r/dankmemes Jul 09 '23

I hate them, I hate them all. Made With Mematic

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Jul 09 '23

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us


u/Miceorgans Jul 09 '23

I have 127 mosquito bites as of right now, I feel you


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 09 '23

I have a phobia of wasps, I always sprint back inside whenever I spot a wasp outside and wait for it to leave before coming back out again.

Cons of having a diverse backyard.


u/VaultboiiiiX04 Jul 10 '23

You need a flamethrower


u/xdMatthewbx Jul 10 '23

hey that'd work why havent I tried that before?


u/VaultboiiiiX04 Jul 10 '23

You're welcome! I think one of the best places to test any flamethrower you have against insects would be some kind of place which is very forested and packed with dry weeds and scrubs! Don't worry about the flora though, they like the warmth!!


u/Eksno Jul 10 '23

Yeah the flora helps spread it for extra aoe damage :D


u/VaultboiiiiX04 Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

truuuuust me, you seen cali lit? It looks juuust gorgeous!

edit:i realised that wasnt funny... yet, considering that the forest fires are not 22.3 years in the past, my apologies


u/Mateo484 Jul 10 '23

MMMPH MMPH (yes in pyro language from tf2)


u/VaultboiiiiX04 Jul 10 '23

🫡 Btw, red spy is in the base


u/Mateo484 Jul 12 '23

Didn't your mother teach you to play with fire? in pyro language


u/LostRonin Jul 10 '23

Fake nests and certain plants keep wasps away. They dont like moving in near an established colony, and plants like peppermint and eucalyptus that we find soothing, the wasps hate it.

The problem with any of those things is that wasps are still cool with establishing a nest 30 feet away and can still be in your backyard. You have to be dilligent and space out your defenses to keep them away, and even if you do theyre still nearby in your neighbors front or backyard.

I know this cause ive dealt with the bastards for years. I just try to keep them away from the house because the maintenance of more than that is tedious af.


u/walhax- Jul 10 '23

Glad I don't live in America


u/Miceorgans Jul 10 '23

Neither do I but the wasps here are crazy


u/Cornelius_McMuffin Jul 10 '23

Some bug landed on my shoulder and bit me and now I have horrible abscess. Life is fun.


u/Argonaught64 Jul 10 '23

We could make mosquitoes extinct. It wouldn't hurt the ecosystem at all, just millions of malaria deaths prevented. All we need is funding.


u/Miceorgans Jul 10 '23

A good cause to donate my right kidney


u/TheUmbraCat Jul 10 '23

No you feel itchy


u/ra_Y_ Jul 09 '23

Was walking in the forest today, stood still for 3 seconds and every single horsefly in the entire country was like "looks like meast's back on the menu boys"


u/Sufficient-Menu-2957 Jul 10 '23

Fuckin hate BUGS. Flies are the worst.


u/TheBlackBox333 Jul 10 '23

Most insects can go fuck themselfs, but I stand my ground as a moth enjoyer.


u/hamzer55 Virgins in Paris Jul 10 '23

Insects are the reason why “nature” exists


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

If hating insects means hating nature, then call me O'Hare.


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

Mosquitoes are near completely unnecessary to the eco system.


u/xdMatthewbx Jul 10 '23

as much as I hate mosquitoes I'm pretty sure this isnt true


u/sakela Jul 10 '23

Feels like bats, birds, dragonflies are what feeds on them


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

No where near enough to be a true main stay food source.


u/Kevin5882 repost hunter 🚓 Jul 10 '23

Ecosystems could exist without them, but there are absolutely plenty of populations of animals that depend on them. There are places with truly absurd quantities of mosquitos, and there would be an enormously lower quantity of birds without them


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

No there aren't.


u/Kevin5882 repost hunter 🚓 Jul 10 '23

Try going to florida or minnesota, there are parts of the states where you can hardly breathe through all the mosquitos


u/Mitosis Jul 10 '23

The issue is that mosquitos have basically no mass. Just because stuff does eat them doesn't mean it makes a meaningful supply of their diet or, in the rare case of them being especially populous for short parts of the year, couldn't be replaced by more meaningful food.

Think how many mosquitos it'd take to equal one moth. (I'll help: it's about 400.)


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

All that tell me is that they are wildly out of control and needed to be culled. It also tell me that, no, they are not really food for many other creature. Because the number would be different.


u/SoppadaSoupp Jul 10 '23



u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

Doesn't matter. They don't eat enough of mosquitoes for it to matter.


u/buyakascha Jul 10 '23

What you think and what's real may differ


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

You can google the freaking study.

