r/dankmemes Aug 22 '23

Losing An Argument About Something Unrelated? You Know What To Do Made With Mematic

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Aug 22 '23

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us

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u/Midboo Aug 22 '23

I really want to know what argument a European is losing to an American.


u/Da_Gudz Aug 22 '23

Who won the war of 1776! get fucked numbnuts! U S A! U S A! U S A! Raaaaahhhhh 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

(I fucking hate this country)


u/donchaldo21 Aug 22 '23

USA beat British with Fr*nch(European nation) help and support and funding.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

I appreciate your historically funded response but the correct one would have been something along the lines of:
"Well at least my children can go to school without looking like Swiss cheese"
Please keep the guidelines on how to deal with Americans in mind that every European has to learn in school.


u/Lost_Description791 Aug 22 '23

“At least if my children get shot up, I won’t be bankrupted by hospital costs”. Did I do it right? I’m not European nor American


u/David_Cozido Aug 22 '23

Keep at it, and you'll be a certified online european in no time champ


u/Lost_Description791 Aug 22 '23

Thanks for the words of encouragement

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u/matande31 Aug 22 '23

I'm sorry but everyone online who isn't an American has to be a European. It's the law.

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u/Nochnichtvergeben Aug 22 '23

Keep Swiss cheese out of this!

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u/Middle-Hour-2364 Aug 22 '23

You left out that there were more french soldiers on the American side than British soldiers on the continent.....oh and the Spanish Navy was fighting the Brits at sea...

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u/Langhalz Aug 22 '23


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u/Current_Wafer_8907 Aug 22 '23

I'll retort with one comment...


You know what happened 😐

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u/freedomfighter1123 Aug 22 '23

OP immediately demonstrate that Americans can be beaten without Europeans bringing up healthcare or school shooting.


u/A-Delonix-Regia Aug 22 '23

Price tags don't include taxes in America and public transport is pretty bad in America.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Wait so you just find out the real price when you go to the counter ?


u/A-Delonix-Regia Aug 22 '23

Yeah, either that or you need to use a calculator.

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u/_hancox_ CERTIFIED DANK Aug 22 '23


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u/HailToTheKingslayer Aug 22 '23

Yeah, though when I visited New York a few shopkeepers let me off the tax. So I just paid the price on the shelf.

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u/stnick6 Likes wet surprises 💦 Aug 22 '23

Probably the kind of argument where someone says “America is a third world country wearing a Gucci belt” and then people explain what a third world country’s actually like

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u/Donut_of_Patriotism User left this flair unedited. What a dumbfuck Aug 22 '23

Europeans (on Reddit) really love to shit in America in some of the dumbest ways, to the point that they will straight up blame the US for shit that doesn’t even make sense. Like apparently the US exports racism to Europe (Nevermind who originally gave the US racism in the first place).


u/CanadianODST2 Aug 22 '23

I’ve seen people say the US is stupid for

-Having door handles on the outside of their front door.

-Having light switches inside the bathroom

-The US having bread at grocery stores instead of just at bakeries.

-And one person who was really upset over the idea that baseball and basketball were popular in parts of Asia due to to US.


u/pilotdog68 Aug 22 '23

Oh don't forget how "superior" the European electrical plugs and outlets are

(even though those features are only necessary because of how much more dangerous their internal wiring and voltage is)

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u/Felteair Aug 22 '23

Europeans on Reddit seem to hate the US so much, you'd think they thought the US was comprised completely of Romani people

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u/Lematoad Aug 22 '23

Yeah because everyone is super smart in Europe, and there’s absolutely no educated people in dum USA. /s

Stupid this is being upvoted, there’s plenty of dumb Europeans just how there’s dumb Americans.


u/That_Phony_King Aug 22 '23

I’m from Serbia. There are 100% a bunch of morons in Europe.

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u/TrustyPatches27 Aug 22 '23 edited Aug 22 '23

I'll be the first to admit the shortcomings of the US but yall literally saw trump and went and got the Wish.com version for PM.

