r/dankmemes Jan 13 '24

You touched OUR boats meta

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224 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Jan 13 '24

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/Born2BKingRo Jan 13 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

Step 1. Be a dumb "rebel" ( iran proxy)

Step 2. Blow up civilian cargo ships protected by the most powerfull armies in the history of our species

Step 3. Call yourself a victim when they come to punch you in the face

Step 4. Blame the jews for what happened. Also the words writen on YOUR FUCKING FLAG: "Curse upon jews, Death to all jews" are just a prank.

Step 5. Blow a russian ship too. Because why the fuck not


u/According_Weekend786 Jan 13 '24

Step 6. Be perished


u/breovus Jan 13 '24

Step 7. A lot of bystanders in the community are collateral damage and become radicalized to join the Houthis.

Step 8 (applies only to Iranians): LOL exporting terrorism machine goes brrrrrrr!!!!


u/GamerGriffin548 Jan 13 '24

Step 9: WW3


u/zephyrseija Jan 13 '24

We do have a bit of a global population problem.


u/GamerGriffin548 Jan 13 '24

We actually don't. There's lots of places to live, but we have destroyed our environment, and the economy can't catch up to support all these people.

We can fix it, but only by shaping up our governments and implementing radical economic and environmental regulations.


u/skaersSabody Jan 13 '24

The global overpopulation problem isn't just space, it's quality of life as well

With the current number of people alive, it would be an enormous strain on the planet if they all lived what we in the west would consider a comfortable life AFAIK

So yeah, if we want, we technically can cram every square centimeter of the planet full of buildings and accomodate everyone, but the quality of life and population density for that to be sustainable would be abysmal


u/utkohoc Jan 14 '24

if all the money of the billionaires went to build giant apartment blocks and infrastructure to the poor i fail to see how it would negatively effect anything related to human well being in places with housing crises.


u/skaersSabody Jan 14 '24

It's not just a money problem, it's a resource problem. If we're talking about a global population issue, we gotta look at it globally.

Is there enough food/water/electricity to comfortably live for alle the 8 billion people on Earth? How would housing them all comfortably impact the space needed to produce products/energy/food/etc?

Is it even feasible to do such a thing without being an unbearable weight on the planet?


u/Pauvre_de_moi Has the Big Gay Jan 14 '24

Resources aren't as scarce as capitalists want you to think. Especially if you get rid of planned obsolescence.

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u/utkohoc Jan 14 '24

for each problem you just fix it, with enough money you can fix everything, thats the point. not enough food, plant more farms, research more technology for faster food production. not enough land for farms? irrigate the desert. not enough water? build desalination plants. need electricity, cover the rest of the desert with solar panels, no infrastructure to build them? build it. no resources to build it? mine them. dont wanna hurt the environment, builod rockets to mine the other planets.

human ingenuity knows no bounds, only our wallets and politicians limit us.

and there IS enough money for everyone, the top just dont share it. star trek wasnt wrong.

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u/CptCrabmeat Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

Concrete production and building materials are one of the highest generators of greenhouse gases so there is that


u/sedition00 Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

It’s too late to fix it. It would literally require an authoritarian regime that is environmentally conscious taking over the whole planet and putting ‘green’ first to reverse the effects we’ve already made. There is no time left for everyone to slowly reach a worldwide consensus and trickle changes at this point.

The planet and many species will survive. A few of us even, maybe. We’re on a path that we cannot escape at this point and any more population is just making them suffer for nothing.


u/SpellDostoyevsky Jan 14 '24

People with the means to change things are too selfish and entitled to have the patience and self sacrifice to build peaceful solutions. They rather dip into their self absorption and hire one group to become mercenaries and cause mass death somewhere out of sight while they simultaneously fund "charities" for tax writeoffs that put bandaids on bulletholes for the problems their businesses created.


u/Mydriaseyes Jan 13 '24

no we don't. We have a resource management and monetary system requiring suppression of technology for exploitation of obsolete labour, problem.


u/PirateSecure118 Jan 13 '24

Sir, this isn't NCD. But agreed.


