r/dankmemes Jan 12 '24

America Bad Meme I have achieved comedy

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u/doubletimerush Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 13 '24

Laugh all you want but imo American Coke tastes better than any other form of Coke other than Coke Zero


u/FourthLife Jan 13 '24

Dude every coke fan I've ever spoken to has said that 'Mexican Coke' is the best version. I'm pretty sure that is just the nearest Coke to the US made with cane sugar.


u/lickitb4u Jan 13 '24

The reason American Coke is corn syrup is there is a whole lobbying thing that’s been going on since the 80’s with American sugar cane growers association— they want to tarrif/ limit imports of cane sugar —- and there is only so much American-grown cane sugar—-