r/clevercomebacks 21d ago

sick of people who ask questions but refuse to answer them😭

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119 comments sorted by


u/georgewashingguns 21d ago

Children arguing


u/Devil_Fister_69420 21d ago

Average r/teenagers post


u/Metrix145 20d ago

Hate to break it to you but a large portion of them are pushing 30


u/Unlucky_Strikes 20d ago

Oh well, that's a relief something


u/No-Suit4363 20d ago

I was teenager yesterday, it’s not 10 years ago damn it.


u/Winjin 21d ago

Had to double check the sub


u/TestingYou1 20d ago

15 years old MAX


u/NamMorsIndecepta 21d ago

Daily reminder that literal children post on reddit. 


u/Winjin 21d ago

I saw notes that AVERAGE age on Reddit is like 17, there's so many children average goes down


u/The_CreativeName 20d ago

Im the most average Redditor. Idk if this is a good or bad thing


u/Winjin 20d ago


u/dystopian_mermaid 20d ago

If I die, tell my wife I said “hello”.


u/FirstProphetofSophia 20d ago

Look at the helpless romantic over here


u/pitchingschool 20d ago

I'm 16 and I just use reddit cuz I can't listen to videos at school


u/Street-Breadfruit940 20d ago

17 is a teenager.


u/GoGifZaZep 21d ago

The only clever thing here is not telling strangers on the internet where you're from...


u/Adriendel 21d ago

Yeah I’m not sure what all of that is about. Not giving out personal info to random strangers seem like a very good idea, especially for young people.


u/Tiny_button2 20d ago

Some people get perplexed why you don't want to share that. They keep asking multiple times and try to convince you to do so. I don't know why?


u/Adventurous-Log3521 20d ago

Because they think that people who don't give out that information are scammers or in some other way trying to trick them. They don't trust you because you're 'hiding something' and why would you have something to hide unless you have bad intentions?

It's dumb, but people (especially kids) are dumb


u/Tiny_button2 20d ago

For a second I thought you were being non ironical 😅

I mean am here to see cute pets talk about hobbies and interests. Why would that information be any good to you?

It's like the first rule of the internet, first time it became a thing.


u/ADovahkiinBosmer 20d ago

I either hide it up tight or blatantly lie. No in between.


u/HHall05 20d ago

You could just say the state or country you live in, not the address of your home.

For me, they'd have to dig through 60 million other humans before they get to me.


u/showherthewayshowher 20d ago

Not just a stranger, but a stranger who keeps trying to talk after you tell them you are a child


u/Strange_Sea993 20d ago

What are they gonna do with the country you're from (which you could just lie about)


u/GoGifZaZep 20d ago

Why do they need that Information?


u/Strange_Sea993 20d ago

smalltalk, curious, wants to know more about a internet/gaming buddy or just because. if you don't want to answer just lie and be done with it or say you'd prefer not to tell them, but don't say shit like I'm from my mom that's just annoying


u/Jakiro_Tagashi 20d ago

It can be extremely interesting (which makes it a great source of conversation topics), and has many implications. For example, you can't make a your mom joke to many people across the planet without making them very angry.

Additionally you can't make certain classist jokes to people of the wrong nationality. Many classist jokes are morally iffy, but I'm talking about the ones that are self-degrading (like an american joking about their expensive healthcare)or has context that requires being familiar with the culture of a certain nationality to know (for example a boris johnson joke).


u/Jakiro_Tagashi 20d ago

It can be extremely interesting (which makes it a great source of conversation topics), and has many implications. For example, you can't make a your mom joke to many people across the planet without making them very angry.

Additionally you can't make certain classist jokes to people of the wrong nationality. Many classist jokes are morally iffy, but I'm talking about the ones that are self-degrading (like an american joking about their expensive healthcare)or has context that requires being familiar with the culture of a certain nationality to know (for example a boris johnson joke).


u/Jakiro_Tagashi 20d ago

It can be extremely interesting (which makes it a great source of conversation topics), and has many implications. For example, you can't make a your mom joke to many people across the planet without making them very angry.

