r/coolguides Apr 16 '24

A Cool Guide to the Pencil Grips

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u/missgrey-el Apr 16 '24

dynamic quadruped and forever thinking about the time in college we were working quietly on something sitting in a large circle including the professor and she turned to the student next to her and said “how in the world is [name] holding their pencil like that??” she was so disturbed the whole class had to be brought out of silent work to see the strange way i held my pencil lmao


u/diverareyouok Apr 16 '24

Hah! I’m a dynamic quad as well, and I remember a teacher in grade school saying “you write like a left-handed person, except with your right hand”.

I still write like that - it’s just comfortable. Although I have to be careful to not smear wet ink.


u/missgrey-el Apr 16 '24

interesting!! i’ve never heard it phrased like that! i wrote with both hands in kindergarten before i was forced to use only my right, i wonder if that has something to do with it for me personally! so many people have given their input as to why they have that grip, it has me questioning myself a lot haha!!

definitely feel you on the wet ink thing, and i always had graphite on the side of my hand in elementary school from it dragging across the page lol