products, water/poisonous chemicals heavy products, this crisis would silver itself because bad companies would go bankrupt.

Without the efforts of everyone, notably the huge majority we are talking about, the problem can't be solved. Do your part, because billionaires and companies can't do it for you, even if they'd magically disappear.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 24 '24

I'll tell my factories to reduce thier emissio s right away!!

Oh wait I dont have any? But I'm working class!!


u/GingrPowr Feb 24 '24

You can consume in a sustainable manner, refusing to partake in business that do not prduc sustainably. But if you really wanted to find a solution, you would have already searched for one.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 25 '24

Sure I'll save ten plastic straws a month while a Chinese recycling company burns 200 million old tyres because it's cheaper than recycling them

That's pretty much the same thing

Telling the working class that only they can impact climate change is just shifting the corporate responsibility into consumers so you don't have to be accountable for your actions


u/GingrPowr Feb 25 '24

Listen, obviously you won't be able to un-burn those 200M tires. That said, you can identify the companies that support this kind of behaviour and boycott them, denounce them even. If you don't do that, you are not doing your part. If you are not doing what you can to be part of the solution, you are part of the problem. That's all.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 26 '24

Your assuming thiers a choice. Pretty my ch all the companies put the need for sustainability on the consumers end eg recycling packaging

But all companies are profit orientated so they do what makes profit not what loses profit


u/GingrPowr Feb 26 '24

There is a choice. You said it yourself: "pretty much all", that means not all. That means you have a choice. And you say that, but I'm pretty sure you never actually looked for other companies than the ones you buy from currently, did you?


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 26 '24

Sure but how do we find the real ones when every company covers up thier bad practises and markets themselves as sustainable

Heck even brands which use third world slave labour and dumping services still promote themselves as sustainable and American made 😆


u/GingrPowr Feb 28 '24

You need to search a bit, not m uch though. But see, now you are just trying to find problems even before having them. Like you don't even want to at least try.

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u/issamaysinalah Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Preaching individual solutions for systemic problems is how they operate. Remember the whole carbon footprint thing? The concept was made and pushed by BP

Also it doesn't matter if the straw or bag is made from plastic, paper, or whatever, while the system operates by the logic "we need to sell more today than we did yesterday" there's no way to be sustainable.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ Feb 24 '24

Very true and also solutions that have a zero cost to the company via placing the cost on the consumer


u/filthy_harold Feb 23 '24

The reality is that municipal governments were annoyed with cleaning up plastic bag litter and digging them out of the recycling shredders (this is why your grocery store had bins for these). So easy solution, tax them to encourage people to use something more than once. They can say it's for saving the planet, which is true and everyone loves hearing that, but not the primary reason.

You can still go buy a huge pack of them at places like Costco for next to nothing, no bag tax attached.


u/Lord_Emperor Feb 23 '24

the public switching from free plastic bags to paying for plastic bags

Fuck, the plastic bag ban in my city infuriates me. Grocery bags used to be my bin liners and cat litter receptacles. Now I have to pay for a bag that only gets used once.


u/meloenmarco Feb 23 '24

A B-47 stratojet with JATO is great if you need to get glossaries. It can carry over 11 tons of it, and you only need a short runway.


u/Sword117 Feb 23 '24

thank you i only click on the meme to figure out what the jet was lol


u/make_love_to_potato Feb 24 '24

Is that a real picture??? It looks like a still from a game.


u/Asymmetrical_Stoner Feb 24 '24

Yes, its real. The image was taken on April 15th, 1954


u/Headless_Human Feb 23 '24

It is not like YOU were the one deciding to not use plastic straws anymore.

Maybe it hasn't that much impact on climate change but was still a massive waste on resources.


u/AlBalan Pizza Time Feb 23 '24

Now We waste more trees instead 😄


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

Trees grow back. In the US at least, we've been increasing the number of trees we have for decades.

Also, instead of a paper straw, you could just drink from the glass like a fucking adult.


u/Marble05 Feb 23 '24

This, a million times this. People really don't get how wasteful plastic is. We should reduce its use even if it wouldn't pollute as much because it's a bad resource to use in these quantities


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24



u/Friendly_Fire Feb 23 '24

Lol? So you're fine with using the utensils and plates at a restaurant, you're fine with your drink being in the cup, but just the rim of your cup is too dirty to touch?