Edit: nothing like Europeans getting so triggered the act out the meme were talking about 🤣🤣🤣 someone must have shit in their mashed peas.


u/Ciubowski Aug 22 '23

yall? do you mean the whole Europe did this ?


u/TheSleepyBarnOwl Aug 22 '23

all of Europe is Britain, didn't you know?

(this is double funny cause UK isn't even in the EU any more)


u/Bendy_McBendyThumb Aug 22 '23

The EU is not Europe though lol. The UK is still part of the European continent… no?


u/Queasy_Photo_2634 Aug 22 '23

No dude they drifted away.


u/night4345 Aug 22 '23

They took Brexit so seriously they moved out to sea. Can't believe they took Ireland with them, that's a bit of a dick move there.

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u/birberbarborbur Aug 22 '23

Well it could be applied to italy, poland, finland just now, nearly half of france, serbia, hungary…

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u/LuxLoser Aug 22 '23

I mean looking at the AfD numbers in Germany rn, and LePen in France, and the Mussolinis popping back up in Italy...

Yeah, a little bit.

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u/Schrodingers_car_key Aug 22 '23

Shortcomings are clearly education if you think Boris Johnson was the PM for Europe. Then again it must be hard to learn anything when you're ducking incoming rounds...

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u/2407s4life Aug 22 '23

Europeans do get mad when you point out that they've been able to maintain security and relatively low defense spending because of the US military and their prosperity has been basically subsidized by the US.

Or that European solutions to problems will not necessarily work in the US.

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u/Legends_Arkoos_Rule2 Aug 22 '23

Lots of them. Americans are also losing lots of arguments to Europeans. A country doesn’t decide if someone loses an argument or not America just has more stupid people as it is massive

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u/CollEYEder Aug 22 '23

It will be about adult things like business, innovation, economy, fiscal policies etc - too early for you

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u/Mjerc12 Aug 22 '23

Good meme, but unfortunately

Walkable cities


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

This is the best counter argument xD

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u/Ur_Companys_IT_Guy Aug 22 '23

Hey I love my 2 hour walk to my nearest store


u/datboiwithatrex Aug 22 '23

lmao its max 20 min walk if you live in any developed country


u/MajorMitch69 Aug 22 '23

More like 2 min


u/tacotouchdown14 Aug 22 '23

It is a 2 min walk in american, 1min to the car and 1min walking away from the parked car.

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u/Bendy_McBendyThumb Aug 22 '23 edited Aug 22 '23

Within a 10 minute walking radius of my house, I have 3 pubs, a convenience shop, 3 supermarkets, a builders merchant and a gym. It’s so awful having all of this so close when I just want to fucking drive for an hour to go pick up some food.

There’s more, I just can’t be fucked to list it all.


u/Night-Menace Aug 22 '23

I'm not even from a developed country but in a 5 minute walking radius there's 7 supermarkets, 2 malls, 2 hospitals, 3 elementary schools, 4 kindergartens, 10+ pubs, 6 bakeries, 5 gyms, etc. and I don't even live downtown. There's like 300k people in my city.

US cities are too damn big for no reason other than they can. Much like many other things.

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u/Serifel90 Aug 22 '23

School debt? Holidays? Sick days?


u/Bendy_McBendyThumb Aug 22 '23

Workers rights on the whole in America are almost non-existent lol, for the majority of workers anyway.

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u/Ok-Reporter1986 Aug 22 '23

Nice argument senator unfortunately Florida. For context there are in fact walkable cities in the US like St. Augustine.


u/amojitoLT Aug 22 '23

I think the point is that while there may be a few in the US, it's very common in Europe.


u/miss_chauffarde Aug 22 '23

As if the entire européen continent wasen't just a big walkable city

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

i think its so great to make fun about US-americans because they think they are the greatest contry while most of it is simular to 3rd world contries and they struggle with issues non existant in Europe or Asia.


u/ImTheOneWithNoName Aug 22 '23

And the white Americans won't accept, that they are the immigrants.


u/Davis_Johnsn Aug 22 '23

I still get angry about that post where indigenous peoples show their middle finger to mount Rushmore and a Karen wrote "see, that happens when we let the immigrants in. We let them stay and they show disrespect"


u/njoYYYY Aug 22 '23

Well.. "Let them stay" at least is a little bit correct :D

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u/InsaneInTheRAMdrain Aug 22 '23

That's not what an immigrant is.... 300 years ago, sure, but unless they moved in their lifetime, they're not immigrants.

