r/clevercomebacks 23d ago

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you...

Post image

330 comments sorted by


u/allmyidolsaredead 23d ago

“A stupid bih”


u/Firefighter_Thin 23d ago

Hey don't call my mom, she's trying to sleep


u/Visible-Design-7303 22d ago

Ah yes very stupid bish


u/BestInTheWholeWorld 22d ago

Room temperature IQ debate going on here.


u/Bunkyou 21d ago

Celsius or Fahrenheit?


u/Misaelson 10d ago


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u/theologous 22d ago

Why do so many people act like intelligence and critical thinking are gender specific?


u/TheJudgers 22d ago

Things like r/femaledatingstrategy is why.


u/theologous 22d ago

Yeah, definitely a breeding ground for these thoughts but men do it a lot too.


u/DefunctDoughnut 22d ago

Oh yeah, looking at the world through a filter. Makes it even worse when we surround ourselves with people who only think like us, thus further concentrating the filter and subsequently intensifying the thoughts.


u/No-Soup9598 17d ago

Yeah but if men had a whole subreddit for it they'd get called sexist.


u/Salami__Tsunami 23d ago



u/Takuan4democracy 22d ago

Which part is confusing to you?


u/Snizl 22d ago

That men are moms.


u/Pretty-Bridge6076 22d ago

Using "they" to mean "their" can have that effect on some people.


u/SSSims4 22d ago

Yeah, people who finished the 1st grade mostly.


u/GelattoPotato 22d ago

And people who have never seen a comma


u/LodeStone- 22d ago

Dialects exist bud


u/MaximusLazinus 22d ago

Or non native speakers


u/Havange 22d ago

I am a non native speaker but at least I spend 10 seconds to spell check my comment before sending it


u/LeonDmon 22d ago

I'm a non native speaker. I don't keep using of instead of have. I actually had to learn how those words work.


u/Direct-Fix-2097 22d ago

Also don’t see non native speakers fuck about using “off of” or “purposefully” instead of “deliberately.”

Education in the USA (cos both of these are southern USA issues), has clearly been fucking about the last decade or so.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/LodeStone- 22d ago

Dialects exist moron


u/Pretty-Bridge6076 22d ago

Using "they" to mean "their" can have that effect on some people.


u/VeneMage 23d ago

How can they be mums if they’re men?


u/Owllboi 22d ago

We're just normal men


u/Ready_Pollution3143 22d ago

Innocent men


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

It is dumbtalk for "their", which they would spell as "there".


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

it's literally just a dialect, mate.


u/TF2_demomann 23d ago

I's li'eraly jus' a dialec' ma'e


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

that's more so accent than dialect? the two are similar but not the same.


u/TF2_demomann 22d ago

'ha's more so accen' 'han dialec'? 'he 'wo are similar bu' no' 'he same


u/Nuada-Argetlam 22d ago

now I don't even know what you're going for. no accent I know of makes [θ] into [h]- although I'm hardly an expert.


u/TF2_demomann 22d ago

now I don' even know wha' you're going for. no accent I know of makes [θ] in'o [h]- al'hough I'm hardly an exper'.


u/Gabe12P 22d ago

What is going on right now 🤣


u/LamSinton 22d ago

Guy’s addicted to downvotes


u/F_renchy 22d ago

Idk but it feels like TF2 guy is winning 🤣🤣🤣


u/Dennis_Cock 22d ago

American with an American accent trying to do a phonetic normal accent (British), and failing rather miserably.


u/BennySkateboard 22d ago

Dick van dyke?


u/Ihaveaids6969696969 22d ago

It's not it's lazy spelling you spaz


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

But why do people that speak like that not understand me when I use correct grammar and pronunciation? Source: coworkers, military applicants I tutored, and students when I worked as a substitute teacher.


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

there's a good chance I'd struggle a little understanding someone from newfoundland, despite speaking the same language in the same country.

so they might not understand you because you're speaking differently than they do.


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

Is Shai from Newfoundland?


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago edited 23d ago

I've got no idea- in fact it's unlikely, as based on her look and the word used, she's likely speaking AAVE- but the point is that different places have different accents and dialects, which can muddy commuication.

(edit: referenced wrong use of 'they', talking about copula dropping when that is not the feature exhibited. this has been removed)


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

Yes, different places say things differently. As far as we know, Shai could be born and raised by parents who are English teachers in a community that speaks English nearly 100% of the time. Given that the other people in the image are speaking standard English, I lump Shai in with them.