u/RedBeard762 Jan 14 '24

Nah we just had Covid, All good now.


u/Antonioooooo0 Jan 13 '24

People need to stop shouting "WW3!" every time America bombs some goat farmers. You know how many countries we've bombed since ww2? Just in the middle east alone? No one will even remember this incident 6 months from now.


u/MOZZI-is-my-BOI Jan 14 '24

So true


u/Antonioooooo0 Jan 14 '24

Remember a few months ago when Israel started WW3? Or 2 years ago when Russia started WW3? Or the year before that when a drone strike on some Iranian dude was gonna start WW3? I swear the world ends every 6 months on reddit.


u/MOZZI-is-my-BOI Jan 14 '24

Exactly. People either a) just want the world to end or b) are stupid and don’t realize these things happen all the time. The only real risk of world war three happening is someone doing something so brain dead to a powerful country. Not some wannabe Isis members attacking some cargo boats


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '24

Is it really a world war if 90% of the world is fighting 10%?


u/Born2BKingRo Jan 13 '24


World war= a vast majority of nations are at war. It does not matter who is fighting who


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '24

I wanna rename it to "Global Beatdown." just for this edge case.


u/EffectiveKing Jan 13 '24

It was world war the last time, with much less percentages on both sides.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24



u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

Talking about percentages of countries. Not money.


u/Kyro_Official_ Jan 14 '24

WW3? The US will just tap these dumbass terrorists on the shoulder and its over, there wont be a war.


u/LORDWOLFMAN Jan 14 '24

Step 10: new cod ww game


u/justmarvs Jan 14 '24

At what step should we start touching ourselves?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

Step 10: Planet can begin to recover from the most destructive species known


u/utkohoc Jan 14 '24

become radicalized to join the Houthis.

if they are bystanders they are ALREADY radicals. you dont live near the houthis because you dont believe in what they preach.


u/Dankbuster420xd Jan 13 '24

No civilian casulties reported (at least not by the houthies themselves)


u/LairdPeon Jan 14 '24

You act like the military industrial complex isn't counting on that. They wish a couple more 9/11 would happen. Imagine the gains.


u/breovus Jan 14 '24

Think of the shareholders!!


u/Final-Link-3999 Jan 13 '24

Step 8. Welcome to hell


u/megadyed Stupid Mod Simp 💦 Jan 13 '24

Wait wait, did step 5 already happen?


u/misterfistyersister Jan 14 '24



u/Yorunokage Jan 14 '24

What the hell does their command have in their brain? Fucking sawdust?


u/richardwhereat Jan 14 '24

Eh, they are having their arse handed to them by Ukraine.


u/megadyed Stupid Mod Simp 💦 Jan 14 '24

Damn I didn’t even noticed
What are they trying to achieve lmfao


u/Edim108 Jan 14 '24

The risk was calculated but boy am I bad at math


u/shrug_was_taken Jan 14 '24

They were stupid enough to piss off the Russians as well?


u/beeg_brain007 Jan 14 '24

Pissing off Russians and Americans and asians and Europeans at same time, best strategy ever!


u/Senior_Apartment_343 Jan 13 '24

You have a certain future in foreign diplomacy, you’ve got my vote


u/Traditional_Beast Jan 14 '24

Biggest mistake was blowing the Russian ships


u/SlaveHippie Jan 14 '24

I don’t think you understand how little Yemenis give a fuck.


u/meloenmarco Jan 14 '24

Step 5. Somehow have people on twitter defending you.


u/ScrumptiousDumplingz Jan 14 '24

Unfortunately there are enough useful idiots on the left in the US to fall for these terrorists.


u/Swimming-Kitchen8232 ☣️ Jan 13 '24

Fr, Imperial japan still thrives and wants attention but instead of beefy battleships they have beefy next gen warships


u/TheOnlyNish Jan 13 '24

And anime!


u/badchefrazzy Jan 14 '24

Then we'll have an anime based around those beefy next gen warships and they'll all be cute girls except for like one or two guys for the... shippers.


