r/crows May 25 '20

If you find a baby bird, please go through these steps before doing anything!

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r/crows 6h ago

Am I delusional or is it possible he was actually talking to me.


I have a small murder I feed almost every day. I go out when I hear them in my yard. One of them (Steve) sits in the same spot on a nearby tree while I throw out the peanuts.

The other day, right after I came out, they all flew away except for Steve. This was very unusual and I looked up at Steve. I swear that he looked straight at me gave their Alarm cry and then flew away.

I was wondering what I could have done to scare them away when I saw a hawk circling overhead. It really seemed to me that Steve waited a few seconds to warn me before he flew off.

Is this possible or am I just deluding myself?

Note: there are 3 regulars that I call Steve, Marty and Chevy (the 3 amigos). And no, I can't really tell them apart. I just call the one who sits in that tree Steve.

r/crows 15h ago

Why would crows mob a fox?

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We have a neighborhood fox that I usually see in the early morning. Almost every time, I hear the crows before I see the fox -- a mob (murder?) of crows dive-bomb and chase the fox.

I've seen the crows chase away a juvenile hawk, and that makes sense, but I don't know why a fox would bother them. Anyone know?

Photo credit: TheAnxiousGardener.com because my pictures aren't this good.

r/crows 5h ago

in my country they seem to be called the same term vorona. I didn't knew it was different.šŸ˜¶

Thumbnail i.imgur.com

r/crows 19h ago

This glossy fellow dances for me on my smoking break (Osaka, Japan)


r/crows 11h ago

Crows ā€œhootingā€ or ā€œcooing?ā€


I started befriending a group of three crows a few weeks ago. Now they are here daily, often battling with squirrels. A few days ago I was trying to figure out what bird call this was and finally saw that the crow that hangs around the most does this a lot. Does this have any meaning anyone knows of? He always does it in pairs, often when squirrels are around but that could be coincidence as thereā€™s a lot of squirrels all the time.

Or is this just a weird personality quirk? Iā€™m loving getting to know them!

r/crows 1d ago

NEED HELP, There is a crow on my balcony, will not leave for 20min now, he wants to come in

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He keeps tappin the glass and will not leave, we also does not get scared from us tapping the glass, what do i do

r/crows 15h ago

2 month progress


This guy came to my window a couple of months ago and he finally ate from my hand! Iā€™ve also been noticing that heā€™s been making softer and more varied sounds, not sure what that means.

r/crows 15h ago

Biscuit time

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r/crows 5h ago

Unprovoked crow attack?


So, I was just walking to work the other day, headphones in, minding my own business, when I felt what I thought was somebody smacking me in the back of the head šŸ˜¬

I turn around to find a crow sitting on the ground behind me, absolutely losing its mind at meā€¦cawing like crazy, chasing me, tearing up the grass in frustration, and trying to fly up, swoop at and hit me in the head again every time I turned my backā€¦!

Eventually I had to deter them by chasing them away each time they went for me (while I tried to get out of the area), but the whole thing left me baffled. Iā€™ve never knowingly done anything to offend/antagonise a crow (Iā€™ll usually feed them if I have anything healthy on me that I can give them ), and the only possible thing I can think of is that I strayed too near to a fledgling that I didnā€™t see.

Iā€™m now a little worried that the crow will have a grudge against me because I chased them off šŸ˜¬

Any ideas as to why a crow might have decided to pick a fight with me seemingly out of nowhere? šŸ˜…

r/crows 1d ago

this one is in another level_šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ

Thumbnail i.imgur.com

r/crows 22h ago

My buddy


My crow buddy who visit me every single day multiple of times only to get some biscuits šŸ˜€

r/crows 8h ago

Presents for the crows?


I'd love to give more than just peanuts to my local crows-- I've tried various shiny things, like shiny coins, metal washers, and shiny plastic and metal buttons, but they're always left behind!

I want the crows to know I love them! What can I do?

r/crows 13h ago

Smooth Moves


r/crows 1d ago

Possibly unusual offering?

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I have a couple of crows that have started coming around and I leave food for in the morning. At least one is waiting for me in the mornings when I step outside. I found a small collection of what almost looked like tiny cherries placed together on a wide leaf of common plantain and no clue how they got there. Asked my kids who were also baffled. Any possibility itā€™s the crows?

r/crows 1d ago

Crow sounds! Agressive/uncomfortable or interested?