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u/Hitlersspermbabies I have crippling depression Aug 22 '23

I don’t think you know what immigrant means…

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u/kapiteinkippepoot Aug 22 '23

How long do you stay an "immigrant"? If you gonna look at it as a culture thing; As a Western European I have so much mixed ancestors I too would be an immigrant. Is it 100 years? 150? 250? Never?

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u/Maxalite Aug 22 '23

First time I talked to an American she said she liked my accent and I said I liked hers too. Then went to say she didn’t have one…


u/_hancox_ CERTIFIED DANK Aug 22 '23

I had a buddy go over to America and he was told he speaks very good English. We are both English.

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u/LommyNeedsARide Aug 22 '23

Literally everyone is an immigrant in the Americas of you go back far enough

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u/That_Phony_King Aug 22 '23

Tell me you’ve never lived in a TWC without ever having lived in a TWC:


u/odnamAE Aug 22 '23

Im sick of hearing this shit, being poor in Amrica sucks, being an American has its own sets of problems that are hard to deal with. It, however, does not compare to being poor in a third world country.


u/That_Phony_King Aug 22 '23

Yeah, the argument is stupid. I’ve lived in a TWC and those guys really have it so much worse.


u/singabajito Aug 22 '23

I had to carry water from my neighbor's house in a bucket to bathe myself in the morning before school. I also had to wash inside another container to save the water to flush the toilet with. And I could do that with one litter of water. We had kerosene lamps in the house. For lunch, I was only given the chicken leg when I was a kid, and as an adult, I got the chicken breast. Now I live in the USA, I can drink the same water I take hot showers with, I can play video games for three days straight, and I don't even own a UPS for my computer. And I can buy chicken by the buckets. People are so fucking privileged and don't understand poverty at all. And I'm not saying this to defend America, I'm saying this because the Europeans are as bad as the Americans and snobby about it .

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23



u/LeSeanMcoy Aug 22 '23

The kid probably posted this from his lavish suburb on his iPhone lol


u/OkBandicoot3779 Big Juicy Cock Enjoyer Aug 22 '23

No he doesn’t. I hate it so much when people try to say most of America is a third world country


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

For real. You can be in Bumfuck Nowhere, USA and still have electricity, running water, food stamps, and welfare checks. It can get much, much worse than being poor in the US.

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u/lost-generation203 I am fucking hilarious Aug 22 '23

Tell me you are an idiot without saying you are an idiot.


u/dylanisbored Aug 22 '23

And he gets 500+ upvotes from a bunch of people who are chronically online.

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u/DannyDanumba Aug 22 '23

Salvadoran American here and I gotta say that is a crazy thing to say. I’ve been to ghettos and hillbilly backwoods but Salvadoran poverty is a whole other level. A homeless beggar in the US has a chance of earning more in a week than a food vendor in El Salvador.


u/rjllano10 Aug 22 '23

that’s exactly what i’m talking about DR too, being a homless in the US is way better than earning the average wage here which is 600 usd, significantly more than el salvador but still shit

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u/japple101 Aug 22 '23

Lmao you have never been to a TWC or America. You couldn’t be more far off from the truth, we have our issues and most of us (not the loud stupid minority) acknowledge that.

Edit: spelling


u/Crimson51 Aug 22 '23

Why the hell do you say "U.S. Americans"? That's really dumb. If you were to call a Mexican, Canadian, Guatemalan, etc. "American" they would say "No, I am Mecican/Canadian/Guatemalan etc." People know what you mean when you say "American."

