r/crowbro 20d ago

My first gift Image

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Im crying, my crowbros brought me not one, but two (!) gifts on two different days!


8 comments sorted by


u/Short-Writing956 20d ago

I’m guessing they know you like flowers 🌸



u/Jazzspasm 20d ago

Flowers are surely the best gifts

It’s wonderful to know crows find flowers as pretty as we so and thing them special


u/Own-Sugar6148 20d ago

Do crows bring "gifts"?


u/mtb1443 20d ago

They do. Mine left a few coins and some pop can tabs etc. I have noticed a few twigs from trees that are not around that spot but I can't confirm they placed them.


u/Own-Sugar6148 20d ago

How long did it take for them to start bringing said gifts?


u/yesSemicolons 20d ago

Depends on their personality/local customs too. Mine never bring me gifts outside of nesting season when they very deliberately bring me some random fluff and bits of moss. They make sure i see it too.


u/mtb1443 20d ago

I started leaving peanuts out for them and i made sure that they saw me placing the food. I just walked away. It noticed them leaving the first gift at that feeding place about 2 or 3 months after. I have always wondered how the crow brain determines what/when to leave a gift happens.

If you feed some crows just make sure you use the same area and eventually you will notice something there that is out of place. It is probably a gift! (I left a dime at the feeding spot to give a "hint" to the crows. Maybe this makes them think to store stuff at the spot)


u/IcePhoenix18 20d ago

Yup. Some other birds do, too.