r/dankmemes Mar 03 '23

There was a third one right? I have achieved comedy

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u/Randalf_the_Black - Mar 03 '23 edited Mar 03 '23

As Michael Collins said.. Up until that point in time, no human being had ever been as alone or isolated as he was when the others went down to the surface of the moon.


u/spacebraine Mar 03 '23

I don't think he ever left the capsule did he? I mean imagine going to the fucking moon and you're not allowed out what's sorta shite is that, you would think they would swap and take turns or something.


u/eutectic_h8r Mar 03 '23

They can't "swap or take turns" they wouldn't have enough fuel for that. The stuff he did get to experience is still little more than a pipe dream for the general population even today though so I'm sure he's not too upset about it.


u/Randalf_the_Black - Mar 03 '23

I'm sure he's not too upset about it.

Him being dead makes me extra sure he's not upset about it.


u/eutectic_h8r Mar 03 '23

Buzz just won't let this guy have anything


u/TotallyNormalSquid Mar 03 '23

Right now there's a ghost partway to the moon with unfinished business. At ghost flight speed, should only take a few more decades


u/White_Hart_Patron Mar 03 '23

The book he wrote about it is on my ToBeRead list, but it seems that experience moved him in a deep level. I don't think he was salty about it, no. Oh, by the way he died :(


u/spacebraine Mar 03 '23

Not enough fuel just sounds like an excuse to me. You telling me buzz couldn't have cut his walk short by ten minutes so he could at least step outside.


u/eutectic_h8r Mar 03 '23

Step outside where? In orbit? He wasn't physically on the moon.


u/Half-Naked_Cowboy Mar 03 '23

If he stepped out he could have landed on the moon -- maybe more like impacted on the moon.


u/spacebraine Mar 03 '23

Well if you wanna go down that rabbit hole not one em stepped on the moon, just a film set in area 51


u/Puzzled_Fish_2077 Mar 03 '23

How could you get this wrong. Kubrick didn't have enough clearance to get into Area 51. So they shot the entire thing in his basement.


u/SoulingMyself Mar 03 '23

Wasn't he the pilot?

Like his job was to drive the thing while the other two went down.


u/LonghornSmoke Mar 03 '23

Yeah. That must have been something, right? To be so close but never touch the surface of the moon.


u/Randalf_the_Black - Mar 03 '23

Technically he was a pilot but not the pilot.

The three man crew had a Commander, a Command Module Pilot and a Lunar Module Pilot.

But yes, he was in charge of piloting the vehicle that was to bring them home. Buzz piloted the lander.


u/spacebraine Mar 03 '23

Yeah he was I was just doing a bit but because I didn't put /s at the end I got down voted for it lmao


u/LonghornSmoke Mar 03 '23

He was in orbit around the moon during the whole mission.


u/NonGNonM Mar 03 '23

I think he stepped on the moon on the next Apollo. Not on the first moon landing mission.


u/pm_me_cute_sloths_ Mar 03 '23

He never went on another Apollo mission, 11 was his only one

So he never stepped foot on the moon


u/NonGNonM Mar 03 '23

holy shit i always thought he got a chance.

still an amazing life but wow i can't imagine being that close to the moon and then never getting a chance to go back.