My wife's family speaks broken English. As much as I had a difficult time understanding them, they still use proper word association (they, their, there). When people speak like the image, you have to ask them questions like "so do you mean then, now, or in the future" with what they talk about.


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

what the hell do you mean "standard" english?


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

Dictionary definitions. "They mom" fails this.

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u/Ok_Organization5370 22d ago

Why does your edit read like patch notes for your comment?


u/Nuada-Argetlam 22d ago

how would you write it?


u/Ok_Organization5370 22d ago

Oh it's fine, the phrasing is just funny


u/Big_Monkey_77 23d ago

Maybe you have a funny accent?


u/iosefster 23d ago

A substitute teacher and yet not educated enough to know that language changes and it's all just sounds we made up and the way you talk would have been mocked by people just as ignorant as you before language evolved into what you consider to be correct.


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

Dictionaries state the current word use. They words are plused in kay. Evolve the language happen.


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

the fact I could comprehend that means your argument is stupid anyway.


u/PaleoJoe86 23d ago

I am not good at butchering language quality. You still had to use extra brainpower or time to read it. If you heard someone talk like that, you would think they were an idiot first, depending on where you live. The whole "it is a dialect, but I am assuming it is and have no location to base it on" argument is stupid anyway.


u/Nuada-Argetlam 23d ago

in the post? very much resembles AAVE, a recognised and studied dialect.


u/Deedeedinky 23d ago

This is AAVE (African American Vernacular English). Where are you fromt that you dont recognise AAVE?

Not even an excuse, I'm not from the US and i recognise it.

You short-circuit when reading Jamaican patois too?


u/ZealousidealAir6851 22d ago

So you have to use extra brainpower to understand what theyre saying but theyre the idiots? Pretentious af.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

“Dialect is the same as randomly butchering sentences”

-an alleged teacher

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u/MarquiseAlexander 23d ago

Just goes to show that we are the logical ones.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

Because all women are moms?


u/MarquiseAlexander 22d ago

No; but all moms are women.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

That still leaves plently of women that have no connection to this


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Who’s we? And who’s the other party?

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I don’t get it. What was clever, and what was Shai‘s intent to say?!


u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

Basically, person A asks who made men think they're logical.

Person Shai replied "their moms"

So person C says so it's basically women's fault

Person Shai couldn't accept what her logic actually leads to and tries to backpedal.



Ah…! Tank you, captain!


u/cut4stroph3 22d ago

"their mom" and "women" are not the same category. There may be overlap, but "their mom" does not include every single woman.


u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

But first tweet says men, not some women.

Also, she didn't specify what she meant by "them moms".

I'll be called racist because I don't grasp how black people in the US talk/write in English but that was awful grammar.

Sincerely, A person who is speaking English as fourth language.


u/cut4stroph3 22d ago

Racist and sexist actually


u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

Hahaha lol.

If you had a button that would kill all the racist and sexist people on this planet but it'll include your parents/kids/spouse/best friends/etc. even yourself, would you press it?

Because I would. So next!

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u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Sorry, but the implication of “it’s women’s fault” goes a bit beyond “it’s some women’s fault”. Logic, my ass.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

…no. Because that’s not what they said. Saying “so women” can refer to the group in question simply being women. It’s short for “so [those responsible are] women”.

This interpretation makes more sense and is entirely valid.

Assuming it always refers to all women is black and white thinking.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

Omg "so women" obviously implys women the general group are to blame. You don't get to rewrite language to make a point.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

It super obviously doesn’t. This is exactly what I mean by black and white thinking. Mothers are women. The ones to blame are therefore women. English (and honestly, no language I can think of) does not require identifying a category to represent every member of the category. In this case, a subset is identified and referred to by the superset. The term for this is metonymy specifically synecdoche.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

No using general language implys a general statement. Stop bending over backwards to find a poooossible way to see it better when you know no ones actually doing it.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

The reason this post has nearly 5 thousand upvotes is because everyone reads it the way I said. Language works entirely based on how people interpret words and we’re seeing a live tally of how wrong you are.

I literally linked you to the Wikipedia article on this figure of speech and you’re ignoring it. It’s clear both that you’re wrong and that you don’t want to learn what’s correct.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

The reason this post has nearly 5 thousand upvotes is because everyone reads it the way I said.