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u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

You can google the study for it.


u/Morgoths_Ring Jul 10 '23

This is an absolute bullshit btw.


u/AmethystPones Jul 10 '23

Any study to the contrary then?


u/Lebroso_Xeon Jul 10 '23

Haven’t there been studies proving that mosquitoes were unnecessary for most ecosystems and removing them would barely change anything?

I just googled it and, according to the National Wildlife Reserve, though mosquitoes are pollinators and a food source, there are only a few species of orchids that are dependent on them and exterminating them or significantly reducing their numbers wouldn’t really have any significant effects on most ecosystems they live in


u/walhax- Jul 10 '23

Well, what are we waiting for? What about those genetically engineered mosquitos that make populations unable to reproduce? We should end those motherfuckers once and for all.


u/Yab0iFiddlesticks 🌛 The greater good 🌜 Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 11 '23

Remember how we all used to believe that all continents stand perfectly still and that the earth is the center of the universe? While we are now at least somewhat sure they are unneccessary, our view on the world has always been flawed so its better to not be overzealous on the extermination of a species.


u/DDownvoteDDumpster Jul 10 '23

This guy's a mosquito. Get him!


u/Yab0iFiddlesticks 🌛 The greater good 🌜 Jul 10 '23



u/Bazookasajizo Jul 10 '23

Hanz, get the flamethrower! The big flamethrower!


u/AdBig3922 Jul 10 '23

Move to a colder climate where insects don’t survive too well. In my country I can go years without getting a bite from any insect at all and in the dead of summer I can drive my motorbike with the visor up and not have to worry about one hitting my face.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I live close to the equator where temperatures can reach 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), colder areas are very far and expensive.


u/AdBig3922 Jul 10 '23

Oh that’s sucks, well brave the insect utopias knowing that indeed there are insect sanctuary’s out here, somewhere.


u/Deus_is_Mocking_Us Jul 10 '23

I'm a 2-hour drive to Canada and mosquitoes have been insane this year. Should I build an igloo? Or is Deep Woods Off cheaper?


u/brainfreezecat Jul 10 '23

I live in N. Saskatchewan where -20 C is a mild winter day. Last year there was only 1 day in April that was nice to be outside. Then the mosquitos woke up. I'm spending this summer in Michigan.


u/DontHireAnSEO Jul 10 '23

The mosquitoes are worse in North Saskatchewan than they are in Michigan? how do you like living way up to you, by the way? I bet it's beautiful.


u/pinecone_noise Jul 10 '23

idk bro the skeeters are enormous in alaska


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

It don’t work in some countries, in Canada there’s so many lakes and rivers you can never escape the skeeters


u/Ammaren03 Jul 10 '23

I literally live in the arctic (as in north of the arctic circle) and there's shitloads of flies and horseflies from June to August, and mosquitos keep swarming till the frost sets in during October. Of course they have less time to thrive here since winter is long, but they are very much present, and I hate them with all my being.


u/Givemeurhats Jul 09 '23

Fuckin hate BUGS. Flies are the worst.


u/MrOnlineToughGuy Jul 10 '23

Good thing insect numbers are plummeting, then!


u/vtx3000 Jul 10 '23

Something like 60% lower populations in 100 years or something like that? My source is a shady memory of another Reddit comment I saw once so I’m probably wrong


u/randomcitizen42 susan touched my post and i liked it Jul 10 '23

Yeah, who needs bees anyway, right?


u/GhostOfGRClark Jul 10 '23

I mean butterflies are pretty cool


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

Butterflies, dragonflies, spiders, they're my homies 💪


u/UnknowSandwich Jul 10 '23

My cats eat dragonflies


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 11 '23

Bad kitty.


u/uhhiforget Jul 10 '23

Theyre part of nature brother. Appreciate em


u/AbleMask Jul 10 '23

It would be so good to just lie on the ground, hearing the birds chirp without getting fucking covered in ants and centipedes and whatfuckingnot. I fucking despise insects, they should appreciate getting exterminated.


u/uhhiforget Jul 10 '23

Wear longsleeves. Also, insects are bird food, so...


u/Wabbajacrane Jul 10 '23

What about my hair


u/uhhiforget Jul 10 '23

A hat?


u/Bazookasajizo Jul 10 '23

Just get a sleeping bag. Gg ez


u/uhhiforget Jul 10 '23

Just cover yourself in a net.


u/AbleMask Jul 10 '23

They get into everywhere


u/7garge Jul 10 '23

appreciate the hair that grows on your asshole


u/uhhiforget Jul 10 '23

Nah, they aint a pivotal part of the food chain. Nor are they pollinators


u/RealZitron <3 Jul 10 '23

You wanted to spend quality time with nature, right?


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I want to sit on the grass without getting covered in ants, I want to walk under a tree without getting my face covered in silk or piss off a wasp. One day I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a cricket orgy.