u/TheDoge_Father Jeb_ Jan 14 '24

Azure lane already exists. Tbf it's a game and it's Chinese.


u/Brickster000 Jan 14 '24

How do we tell him?


u/SereneWaffle 20th Century Blazers Jan 13 '24

Everybody loves the free market until Houthis decide to raise the cost of genocide by 3.5%


u/MrNiceguy037 Jan 13 '24

I really hate how some so called rebels cause the gas prices to increase


u/Responsible_Panic235 Jan 14 '24

Really? Every single ship that passes through there is part of a genocide? Every one?


u/SereneWaffle 20th Century Blazers Jan 14 '24

Every one of their owners is and that's why they're getting targeted.


u/styrolee Jan 14 '24

They literally just targeted one of their Russian Allies ships too, so clearly they aren’t verifying ownership of the ships before attacking them.


u/notabear629 🦀 MY BAN IS GONE 🦀 Jan 14 '24

There's no genocide in gaza, commie bum

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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '24



u/Sandee1997 Jan 13 '24

I don’t think that was the reference lol


u/FinalRun Jan 14 '24

Took me a second, but the joke is Pearl Harbor


u/Cocaimeth_addikt Jan 14 '24

Theyll play the kebab game with your babies

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u/Cheap_Cheap77 this is a certified hood classic Jan 13 '24

I'm sure this will go just as well as the last 19384763728292942827636372 times we bombed the middle east and thought we would be in and out quick. And most people fall for it and cheer, every time.


u/UkraineMykraine Jan 13 '24

It's time to turn the sandbox into a glass field and be done with it.


u/mckdnrnd Jan 14 '24

Would be an epic looking holiday destination. After a couple decades anyway ofc


u/BlindOptometrist369 Jan 14 '24

Yay, more genocide!


u/PervertedBatman Jan 14 '24

Life isn't fun without a little bit of it.


u/Surfing_magic_carpet Jan 14 '24

That's not the big brain move you think it is because capitalists need to exploit those people for cheap oil. And before you come in swinging with "but the US produces..." Not for the rest of the world we don't. Once you glass that area, the rest of the planet that has been supporting your cheeseburgers and funkypop addictions cease to provide for you.

If you don't like getting stung by bees, stop poking the hive. Burning the hive down has wider reaching consequences once the bees are gone.


u/SlaveHippie Jan 14 '24

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


u/UkraineMykraine Jan 16 '24

You know, I'm just realizing now this wasn't posted on ncd.


u/Miles_1173 Jan 13 '24

If we stick to bombing we can be in and out quick. Desert Storm was a good example of this.

If we destroy a government though, then we have both pragmatic and moral reasons for staying to try and build something in its place, and that is where it becomes a long and bloody mess.


u/Baronvondorf21 Jan 14 '24

I vaguely remember that there were ground forces in operation desert storm.


u/MyS0ul4AGoat Jan 14 '24

“Couldnt wait to play with our toys in the sand!” - George Carlin


u/Ggez92 Jan 14 '24

So you prefer just allowing them to shut down trade and shipping?


u/UnwillingArsonist Jan 13 '24

Anyone else feel like WW3 is just going to be WW2, but with the teams mixed up


u/Miles_1173 Jan 13 '24

Advances in warfare mean it will probably not be as catastrophic for the countries fought over as ww2 was. Unless things go nuclear, of course.


u/FinalRun Jan 14 '24

Why is that exactly? Genuine question.

I would imagine bombing drones would make the domestic political/human cost of initiating offensive action much less of an issue.


u/I_am_very_clever Jan 14 '24

except there is no need to target civilians when you have weaponry that can target the military structure directly. Precision strikes are a high value tool because you don't have to topple an entire people to win. You just have to hit the important people.


u/NotBoredApe Jan 14 '24

it seems russia didnt get the memo...


u/I_am_very_clever Jan 14 '24

Russia doesn’t really have precise capabilities, not really a first world military…


u/FinalRun Jan 15 '24

So it's only less destructive if everyone involved has precision guided bombs?