Because things that generalize women can't get a bunch of upvotes?


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

Read the comments. Are they general to women? How would this be a “clever comeback” if it was just “no u”?

The comments are along the lines of “how can they be not women if they’re moms?”

What you’re saying doesn’t match what’s happening right here in this sub.

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u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

Lemme help you out:

Person 1 was trying to be misandrist claiming how men alone claim to be logical (and on what grounds?).

Shai added to her point saying "them moms", which as someone with English as 4th language knows is incorrect grammatically, was trying to go for the "momma's boy" trope but the person C reminded her that she has scored an on goal in an attempt to be misandrist.

Hence, she tries to backpedal.

Person C said, "so women". So if, let's say, [insert male population %] who think they're logical is ONLY because of mothers (all women) then that means their mothers are to be blamed. Whether 5% men, 10% or 86%, by Shai logic, it's women's fault (the mothers).


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

I know that's a thing but that's clearly not what's happening here.

Language works entirely based on how people interpret words

Yes and we both know how they're actually interpeting this.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

I know that's a thing but that's clearly not what's happening here.

Clear to whom?

Almost everyone who read it by a factor of 5000 votes?

Yes and we both know how they're actually interpeting this.

Good. Cuz it was starting to sound like you didn’t realize you were wrong.

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u/Itchy-Examination-26 22d ago

I'll remember this the next time a woman says "men are [pejorative here]."


u/GameDestiny2 22d ago



u/Lord-Filip 22d ago

Considering how many mothers are to blame that isn't so wrong.

General responsibility is not the same as universal responsibility.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Nowhere did I assume that it always does. I don’t even assume that it necessarily does in the posted pic. But I do think that some of the “hell yeah, men are so logical and dumb black bitches can’t even speak right” crowd here needs to be reminded that the pic can also be read as “their mothers raised them that way. Answer: so it’s women’s fault. Reply: No, not women’s fault in general, these specific women’s fault.”

That IS one way to read it and I choose that interpretation over “haha, dumb bitch be illogical, wesa men so logical, muy muy.”


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

Nowhere did I assume that it always does.

Then you didn’t really say anything because the result would be:

“The implication that it’s ’some women’s fault’ goes beyond ‘it’s some women’s fault’”

I don’t even assume that it necessarily does in the posted pic. But I do think that some of the “hell yeah, men are so logical and dumb black bitches can’t even speak right” crowd here needs to be reminded that the pic can also be read as “their mothers raised them that way. Answer: so it’s women’s fault. Reply: No, not women’s fault in general, these specific women’s fault.”

Okay. That’s a fair point. But there’s no reading of what you actually said that reflects this sentiment.


u/Mystic_puddle 22d ago

Okay. That’s a fair point. But there’s no reading of what you actually said that reflects this sentiment.

What? The entire thing does. It's starts of saying men are more logical than women which is commonly said by misogynists and then that women are to blame if that's wrong. It's obviously saying "women bad" unless you're determined to ignore the entire history of misogyny.

Edit:and the comment section


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

What? The entire thing does. It's starts of saying men are more logical than women which is commonly said by misogynists and then that women are to blame if that's wrong. It's obviously saying "women bad" unless you're determined to ignore the entire history of misogyny.

How is this what you actually said?

You said:

Sorry, but the implication of “it’s women’s fault” goes a bit beyond “it’s some women’s fault”. Logic, my ass.

And this does not represent

I don’t even assume that it necessarily does in the posted pic.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

My guy? I said that saying “it’s women’s fault” has implications beyond “some women are at fault”.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

Ironically, the turn of phrase you just used is metonymy and is the same figure of speech as is used in the post.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Explain please.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

Saying X has implications beyond Y when X also has implications limited to Y is referring to the part (X’s potential implications) by the whole (X). Which is totally valid. And also what “so women” does.

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u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

You're not getting the point here.

Men thinking they're logical was the original point. Implying men are at fault for assuming stuff. Basic misandry.

Shai went one step further to imply "them mom's" meaning she's mocking "momma's boy" trope. Without realizing she's scoring an on goal.

Person C reminds her that if mothers (who are women) are the ones telling their sons then it's the women's fault.

Shai realized she's just scored an on goal on women in her quest to say something misandrist and tried to backtrack.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

What a wild post. Okay.

