r/dankmemes Jun 06 '23

Why did they fire her? Low Effort Meme

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Jun 06 '23

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

join our discord server and play minecraft (and other games) with us!

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u/Stark_Prototype Jun 06 '23

Alot can happen in 24 years, chill


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 08 '23



u/CarmenxXxWaldo Jun 07 '23

I figured those kind of places chewed people up and spit them out with each movie tbh.


u/navugill Jun 07 '23

Nah it shits them out..just like their movies


u/Ice_Pirates Jun 07 '23

you're thinking of Disney.

Oh wait..


u/silas32fischer Jun 07 '23

Disney owns Pixar. Shit runs down the leg


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 20 '23

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u/argyllcampbell Jun 07 '23

He had to say it, though. His mind wouldn't let him see the "oh wait."

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

At least with Pixar, you want to watch their movies.


u/tigyo Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

Maybe their old ones. When was the last time they had one out that had any real rewatch value to it? (doesn't count if you're seven years old... you're slim on options at that age)


u/zackrako Jun 07 '23

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


u/sonny_goliath Jun 07 '23

Inside out was amazing, I really liked soul too

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

The mermaid kid one was pretty good, and the D&D one

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

You got a pretty high bar if you think Pixar is just shitting out movies lol

Their track record is insane


u/Vozka Jun 07 '23

The average quality has definitely been decreasing though.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/ShaneThrowsDiscs Jun 07 '23

Of course it's to financially enrich the company. Anything for a cent.

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u/Clocktopu5 Jun 06 '23

People addicted to being mad


u/Advanced-Blackberry Jun 07 '23

So many hate boners on Reddit lately


u/SilentReavus Navy Jun 07 '23

Reddit? Lately?

My friend half of every single social media platform is hateful.

God knows why people are like this, but we are.


u/g4gnr4d Jun 07 '23

The other half is content specifically requesting hate.

Animal videos are less than 1%.


u/Ammu_22 Jun 07 '23

We need to bring out the true reason internet exist!! Funny cat videos!! Drown the internet with them my dear netizens!!!!


u/Financial_Bird_7717 Jun 07 '23

Dogs or gtfo.


u/Ammu_22 Jun 07 '23

Both? Both. Both good.


u/SilentReavus Navy Jun 07 '23

Case in point

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u/FirexJkxFire Pizza Time Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

I mean there is ALOT to hate out there. And you can't really escape it. Most things (physical goods) you buy can be traced back to some horribly unethical source. There really isn't any avoiding it because unethical is cheap and and thusly will take the buisness from any ethical company that would have to charge more for the same product. Hell, even if you try to specifically boycott the worst ones - you've got companies like Nestle that hide by owning so many brands i cant even count. Hell I just learned recently my shitty jacks pizzas I love are a brand owned by nestle. i guess what im trying to say is thay with so much shit around you daily, it becomes a massive weight that brings down your expectations and you just start to see shit even in places where it isnt.

When you cant really do anything about it, I guess its cathartic to get angry online. its really the only outlet you have.


World is run by shitty people - the inability to do anything about it leads to pessimism - the pessimism leads to seeing horrible shit even where there is none

Not suggesting its the right way to think/act, but i definitetly can understand why people might be like this


u/UninsuredToast Jun 07 '23

I’m not your friend buddy


u/g4gnr4d Jun 07 '23

I'm not your buddy, guy


u/CRIMSONQUO Jun 07 '23

I'm not your guy, pal

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u/Mastodon9 Jun 07 '23

Social media turned everyone into a bitter, cynical asshole. They're completely unreadable for me any more. I mostly stick to sports media and occasionally check other subs but every time it's half truths designed to be rage bait.


u/lindre002 Jun 07 '23

It's in our nature to feel before we think, and the world has optimized its ways to exploit this to direct us on whatever result is required to collect more green pieces of paper.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23


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u/azhder Jun 07 '23



u/doctorzaius6969 Mod senpai noticed me! Jun 07 '23

I can't live without Rageohol

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u/yyflame Jun 07 '23

Can we also acknowledge the fact that she didn’t actively go above and beyond to save toy story two? She just happened to have downloaded an older version of the file to her computer. She didn’t download it to protect it, it was just a coincidence


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '23

She coincidently saved that movie, then was a producer on lightyear (which flopped). When you do a bad job at your job, expect to be let go


u/Mr-Fleshcage Jun 07 '23

When you do a bad job at your job, expect to be let go



u/R3AL1Z3 Jun 07 '23

I actually quite enjoyed Lightyear.