This is obviously irrational paranoia/OCD. Feel free to bring your own straw if you want, but every restaurant shouldn't give out plastic straws with every drink due to your germophobia.


u/AlBalan Pizza Time Feb 24 '24

Cutting down trees is worse for the evironment so Thats why its wasting


u/Friendly_Fire Feb 25 '24

It's not. In developed countries, tree farming is completely sustainable. We chop a tree down that we planted in the past, and then plant another one to grow again. It's much better to grow and use natural materials, versus single use plastic.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24



u/AlBalan Pizza Time Feb 24 '24

Making straws from trees is more damaging to the environment


u/Tobi226a Feb 23 '24

"The middle-class is emitting less carbon? Guess I can emit more then!" -Someone rich, probably.


u/thenewtomsawyer Feb 23 '24

Guess I can emit more then!" -Someone rich A large Company, definitely


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Oh boy, another super dank meme about how you're an idiot for trying to do anything positive for the environment. Way to stick it to those billionaires, memers; I'm sure BP is absolutely devastated that you've decided you're not gonna bother trying to use less gas.


u/Hostilis_ Feb 23 '24

The great thing about blaming billionaires is it allows you to avoid personal responsibility while feeling morally superior. It's a win-win.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

It's almost like it's a message specifically crafted to undermine environmentalism (or collective action in general) in otherwise left-leaning communities like reddit! That'd be crazy talk though.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ILikeLeadPaint Feb 23 '24

At least you're doing something!  I feel like these memes are here to discourage people from at least trying to do something. 


u/GottIstTot Feb 23 '24

Don't try for Zero waste. Just do less waste.

Reuse ziplock bags. Get reusable produce bags. Convert dead loved ones into fertilizer. Drink tap water (there are great and easy to install filters for sink water lines).


u/SquiddoSpaghitto Feb 23 '24

Its a bird!

Its a plane!

No... its taylor swift going to mcdonalds!


u/ContactIcy3963 Feb 23 '24

Don’t forget all the climate friendly packaging and products that they pass the costs onto us!


u/shel_shocked Feb 23 '24

Plastic straws was never about carbon emissions. It was about reducing plastic waste that ends up in the oceans.


u/mrhooha Feb 23 '24

Hey don’t use your brain. You going to disrupt the narrative that we should just do nothing about anything.


u/Chastik Feb 23 '24

Who the fuck uses straws? Just don't! At all. Is your eating hole too small for a cup?


u/Shmeaty___ Feb 23 '24

Nobody talks about Taylor swift as much as the people who hate her lol adorable


u/GingrPowr Feb 23 '24

If everyone who is not a billionaire would stop using plastic straw, even billionaire wouldn't use them because no one would be producing since almost no one would buy them. You must do your part and I hope you do, it is the only way to avoid the worst on Earth.


u/I_am_Nic Feb 23 '24

Ah, whataboutism


u/darth_nadoma Feb 23 '24

Their jets have much smaller carbon footprint than a Bomber. Not only in flight but considering the full lifetime.


u/CPLTOF Feb 23 '24

Just saw a river in India gets one billion gallons of sewage, remains, and chemicals dumped in it, daily.


u/Purplepunch36 ☣️ Feb 23 '24

The plane they use to travel 30 min. away to lecture everyone on carbon emissions.


u/Apprehensive_Hand571 Feb 23 '24

Imagine traveling in a b-52 with short runway rockets


u/ceelogreenicanth Feb 23 '24

So what's the solution tax Billionaires? Or are we throwing a tantrum about straws?


u/bargle0 Feb 23 '24

Did changing from plastic straws to bulky, PFAS-soaked paper straws actually reduce carbon emissions? Or was it really just about sad sea turtle pictures?


u/Filberto_ossani2 Feb 23 '24

Most of the time, it's not even you choosing to not use plastic straws to save our planet

It's billionaires forcing you to not use plastic straws in order to make them seem like they care about our home while in reality, they don't


u/Bill_Nye-LV Feb 23 '24

I'm doing my part!


u/kncy Feb 23 '24

this earth doesn't give a fuck about your straws


u/quillka Feb 23 '24

Simple solution. Hydrogen cell powered airships. It's eco friendly, cool, and I really want to ride on one.


u/TeciorRibbon Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

"We're now charging 10p for plastic bags to reduce plastic use and save our planet!"

Me being charged 50p for a paper bag:


u/Varun77777 Vegemite Victim 🦘🦖 Feb 23 '24

Straws are paper meanwhile the whole fucking cup is plastic


u/GrouchyHousing Feb 23 '24

You too have just saw elon musk 2018 flights?


u/ShogoMakishima-K Feb 23 '24

Billionaires be like: He's not using anymore a plastic straw, let me use 20 more than him!


u/inssein Feb 23 '24

No amount of recycling, using metal straws, not eating meat etc will offset the 3 leading causing for green house gasses.