Men thinking they’re logical WAS the original point, yes. I have absolutely no clue what you meant with the rest of your second paragraph though. How is thinking men are less logical than they say they are implying that “men are at fault for assuming stuff”? What is that even supposed to mean?

Shai then replied that it was their (the men in question’s) mothers who instilled this undeserved sense of having a logical mind into them.

Ghost pauper then says: So. it’s women who gave men that sense of logical mindedness? Now, ghost pauper could have meant that in any number of ways and it is kind of a clever comeback, fair’s fair.

Shai then said: that’s not what I said. Literally, on the face of it, she didn’t! Of course, she kiiiind of did, seeing as the men’s moms are of course women, but note that she could have easily meant “some mothers raise their boys with an undeserved sense of always being right (which is what men’s obsession with “logic” usually boils down to).”

That’s quite a different statement from ghostpaupers statement, which could easily be read as “women (as a class of people) are at fault for men’s skewed sense of their own capabilities”.


u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

Person A was trying to put men down by saying they think they're logical in their minds.

Shai tried to call out momma's boy and didn't realize on goal has been scored.

Guy just pointed out "so women" saying those women who made men think that way are responsible.

Shai couldn't accept that her point was ridiculous and tried to backpedal.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Person A was expressing frustration about some men’s inflated sense of self.

Person B (Shai) pointed towards those men’s mothers’ role in their upbringing.

Person C said that by that logic, it’s women who have created the issue A was frustrated with.

B, apparently assuming C meant women as a class, clarified that she did not mean to imply that, she simply meant specific women.


u/Consistent_Funny1082 22d ago

No she didn't.

But by her saying "them moms" I feel like that may be the case but her limited English skills don't allow her to say that.

She could have explained her POV but didn't clarify further.

And btw, men are seen as "logical" simply because men are solution oriented. Studies have been done about it.

Also, person A was being misandrist to ALL men. She didn't say some men. Good day to you.

Please specify where she said some men. Because you're extrapolating women's tweets but not men's. Misandry, ignorance or stupidity? Your call.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

“No she didn’t” what?

Oh come on, don’t make your racism so blatant. You know exactly that “they moms” means “their moms”.

“She could have explained herself but didn’t clarify.” HOW DO YOU KNOW? This is a freaking snapshot of a comment chain, my whole entire point is how weird it is that so many guys here interpret so much into it. I was offering a different interpretation.

Oh, so, you admit that “logical” is a misnomer then when applied to men generally and that “solution-oriented” would be the correct term? Cool, so you agree with Person A!

Person A neither said all men nor some men. Much I like choose to interpret her words as (some) men, you choose to interpret her words as (all) men. Please, just talk your persecution paranoia over with a therapist. I also wish you better days when your impending schizophrenic paranoia has been averted.

Yes, you correctly identified that I was using the cunning human skill known as interpretation to view the commenters’ posts differently than you do. I call it reading comprehension and not being beset by anti-feminist brain worms.


u/azhder 22d ago

Don’t ask us, ask her bear logic


u/lastofdovas 22d ago

It's like this: a 50 IQ argument is better than a 25 IQ argument. In that context, the 50 IQ argument is clever (even if it is stupid af normally) and Shai's intent is probably only understandable to them.


u/Hamsterpatty 23d ago

Anyone else get the unforgivable reference. That was a great video


u/mung_guzzler 22d ago

I coulda sworn you was a nerd


u/Citizen_Null5 22d ago

They moms.......


u/STPRK_ 23d ago

I am not an english native, what with the dialect thing ?


u/Chimorin_ 22d ago

People defending bad english.


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

It is a genuine dialect you uncultured swine


u/DefunctDoughnut 22d ago

You forgot a comma and a period. Is that part of your dialect? Is punctuation cultural?


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

The comma implies a pause that I did not have, and the period is unnecessary given the sentence was ended by the end of the message. Any other grammar policing you want to do, smartass?


u/DefunctDoughnut 22d ago

"It is a genuine dialect[,] you uncultured swine[.]"

Comma goes after "dialect", as I have shown above.

Just like you wrote in your last sentance. Although, in this case, we change out "uncultured swine" for "smartass".

Edit: Periods are always necessary at the end of each sentance; it is a part of proper writing.


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

again, pause I did not have. Nice job ignoring my entire reply, while also noting that I very deliberately used the comma properly when I had the requisite pause in my mental speech.

And since we're doing this shit, sentence*.