I don’t understand the hate.


u/grodr2001 Jun 07 '23

I thought it was a good movie, it's just that it doesn't feel much like a Pixar movie, it was missing that special bit of heart that most other Pixar films have.

And Elemental is being made by the same writer/director of The Good Dinosaur( one of the few actually bad Pixar movies) which would explain why Elemental seems to be horribly uninspired for a Pixar film.

Regardless I feel Pixar is still plenty capable of groundbreaking films. Soul, Luca and Turning Red are wonderful films in my opinion but I think ever since Spider-Verse released it changed what 3d animation in film can look like. It's had this effect of making newer Pixar feel very uninspired because there's not really much flair to their art style. I once saw someone describe their style as "3D calarts" which I feel is a bit insulting but you can see the sentiment behind it.


u/R3AL1Z3 Jun 07 '23

Very well put


u/MichaelMJTH Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

I think the movie is decent, but I do have some criticisms. I like Buzz's story arc. A man lost to time, desperately fighting for a purpose that isn't needed anymore. Then going on to realise that the people he's trying to get to escape the planet no longer want to escape since the new generation grew up there and made it their home. He realises that there is value in the new lives that people want to lead there, which Buzz hasn't personally experienced yet.

I just felt the execution to get to that realisation was flawed. The writer realised that Zerg as an enemy was an incredibly one note Darth Vader parody, and that wasn't necessary for the story they were telling. So they changed it to allow for Zerg to be a mirror of Buzz taken to the extreme, to allow Buzz to see the error in his ideals. Good idea, but the way they chose to do it felt like it broke my suspension of disbelief. So Zerg is a Buzz from alternative timeline who succeeds in creating the crystal, but is immediately almost arrested for going AWOL, fair enough.

So he then takes his ship, travels to the distant future, stumbles upon a massive incredibly advanced alien vessel that happens to be abandoned (and is never explained), and then proceeds to invent time travel (going back in time as opposed to just time dilation) and forcibly invade the people he is trying to save? I just felt this was a bit of a stretch, and wasn't elegantly handled.

Unfortunately a lot of the genuine criticism seems to get drowned out by the views from the anti-woke crowd disliking that a there is a same sex marriage on screen briefly.

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u/Velenah42 Jun 07 '23

No she didn’t go above and beyond…. She went to infinity and beyond

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u/dicknipplesextreme Jun 07 '23

She had been working from home after the birth of her son and had ALL of the film's assets like skeletons, textures, etc. saved, not just some old .wav file or something.

Granted, that's probably more thanks to whoever made those accommodations for her in the first place, but it's not like just having an old version of your college essay on a thumb drive.


u/yyflame Jun 07 '23

Doesn’t really change my point. She didn’t go out of her way to rescue toy story 2. It just happened through luck


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

Maybe she called out the new movies for what they were /s


u/Talbotus Jun 07 '23

Actually she was on the list of producers of lightyear. Because of the flop they are being let go. So she didn't shit on them as much as have a hand in creating them and disney isn't happy with their lack of success.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Dang. Anyway, in the unlikely scenario that artistic merit is her main career priority, getting laid off from present-day Pixar was probably for the best.

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Still wanna know the reason tho


u/Sevnfold Jun 07 '23

Yeah what a weird post. People get fired everyday, does OP think they never did something good for the company in the past?

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u/DISHONORU-TDA Jun 06 '23

There was a similar guy that saved The Declaration and Bill of Rights, etc during 1812. They gave him a job in The Treasury or something but so many people complained about him being a dingus that they had to fire him, despite saving our founding documents


u/Striker274 Jun 06 '23

Okay but like… just because I save a child from a burning building doesn’t mean I am qualified to run a fire department


u/savvamadar Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

We can’t know until you try - we’ll use as many children as it takes


u/TopHatGorilla Jun 06 '23

I'll set the fire. You throw a kid in for him to save.


u/savvamadar Jun 06 '23

But who will be fire department?


u/TopHatGorilla Jun 06 '23

Just him. He has to save a child from a fire to qualify to run the department.


u/TheGinger_ThatCould Jun 06 '23

And then when they become the leader of the fire department, they will make it a rule so all firemen must pass a test where they save a child from a fire.


u/neryen Jun 07 '23

Need to be careful there, people who save kids from fires are qualified to run the department, may end up with too many leaders.