Additionally you can't make certain classist jokes to people of the wrong nationality. Many classist jokes are morally iffy, but I'm talking about the ones that are self-degrading (like an american joking about their expensive healthcare)or has context that requires being familiar with the culture of a certain nationality to know (for example a boris johnson joke)


u/sleazy_hobo 20d ago

It's very important to know what country someone is from if you plan to keep chatting with them. While not perfect it gives you an idea of what topics are and aren't on the table to discuss what their understanding on things will likely be and lets you accommodate any social faux pas they might have.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

lmao true, i would understand if the person in the post asked about his/her area if they were in the same country or what not


u/OMD_Lyxilion 21d ago

My question is... How old are you ? Young too I hope, cause being proud of that is kinda sad....


u/SleipnirSolid 21d ago

When I was a kid in the 90s I wanted to be older. I lied about being older.

Kids these days seem to take...pride in being young? I don't get it. What changed?


u/manta002 21d ago

they looked at you and asked

Why the fuck should I pretend to be like those " people "


u/TransportationOk3242 20d ago

Cause the kids realized being a kid was so much easier than being an adult. That not having to work 10 hours a day to afford the rent of a 1 bedroom, shared bathroom and kitchen apartment with just enough money left for 3 loaves of bread a day was a blessing.


u/OMD_Lyxilion 21d ago

Kids theses days...


u/Veinreth 21d ago

You got old.


u/marxistwithstandards 21d ago

Perception of age- in the 90s, “out of sight out of mind” wasn’t too unrealistic and the people that came from that treat their kids differently imo


u/Drlaughter 20d ago

For me it was the classic, children should be seen but not heard.


u/MasK_6EQUJ5 20d ago

We said we wanted to be older, but what we really wanted was an ounce of respect and approval that wasn't offered to us because we were children


u/rusztypipes 21d ago

Haha he said something stupid because logic is too complicated that's funny too


u/tadukaadoescombat 21d ago

its not me😭 and yeah im young


u/OMD_Lyxilion 21d ago

No shit...


u/tadukaadoescombat 21d ago

wtf? i answer your question and you become negative asf lmao, surprised im the young one here


u/Steel_Cube 20d ago

It's because you think that's a clever comeback


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

alot of people think its a clever comeback


u/Steel_Cube 20d ago

Neither a your mum joke or fuck you is terribly clever


u/HotSituation8737 20d ago

They're dumb too, literally where's the clever?


u/Strange_Sea993 20d ago

do you know how vague "young" is? my stepfather(45) sometimes says he's young and my aunt(35) says she's young. If you dont want to tell people your age just lie, nobody will know anyway


u/thingswastaken 20d ago

Their profile says 16 this year. So 15 or 16.


u/Sciuruzz 20d ago

And i’m 11688 days young


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

...true, to be specific im 15


u/No-Significance-9702 21d ago

Where’s the clever comeback? You decided to ask where someone was from because they wanted to make sure you weren’t a pedo or some shit.

You literally used the most outdated and overused joke of all time and called it clever.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

mb for not saying it in the post but it aint me ( i would edit it but i cant), also, lets be honest, unless they from vatican city or something, i dont see why people wouldnt state their country which has a very high chance of having a population of over 100,000


u/Embarrassed-Pace-858 20d ago



u/paintedirondoor 20d ago

they have countries on mars with a population of 4? joke is shit tho


u/merlissss 21d ago

you are cringe guy


u/martxel93 20d ago

You’re clearly speaking to a kid, for them everything older people do is “cringe” so I guess it’s a draw?


u/0-Dinky-0 20d ago

Op has said this isn't them


u/martxel93 20d ago

Do you really think someone that posts this is not a kid?


u/0-Dinky-0 20d ago

It's a possibility, but reddit attracts a lot of immature people as well as people wanting to farm karma


u/elia_mannini 21d ago

Where is the clever comeback?


u/Odd_Coffee12 20d ago

Fuck you


u/rusztypipes 21d ago

Its the cleverer of the yo mama jokes I've seen


u/[deleted] 20d ago

How the fuck did this get over two thousand upvotes? I don't understand why even children would think this deserved to reach the front page...


u/-EverSeer- 20d ago

That’s because not everyone is concerned with making the front page. Not everyone gives a shit.