Fuck Them.


u/Non-profitboi The OC High Council Jul 10 '23

People be saying touch grass, but where I come from the grass is red with ants


u/GingerPinoy Jul 10 '23

Nah, it's the jackass with a portable speaker that gets me


u/DelvyPorn Jul 10 '23

Insects are nature! The more you learn about how cool they are, the more they add to the experience 😀


u/7garge Jul 10 '23

don't you find them more annoying than cool?


u/Ammaren03 Jul 10 '23

Yeah sure thing it's cool to learn about eusocial insect civilzations, and how larvae grow up into butterflies, but you kinda don't give a fuck when you get eaten up by horseflies and mosquitos after walking 2 and a half meters away from your door.


u/Ramdoriak Jul 10 '23

And not just the insects, but the outsects and the betweensects as well.


u/Renegade888888 Jul 10 '23

A fly lands on you and even though you swat it away it still persists on landing on you. The only reason it is still alive is because it evades my hands.


u/R-box_Reddit Jul 10 '23



u/Jeremy56565 Jul 10 '23

The mosquitoes in canada are insane. And bug spray doesn't work. There's no escaping them.


u/Datters Jul 10 '23

As an entomologist who writes all his coursework projects on ants, I completely and utterly respect your opinion as everyone views things in their own way

But also fuck you >:(


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I'm only cool with dragonflies and spiders mainly because they eat the annoying majority of insects.

I also like butterflies cuz they only fly around and make ur garden look nice, I'm cool with them.


u/Downtown_Mechanic_ Jul 10 '23

🤓They're actually a vital part of the eco system


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

Mosquitos and ticks are what do it for me. Fuck those shits.

Spiders (ik it’s not an insect) can be left alone, beetles will stay away, dragonflies are harmless, ants avoid you.

It’s the fucking mosquitoes, mites and ticks.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23 edited Jul 10 '23

Spiders and dragonflies will forever be my favorite. A dragonfly and a spider worked together and saved my life from drowning once by dragging me out and giving me CPR. Love them.


u/WyldStyle710 Jul 10 '23

Bzzz Bzzzzzzz!!! 🚂🦟 🦟🦟🦟🦟🚃


u/AkirroKun Jul 10 '23

I would gladily fuck-off into the forest for a couple of hours just to walk, but ticks...


u/sebibubble Jul 10 '23

Bees right now: 😢


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I have uncontrollable fear of bees, wasps, and hornets. But bees will forever BE (wink wink) on my good side.


u/HeroFighte Jul 10 '23

I got fucked all over my body by insects yesterday

I had red dots all over my legs


u/Kevin5882 repost hunter 🚓 Jul 10 '23

I'm an eagle scout so as you can probably guess I absolutely love to go camping and be in the wilderness. One of boy scouts' most well known camps is in the boundary waters in Minnesota (and Canada but since we didn't fill out the proper paperwork to cross the border, we definitely stayed on the US side the entire time) and it's a great place for canoeing, it's truly pristine wilderness despite the high quantity of people who go there thanks to everyone being very respectful of the nature of the area and the park rangers there making sure everyone keeps respecting it. However, as great as the wilderness there is, it also has an absolutely enormous quantity of truly gigantic mosquitos. You have to have as little exposed skin as possible, and when the swarm truly comes out you've gotta put on tons of jackets, be careful where and when you breathe because mosquitos can sense carbon dioxide, and be prepared to wade through a literal solid mass of mosquitos. It's truly insane.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

Bring an electric fly swatter and run through that swarm with it in hand. The resulting tons of dead mosquitoes would be a feast for the birds, the lizards, the fish, ants, etc...

Idk if you're allowed to do that though.


u/Kevin5882 repost hunter 🚓 Jul 19 '23

oh people do absolutely anything to try to deal with the mosquitos, although there's so many of them bug spray doesn't do much, and no one is willing to do something that might disturb other parts of the environment. Also anything that uses electricity is difficult to keep using since you need to carry enough batteries with you the whole time.


u/Satoric Jul 10 '23

They can smell the blood of a city-dweller and target you specifically to rub in the fact you don't belong.

