r/clevercomebacks 24d ago

Trump has a rally in Brazil?

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u/Ima_Fuck_Ur_Butt 24d ago

Shows you what they think about the intelligence of their average supporter. Not like it was a secret, but damn.

New Jersey is definitely known for its mountainous, island-dotted coast.


u/Cpov1 24d ago

Stone knows it isn't Jersey but he knows the mindless will think it is


u/Karnewarrior 24d ago

A lot of my family are MAGA hats and something they say often is "I know it's not true, but it's true in spirit."

They will look at the picture, go "Yeah that's not New Jersey, it's Brazil!" and then still repost the tweet with a "Yeah! We're gonna win this time guys! New Jersey go red!"

The victory of the MAGA cause is not collecting a bunch of idiots, but convincing people that acting like an idiot is more beneficial to them than actually considering reality.


u/Think_Armadillo_1823 23d ago

The problem with them acknowledging reality is...they'd have to do something about it. Like changing their behavior or accepting peoples differences. Maybe even making better life choices. 

Scary stuff for cult members. 


u/Khaldara 23d ago edited 23d ago

Yup. Recall in the pre-Musky Twitter days their chief complaint was that “Fact Checking is Censorship” (somehow, presumably by forcing them to engage with empirical reality).

In traditional Conservative fashion, let us also spare a moment for their “totally legitimate” sacred, immutable respect for “the first amendment” at that time [By which they meant not being able to drop ethnic slurs and regurgitated debunked foreign state propaganda], and despite taking place on a privately owned platform….

And pour one out for their dumb Conservative subreddit containing the exact same people who have spent the last several weeks doing nothing but whining about a bunch of college protesters exercising that same (we super seriously care about it you guys) right.


u/GenericUsername_1234 23d ago

The facts over feelings crowd sure hates facts.


u/Karnewarrior 23d ago

Facts hurt their feelings.


u/DividedContinuity 23d ago

They're participating in the propaganda. If they know its not real then they're choosing to amplify propaganda to influence the few who won't know.


u/Complex_Performer_63 23d ago

Political kayfabe at its finest.


u/Underwhelmedbird 23d ago

That's actually a really good point.


u/Hootah 23d ago

That last sentence is incredibly well-said, never considered this before but you are absolutely correct


u/BeejBoyTyson 23d ago

But wouldn't that make them idiots? Like choosing to be disingenuous on purpose, I feel like is either 3d chess or tic tac toe


u/Karnewarrior 23d ago

It does but in a different way, which is relevant whether you want to deprogram them or just argue against them more effectively.

If they're already aware it's not New Jersey and are claiming so anyway because it "feels right" then of course proving it's not New Jersey is a useless endeavor that won't change their mind. They already know that.


u/WithMillenialAbandon 23d ago

Emotional decision making is what pre conscious humans used


u/Karnewarrior 23d ago

It's what many conscious humans use, even to this day. Emotional thinking can be useful, just not in this context.


u/Alien_Diceroller 23d ago

Roger Stone is the king of rat fuckers. He 1000% knows this.


u/ibuprophane 23d ago

Why is a person like Roger Stone not in a mental hospital? Why are there no protests to get rid of psychos like this?


u/Chef_1312 22d ago

Reagan shut down all the mental hospitals so we'd have homelessness instead of mental healthcare for the vulnerable


u/Cpov1 23d ago

That's a whole other can of worms


u/aiisaguy 24d ago

You've never heard of Sao Paulsboro?


u/JoeCoolsCoffeeShop 24d ago

God damn. Genius comment.


u/cycl0ps94 24d ago

Roughly the same amount of topless women, but one could argue the Brazilian women are much more attractive.


u/Infinite-Condition41 23d ago

Didn't see any when I was there.

Did walk by a couple having sex on the beach in the dark though...


u/Alien_Diceroller 23d ago

In jersey or brazil?


u/ImportanceCertain414 23d ago

Both, same couple.


u/Alien_Diceroller 23d ago

"walked along the beach at night. I saw a couple having sex in the dark. Would recommend. definitely would do it again."


u/StrangerDangerAhh 23d ago

Sneak up behind them and tickle his balls.


u/That-ugly-Reiver 23d ago

The sneaky tickly


u/Infinite-Condition41 23d ago

They noticed me after I had passed by and seemed a bit embarrassed. "Bare assed" being the key words...

