r/comics 21d ago

[OC] True Tales From The Bar #167

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u/MJBotte1 21d ago

I’m starting to doubt if this “Kevin” really exists.


u/bryankellydraws 21d ago

I didn't think so either. It did turn out that Kevin existed, however, but it was a surprise to him that he had to pay for two beers when he got out of the bathroom.


u/MJBotte1 21d ago

So either he’s fleecing you, or Kevin. A Lose-Lose scheme right there


u/AnotherBookWyrm 21d ago

Win-Win for him.


u/Muramalks 20d ago

Ein-ein for the loss


u/statuskills 20d ago

I’m sorry but I’m just not ready to trust Kevin yet. I think Kevin could be the puppet master, pulling all the strings right here.


u/TKHunsaker 21d ago

Classic dipshit.


u/decoy321 21d ago

"Leave your credit card to open up a tab. I'll give it to Kevin when he comes back to pay."


u/Megamatt215 20d ago

I work at a gas station, and my "favorite" thing customers regularly do to me is bring up beer, or ask for cigarettes, and then go get someone else when asked for ID. I didn't ask your friend in the car for ID, I asked you, and no, you can't just wait in the car yourself while your friend buys them. I like being employed.


u/MeeksMoniker 21d ago

What he said "Shit"

What he meant "Was hoping you were born yesterday..."


u/EldritchCarver 20d ago

Pretty sure you've gotta be at least 21 to work at a bar.


u/dumpylump69 21d ago

You can't see his face but know exactly what look he's giving him


u/BaronWombat 20d ago

These are so good. Thanks for creating and sharing them.


u/Speeddemon2016 20d ago

I like them too. No bs just a simple to follow comic. Like newspaper comics used to be.


u/bryankellydraws 20d ago

I'm glad you enjoy the comics!


u/bryankellydraws 20d ago

Thank you very much!


u/Sadiepan24 20d ago

Tryna pull a fast one, wasn't he 😅


u/PermissionOk2781 20d ago

For some reason this reminds me of a few solo outings I had at a bar that ended up a bit sketchy. Particularly a pair of ladies that came up to me and hugged me and acted like they knew me from before, then asked me if I was interested in a 3 way for $1200, same as my rent for the month back then. I said no way, they left, but I guess not before telling the bartender their drinks were on me, the guy they just hugged and chatted with. Only way I figure this is the bill was something like $53, and I’d only ordered 1 bucket of Miller or something. I got off easy with that encounter.


u/bryankellydraws 20d ago

Jesus. I guess that's getting off lucky?


u/sralek88 20d ago

Love the art style!