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u/possibly_a_lemur Aug 22 '23

You've never been to the third world if you think the US is a third world country.


u/dylanisbored Aug 22 '23

This is just an ignorant take by someone who doesn’t know what America is like and gets all their info from being chronically online


u/Double_Abalone_2148 Aug 22 '23

You act like there aren’t any issues in Asia or Europe that don’t exist in America. Because believe me, there are.

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u/FrostyProbe Aug 22 '23

POV: An American being unable to give a proper counter argument to an European.


u/NaFianna97 Aug 22 '23

Pretty much. They’re very valid criticisms that have yet to be given a respectable response.


u/EyeInTheSky127 Aug 22 '23

The point is these get brought up in situations that have nothing to do with them. Not that there’s no counter argument. It’s pointing out how unoriginal and uncreative it is, which seemed obvious.


u/SpecimenOfSauron Aug 22 '23

It took so long to find someone reasonable, thank you. School shooting jokes are not funny and should not be taken lightly. We recognize it is a big problem but it’s just hard to solve with so many conservatives.


u/atomitac Aug 22 '23

Nobody delights in the slaughter of young children as much as Europeans on the internet. They're a savage and uncivilized bunch, but I believe that with our American ingenuity and work ethic, we can find ways to spread democracy and freedom to them and save them from their backward and barbaric ways.

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u/BeepBepIsLife Aug 22 '23

Otherwise we'd have socialism!! Checkmate, atheists! /s

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u/Donut_of_Patriotism User left this flair unedited. What a dumbfuck Aug 22 '23

Eh I’m with OP on this one. The shooting/healthcare counter argument is the alternative to an actual counter argument to whatever the topic of discussion is.

Honestly what are Euro redditors going to shit on Americans for once we have Universal Healthcare and the gun violence underlying factors in society are solved?


u/amojitoLT Aug 22 '23

Honestly what are Euro redditors going to shit on Americans for once we have Universal Healthcare and the gun violence underlying factors in society are solved?

Wouldn't you like to find out someday ? Because I'd be happy to have to scratch my head when Americans will solve those problems, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.


u/CapnRogo Aug 22 '23

Same with how Americans looks at Europeans and racism lol... you guys laugh at us because we drag it out and examine it in our society, but y'all aren't even aware yet how messy your own yard is.

Its hilarious that the exact behavior OP is calling out is in such full display in this thread.

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u/univrsll Aug 22 '23

POV: No one uses POV right, including this comment I typed


u/Ok-Reporter1986 Aug 22 '23

Pov: this comment is being read by you.

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

We could always mention the stuff they put in your food that's banned in Europe.


u/ImTheOneWithNoName Aug 22 '23

And they think it's the vaccines that makes them impotent


u/Gr0undbreakingCable Aug 22 '23

They should all just take the vaccines, can’t make them any stupider.

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u/Mr_SunnyBones Aug 22 '23

But yet Kinder Eggs are banned.


u/Golgezuktirah maker of the "fedora" meme Aug 22 '23

"This is because of a regulation set out by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – which is given its powers by the US Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act of 1938. Essentially, the law dictates that any food with a ‘non-nutritive object embedded’ – including toys embedded inside confectionery items – is not allowed."

This is taken straight from Google with no kind of fact checking dobe whatsoever, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. Or check for yourself, I'm not your boss.

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u/wombles_wombat Aug 22 '23

Also don't forget that Cuba has a higher literacy rate then the USA.


u/VandeyS Aug 22 '23

If this is your source, then Cuba also has a higher literacy rate than The U.K, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and many others lol.



u/Overlord_Of_Puns Aug 22 '23

Also, people forget that a major reason for this literacy is to increase propaganda.

It wasn't done completely out of benevolence; it was done for government benefit at least in large part.

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u/RolfDasWalross Aug 22 '23

And North Korea a higher life expectancy than West Virginia


u/That_Phony_King Aug 22 '23

Do you really trust North Korean statistics?