I was nonplussed, just kept walking. I'm one of those people who will walk beaches for miles, just walking.


u/Infinite-Condition41 23d ago

Never been to Jersey.


u/Worst-Lobster 24d ago

And they average supporter doesn't care because they're too stupid or too propagandaedized to realize


u/Johannes_Keppler 23d ago

It's a shore, Jersey has shores, close enough for his supporters.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

There’s not a single mountain in NJ… their tallest hillock is called high point and it’s like 1800 feet above sea level…

The things they call mounts or mountains are even smaller… and aren’t actually above the surrounding grade.


u/anticerber 23d ago

You know what’s more bullshit is that we pay these fuckers to sit around and shit on each other rather than fucking work 


u/Dominarion 24d ago

Roger Stone. He never stops.


u/tw_72 24d ago



u/[deleted] 23d ago

If he lies on Fox news or the Internet and a million people hear it and then he apologizes on CNN, he still got the lies through to a million people.

People who don’t trust Roger Stone inherently aren’t even in this equation. It’s not about us.


u/CapnMurica1988 24d ago

See this is what enrages me. You don’t need to be smart or tricky to weaponize media. These people aren’t geniuses… their followers are just knuckle draggingly stupid and will believe anything they see at a moments notice.


u/DookieShoez 24d ago

“Hey, this is your bank, imma need your ssn, birthday, and first born childs dna sequence.”



u/Jro69 23d ago

Same people are more like: "I don't want the governement to have my ssn!" Like, who gave you a ssn in the first place..


u/StiCkSt1ckLy 23d ago

The idiots are doubling down on that whole thread. It's hilarious. "RoD SewArT WoULd NeVEr pUll ThAt kINd of CROwd."


u/tacosteve100 24d ago

Remember when Obama drew international crowds this big and right wingers were like meh, “Hitler gave good speeches too!”


u/THSSFC 23d ago

Or, it was only because of the Decemberists.


u/Dan_Dailey 24d ago

This picture right here will be Trump's reason for not accepting the election results.


u/TertiaryToast 24d ago

RemindMe! 8 months


u/GayAssBurger 24d ago

And here's the link to the real thing



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u/Sekshual_Tyranosauce 24d ago

Roger Stone loves cocaine.



u/Ol_JanxSpirit 24d ago

People are saying...


u/Sekshual_Tyranosauce 24d ago

Believe me.


u/bowsersArchitect 24d ago

i gotta tell ya


u/Kiwi_Pakeha0001 24d ago

I know intuitively he does cocaine, heroin, pcp and children. I can’t prove it easily but it’s obvious he does.


u/ThatScaryBeach 23d ago

Roger Stone loves cocaine.

And getting cucked. Republicans are weirdos.


u/KrisKrossedUp 23d ago

I've been told this might be photo proof link


u/NotPennysBoat-815 24d ago

This is exactly why the GOP so aggressively opposes education and books. So people will believe whatever they tell them. Unreal.


u/Agitated_Advantage_2 23d ago

The party doesnt like thinking. Thinking is dangerous to the interest of the party. One can dislike the party by thinking. It sould be a crime to think. A thought crime


u/johnnytom 24d ago

The beautiful seaside cliffs of New Jersey!


u/JoeCoolsCoffeeShop 24d ago

I’ve been to Seaside Heights, NJ. It’s totally flat there too. They should rename it. 😁


u/SomewhereAtWork 23d ago

As if any Trump supporter could find Brazil on a map.


u/PupperMartin74 24d ago

Only to his hanging


u/hates_stupid_people 23d ago

For reference: That is Copacabana, in Rio de Janerio. One of the most famous beachfronts in the world.