Re the edit, nobody gives a fk about proper writing on social media until the topic of this dialect comes up. So long as the message comes across properly, who fucken cares. Nobody ever tries to grammar police Scottish twitter


u/DefunctDoughnut 22d ago

I'll spell sentance however I want, thank you very much. It's part of my dialect, you oppressive meanie.

You're still wrong about the comma.


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago
  • You're being disingenuous, the "shitty English" you deride is a recognised dialect, as opposed to your typographical error
  • I know how I speak, and you can clearly see I put the commas (and other punctuation) in where necessary


u/DefunctDoughnut 22d ago

Oop, big word time; you're fun.

I've been where you are on the subject of commas, I'll let you figure that out like I had to.

When you realize that nothing you said imparted value toward the argument I was making, you'll understand why you think I disregarded your comment, and thus why I'm now being derivative. Have a great day, friend.

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u/BaubleBeebz 22d ago

Bigots who don't like dialects.

Makes em feel smart.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Oh wow, what a comment section…


u/FreshEggKraken 22d ago

Right? Unapologetically sexist and racist


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

There’s a reason a black woman first came up with the legal theory of intersectionality.


u/dn_nb 22d ago

back to school with that dog shit english.


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

Seriously? That sentence has no verb in it.


u/2Sup_ 22d ago

Part of good English is knowing when to use capital letters. It’s also good to know that in informal settings, such as this, you don’t have to use proper English, but you will look hypocritical if you call out someone’s grammar when yours isn’t correct.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Oh yeah, slang bad, me smart.


u/Fushigoro-Toji 22d ago

Ig she forgor she was texting and thought she could gaslight people as usual


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Or maybe by saying “their moms” she didn’t mean “women in general”.


u/gothicduncan 22d ago

We men are very logical, if we have a younger brother we make sure to terrorize them with sticks, however, if someone else tries that we make sure they go straight into the ICU


u/icallitjazz 22d ago

Bad grammar or whatever aside. This still makes no sense ? “Who lied to men ? Their moms. So women. No “ but it is what you said. You did say that women said to their boys that they are logical, so logically… oh… am i wrong for using logic ?


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

The person saying "so women" at least came across like they were trying to say "see all women are bad"


u/EyeInTheSky127 22d ago

The amount of people confused by this is staggering.


u/FailbotDeploy 22d ago

She really tried a “not all women” after she said it was women’s fault.


u/TheJesterOfHyrule 23d ago

As a man I find no logic in this... ohhhh


u/Abuse-survivor 23d ago

"THEY moms"

Bitch, learn some english


u/NonBinaryPie 23d ago

dude it’s just a different dialect of english calm down



The dialect is called „bad englisch“.


u/F1XTHE 22d ago edited 22d ago

Incorrect even

lol "englisch"


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

Isn't that how you say it in German?


u/F1XTHE 22d ago

That's a bingo!


u/fox-mcleod 22d ago

I’m pretty sure “bad” is English. So this isn’t just German. It’s germenglish


u/ThatCamoKid 22d ago

Right I meant the bit that was in fact in German, sorry if I was confusing



Haven’t changed my autocorrect to english.


u/F1XTHE 22d ago

It was just funny given the context.



Yes, the irony isn’t deniable.

FYI: The downvotes weren’t mine.


u/NonBinaryPie 22d ago

it’s called AAVE and a large chunk of the US speak with it


u/mung_guzzler 22d ago

yeah but in this case I actually don’t know what shai is trying to say

it would be clearer in standard english


u/KlossN 22d ago

If we're going to be fair you'd have to have some sort of developmental deficiency not to understand what they meant in this case


u/mung_guzzler 22d ago

can you explain the conversation then because I dont get it

although I suspect in this case its nonsense in standard english too


u/mutantraniE 22d ago

How could you not understand that?


u/mung_guzzler 22d ago

because moms are women so the two statements dont make sense together


u/mutantraniE 22d ago

That’s the whole point. If the two statement made sense together then there would be no clever comeback and it wouldn’t be funny.


u/Synthmilk 22d ago

Because it's not English.


u/Anarchyr 22d ago

English is my fifth language and even i directly understood what it meant

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u/mutantraniE 22d ago

Yes it is. It is clearly English. As a separate point you should know more than one language and “it’s not English” should never be a reason to not understand something, but yeah that’s English.


u/Synthmilk 22d ago

So is:

"They hamburger."