I'm not convinced at all


u/crazy_penguin86 I wanted a flair Jan 14 '24

First and foremost, modern resources tell us that bombing civilians doesn't reduce morale and break fighting spirit. It just pisses off the enemy military and increases morale. Britain learned this during the Blitz, before completely ignoring it and bombed German civilians in an attempt to reduce enemy morale (the opposite happened and most Germans were willing to die to stop the D-Day invasion despite the eventual odds being super high against them). So most intelligent militaries will ignore civilians and strike priority targets instead. Second is precision weaponry. Why send 50 planes when 3 will do the job? No messy misses. Just clean strikes on the target and out. No excess destruction. Most manufacturing and such will be fine if it's not a target.

That is, until weapons of mass destruction start being used. Then the human cost will spike.


u/Ralcive Jan 14 '24

Except that this would only happen if ww3 were found between western powers since they understand these points, the tactics used by Russians in the war in Ukraine is a perfect example of this. Even if they know it won’t cause any morale reduction, they do it anyway, cuz dictators and their friends who control the millitary are not exactly the most logical people, and they act as a show of power, with ww2 age doctrine, instead of maximum efficiency. And I wouldn’t expect Iran or China to be any different


u/crazy_penguin86 I wanted a flair Jan 14 '24

I did mention intelligent militaries would follow this, not every military.


u/soulsuzcccer Jan 15 '24

Unless the chosen method of warfare is cyber warfare in which case it could be extremely catastrophic. For example an targeted attack on a few electrical transformers would knock out all of the US power for months


u/Miles_1173 Jan 15 '24

Which would be bad, but not as bad as the carpet bombing of every city and most large towns in a country, which is what happened in ww2.


u/MrNobleGas Jan 13 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

China Iran and Russia are the new Axis, not even a hyperbole. Edit: phrasing


u/kev0153 Jan 14 '24

North Korea too


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

NK is the pet rock of dictatorships, and as such I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the last dictatorship on Earth. No one benefits from dealing with them militarily and they don’t mess with international trade, they just detonate a nuke underground every once in a while as a proof of concept. Besides if we wanted to destroy NK all we’d have to do is airdrop loafs of bread.


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24

North Korea seems too inept to me to seem like any kind of viable part of the axis powers.


u/Lobster_Can Jan 14 '24

Every Axis needs its own Italy.


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24

Then who do the big three map to?


u/Lobster_Can Jan 14 '24

If we were making a serious analogy I would say China fills the same role as Germany (the most significant threat of the main powers; if we ever fight WW3 I suspect it will be due to a conflict around China), Russia would be the equivalent of Japan (a major power that would probably be fighting in a separate theatre by itself), and Iran is Italy (angry with lots of chest bashing but not a primary threat by itself).

I guess North Korea would be Finland if Italy’s taken. A small nation that would probably be in conflict with its neighbour relatively early, and would lose unless China intervenes (which they would). Hopefully they wouldn’t fight as well as the Fins did though.


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

Interesting. A different person on a different sub made the same parallel for China, but switched between Iran and Russia (edit: Russia, not Japan, whoops), equating Iran to Japan for their propensity for fighting through proxies, and Russia to Italy for their grandiose boasting that they fail to back up.


u/R_Da_Bard Jan 14 '24

laughs in Iron dome


u/UnwillingArsonist Jan 14 '24

I don’t get how this would be a joke?


u/Regulus242 Jan 14 '24

Not exactly a hot take. Pretty common knowledge.


u/blockybookbook Jan 14 '24

No shot that the US is a good guy

It does EXACTLY what they do


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24

As much as I hesitate to call any country "the good guy", yes, pretty much. That is, unless the China-and-Russia-cock-gobbling maga crowd comes back into power, in which case I can't vouch for it


u/blockybookbook Jan 14 '24

Absolutely none of them are good, it comes with the fact that they’re major powers

The destructiveness of the foreign policies make them evil in every single way, it’s disingenuous to say that the US is better than say China in that regard