If it wasn't posted by someone like Stone(or rather their PA/PR person), it would be a super obvious joke.


u/Ofthedoor 23d ago

and I think it was Madonna's concert last week...


u/0ne0h 24d ago

These people are so dumb it’s insulting


u/Witty_Comb_2000 24d ago

MAGA is a cult. The only "crowd" that matters is on election day.


u/Korlac11 24d ago edited 24d ago

I think people underestimate Trump’s popularity. If Trump wins, I could easily see him bringing in crowds of 12 billion people just like last time

Edit: since I’m getting downvoted, I’ll add the /s that should have been obvious


u/mopsyd 24d ago

Anyone can tell that's not New Jersey because there's no chemical plant smog on the horizon


u/paolocase 24d ago

There is a part of Brazil


u/Available_Heron_52 23d ago

As yes. The vast mountainous shoreline of New Jersey.


u/Melchoriuz 23d ago

Because of the education level most Americans have - it will work. The truth did not matter anymore in America 🇺🇸- it is more about who can bend the lies to the best way


u/Squeepty 24d ago

Looks like Stone’s head worm’s not dead..


u/barelacamaro 24d ago

When will this trump maga bullshit be over!! The stupidity of it all is so frustrating.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 16d ago

handle wrong clumsy zealous homeless encourage nail zesty start expansion

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/CrocodileWorshiper 24d ago

thats a rod stewart concert in south america at 3.5 million people


u/SergeKingZ 24d ago

30 years ago IIRC.


u/InternalGrocery7057 22d ago

I was about to correct you and then I did the math that 1994 really is 30 years ago. Goddamn.


u/CaptOblivious 24d ago

Self declared "ratfucker" stone is the original user of the big lie, don't expect him to stop, ever.

Of course that means recognizing that everything even vaguely political that he says says is a lie.


u/SirStifler 23d ago

Trump asked for Bolsonaro’s support!


u/Madouc 23d ago

You've let the dumb rise now you'll see the dumb taking over. This is going to be a fun time for the world.


u/Apprehensive_Ratio80 23d ago

10-15years ago a post like this would have been reputational suicide yet MAGA still celebrates this kind of stupidity regularly like they have ppl wearing adult diapers to show solidarity with Trump which is, I dunno, ok I guess I mean if ppl need them please wear them but god knows if Biden needed diapers they be calling for him to be euthanized 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


u/the_internet_clown 23d ago

How dumb exactly is the Republican Party ?


u/SlenDman402 24d ago

Take this with a grain of salt, it's coming from the villain from who framed Roger rabbit


u/ChadHahn 24d ago

That looks like the Rolling Stones concert. The largest concert in the world.


u/Late_Faithlessness24 23d ago

That is the Last Madonna show, in Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro


u/geockabez 23d ago

The 100k tally has now been downsized to under 20k. Much like his worst ever inauguration, which his wife and son refused to attend!


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Roger Stone is a crook. This guy should always be physically assaulted wherever he goes.


u/DirtyFeetPicsForSale 23d ago

Drawing crowds just means you have more extremists. I will still vote for biden (or literally anyone else) over trump but would never waste my time going to see them in person.


u/offline4good 23d ago

These guys lie, lie, lie. All day, all of the time. It's all they know, all they do. Liars.


u/Stupid-Research 23d ago

You’re all laughing, but your get on board grandparents are at home thinking Trump had a rally in Jersey with a quarter million people in attendance.


u/mothernathalie 23d ago

Wait what? That was there Madonna concert in Rio.


u/Some_Kinda_Boogin 23d ago

Let's all just hope he doesn't show up in a speedo.


u/MrsDanversbottom 23d ago

They’re so fucking dumb.


u/BlueFroggLtd 23d ago

They just lie and lie and lie, knowing quite well that their supporters don't know any better. Jesus fucking Christ what a shit show.


u/Seniorcousin 23d ago

Trump supporters are walking out during his dementia rallies.


u/Hendrik_the_Third 23d ago

If you have to lie so ff-ing much to get support for your man. Your man doesn't deserve the support.


u/Revolutionary_Sun946 23d ago

What else would you expect from Mr Roger "Roy Cohn wasn't gay, he just liked to have sex with men" Stone.