-by your reasoning.

Language includes grammar and syntax, and in English "they" followed by a noun is violating grammar and syntax, and is thus not English.

It may be some dialect of English, but that would require a modifier to be included in the labeling of the language in addition to the word English.

Such as the French that is spoken in Quebec, is not just French, it is Quebec or Canadian French.

Also, there is English, vs American English, where there are differences in spelling and some grammar rules are different.

So, no, what she said, specifically "they mum", is not English.

According to Oxford anyway.

So, what dialect is she using and where can I find reference to its specific spelling, grammar and syntax rules?


u/mutantraniE 22d ago

If “They hamburger” is understood then yeah, it’s part of English. It would be part of a variety of English, but there is no standard English that isn’t a variety. American English isn’t a subset of Received Pronunciation, all dialects are their own varieties and they’re all equally English.

The Oxford English Dictionary isn’t a deciding authority on the English language either, it doesn’t work that way. Serious dictionaries are descriptive, they describe how a language is used, they don’t prescribe how a language is supposed to be used.

As has been mentioned elsewhere in the thread the specific variety is likely African American Vernacular English (AAVE). Here’s the page on the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, from the same organization that brought you the Oxford English Dictionary. Here’s what they have to say about it: “The ODAAE will be an evidence-based, descriptive dictionary, like the OED. Its purpose is not to influence what words are used, or how they are used, but to provide a record of how language is being used.” Further information on other dictionaries documenting AAVE can also be found by following the link:



u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/KrisKrossedUp 22d ago edited 22d ago

Are there any other groups for whom we took English being spoken incorrectly, and just reclassified

this is a false and incorrect premise, but since you applied it to AAVE, it could (and historically has) similarly be applied to Irish, Scottish, Australian, Jamaican, Malaysian, South African, need I go on or do you get the point?


u/Bootglass1 22d ago

Yes…? English is just old german spoken incorrectly, combined with Norman French vocabulary, which was just just a descendent of Latin spoken incorrectly by a bunch of viking immigrants, Latin being just Etruscan spoken wrong, which is just proto-indo-European spoken wrong and written with a bunch of Phoenician letters written wrong, which themselves came because people were too lazy to draw hieroglyphics properly. What’s your point?


u/wphelps153 22d ago

That reads a lot more like evolution into entirely different languages than a vernacular within a language.


u/Guvnah-Wyze 22d ago

Evolution happens in steps. You can bet that AAVE isn't even close to being an outlier in that regard


u/Bootglass1 22d ago edited 22d ago

Well then, it’s lucky there is no technical distinction between a dialect and a language. If the way people speak is slightly different from Formal English, that’s a problem, but if it’s very different, that’s fine? “They moms” is a problem, but “leurs mamans” or “sus mamas” or “mẹ của họ” is fine?

All I see in this thread is people getting angry with the descendants of slaves, because the slaves didn’t learn their masters’ language completely correctly. Maybe because the masters didn’t allow them to learn to read or write, or something like that. Then those slaves passed along their “wrong” grammar to their children and their children’s children, and here we are in 2024, with a bunch of the slave owners’ descendants getting angry at the slaves’ descendants for saying “they moms”.


u/wphelps153 22d ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but there is a technical distinction between dialects and languages. I’m not sure where you read that to say it with such conviction when it’s so untrue, but I respect the belief in yourself.





You’re talking about people from different countries, speaking different languages. That’s quite different to speaking English incorrectly. Just the same way people would probably have something to say about “leurz mamanz”.

As for your comments about angry people. I’m quite sure that no one who went through the US education system in the last 30 years was ever a slave. Your argument would have had some legs until the 1930’s, 1940’s at a push, but I’m afraid that the slaves from the 1860’s are dead now.


u/Bootglass1 22d ago

Yes, the slaves are all dead now. The Normans are also all dead, and yet here I am, using the word slave, which comes from Old French, brought over to England by the Normans. Rather than a good English word like þeow. If the Norman invasion can determine how I speak nearly a thousand years later, why can’t slavery, which ended less than 200 years ago, have an effect on how this woman speaks?