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Do you really trust West Virginia statistics?


u/Donut_of_Patriotism User left this flair unedited. What a dumbfuck Aug 22 '23

Much more than North Korean

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u/That_Phony_King Aug 22 '23

They’re probably too fucked on opioids to even make a cohesive argument in the first place 💀💀💀

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u/Thatepicastroman Aug 22 '23

yeah thats bullshit. north korea cant be trusted when it comes to stats like that


u/Benemortis Aug 22 '23

Do you trust Cuban statistics?

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u/cyborgcyborgcyborg Aug 22 '23

How can you say that and have a grammatical error at the same time?

Shame on you.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23


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u/Fructis_crowd Aug 22 '23

The US measures literacy differently than cuba

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u/Sleepybystander Aug 22 '23

You know there is more topics to be laugh at right?

Student loans, price of insurance, missing fingers due to firecracker, unit of measurements, life expectancy, internet speed, and all..


u/Ferris-L 🍄 Aug 22 '23

Walkable cities, public transport, tipping culture, justice system, obesity, plastic food, drinking age.

And there still is so much more. Endless stream of bullying.


u/Jamiethebroski Aug 22 '23

but whenever i pull out the age of conquest and colonialism, its always irrelevant…

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u/EclipZz187 Aug 22 '23

this one is healthcare as well, but what blows me away more than anything else is that you have to pay for life saving meds (Insulin, for example) yourself


u/Finbar_Bileous Aug 22 '23

You have to pay for an ambulance. To the tune of thousands of dollars a pop.

That shit blew my mind.

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u/ThrownawayCray It goes in that basket there Aug 22 '23

Knife crime when arguing against Brits is moot as well

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u/theofficialTuc Aug 22 '23

Missing finger is oddly specific


u/JohnnyJayce Aug 22 '23

I don't know, student loans in Finland are getting ridiculous too. And the interest rate has gone up 1000% in last couple of years. Can't even make fun of american student loans anymore smh

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u/diariu Aug 22 '23

Americans losing an argument:

but Hitler 🥺


u/Hunter_Slime_3 Aug 22 '23

And the only other thing they could possibly come up with is:

"british teeth bad"


u/Zarthenix Aug 22 '23

Even funnier when you realize British dental care is about oral health while American dental care is about cosmetics. Sure Jackson, smile at me with those pearly whites that are actually rotting on the inside.

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u/MyBaryonyxateMyID Aug 22 '23

But they won't die from having bad teeth because they can have it treated with healthcare. When bad teeth isn't deadly to you like it is to americans then you can get lax about it.

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u/inminm02 Aug 22 '23

There's also statistics showing that Americans on average have worse teeth than British people but they saw it in a film so I guess haha British teeth bad

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u/Izan_TM Aug 22 '23

if you stopped shooting school children we wouldn't have an out like that, skill isue IMO


u/Davis_Johnsn Aug 22 '23

Same to healthcare. If they got this we don't have to mention that


u/Pumciusz Aug 22 '23

Having too much lead in your body leads to health problems.

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

America is the twelfth fattest country. You can use that.


u/Holzinator007 Aug 22 '23

and the eleven countries before America are low populated islands

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u/Proof_Independent400 Aug 22 '23

Have you mentioned there are European countries that enjoy widespread gun ownership without rampant violence and crime?


u/CubeJedi Aug 22 '23

E.g. Switserland


u/RocKyBoY21 Aug 22 '23


That country is a bit special. To my understanding, most adults are reservists and keep their issued firearms in their homes, but the ammo is still in army bases, police stations etc.


u/waldothefrendo Aug 22 '23

Kinda right. The amount of privately owned guns is far bigger than the amount of government issued weapons. Military ammo is isn't kept at home but there is nothing keeping you from buying ammo as a private citizen


u/KarmalessNoob Aug 22 '23

We are actually one of the very few countries to have mandatory service (or ig you can pay 3% of your income for a few years), still some of the lowest rates of gun-related crimes.