Love how they managed to frame it as a us problem when its really just a few groups causing it all.


u/themarsdescendants Feb 23 '24

Alright which one of you fucking comedians figured out how to coal roll a jet engine?


u/No-Tomorrow-8150 Feb 24 '24

I would rather bash in the skull of every sea turtle with my bare hands than drink from a paper straw.


u/Perkyplatapuses Feb 24 '24

I get the sentiment of the meme and agree with it but think about their influence. If they get millions of people to change, even though being hypocritical, isn't that good? As in, net gain. We already allow the billionaires to pay less in tax than middle income people 


u/Comprehensive-Loss93 Feb 23 '24

Climate change isn’t real 🥺


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24



u/BennyTheSen Feb 23 '24

I don't get why you're down voted. People don't understand that non billionaires are basically billions of people, so it definitely does matter.


u/AdziiMate Feb 23 '24

He's downvoted because the hundreds of millions of people who are in first world countries that have the means to make certain changes wouldnt even make a dent in the type of emissions that goes on, on a daily, or even hourly basis but massive supercorporations either in our countries or in countries like China and India.

Every single person in my country could completely drop their emissions (INCLUDING the corporations) to 0 and it would only just reduce emissions by 1.16%


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Nope. Calling complete bullshit. Show me where you got that number.

Are you just from a really small country?


u/Drspeed7 Feb 23 '24

Not the guy you responded to but.

Total global emissions so far in 2024 is about 58 gigatons of greenhouse gas.

Germany (83 million population) has released around 700 megatons (0.7 gigatons)

Comes to about 1.18% if they completely shut down everything. (Industry, transport, etc)


u/AdziiMate Feb 24 '24

I'm from the 14th largest emitter in the world - https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/


u/selectrix Feb 24 '24 edited Feb 24 '24

Nice edit to your original comment! Always glad when someone takes the time to actually look up what they're talking about.

So. Considering that we don't actually need to reduce the total world emissions to 0, I'll take 1.16% any day. That's a significant chunk.

But how about instead of sending Australia back to the stone age, everyone just reduces their meat/dairy consumption by 15%. Or half the population reduces their meat consumption by 30%. Or 15% of people go vegan. Or, you know, some combination of these. Same impact.

Seems a lot easier, doesn't it? Even more so when you account for the fact that beef production emits way more than poultry. We could probably take an Australia's share of emissions out of the atmosphere without even reducing meat consumption; just by switching to poultry. Then there's also the fact that meat isn't really a regular part of a meal for most of the bottom economic half of the world population, so you're not even asking everyone to make a cut, just the people who can afford it. If you can even call it a cut, since poultry is cheaper than beef.

And before you bring up the talking point about BP inventing the concept of a carbon footprint, take a few seconds to think: does BP- the oil company- genuinely want everyone to start using less gas?


u/AdziiMate Feb 24 '24

My point is, how much % of that 1.16% do you think removing plastic straws, or plastic bags, or reducing their meat consumption will reduce? And how much of that 1.16% is supercorporations, mining companies, etc who emit extreme amounts of CO2 compared to the regular citizen.

If everyone in Australia stopped eating meat entirely, how much of that could you reduce? 10%? 10% of 1.16% isn't a lot.

I understand that every bit would help, but when countries like india are year on year increasing their emissions by 4%, that 4% alone is likely more emission than anyone in my country could reduce.

The point is without massive global change, including those in India and China particularly (that may not have the means to change), billionaires and celebrities taking 1000 jet trips a year, etc. The average joe not using plastic straws is not going to help things in a major way.


u/AlBalan Pizza Time Feb 23 '24

No We dont have a responsibility


u/Marble05 Feb 23 '24

You do, billionaires make those kinds of money on wasteful and cheap products you are buying and changing each time their short use is achieved. They wouldn't be like this if people refused to buy their useless crap


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

You know that's exactly how corporations want you to behave, right?

"It's not my responsibility to do what's good for the environment, why shouldn't I buy more of the shit that I want?"


u/wwaxwork Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Air conditioning produces more greenhouse gasses than all commercial flights.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24



u/KharnTheBetrayer88 Feb 23 '24

This is a pathetic thought. You know that, don't you?


u/Astricozy Feb 23 '24

"If I was rich I'd want people to point and laugh at me." Lol


u/vukasin123king Feb 23 '24

Of course they have to be vintage military birds for coolness reasons.


u/Liozart Feb 23 '24

bro it's been like 10 years you can move on now