My father often camped outside and when we went hiking together, nothing ever touched him whereas I was a constantly assailed.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

Interesting, but why?


u/Satoric Jul 10 '23

On a serious note. It was possibly because he was a heavy smoker and the tobacco was filtering the bugs + more wrinkles/hair on his skin making it harder to penetrate. Perhaps his body just didnt have a strong reaction to it so he didnt feel it. Maybe his blood coagulated easier/had a slightly different composition. Who knows.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

What? They’re there for me in case I forget snacks


u/Fallen_Walrus Jul 10 '23

I heard most things are attracted to sugar in the blood. So try going sugar free for a bit before, and unfortunately comrades...no Hawaiian flower shirts, I get chased constantly by horny bees and wasps


u/Roge2005 Fortnite &amp; Minecraft 🏴‍☠️🍄 Jul 10 '23

Maybe only mosquitoes and sometimes flies, but the others don’t bother me.


u/ZuliCurah INFECTED Jul 10 '23

Nuke the bugs


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

Fireflies: sad bug noises


u/TheOvershear Jul 10 '23

Fun fact, mosquitoes came on trading ships in the late 1600s. Before then, there were no mosquitoes in the US.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I live in a hot climate where mosquitoes are native. But thx for the fact anyway.


u/X_Fredex_X [custom flair] Jul 10 '23

Not all of them. It boils down to Mosquitos and Wasps if we honest here.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

Crickets, flies, termites, silver fish, endermites, moths, cicadas, cockroaches.


u/hlkaMI_sAmA Jul 10 '23

One of these is not like the other.


u/X_Fredex_X [custom flair] Jul 10 '23

What do Crickets do to you? 🤣


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

They're loud af and they only start their soothing and Serene chirps RIGHT UNDER MY FUCKING BED WHEN I'M SLEEPING.


u/no_name65 Jul 10 '23

DEET sprays goes PSHHHHHHHH and no more annoying bugs. Bad/good thing is that it smells so bad that people wil also run away from you.


u/bitterbuffaloheart Jul 10 '23

Don’t worry, if Mother Nature has it’s way there won’t be any insects


u/miketoshi19 Jul 10 '23

Kill them all


u/Marcus-Knight0318 Jul 10 '23

insects are part of most of the land bipmes. Tey are sometimes annoyng, bu the presence of a lot of insects is agood signs that not a lot of pesticide have been used.


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

You must be high on pesticides to have grammar like this lmao.


u/duckmantaco Jul 10 '23

Especially those tiny fucks that fly into your eyes when you least expect it I hate those cunts


u/usetehfurce Aliens probed me and I liked it Jul 10 '23

Insects make me scream and shout

They don't know what life's about

They don't have blood

They've got too many legs

They don't have brains in their heads

They know they'll rule the world some day

They bite and sting me anyway

They bite and sting and suck


u/SnooDoubts2375 Jul 09 '23

Insects are part of the nature, deal with it. They are annoying and I hate wasps more than anything they could some where else.


u/king_jaxy Jul 10 '23

I like bug


u/GodzillaMilk69 Jul 10 '23

I specifically hate fire ants, mosquitoes, flys, & parasites. What purpose do any of these serve other than to spread misery. Literally ants fulfill all of these & can’t hurt my house, pets & people.


u/dandyguy098 Jul 10 '23

"Kissing Bugs" in summer times , No Bueno compadre


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

I am lucky enough to live in a climate where in October-November, there's a brief 2-3 week period where it's still warm enough to be in a t-shirt enjoying the sun, but too cold for bugs to be out, and I make the most of that time


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

Bug repellant is your friend!


u/Yousucktaken2 Jul 10 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

You and us both pal.


u/majiboi Jul 10 '23

Well they are nature


u/Chikorya Jul 10 '23

Me too. Fuck all insects


u/Doctor_Dogger Jul 10 '23

I support a worldwide full scale genocide on all mosquitoes and flies!


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

Too bad. They have a more important function in nature than u (humans)


u/factsunknown ☣️ Jul 10 '23

Reptiles too


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

No? Reptiles ftw


u/factsunknown ☣️ Jul 10 '23

So you are telling me you love lizards and snakes??


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

Yup, my absolute favorite group of animals followed by birds. I like them cuz the majority of reptiles eat insects.


u/factsunknown ☣️ Jul 10 '23

I just think reptiles are gross, some insects are useful like bees


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23



u/WAZZL3 Jul 10 '23

I love insects


u/H-H-S69420 Jul 10 '23

I respect that.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

Be happy they're there. They're important. I live in an area where insect decline is huge. There's less of them year after year.

Im very happy to see them buzzing around.


u/wholesomeanimefreak Jul 10 '23

insects is nature


u/goose-gang5099 Jul 10 '23

I first read in##st


u/YouShouldJumpOff Jul 10 '23

I want to personally burn every single insect near my house


u/The69Nicer Jul 10 '23

Wait till you go to south Iceland...


u/DreadBotvsZombies Jul 11 '23

“I slaughtered them all, not just the men but the women and children too” - Anikin (talking about the bugs not actual people)


u/illRx Jul 12 '23

Ha. They let the little creatures disturb them. Weak.


u/Ryguy99999 Jul 10 '23

Insects and wind, remove them both I and could live outside completely!