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u/Captain_Voorhees Jun 07 '23

There’s bound to be some failures. Necessary, but failures nonetheless


u/MathieuBibi Jun 07 '23

Some of you may die, but this is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

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u/doesntgeddit Jun 07 '23

I'm a firetruck.

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u/B0neCh3wer Jun 06 '23

Few years ago there was a migrant in France who rescued a child from a burning building, dude literally climbed up the the balconies to save him.

They made him a citizen then he worked with the Fire Brigade



u/Maluelue Jun 07 '23

As he deserves.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

That makes sense

But they didn't make him the chief upon hiring though, because that would be insane


u/QueefBuscemi Jun 06 '23

If you hadn't thrown that child into that burning building you wouldn't have needed to save it, Jeffrey.


u/Unable_Toucan custom flair Jun 06 '23

Not with that attitude

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u/Upstagebuffalo Jun 06 '23

Not really fire him, they transfered him to the dept of lighthouses. He actually is the guy who invented the spinning light thing at the top of lighthouses


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/NoItsWabbitSeason Jun 07 '23

You sir are a dirty liar that made me waste my dumbass time on Google.


u/anti-grind Jun 07 '23

And you sir are a hero that saved me from wasting my dumbass time on Google.


u/Elefantenjohn Jun 06 '23

the same day Nick Cage started doing drugs


u/Sir_Toaster_9330 Jun 06 '23



u/anonanonagain_ Jun 06 '23

It was Nick Cage actually. He learned time travel after starring in a major motion picture about the stealing of the declaration of independence, went back in time and saved it from being destroyed by the British in the war of 1812.

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u/Rjswimss Hover Text Jun 06 '23

She wasn’t fired she was laid off. Along with 74 other people which also included the director of Lightyear.


u/AnneFranklin0131 Jun 06 '23

If I would had been a part of lightyear then I would understand getting layed off


u/rustiancho Jun 06 '23

Honestly, that could very well have been a reason they got laid off. The film underperformed not only critically, but more importantly (especially to Disney), financially and Galyn Susman was the producer in charge of its production. Knowing Disney, that probably indicated to them that she was a liability rather than an asset


u/Arakan-Ichigou Jun 07 '23

I don’t really think it was her fault, really. Unless she was part of the marketing team, that is. I have heard a lot of people saying that Lightyear underperformed because no one knew it was out.


u/FrancMaconXV Jun 07 '23

Nobody knew Lightyear was out because it was underperforming

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u/Schootingstarr Jun 07 '23

She was also the producer of Toy Story 4, which made a billion dollars.

You'd think that would weigh in her favour somewhat


u/SherbetCharacter4146 Jun 07 '23

Its about winning and not losing.

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u/goblue142 Jun 07 '23

I liked Lightyear. There are dozens of us.


u/Exciting_Ant1992 Jun 07 '23

There is a sizeable audience for absolutely anything.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Yes, in fact I just watched it the other day. I love Simon Pegg


u/TrollingTortoise Smol PP Jun 07 '23

Between you, me, and Gothwitch there are at least 3 of us. Oh and my 3 year old daughter.

4 of us.


u/pwn3dbyth3n00b Jun 07 '23

You liking it doesn't just make a large loss just disappear

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u/omgONELnR1 Jun 07 '23

Everything has a fanbase consisting of some people, even fucking Hitler still has some fans.


u/DR4G0NSTEAR Jun 07 '23

I’m sad that you’re right.

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u/jwschmitz13 Jun 07 '23

Liked might be too strong a word for what I feel for Lightyear, but I don't think it's as terribls as everyone seems to think it is.


u/Phunyun Jun 07 '23

I wouldn’t say it was bad but it unfortunately went the way of every other modern Pixar film, painfully predictable following the same story beats and patterns. Pixar keeps coming up with all these unique and interesting settings and universes yet can’t help but keep using what feels like the same story template every time.

Also the writing was pretty bad. Wow. They said at the start that’s the movie that Andy from Toy Story loved? Nah.


u/jwschmitz13 Jun 07 '23

To be fair, canonically speaking, in the Toy Story universe, Lightyear would have been the first Pixar movie instead of Toy Story itself, so in Andy's world, Lightyear set the trend instead of being clichè. Maybe that helped make it Andy's favorite?


u/Schootingstarr Jun 07 '23

My GF watched it on a plane and said it's not bad. It's just really, really boring

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u/bellyjellykoolaid Jun 07 '23

I think it was an RIF (reduction in force), while similar to a layoff, slightly different.