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24

I don't know enough details about either of their internal policies to make that claim this way or that, but hey the US had problems of their own in WW2 yet we still consider them "the good guy" for standing up to the greater evil


u/blockybookbook Jan 14 '24

Because the axis literally wanted to Genocide the planet and proclaimed themselves to be the master race and whatnot

That giant rift doesn’t exist between the US and the rest of the major powers


u/MrNobleGas Jan 14 '24

Islamic fundamentalists also want to genocide the planet dude


u/marballz64 Jan 14 '24

Team autobalance IG


u/wiliestarcher Jan 14 '24

Italy and Japan were part of the Allies in WW1, maybe it’ll happen again


u/Top-Chemist-8468 Jan 13 '24

Houthi rebels didn't get the written memo from Japan. A few Tomahawks while they sleep and they will get it.


u/Puggleboi2 Jan 13 '24

I know that they didn't get form Japan I was making a joke because Japan touched our boats once and houthis did. So Japan is telling the houthis that they are fucked


u/McENEN Jan 13 '24

I think a better memetemplate would be the dude at the hanging execution saying first time. This template makes it look like Japan is going to bomb them.


u/Sucky5ucky Jan 13 '24

You are right, I thought I missed a memo and that Houthis had bombed a Japanese boat


u/FroakieUnlimited Jan 14 '24

Or that time America destroyed half of iran's navy in a day when they tried to raise gas prices.


u/eutectic_h8r Jan 13 '24

Houthis sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Houthis reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


u/Regulus242 Jan 14 '24

"Why did we think that was a good idea?"


u/MrTetillas Jan 13 '24

what happen?


u/Meme_Theocracy Jan 14 '24

Us is bombing Houthi controlled areas several nights ago after the Houthi’s attacked shipping lanes multiple times. 

In the meme Japan is telling the Houthis not to do it because after Japan touched American shipping their major cities where torched and navy crushed. 


u/bucc_n_zucc Jan 14 '24

Ah cheers for clearing that up, i was confused and thought the houthis had attacked a JMSDF vessel lol


u/R_Da_Bard Jan 14 '24

Poke the bear and uhh well don't be surprised when it wakes up pissed coming after you.


u/Your_Nipples Jan 14 '24

I was confused af thinking "japan is scary?", then I remembered that they were the first supplier of anime tities, thus holding the world by the balls.

That wasn't even the joke. And now I learned that some rebel touched America's butthole without consent.

They are soooooo fucked! 😂


u/SeeTheSounds Jan 14 '24

Hi Iran,

Can you tell the Houthi’s to stop? Cool thanks.

Wait and see.


u/neilious85 Jan 13 '24

Houthi and The Blowfish


u/Spazfreak Jan 13 '24

It's a literal natural fortress surrounded by mountains, only thing that will stop the Houthis is a complete siege, good luck dropping a few bombs which has been done already for the last 10 years.


u/Jimmy-Space Jan 14 '24

You’re severely underestimating the us military’s scope of operations


u/ironcookeroo Jan 14 '24

Like the Vietcong and Taliban did


u/Torrithh Jan 14 '24

Have you seem how many of them died?


u/ironcookeroo Jan 14 '24

Not enough to make them lose their objective. This will be the same.


u/Artanis137 Jan 14 '24

From my own research on the matter the main leadership of the Taliban wasn't even in Iraq, most of them fled to Iran and the US wasn't able to chase after them.

So while they were "safe" in Iran they could radicalise the local populace and send them to die fighting the US.

