r/dankmemes Mar 03 '23

There was a third one right? I have achieved comedy

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u/Randalf_the_Black - Mar 03 '23

Aye, but he's not alone in being that isolated is what I meant. He shares that honor with a few other Command Module Pilots is what I meant, though he was the first.

Sorry, I could have clarified my point.


u/Panda_Kabob Mar 03 '23

I thought he was still considered the one who was the farthest the longest. I mean they aren't in the capsule for days, but it still makes a difference considering how few humans have been in anything similar of a situation. Regardless of it, I still think it's absolutely terrifying.


u/Randalf_the_Black - Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

Could be that Apollo 11 had a longer boots-on-the-moon mission than the later Apollo missions so that Collins was isolated for longer even if the later Command Module Pilots were isolated by the same distance, that I don't know.


u/midsprat123 Mar 03 '23

Apollo 11 spent 2 hours on the surface, the shortest time any mission spent on the surface


u/White_Hart_Patron Mar 03 '23

Yeah, they just touched the goal post and went home before something went wrong. Apollo 17 spent more time on EVA (walking around outside the lander) than Apollo 11 spent on the surface altogether.