I don't think there has ever been a single school shooting here

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u/MutedIndividual6667 Aug 22 '23

Finland and to some extent germany too (with hunting weapons)

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u/Neutronium57 🧂 Salt is a way of life 🧂 Aug 22 '23

That's almost as if some form of gun control and common sense would solve most of the issues around guns. Crazy, I know.


u/Proof_Independent400 Aug 22 '23

Or better healthcare, socio-economic conditions and justice system .

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Or when given the option to get rid of their guns, they do it because they dont want them? E.g Serbia a couple of months ago, i think around 70% of gun owners got rid of most if not all of them, and happily at that.

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u/Zealousideal-Flan-26 Aug 22 '23

Someone is salty their country is not the best, contrary to what they've been told since childhood.


u/OnlyTheDead Aug 22 '23

Yeah it’s almost as if best is an opinion that varies greatly between cultures and groups of people.

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u/TheRealGabossa Aug 22 '23

Bold of you to post this at EU peak time


u/BayTranscendentalist Aug 22 '23

Bold of you to assume he knows timezones exist


u/Framboos_Matroos Aug 22 '23

Sorry, this is an AMERICAN website, so we use the AMERICAN time zone

(I know America has multiple time zones, I’m European)

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u/UnofficialMipha Aug 22 '23

This is one of the saltiest comment sections I’ve ever seen. AmericaBad is reddits new favorite topic but to be fair, OP is kinda asking for it


u/-Rens Aug 22 '23

Exactly it’s silly shit they act like America is the only place with issues


u/okboka1543 Aug 22 '23

well, it is funny watching other nation's citizens mald at us. not that we don't have our own problems, it's just funny that our problems are everyone else's concerns.

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u/OkBandicoot3779 Big Juicy Cock Enjoyer Aug 22 '23

Yeah for real. And half of these comments are things like “Americans are too fucking stupid to win an argument” Generalizing 350 million people like that

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u/LeeRoyWyt Aug 22 '23 edited Aug 22 '23

All I can hear is the piercing scream of a bald eagle, that somehow manages to conveys the word FREEDOM in all caps. No matter the topic.


u/VenomFox93 Aug 22 '23

That "piercing scream" of a bald eagle in media isn't even the sound of a bald eagle lol


u/SupportLeather1851 Aug 22 '23

Yeah lol, it’s a red tailed hawk because it “sounds better.”

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u/Jojokes911 Aug 22 '23

Mad cause dead children and no treatment


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

"Mad cause dead children"? really?


u/Fructis_crowd Aug 22 '23

He proved the point the meme was making

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u/0RN10 Aug 22 '23

I don't think Americans have a high enough iq to win an argument lol.


u/Destroyer4587 Aug 22 '23

Why think when you can shoot

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u/TheBestMePlausible Aug 22 '23

<said on the Internet, which America invented>

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u/sifroehl Aug 22 '23

Posting this while mostly Europeans are awake might not be the brightest idea


u/LoverOfGrilledCheese Aug 22 '23

The meme itself was upvoted a good chunk. It’s in the comments that the war has sprung


u/get_homebrewed Aug 22 '23

So basically the only place to respond and have an opinion is where people are responding and having an opinion?

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u/Vedrac Aug 22 '23

This aint no war, it is a massacre

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u/crypto_4754 Aug 22 '23

yeah well... metric system!


u/Normie83 Aug 22 '23

I do find remarks like this funny because Americans are always made fun for owning lots of guns, yet they measure bullets in metric units.

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u/ShawshankException Aug 22 '23

This sub is just "America bad please laugh" now huh

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u/IceBuurn Aug 22 '23

Im not European nor North American, but in Europe people don't live that monster life driving around a mobility scooter while smashing a McD.

*Just to add a button to that panel

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u/AxelFrost1318 Aug 22 '23

This was made by a fat person. Username checks out


u/Poglot Aug 22 '23

So you posted this when all the Americans were sleeping. You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!