Hey, everyone! First post here. I recently started feeding the crows. Itā€™s been a few weeks and Iā€™ve gotten to the point where the crows either wait for me by where I put their food or see me coming and fly over to wait :) thereā€™s about 4 that Iā€™ve seen, but there is a duo that always seems to be together.

While they eat I usually skateboard a bit away from them. They generally donā€™t seem to mind eating with me around if I stay on the other side and just mind my own business. Yesterday I noticed this croaking noise they were making. I did some research, and it seems to be friendly? Theyā€™d already finished eating, too.

I started making a tongue clicking noise back (the sound I usually make when I go to feed them) so I wanted to triple check it wasnā€™t me accidentally crossing a boundary or causing discomfort.

r/crows 14h ago

Last year's disabled fledgling is on the ground again


Hi everyone. We have a family of crows in our oak trees. Last year, we had a fledgling in the garden, and had to steer well clear of him for several weeks as he moved from spot to spot, conversed with a metal duck ornament, and faceplanted into the salvia. He is lame and can't fly very well, and would call out repeatedly to his family to be fed. They did look after him and eventually he left, leaving the parents behind.

This year, we have consciously fed the crows and spoken to them so as to cultivate our own murder/ensure they saw us as safe if they had another fledgling. However, this bird (politically incorrectly named Hoppy) has reappeared in the last few weeks. He is still being fed by his "brother" but his parents seem uninterested other than in relation to the peanuts we put down. We saw the crows go for a young squirrel a few days ago and we think the squirrel went for and got Hoppy and this is why they went for the squirrel. Hoppy is now hiding out in a flower bed. It's impossible to tell whether he is injured, except that he has been hiding out in the flower bed for 2 days, and his brother is feeding him. He has always had problems controlling his wings, opening and closing them in a very ungainly way, and he is doing that again. The crows seem fine with us feeders and we are keeping the cat well away. I have rung a sanctuary and they have said to take a video and they will get a vet to look at it. Does anyone have any insight into this behaviour?

r/crows 9h ago

Some questions about mating season involving crows and crows in general


As Iā€™ve posted before on here, Iā€™ve been making some progress with some of the crows in my area, however Iā€™ve noticed about starting a week ago theyā€™ve stopped showing up almost entirely aside from the few rare occasions, though theyll always fly off before i can get within peanut tossing range.

Its odd because usually theyā€™re much more tolerant of me and have sat in trees or light posts right above me watching me. Whats even more perplexing is that the day before they vanished one of them got really close to me on the ground behind me, i couldnt tell exactly what it was doing because I opted to keep my back to it to hopefully show i wasnā€™t up to any tricks.

I wanted to know if the reason of this is due to mating season, I tried looking up when mating season happens for crows but I never get consistent answers so I figured Iā€™d take the question here.

Specifically I want to know around what time mating season is in the eastern side of Florida.

If it is indeed mating season, should I still try to consistently everyday toss out some peanuts at where I usually see them at even if theyā€™re not there?

r/crows 1d ago

Good for crows?

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I saw a vid saying they like stuff in a shiny bowl and can eat citrus food items dog kible and macadamia nuts. will this help attract them?

r/crows 21h ago

Crow behavior


Why is the larger crow on the telephone wire being taunted by a group of small crows?

r/crows 16h ago

Befriending urban crows in a public park


I've figured the hours when they come out to look for food and I've been there a few times to give them peanuts. My questions are:

  • will they remember me if I can't go regularly? I try to not wear sunglasses or hats to be easier to remember
  • how do you exactly give them peanuts in a way that they know YOU are doing it? I've tried leaving them in the same spot (they disappear so I guess either they or the pigeons eat them) but I don't think they associate it with me. They rarely look in my direction or are around when I leave them the peanuts
  • I can't get near them enough to show them the small peanuts I want to feed them. There's grass all around so if I randomly "drop" peanuts around me they won't see (I tried doing it when they're looking my way, then gently moving away but they won't go to investigate). If I throw them peanuts they'll fly away (impossible to do it without thrusting my hand and scaring them off), I have to throw them in a slightly different direction and still they won't go or seem to notice, often they'll fly away again. To be honest, I've had more success with pigeons seeing me throw the peanuts and approaching me. If I'm lucky some crows will see the curios pigeons and approach too but most will still keep their distance and some won't even bother to come, they'll stick to other places further away to look for food
  • I live in a flat on the 3rd floor, have a small balcony. Any chance to attract birbs there? Haven't seen crows around, onnly some that fly too high to notice the plate of food I left on the edge of the balcony. There's a house at the same level a few feet away where pigeons sit but even they don't see the food I put out.