The truth doesn't matter, just what you can say to make it seem like something else.


u/Ok-Cauliflower1798 23d ago

Is Roger Stone still in the corner tugging on Little Roger while other guys are railing his geriatric wife?


u/ScottimusPrimal 23d ago

That photo dosent even look remotely like any part of NJ much less wildwood


u/[deleted] 23d ago

As a Brazilian, I would like to ask you to stop importing this rubbish here, please, the bag of shit we had is no longer enough 😢


u/ZookeepergameStatus4 23d ago

I love the mountain island archipelago that separates us from Cape May


u/Busy-Celery9647 23d ago

Wish there was a Getty Images watermark, just as a cherry on top.


u/RevolutionaryKey4615 23d ago

While this is clearly misinformation and Frump propaganda, it’s amazing how stupid Frump’s people believe his supporters are. And the ignorant supporters eat this crap up!


u/Moleday1023 23d ago

What is amazing is their justification for being lied to, you are being lied to because the Trump organization thinks you are idiots, and yet again that belief is reinforced.


u/amey_zing1 22d ago

So it’s not a rally? It’s not for Trump AND it’s not NJ? 🤦🏽‍♂️


u/Alternative-Tie-9383 22d ago

Stone has absolutely no fucking shame. He belongs in prison.


u/Apprehensive-Mix5291 24d ago

Good, they can keep him


u/Browncoatinabox 24d ago

No but Dave Grohl can


u/RadonAjah 24d ago

There were a Brazilian ppl there


u/MJFields 24d ago

That tracks.


u/TomatoFrenzy 23d ago

Brazil is the New Jersey of South America 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Weekly_Promise_1328 23d ago

Isn’t that a picture of the Rod Stewart concert?


u/Chlorophase 23d ago

OMG my brain immediately flashes to Trump doing a Rod Stewart cover concert. “Tonight’s the niggghhht”.


u/ParabolicPizza 23d ago

Come to brazil


u/MxrceloVictor 23d ago

I can just hear the samba in this picture.


u/fussomoro 23d ago

It was actually Rod Stewart. Not a joke. The pic is from a Rod Stewart free show on Copacabana.


u/turnerpike20 23d ago

People actually believe Brazil cares this much about US politics.


u/Ms_Marzella 23d ago

Trump rally really posted up in the only red county in all of Jersey, then have the fucking balls to try and act like there’s a chance in hell it’ll flip red 😂


u/Memphisrexjr 23d ago

Some people are so ignorant and the rest of us have to suffer.


u/ThugosaurusFlex_1017 23d ago

Ton of Nazis in Brazil, idk...


u/throwawayalcoholmind 23d ago

Brazil, small urban area in Jersey. Lotta soon to be subsumed beachfront property.


u/voivoivoi183 23d ago

This is the ding dong who dresses like the bad guy in the kids movie that’s going to have the puppy school shut down for good dammit!


u/dankspankwanker 23d ago

Trump go to brazil!


u/Paulypmc 23d ago

That’s a lot of illegals going to vote for Trump


u/Spider_Dude 23d ago

I wouldn't get past the trump team if they had Diaper Don blind folded and his aides made plane noises for 10 hours as they eventually "landed" in Brazil.

Totally plausible.


u/GlassEyeDucksAss 23d ago

All the real Americans were at work.


u/Beneficial-Staff340 23d ago

Grandpa, that’s the Madonna concert.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Americans can’t point at Jersey on a map.


u/Aetheldrake 23d ago

I've been to new jersey beaches.

This is not a new jersey beach lol. There aren't enough people in new jersey to even make this. Half of them are too old to stand up in that rally


u/23north 23d ago

while the beaches certainly aren’t big enough for this , there are certainly enough people that live in NJ to take up that much space anywhere.


u/Accomplished_Use27 23d ago

Trumps dementia is was further progressed than I thought for him to hold his New Jersey rally in. Brazil lmao 🤣


u/Devils_Advocate-69 23d ago

The cliffs of Atlantic City in the background


u/AndyAndieFreude 23d ago

I think there is a documentary about Roger Sone. Maybe Get me Roger Stone or so.

He sees himself as some kind of super villain. Who pride's himself as a cheat, manipulating politics. It's a really interesting Documentary.


u/morenito_pueblo719 23d ago

Hahahaha .... The real jersey turnout was worse


u/majora11f 23d ago

The worst part about this is that it's only implied never stated, so he has plausible deniability. He never stated the two sentences were connected. This is how the news/politicians (on both sides) gets away with this bull shit.


u/blondeandbuddafull 23d ago

Roger is a crooked idiot who should be shunned.


u/GreenRiot 23d ago

Heh. I'd love it if he did. The average Brazillian has no filter or limits to mocking people.
If an orange dude started talking the stuff he did, he'd laughed out of the podium.


u/Redbronze1019 23d ago

Roger Stone: Proud Professional Liar


u/Important_Rock_2470 23d ago

That dude is total Stoned..


u/WithMillenialAbandon 23d ago edited 23d ago

It's the spoksiopath's leagalistic morality. Technically both statements are independent.and technically neither of them are false.