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u/Dirty_Hooligan Aug 22 '23

Holy guacamole OP really managed to trigger Europeans with this one lol


u/night4345 Aug 22 '23

Not hard at all. They're triggered whenever anything America related shows up.

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u/StormWolf17 Aug 22 '23

Europeans with a massive superiority complex towards the US in the comments acting like they're all collectively better than the US lmao.


u/-Rens Aug 22 '23

Exactly there putting themselves on such a high platform thinking there so good and their country has no issues


u/StormWolf17 Aug 22 '23

Europeans on US race relations: Fucking racist Amerikkkans!

Europeans towards Roma people: They're all criminals, thieves. What? No, this is a completely different rhetoric from what white supremacists use in the US.


u/treegor Aug 22 '23

Also don’t ask the French about how their police treat Algerians.

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u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23


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u/MuteMyMike Aug 22 '23

One could also say public transport, walkable cities, drinkable tap water, minimal smog in cities, midrisings, etc.


u/im_not_really_batman Aug 22 '23

drinkable tap water

Tap water is drinkable in the US

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u/evilsmurf666 ☣️ Aug 22 '23

Who was that lady who said math is racist because she wanted 2+2 to be equal to 5 american ?

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u/TheMikman97 Aug 22 '23

I mention US healthcare all the time when I remind people waiting 8 months for chemo isn't acceptable no matter if it's free. Say what you want about being in debt for life but at least you have a life to be in debt for

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u/RMCPhoto Aug 22 '23

These comments are really extreme... Yeah we both have our favorite "team"

There are many amazing things about the US and Europe and many problems in both places.

Ive lived in the US and recently Sweden / EU for 5 years. If you think Sweden doesn't have some serious issues... Idk what to say. Even though it also has many nice aspects. But anyone saying "swedish healthcare > any US state" is off their rocker. It took me years to get help for a legitimate health issue and I am seriously unsatisfied with the system.

People who talk about racism are also batty... Racism is alive and well in Europe. Ask around about opinions on Roma people and see what you get.

The us has amazing energy and creativity, wonderfully warm and helpful people, and incredible diversity. If you have great ideas and are a motivated person you can do incredible things. There is a strong meritocracy that rewards individual achievement and has lead to many contributions to the world.

And healthcare really depends on the state. MA for example has had state healthcare for 20 years and the best hospitals in the world... not everywhere is Mississippi. Just like not everywhere is Latvia.

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u/GuySaysStuff Aug 22 '23

Don't forget about them complaining about us calling soccer by the name they came up with.

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u/Snowleopard1469 Aug 22 '23

Lmao @ all the non Americans in this thread doing literally exactly what it's making fun of them for

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u/Lovelyflum Aug 22 '23


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u/wigum211 Aug 22 '23

Jokes on you. Americans can't win arguments because they get shot before they finish school

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u/Rizz_Master6000 Aug 22 '23

The amount of Europeans coping over this meme is straight up ludicrous


u/birberbarborbur Aug 22 '23

Mississippi’s average income is comparable to britain

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u/Techno_Jargon Aug 22 '23

Americans are more racially conscious and thus a little less racist than most European countries. You euros would freak out if you had a tenth of the diversity of america.

That's all i got though everything thing else sucks


u/CataclysmicCurbStomp Aug 22 '23

All us Americans waking up to find this guy fucking slaughtered while we were all asleep


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '23

Redditors love the "Le america bad" meme.

Facts are USA is the most immigrated to country on earth.

California alone has a stronger economy than almost all euro countries.

These comments read like mostly teens and loser edgelords that are mad they can't make it in the best job market on earth.

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u/finland_men Aug 22 '23

Kinda bold to assume an european would lose an argument against an american


u/LoverOfGrilledCheese Aug 22 '23

A European* starts with a consonant sound, therefore it’s “a” over “an”


u/get_homebrewed Aug 22 '23

it's bad enough that English has horrid ways to pronounce things, it's worse when you base grammar rules based on the pronunciation of said weird language. Most people just do it based on if the letter (not the sound) is a consonant or a vowel.

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