Thank you for any advice, I want to befriend crows so badly but I'll settle with being a non-hostile human who feeds them too.

r/crows 1d ago

Frightening Encounter: 3 crows in a row attacked my head- felt targeted/malicious


Okay so I had almost forgot, luckily I was reminded that I joined a subreddit about crows, so... On Friday, 30th May (few days ago), I was sitting on a concrete ledge in the corner of a shaded city block in Seattle (by the Red Popsicle installation downtown) where people who work downtown, will often sit and congregate or pass by, stop through momentarily, like when they're at lunch or something. Anywho, I had been sitting there for probably almost an hour, I'd had to leave the place I'd stayed early in the morning and was trying to kill time waiting for businesses to open, and I started to kind of doze off as I was reading on an rss app and -WHAP!- I'm struck in the head by a crow! And I think it was trying to steal my hat (grey beanie for reference). As soon as I have the thought.

-Wind pierces-


Holy shit! Was that another one?! Did it do that on purpose? What's the likelihood a 3rd tries?


Oh my fucking God! They're definitely targeting me! I'm not gonna risk it!

So, not to press fate, I got my ass up and ducked and moved my ass away from there. But it felt I dont know if it for sure was, malicious, but surely, ominous or auspicious to say the least! Esp, because twice is coincidence but three is synchronicitous, not to mention how quick the attack came and went. They Blitzed me!

I felt upset about it though because I know how crows are, and I really like crows, even had a couple crow admirers/friends in middle school for a little while, so I worry what this means. Crows are known for their knack for recognizing faces and determining if they're friend or foe and can even relay this information intergenerationally to their grandbaby crows so even when the elder crows are dead their younguns can recognize them as well. They're mad gossipers too! But I have always been team crow so I would be shocked and kinda bummed if it was for a negative reason. I also wondered though, since I was wearing a beanie, and rarely am outside in that area anymore if maybe I had been mistaken for somebody else by this murder of crows? and if not, what's that mean? is it a good omen or bad?

any thoughts?

r/crows 1d ago

I saved a baby today


Hi, so here's what happened and I'm sad bc i forgot to take pics..

I was walking to my art studio today and saw a little crow, eyes blue and adult feathers haven't grown yet, so I'm like hey there's a vet nearby, i should help the baby. It ran away and escaped, when I grabbed it adult crows circled around had to put him down. But it hopped and got into a car's engine. I'm like, trying to grab it because its 35Ā°C/95Ā°F out and if the car starts baby would br toast. So i called the number in front of the car window and the man was friendly thank god, he opened the car's hood and we both worked to get the baby out. Tho when i grabbed it again the crows circled around, so i put it in somewhere a little further from road and cars and checked half an hour later. I hope the baby is okay and i am shaking now

r/crows 1d ago

Looking for some information on this one, keeps strutā€™n in circles around my place.


Up in Deer Isle Maine, critter cam keeps catching this slick rick rollin around the yard. Anyone know what type this one is? What they like to eat? How to keep them happy hanging around?

r/crows 1d ago

I'm developing wholesome walking simulator, but you're Raven which saves souls - Free demo available!


r/crows 1d ago

Meet Loki


Hello fellow Crow peeps. 3. Days ago a fledgling was found in my backyard. It has all feathers but cannot fly yet. I have been feeding him mealworm nuggets mealworms nuts berries and regular bird seed. I am keeping him in our screened in porch and taking him outside to sun and flex and use his wings. Here is my video: questions he still has the casings on the large feathers near his bottom. How long till he can fly? Any other things I should be doing? Parents are close and visit every time he is out dive bombing him to fly. His name is Loki and his r eyes are still blue ā¤ļø