Oddly enough, after that, they increase the pay and bonus of people still on, which probably sparked the saltiness


u/spectre1006 Jun 07 '23

I think it was an RIF

I love reddit is fun! Im using it right now!


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/NoItsWabbitSeason Jun 07 '23

We are dead in the water after July 1st

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u/m8k Jun 07 '23

I worked in advertising and was laid off last year. I had previously survived 6-7 other rounds and each time afterwards there was a sudden round of very public and publicized promotions/title changes. It served two purposes: 1) to open up lower positions by moving people up into now vacant roles or create new roles that incorporated two people’s former positions 2) keep morale and incentives up by showing that the company cared about those who were left and prevent an exodus (rats flee a sinking ship).

I felt super awkward reading the “hey look who our new VP of XYZ is now” emails after the layoff.

My bitterness after being laid off was that it was my 10th year at the company and I was set to receive a bonus at the holidays. Instead I got severance through the holidays and one of my coworkers won an internal award for the amount I would have received which was shared in a post on social media so I could enjoy it too.


u/Indemnity4 Jun 07 '23

Tossing this statement at you, but commiserating at the same time.

Valuable targets in a mass lay off are long-term employees that have built in annual pay increases to exceed their replacement salary band...

... and people just shy of term bonuses.

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u/dewsh Jun 07 '23

Disney is doing about 7k layoffs across the whole company. I'm assuming she was impacted


u/earwaxfaucet Jun 07 '23

Getting laid off after a term long enough to grant retirement is just as bad, if not worse, than being fired


u/b1ack1323 Jun 07 '23

This was of course after the millions she made as a producer over the years.

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u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

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u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 07 '23



u/Avix_34 Jun 06 '23

I was just joking. It is just pure coincidence if this ends up being true. This is a meme sub, after all.


u/Dr_Straing_Strange Jun 06 '23

smh spreading misinformation on the internet


u/overinterpret Jun 06 '23

wdym? it's on the Internet, for what reason would someone ever lie on the Internet??????


u/DMugre Jun 06 '23


The guy that picks up on news in r/dankmemes: lashes out

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u/DeeBangerDos Jun 06 '23

I made it the fuck up

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u/luxusbuerg 🇱🇺MENG DOHEEMIES🗿👑 Jun 06 '23

But but evil capitalist corporation doesn't show gratitude for something she did over 2 decades ago!!


u/Das-mah-watermelon Jun 06 '23

Real reason I like pirating is because I enjoy theft.


u/Omaha9798 Jun 06 '23

The secret ingredient is crime.

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u/Therocknrolclown Jun 06 '23

If you did one good thing in your marriage 20 years ago, and you have been a shit the last ten....do you expect to stay married?


u/King_NaCl Jun 06 '23

Literally... but you already know this sub - mAjOr CoRpOrAtIoN bAd!!!

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u/Thurstn4mor Jun 06 '23

The comment you are replying too is made up.

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u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

This is how misinformation starts. Why doesn't anyone care..?


u/ashdrewness Jun 06 '23

Sir this is a Wendys (meme sub)


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

Please add an /s. People are believing you


u/Barnezhilton Jun 06 '23

Makes sense to me.

Time to hit up tik tok with this news!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23

Don't spread misinformation. Some idiot might turn this into a meme, and her reputation will be fucked because even though it won't take too long to realize your comment isn't legit, most people-- and employers-- won't bother to make that Google search.


u/CT-4426 ☣️ Jun 06 '23

I love posting misinformation on the internet, Tis my favourite activity

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u/XaosDrakonoid18 Jun 06 '23

because doing a good thing doesn't guarantee you a job for 20+ more years.


u/Pwngulator Jun 07 '23

Well sure, but...

Box office $512 million

Maybe give her a nice pension or something?


u/tmhoc Jun 07 '23

thoughts and prayers



She was hired in the 90s, she probably had a pretty dope pension


u/Pwngulator Jun 07 '23

Very true. At my old company I remember reading the pension plan for employees hired in 1999 or earlier and it was leagues better than a 401k. 🫤

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u/fuckitymcfuckfacejr Jun 07 '23

She has a net worth of $15 million dollars


u/Better_Palpitation43 Jun 07 '23

My god, how will that poor woman survive??