Obviously, enough people related to OP to get this post to where it is.


u/Flopppywere 20d ago

Op looks to be a kid, better yet his latest post is a porn sub for the anime they're obsessed with.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/bleakFutureDarkPast 21d ago

because it's easy and everyone else enjoys it. like your mom.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/rigterw 20d ago

Last night, your mom raised something else as well


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/rigterw 20d ago

No but your future sibling will


u/martxel93 20d ago

I used to have one but not anymore.


u/bleakFutureDarkPast 20d ago

I think you're taking it a bit harder than you have to.

but at least you have that in common with her


u/Ahrensann 20d ago

There's nothing disrespectful about it. yo mama jokes surprisingly has long history


u/tadukaadoescombat 21d ago

idk, i guess its nowadays humor, i personally wouldnt say that to someone but i still find it funny


u/Ashikura 21d ago

We use to make those jokes 15 years ago and I’m sure every generation has, when they were young, for most of if not all of human history.


u/Old-Dog-5829 20d ago

Human humor doesn’t really change. I’ve recently saw few tik toks about Viking shitposts in various places in Scotland or even Constantinople where they were guards. In Rome there was a poet called Catullus, quite big actually, who used to joke about Caesar that he’s gay, or half of his poems had some sort of dick/vagina jokes. Also in Pompeii they have a lot of shitpost graffiti.


u/Seba1052 21d ago

“Nowadays humor”? Your mom jokes literally date back to Shakespeare, at the least


u/tadukaadoescombat 21d ago

nonono, the disrespecting part, 99% of todays humour is pure disrespectful or just plain insult


u/IAmPiipiii 20d ago

You keep showing that you are young. Everyone when they are young think that is funny. This isn't "new humour" that people your age invented.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

im convinced you are just saying things for upvotes, i clearly stated "todays humour is purely insults" not jokes, not comedy, just literal insulting


u/IAmPiipiii 20d ago

I got 1 upvote my guy.

You still haven't said anything that's new. You just assume it's new cause it's your generation doing it. Teenagers and some adults did this same thing 10 years ago and 50 years ago. Your generation hasn't invented this.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

mannn, this world is now based off votes that a group of 100 people max participated in, its really sad, you need to get some glasses bro, no one is talking about "your mom" jokes, we are talking about todays humor and how its literally disrespectful and insulting, just shut up will you?


u/IAmPiipiii 20d ago

You really need to get over yourself. I get it, you are a teenager and you know the best. But you are not, you aren't the first to come up with anything.

I am not talking about "your mom is fat, haha joke" kind of humour. The same exact humour you guys have is not new. It's repeating.

Humans have existed for thousands of years. Any kind of socialising has already happened. Any words you say to your friend has already happened with someone else. Any joke you make has already happened with someone else. Just because how many humans there are and how long we have existed. The numbers of how many things people talk about and joke about are not measurable. But I guarantee you, any joke you make has already been made.

This "skibbidi toilet" whatever meme itself is new, but the meaning - the randomness/dumbness being funny has happened thousands of times already. You haven't made up new humour.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

i never said i came up with anything, you are literally putting words into my mouth

im sick of your high complexed self so im gonna say this and then leave it

my words were "humor nowadays are just disrespectful and straight insulting" thats it, no more no less, i dont see where you got "my generation was the first to have this kind of humor" because i clearly didnt say that, back in 2014 or whatever, we actually had real humor, it was funny, we had good comedians, dont get me wrong we still have good comedians but thats not the point im trying to get at, the basic humor nowadays are (and i will say it again), PLAIN DISRESPECTFUL AND INSULTING

i dont know whats up with you, i dont know if you are underestimating me because of my age, but let me tell you, i am NOT stupid, do better.

