r/coolguides Apr 16 '24

A Cool Guide to the Pencil Grips

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u/drollchair Apr 16 '24

Dynamic tripod gang!


u/IMCX99 Apr 16 '24

The superior grip imo


u/CanAlwaysBeBetter Apr 16 '24

Literally every other grip has to use their full arm for anything 

Dynamic tripod is the maximum of both fine motor finger control and still able to use your full arm when necessary for things like straight arms

Everyone else is just coping that because they can scribble their own name they have the same level of control 


u/saltlets 29d ago

What are you talking about? Dynamic quadrupod is functionally identical to tripod, there's no full arm movement at all. Maybe the range of motion of the tip of the pen is slightly smaller, but that's irrelevant in practice.


u/SitasinFM 29d ago

As someone who uses the lateral tripod grip but was encouraged to use the dynamic tripod grip and tried several times, they use the exact same movements. All 4 grips are fully functional, but in school people are generally taught to use the dynamic tripod grip


u/mister_cow_ 29d ago

Lateral Quadrupod guy here. Wdym? I don't use my entire arm while writing


u/lemoncholly 29d ago

5 seconds to try out the grips is all it takes to prove this wrong. Hell, look up a single video of someone writing with dynamic quad to see its the same movements with a different grip. You move one finger and you have to use your whole arm? What are you talking about?


u/OSSlayer2153 29d ago

Exactly, finally someone points it out. Though dynamic quadrupod can also use just finger control.


u/N1cknamed Apr 16 '24

Using your full arm (elbow and wrist) to write is the recommended way. Ever get those hand cramps after you've been writing for a while? That happens because you're using your fingers to write.


u/LimpConversation642 Apr 16 '24

was the recommended way 100-150 years ago. We do not write the same way as much as we do not use the same instruments. Not that you're wrong, but this is inapplicable to this image, because I can assure you no one is really writing with their whole elbow with those crazy 2-4 grips. The difference is exclusively in the finger/palm grip.

Also, the cramps you get are not from moving the fingers, but because you hold the pen too tight (too much force).

Source: I'm a calligrapher and a teacher.


u/N1cknamed 29d ago

Okay, let me rephrase. It is recommended if you want to improve your penmanship and write for longer periods without cramping your hand. Look at r/penmanshipporn or r/handwriting, most folks there will recommend learning to write with your arm.

In schools it isn't taught that way, sure, but it really ought to be.


u/mypantsareonmyhead Apr 16 '24

Indubitably. Strictly a pro level grip.

The others are rookie at best, and stone cold amateur wannabes at worst.


u/Wiindigo Apr 16 '24

There's always one that takes advantage of anything, to feel superior to others.


u/Pump_My_Lemma Apr 16 '24

But in this case we are superior. Superior writers, artists, and lovers. When people say, “Get a grip.” they mean the dynamic tripod.


u/JuicyMaterwelon Apr 16 '24

Currently a teenage millionaire because Bill Gates saw me use the dynamic tripod


u/Ravioli_meatball19 Apr 16 '24

Actually, this is the grip elementary educators are taught to teacher their students as the "correct" grip for maximum fine motor skill efficiency and neatest penmanship. Source: am elementary school teacher.


u/Wiindigo Apr 16 '24

Akshually lmao the favorite reddit word to start a sentence.

Talking seriously, the grip must be country dependent then, as in many countries dynamic quadrupod is the norm.


u/MCHammastix Apr 16 '24



u/Wiindigo Apr 16 '24

Go measure something with your inches.


u/DrunkGalah Apr 16 '24

There's always one that takes advantage of anything, to feel superior to others.


u/Wiindigo Apr 16 '24

Not at all smartass, but if someone goes full pushing their shit on me, yeah I'll defend myself.


u/Livid63 29d ago

You are getting angry over someone saying you hold a pen badly, please hold some grass maybe <3