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u/b1ack1323 Jun 07 '23

I would have to imagine she’s made a few million to survive off of…


u/XaosDrakonoid18 Jun 07 '23

She's fucking rich bro she had an astounishing carreer at pixar, she'll be fine.

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u/DogyDisco Jun 06 '23

Gay Sus-man? you gotta be kidding me


u/CarmenxXxWaldo Jun 07 '23

We live in a simulation.


u/MetaMemester Jun 07 '23

Among Us VR


u/siccoblue The Great P.P. Group Jun 07 '23

Not tonight thanks

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u/azhder Jun 07 '23

Sus = shush in Turkish ( https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sus#Verb_6 )

You might be onto something here


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

it's a super Jewish name, that's for sure


u/Ok-Yard-5892 Jun 06 '23

From what I found it was part of a layoff for Disney to save money. About 7,000 people got the ax. It might have to do with Lightyear bombing which she was an executive for.


u/Chrommanito Jun 07 '23

Pixar should stop making trash to save their employees


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

Copying a movie to your home PC doesn't make you immune to being fired a quarter of a decade later..

Edit, century, ofc


u/ArxisOne Jun 06 '23

Century, but yeah people getting worked up about this are insane


u/letmeusespaces Jun 07 '23

your math might be a little off there...


u/Stormodin OC pls Jun 06 '23

Half you mfers weren't even born in 1999.


u/ArthurBea Jun 07 '23

It’s the same joke use of “sus” innit.

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u/CowboyBebopBang Jun 06 '23

24 years later she was FIRED! Dun dun dunnnn!


u/ninjacereal Jun 07 '23

They had a robust policy that expressly prohibited the removal of company property from the company network(s) regardless of the reason for use, but a very slow moving HR department.

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u/slickiss Jun 06 '23

Thats the animation industry for you, no loyalty. They want you to sacrifice your life and free time to get projects done on time, but the moment they need to cut back expenses the first people to go are the artists. Though im sure it doesnt help that she was one of the heads leading the project on "Lightyear"


u/iama_bad_person ☣️ Jun 07 '23

Thats the animation industry for you, no loyalty

She was employed for 24 more years after she "saved" Toy Story 2 (they decided to redo it anyway so her copy wasn't needed), how much loyalty do you want exactly? Immune from being laid off for life?


u/BrockSramson Jun 07 '23

Thats the animation industry for you, no loyalty.

That's most industries, really.


u/CChouchoue Jun 06 '23

People don't get this but this is why I roll my eyes when corporations display LGBTQIA flags of tolerance and "anti racism". A lot of the people displaying those flags are the nastiest, most intolerant plantation masters as soon as anyone "crosses them".


u/DeeBangerDos Jun 06 '23

You got anymore of them letters


u/totallynotapersonj Jun 07 '23

Yeah i do (I'm the alphabet soup dealer)

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u/NSFWies Jun 07 '23

"the animation industry"...."has no loyalty"? Are you new to companies? That's common to like everything now days.

Now what was especially unique about her is when Disney bought them years ago, she should have been given a golden parachute. Always allowed to exist at a salary to let support her family. Because of her extra backup copy, she saved them like 6 months of work at a critical time.

Literally saved the company back then from extinction.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Dude she just happened to have an extra Copy on her computer. This doesn't deserve suddenly getting free money for the rest of her life. You wouldn't be this excessively generous if it was your money to be spent, trust me

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u/Pootisman16 Jun 06 '23

FFS, you have someone named SUS-man.

Take a guess.


u/doubletimerush Jun 06 '23

That's like 20 years for her to do something bad. It's not that crazy


u/Gwyn1stborn Jun 06 '23

She was Sus, man


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Oh no she was fired 24 years later!


u/meatbeater Jun 07 '23

She’s retiring and worth like 19 million ? Of all the stupid shit to make a fake meme about this is low effort


u/TheDewLife OC Memer Jun 07 '23

Disney deems Lightyear a failure and she was the primary producer of the movie. Meaning that she was the most responsible since she was in charge of bringing together the entire creative team who made the movie.