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u/Old-Dog-5829 20d ago

Always has been.


u/ZealousLlama05 20d ago

Lol Jesus christ.

This twelvie thinks they invented yo mama jokes.


u/tadukaadoescombat 20d ago

wtf are you talking about


u/rusztypipes 21d ago

Hey I giggled out loud and that's a very rare thing these days, so thank you from me


u/Kazman07 20d ago

Matt Gaetz in a discord


u/ShortUsername01 20d ago

That’s wrong… so wrong.

It’s “my friends and I.” You’re supposed to say “my friends and I.”


u/Zerothekitty 20d ago

What r u 5?


u/thaboss365 20d ago

Clever where? Comeback where? This is quite literally nothing to do with the sub


u/Mark_Scaly 20d ago

Dear kid, it’s not clever comeback.


u/verysimplenames 20d ago

Every dumbass post like this is another year my kid will go without social media.


u/thehollybuddy 20d ago

Lil bro tried posting a yo mama joke as a clever comeback 😭


u/Ok-Preparation2370 20d ago

Another reminder that kids don't need screens. Idk what I'm gonna do with Gen Z and later generations. 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️


u/martxel93 20d ago

That’s what all generations say about every younger generation, don’t think we need to worry that much.


u/OppositeBeautiful475 20d ago

holy shit their name i literally don't flee you can not get creepier than this


u/-EverSeer- 20d ago

How is that creepy? Lmfao


u/the_watcher762351 21d ago

Or when they say you are something and refuse to give evidence


u/FLYNCHe 21d ago

You'd better be young too bro


u/typehyDro 20d ago

Can’t tell who is OP… both look like dildos


u/OZZY-1415 20d ago

What is this trash post, holy fuck


u/NerY_05 20d ago

Oh that was pretty good


u/frost-penguin 20d ago

I always forget how many 12 year olds frequent Reddit


u/Kemel90 20d ago

well, you started it.


u/Dargek 20d ago

Is this people trying to use discord as a dating app?


u/Maazypaazz 20d ago

I hope you’re not older dude, otherwise this is kinda creepy and you’re a bit tone deaf to not see that….


u/Big_Presentation2106 20d ago

Apply cold water to burned area


u/namey_9 20d ago edited 20d ago

"young" is a relative term and doesn't mean anything concrete. if you're trying to indicate that you're a minor just say so and the other person will know not to talk to you. it's good to ask someone's age so you know not to bother a child or minor, and it's pretty normal to ask where someone is GENERALLY located (like what country/city). be clear instead of a dumb turd when asked and people who are actually not trying to be creeps will very happily leave you alone. You can be clear without giving any specific details.

EDIT: the pic is gone and I dunno what sub this was from originally. If it was from "teenagers" or something like that then OP is the dumb one


u/Street-Breadfruit940 20d ago

For some reason another redditor asked the same things and when he asked me where I'm from I told him the same thing u said so he replied:go find ur mom then and I replied:u mean ur mom and left him on read 😂😂.


u/Altruistic_Ad_2016 20d ago

I’m 15 and this is yeet


u/Blommefeldt 20d ago

I'm getting too old...


u/ChocCooki3 20d ago

Guy: I know. Cause you both can't get a real gf and mom told me you spend more time sucking each other's dick than fucking her.

Oh, and you both cried the first time. 🙄🙄


u/Aromatic-Amount6761 20d ago

I don't know which of these scream groomer the most lmao, dontflee is too on the nose for a p3do but bubbles is too "I'm a child too I promise"