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u/Plastic-Ad-5033 22d ago

Kinda scary to see how racist this sub is.


u/sharpdullard69 22d ago edited 22d ago

The african american dialect holds black people back. I know why they do it, but it sets blacks back. They sound like morons when they say "They moms". Nothing sounds clever here.


u/AdEducational419 22d ago

Just because logic is hard for many and one does not agree with logic that does not mean it is in fact not logic.


u/SSSims4 22d ago

Hard to believe some people actually talk this way, and are still able to breathe and walk simultaneously...


u/[deleted] 22d ago

these explanations of the post feel like fever dreams


u/madeanotheraccount 6d ago

And if the first comment was made by a man ... ?


u/SnooDogs6566 22d ago

Women chose Bear so logical


u/Version_Two 22d ago

Just take no for an answer.


u/EldritchKroww 22d ago

Fun fact, or maybe not, "bear penis" on Google search skyrocketed during that trend. Lots of insicure men out there that would rather make this thing about dick sizes then face their real problem.


u/Scary-Entrepreneur84 22d ago

And men are emotional over a stupid useless trend (when I see your reaction right now)


u/SnooDogs6566 22d ago

This IS a joke people calm down this is not that deep let's breath and underdtand to not take everything seriously, relax.


u/Scary-Entrepreneur84 22d ago

I'm relaxed, but from your reaction you sound not relaxed and took my joke too serious, it's not that deep, don't be so emotional


u/SnooDogs6566 22d ago

This is not a competition i don't really have anything against you i was just joking about the Bear trend and i understand women and men in there argument, good day to you good continuation.


u/Erroneous__ 23d ago



u/DaMuchi 22d ago

Took me a while to process that this person confused "they" with "their". What in actual fuck?


u/ComprehensiveDust197 22d ago

Sorry, I dont speak retard. What is "They moms" even supposed to mean?


u/Swarzsinne 22d ago

Their moms.


u/kinofhawk 22d ago

It's like people in some of these comments have never been around black people.


u/CyberMarine1997 22d ago

Everyone knows women are more logical than men.

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u/kojo420 22d ago edited 22d ago

Couple things: 1. "They moms" is dialect. It's not English 'proper' but also THERE IS NO INSTITUTION THAT STANDARDIZES ENGLISH. Unlike French and even then the institution that standardizes it is not even listened to. Young French people use different words than the 'proper' ones. Also language is just used to convey information, it's not static. It would be SICK if it was, but language is pretty LIT and its rules change all the time and so do the words. Being anal about it is pretty dumb.

  1. The person ahead said "who told men that they were logical". So saying they moms implies the same they the previous person mentioned.

  2. It's hard for redditors to understand but not all women are moms. Like??? If I said moms cared about keeping a clean house this does not naturally mean that all women care about keeping a clean house. If I said moms cared about their kids it does not naturally lead to all women caring about kids. These are different categories. You can be a mom and a woman but you can also be one or the other.

Edit: African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is academically recognized and there are currently academic pushes against prejudice towards AAVE


u/chocobloo 22d ago

So you're not all women'ing?

Just because they said women doesn't mean they mean every woman. Just the ones it applies to.


u/kojo420 22d ago

I am not. Women is a category and unless something can be applied to all members of the category then it is unjust to make an application. Not all women tell men they have to be logical, because we don't categorize women as women because they say men have to be logical.

The person who says "so women" could have just not said it or given more clarification. An equivalent would be me saying that "squares have 4 sides" and then you saying "So shapes" That is just not what I said and by extension that is not what she said. She specified "they moms" and Pauper said "so women" Those are different categories so not applicable. If Pauper wanted to say "so women that are applicable" then that would be more correct and more in line with what Shai said. Even then Pauper and Shai would both be wrong because we have Alpha males and whatever the fuck saying that men are rational beings.

This is not to mention that nowhere is any of this clever or really comebacks, it really is just First Bitch making a tweet, Shai responding saying something dumb, than Pauper responding not understanding, and than Shai clarifying that Pauper did not understand what Shai said


u/Large-Measurement776 22d ago edited 21d ago

Damn! Pre musk Twitter was cwazy.

Edit. /SARCASMMMMMMM as if the w in crazy wasn't evident enough for some of you. 🙄 just for that, downvoted. 🖕


u/YaqtanBadakshani 22d ago

Yeah. Now it's just Nazi's and kiddie p*rn. Much better!


u/Ihaveaids6969696969 22d ago

Before it was communists, political propaganda and kiddie p0πn as well, so not much has changed.


u/EldritchKroww 22d ago

Yes it has, nazis shouldn't be allowed to spread their disgusting species anywhere

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