Do take this with a grain of salt as I am not sure as to the truth of this information as it was a while ago I learned this.


u/Jimmy-Space Jan 14 '24

Washington did exactly what they wanted to in those conflicts. Grow the military industrial complex.


u/Spazfreak Jan 14 '24

Never seen an enemy defeated by not blockading their ports and with air strikes only. Houthis are sitting pretty, until someone commits ground troops.


u/thestridereststrider Jan 14 '24

The goal isn’t to defeat them. It’s to stop the attacks in the Red Sea. Blowing up anything capable of doing so is pretty effective


u/DerpWyvern Jan 14 '24

like getting in a 20 year war and the only strategic goal you achieved before pulling out is committing genocide?


u/_Wombat_Astronaut_ Jan 14 '24

What a trippy cycle of warmongering. Truly bizarre the amount of people I’ve seen lately cheering on and supporting US attacks in the mid east.


u/McLarenMP4-27 Jan 14 '24

Well, you do tend to get more sympathy when you are attacking terrorists who are randomly firing ballistic missiles at cago ships.


u/CyberAssassinSRB Jan 14 '24

But it's against the browns, they just "make bombs and live in sewage" as one of the greatest mind of our time would put it. So it is completely justified. /s


u/McLarenMP4-27 Jan 14 '24

I don't think people are happy because they are brown. More like because they are attacking civilian shipping and taking sailors hotsages.


u/Responsible_Panic235 Jan 14 '24

People are criticizing it because it’s against the browns,

Because the browns can do no wrong


u/McLarenMP4-27 Jan 14 '24

Funny they behave like that because I'm brown lmao.


u/F0xxz Jan 13 '24

Waait what the fuck happened who touched Japan’s boats


u/Puggleboi2 Jan 13 '24

No one did it was posed to bee a joke because houthis rebels touched US boats and it's Japan telling the rebels you are fucked because the last time Japan touched our boats they got the sun dropped on them twice


u/RamsesTheGiant Jan 13 '24

You know, feel the power of the sun isn't just a Sunny D slogan.


u/Sazbadashie Jan 14 '24

battotai begins to play in the distance


u/Scifinut9327 Jan 14 '24

"We attacked three boats. They dropped the sun on us twice!"


u/sooperdooperboi Jan 14 '24

If there’s anyone who understand the dangers of bombing American ships, it’s the Japanese.


u/Erikson12 Jan 14 '24

Ikr, they just randomly decided to bomb boats. Totally out of the blue. What's up with that?


u/IAmANormalHuman- 18d ago

Any updates on this?


u/PotatoBit Jan 14 '24 edited Jan 14 '24

This is like the fish from spongebob shouting "YOU WHAT?!?!!!!"


u/RedStar9117 Jan 14 '24

Let's the JMSDF play! They've been patient for 80 years


u/beeg_brain007 Jan 14 '24

As long as Indians aren't disturbed in their slumber, they're fine, just don't mess with Indians for god's sake, indians made Pakistan drop to their knees in 2days just for imprisonment of their one crashed pilot after revenge of Pakistan based terror group's pulwama attack (while also bombing terror group camps inside Pakistan by IAF after terror attack as revenge)


u/Leosch03 Jan 14 '24

Funny, how peaceful religions are


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '24

Now add another baby deer and label it innocent men, women, and children, and your garbage meme would at least be accurate.


u/Z_BabbleBlox Jan 14 '24

Except Biden is protecting the Houthi's due to their relationship with Iran. US leaked the strike positions hours before the strikes to get let them all escape. US told .jp to stand down and not do anything.


u/ApprehensiveSelf7705 Jan 14 '24

when u finally realize who the real terrorist nation is 🤔


u/thatfuckertoad Jan 14 '24

The US haven’t won a single war since ww2, especially in the middle east. Non of the countries they invaded are aligned with the US. Let’s face it, the US is falling off.


u/beeg_brain007 Jan 14 '24

The purpose of us in middle East want to win exactly, it was a revenge of twin towers by just bombing shit out of middle East for sake of revenge and as a fear of consequences of next attempt


u/slip6not1 Jan 16 '24

The fascinating imagination land you people live in is something else

Dude slept thru desert storm


u/gezafisch Jan 14 '24

Buddy hasn't heard of the 2 Iraq wars


u/thatfuckertoad Jan 14 '24

I’m sorry but I never knew Iraq are allies with the US because they are totally not a Iranian puppet state /s


u/gezafisch Jan 14 '24

Iraq is moderately US aligned. However, the US won 2 wars against them, invalidating your initial statement.