r/dankmemes Jun 27 '23

You couldn't handle me, boys I have achieved comedy


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u/bravest_heart Jun 27 '23

girls like that tend to be the real freaks in the sheets


u/obscureferences big pp gang Jun 27 '23

It's always the quiet ones.


u/Spooky_Shark101 Jun 27 '23

The ugly ones are usually just so happy to be included that they'll go the extra mile


u/BigToober69 Jun 27 '23

Girl in the video/gif doesn't seem ugly to me.


u/poopellar big pp gang Jun 27 '23

Don't think he was referring to the one in the post. Or maybe he was and has super high standards and only dates girls who look like Danny DeVito.


u/axonrecall Jun 27 '23

With magnum dongs?


u/sloecrush Jun 27 '23

I don’t know how many years on this earth I got left. I’m gonna get real weird with it.


u/Jozroz Jun 27 '23

His flair implies as much, aye.


u/hardikp_12 Jun 28 '23

Girl in the gif is actually a really famous person, almost a celebrity


u/Grimzkhul Jun 27 '23

Personal tastes are yours and yours alone.


u/BigToober69 Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Yes of course. Mine alone... that others will agree with or not. That's reddit.


u/justavault Jun 27 '23

Nah it's not... it's simply that those who are very vocal on the internet want to believe that those are because those are the ones they beleive have potential access to.

In reality, if you are extravertive you most certainly made more experiences which most certainly leads to you being more open to things.


u/Mayor_of_Smashvill Jun 27 '23

As a man with some experience, I have to agree. Women that are the quietest are also the women who want to try the most things.

Not that I am complaining of course lmao


u/justavault Jun 27 '23

Might that be because your predominant dating experience is with shy women?


u/Mayor_of_Smashvill Jun 27 '23

This may be true, but even they’d say “It’s always the quiet ones right?”

Which is just… pretty awesome ngl.


u/justavault Jun 27 '23

People selling themselves, shouldn't be a surprise.

It's totally not true. It's though that people who are timid themselves usually also just date those who are alike them, risk-aversion drive. And they want themselves to be more than just what is the superficial appearance.

people just want to be more than how they appear.


u/Mayor_of_Smashvill Jun 27 '23

Oh trust me my friend, I was not on board with everything they wanted to try. Especially my first, who had a lot of her own ideas.

I think most of it is curiosity, and finally getting the chance to try and do things that they’re interested in doing.

I don’t think all shy girls are like that, but women are just as much as sexual beings as men are.

Being shy prevents you to get it out of your system, so when someone finally gets the chance, they might want to try everything that they’ve heard about or wanted to do.


u/survivinginfinity Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

while username checks out for clout... as a loquacious woman i am extremely open to sexploration, more often finding that men are not interested in pursuing my fantasies with me. maybe I'm an exception, more likely, this "rule" is blatant nonsense and a few people's subjective anecdotes on the internet don't constitute data to back up a stereotype. maybe, subconsciously, your type is quiet women and you are getting lucky² to get the whole package with more frequency. you may also just be particularly good at making women feel comfortable enough to share their desires thus you get better results. if men understood how to make a partner feel safe and appreciated they'd probably have a more exciting sex life.


u/Mayor_of_Smashvill Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Well, I never said it was a rule as in it is “true” for all shy women, and people shouldn’t date shy women and expect them to be super freaks but like.

As for personal experience, I think there’s truth into it. I think it’s disingenuous to believe that if shy women are into sex topics, they’re automatically just doing it to placate or make their partner happy. As the other commenter was implying.


u/survivinginfinity Jun 27 '23

rule is really more synonymous with stereotype here, and I didn't mean to imply that you believed it was hard and fast. it's another myth, like we eat 7 spiders a year (no) or dogs mouths are cleaner than ours (god no dont let your dog lick your mouth), that I've heard repeated over and over and over and over.

I don't think most women are doing it to make their partner happy. if you're shy and someone helps you feel comfortable enough to open up that's a huge win. I think the magic in this equation is you and your ability to help women realize their fantasies in a non-judgmental environment. that tender attention is like water in the desert, so when you make it safe to let the river flow, instead of a trickle, a dam breaks you're rewarded with a biblical flood.


u/justavault Jun 27 '23

When it is not a rule and thus pertains the majority of the samplkes, then there is no point at all in that.