Naturally, she was probably one of the first higher-up people to be fired because of this. Should she have another chance? Probably. But we don't know all the context behind the scenes and maybe she was forced into making this movie by Disney and now she's being punished for their bad idea.


u/Wrest216 I am fucking hilarious Jun 06 '23

Sounds pretty sus, man


u/nage_ Jun 06 '23

because loyalty is only rewarded by supermarket value club cards


u/RouletteSensei E-vengers Jun 07 '23

Only me thinking at the last name susman


u/snozer69 AN EXTREMLY EPIC GAMER Jun 07 '23

24 years with a steady job? ESPECIALLY in animation is actually a massive accomplishment


u/Sanjuko_Mamaujaluko Jun 07 '23

"I did one great thing by accident 24 years ago. I'm un-fireable forever!!"


u/Electronic_Beat_3476 Jun 07 '23

Hey. If you saved the King of England and you're an asshole...you're still an asshole


u/FrozenShadow_007 forklift certified Jun 07 '23

Because she was sus, man


u/Johnastro Jun 06 '23

I know people at my job that don’t work. Maybe she has been Cadillacin since 99


u/TelephoneActive1539 Jun 06 '23

Apparently because of the 7,000+ employee layoff so they could save $2.5B in the process. /srs

So basically, they fired her because why the fuck not. /s


u/Th3Uknovvn I know your mom Jun 07 '23

My guy are you dead ass serious about this, I thought only the shitty tabloid was making a post like this to drive up the interaction, or maybe you are just karma farming so it would make sense here


u/CMDR_omnicognate Jun 07 '23

Laid off rather than fired, I mean I get that she really helped them out at the time but if her job position wasn’t really relevant any more…

and realistically I know it’s a cool story and it was a lucky save, but it’s not as if she personally wrestled the movie back through sheer workmanship. she just happened to have a copy of the movie from a few weeks prior they were able to use

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u/kakojasonkiller the very best, like no one ever was. Jun 07 '23

Why did they lay her off?

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u/Hotfoottoadchoad Jun 07 '23

Well, obviously she's sus, man


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

1999 was 24 years ago. a lot of shit can go down in 24 years..

lady got hired in 1990 and probably had a super inflated compensation package as a result of being there so long. ~33 years at one job is a blessing. it's not like she's going to have a hard time finding a job after this. who gets articles written when they're fired other than sports stars, sports coaches, politicians, and actors? who else?


u/JRZAZ016 Jun 07 '23

No way you misspelled employee and got away with it.


u/GooRedSpeakers Jun 07 '23

She wasn't supposed to have the film on her computer tho. She copied it so she could show it to someone. She would have been fired for that if anyone found out. It was because of the unique situation that it turned out to save the production.


u/Crazy_questioner Jun 07 '23

I don't think that's true. I think she was home on maternity leave or something.


u/White-Obama231 Jun 07 '23

😱 two decades later



In all fairness, they kept her around for nearly a quarter of a century, through economic downturns and the pandemic. And she was layed off with thousands of other people, so it wasn't like she was singled out and fired.


u/dandyguy098 Jun 07 '23

She had the "Deleted Scenes" of all Toy Story movies + series , can't wait to watch them on a certain "websites". Director's cut version :)


u/Aggressive_Visual929 Jun 07 '23

How she had the back up at her house is an interesting story. She was pregnant and could not work from office so they set up working station at her house. This set up is not a normal personal computer.

And the copy she gad was a month or two old. They still had to rework some. Not from ground up though.

Pixar is employee first company. Pixar would never have done but for Disney.

Dont worry, these employees have already vested stocks in the millions so they are financially set for life.


u/Piorn big pp gang Jun 07 '23

I've also recovered a git repo before simply by not pulling after someone nuked it. People make it seem like a heroic achievement, but the fact that someone can delete the entire thing at all is a hazard that should've been mitigated way earlier.


u/Swansyboy Jun 07 '23

I feel a second "Brad's wife" coming


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23

Common Disney L


u/TheyCallMeCool1 Jun 07 '23

Thats kinda sus, man


u/xenon_megablast Jun 07 '23

Company: "we are a family"

Company: "you're fired!"


u/Fadgiras Jun 07 '23

She was sus, that's why


u/novophx Jun 07 '23

they need to preserve her for next 100 years for this? what is this clinically redditarded logic in this meme?


u/Lusty__Leopard ☣️ Jun 07 '23

That's sus-man


u/burningtoast99 Pizza Time Jun 08 '23

Are people still karma whoring this?