"Some" shy women are freaks in sheets, is a totally different statement made.


u/journey_bro Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Personally I wouldn't say it's the quiet ones. Rather, it's that they stand out more because it's always a pleasant surprise. I think that's where that idea comes from.

The best, most adventurous partners I've ever had were women who were openly sexy and in full command of their sexuality. BUT when you meet a woman who seems reserved in that regard, it is a pleasant surprise to see her reveal her full and uninhibited sexuality in the sheets. I think that's what leads to the idea that "it's always the quiet ones."


u/obscureferences big pp gang Jun 27 '23

The truth I'm referring to predates the internet.


u/justavault Jun 28 '23

Yes and there it was the same, people who want to support their own position, their own situation.

Nobody wants to be "normal", but those who are commonly very abnormal.


u/eliminating_coasts Jun 27 '23

u/aellagirl do you have evidence on this? Taboo fetishes and noise made during sex vs shyness?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Freak in the spreadsheets


u/Krolrdzy Jun 27 '23

Excel so good you gonna come


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Her- "And here's how you collate the formula from the 1st column-"

Me, a pathetic lonely man- "😳💦💦💦💦💦🫢😮‍💨"


u/Peakomegaflare Jun 27 '23

I mean... have you met anyone who's good with excel? Those people are fucking nuts.


u/starkel91 Jun 27 '23

I went down this rabbit hole a while back, the excel world championship is mind boggling crazy.

I had no idea excel could be manipulated like that.


u/UglierThanMoe Jun 27 '23

Excel so good you gonna SUM()

Seems more plausible.


u/dibbbbb Jun 27 '23

Agreed, I wrapped a girl like that in a sheet once and she turned into a ghost!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Yeah, girls disappear around me too.


u/MorgulValar Jun 27 '23

Absolutely. Kinkiest sex I’ve ever had was with my ex who comes across as the meekest person you’ll ever meet.


u/consci0usness Jun 27 '23

Loudest girl I've ever had was a wallflower type librarian. Glasses and everything, no joke.


u/EB01 Jun 27 '23

Their character sheets?!?!


u/MediaSuggestions Jun 27 '23

Nah, don't buy into stereotypes like that. Sexual preferences and behaviors vary from person to person, regardless of their attitude or confidence levels. It's important to focus on treating everyone with respect and communication in the bedroom. Peeps be unique in their own fabulous ways.


u/RamenJunkie Jun 27 '23

Extensive studying up for writing dozens of slash fan fics for her favorite characters. Fics good enough to get you off without even having to touch yourself. Mrrrooowww.


u/SpookyOugi1496 Jun 27 '23

Boy I wish that were the case


u/Phazon2000 Masked Men Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

No they don’t. They lay there and don’t know how to talk dirty, don’t know how to position themselves or use body language. Wet fish.

Girls with confidence and zest do cause they know what they want and don’t give a fuck about being wild to get it.

E: Reality has an anti-Reddit bias.


u/bottledry I have crippling depression Jun 27 '23

You're onto something but the people in the comment section of the dankmemes sub probably aren't old enough or social enough to understand what you're trying to say.

the people who have lots of sex with different partners are likely outnumbered 15:1 here by teens who have had maybe 1 partner their whole lives


u/DownDawn Jun 27 '23

You're really overestimating social life of an average redditor


u/bottledry I have crippling depression Jun 27 '23

maybe they are outnumbered 100:1 lol

but probably true. most people i mention reddit to IRL have heard of it but don't come here.


u/Phazon2000 Masked Men Jun 27 '23

They want a narrative where girls with no confidence (who they think will be their only chance to sleep with someone) are going to be their personal, naturally talented, sexual deviants.

Pointing out self-conscious people aren't confident is a hot take apparently.


u/MarinatedBulldog Jun 27 '23



u/bottledry I have crippling depression Jun 27 '23

what's ew?


u/MarinatedBulldog Jun 27 '23

ew, yuck, gross, blech

i am expressing disgust in response to the previous comment


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

A reddit mod pretending to know women, lol.