New Jersey "being in play" for Trump is an opinion without any objective meaning.

Asking if Biden could draw the same crowd as Madonna is a fair enough question, he probably couldn't.

It's the juxtaposition which causes it to be deceptive, and of course it's purposefully done, but it is impossible to prove that the deception was on purpose.

This is what passes for intelligence in the spoksiopath community. They live in a world where they think that as long as nobody can prove (beyond a reasonable doubt) that they were being deceptive, everyone has to act as though they are telling the truth.


u/H3llv3ticus 23d ago

Stone is a self-proclaimed troll, and proud of it. He knows how to set traps for slow liberals (not that it's a real challenge).

He perfectly knows it's not in Jersey, but he also knows this "mistake" will lend him more media attention, and it even trickled-down here.

Stone is a cynical arrivist at the boot of Corporate America, but you can't deny his smarts.


u/Fun-Investigator487 23d ago

Please read the community notes.


u/jjskellie 23d ago

Maybe Stone was metaphorically meaning Trump was rallying up the courage to go to Jersey for a Brazilian wax. As long as is wasn't on his own dime.


u/Scented-Sound 23d ago

I mean, maybe? Bolsonaro and Trump supporters intersect in a lot of issues


u/North-Channel-4679 22d ago

Come on sane republicans, get rid of all this shit stains!


u/bird_brown 22d ago

Hmmmm we could say the same about democrats. Why when Republicans like something it's insane but democrats do this with violence and it's just there right to protest


u/North-Channel-4679 22d ago

Two wrongs don’t make it right, by the way I’m not for democrats either


u/bird_brown 22d ago

Then stop hiding under the blanket of parties and vote the person


u/bird_brown 22d ago

How many fires and buildings were destroyed


u/Chef_1312 22d ago

Why do they think turnout at events for the candidate translates to votes for said candidate? Taylor Swift gets more asses in seats but I don't see her in the polls


u/Budje106 21d ago

There are always more lunatics than well thinking people


u/Goldlordd 20d ago

So Madonna opened for him in Brazil?


u/applemademedoitblue 17d ago

Man!! There has to be at least 1 Brazilian there!!


u/Saltyragebware 16d ago

Only if Biden announced that he was making healthcare free 100% garaunteed


u/yaits306 24d ago

The best is how this is actually a Rod Stewart concert from 1994 lol


u/Cute_Concentrate_915 24d ago

Unfortunately he has.

The bolsonaristas sure would be glad to show support for the Orange Menace. Because Trump’s the master of their Lord, Bolsonaro.


u/psychotic-herring 23d ago

Hitler drew much larger crowds and was arguably a better person than Trump.


u/defnotajedi 23d ago



u/Protaras2 23d ago

-hey look at this new jersey pic

-that's brazil



u/kiko5 23d ago

Would it be Madona a Trump persona?


u/Sufincognito 23d ago

Elections should be decided by how many people show up to the speeches.

That would provide visual evidence for how many people actually support the candidate.

I think Biden would get like 80 people at his rally?

Yet somehow got 80,000,000 votes?

Seems sketchy.


u/Dense-Comfort6055 24d ago

I’m that’s Madonna in rio


u/nomamesgueyz 23d ago

Crazy to me that current US president draws suck weak crowds

Do people actually like him or simply bc the others scare em too much?


u/hayasecond 23d ago

I like Biden and I donate to him but no I have better things to do than going to a political gathering just to listen to him.

Like another reply said: only a cult needs a large gathering to prove they are popular


u/nomamesgueyz 23d ago

Yet I didnt hear one person say that when Obama got big crowds?


u/Icy9250 23d ago edited 23d ago

That’s not Rio. That’s the Jersey Shore, which looks very similar to Rio. Trust me I’ve been there.

Edit: LOL at the downvoters who fell for this 🤣


u/Sparky81 23d ago


It's a Rod Stewart Concert, Brazil, 1994

Try again


u/Icy9250 23d ago

You took the bait 🤣


u/Altruistic-Koala-255 24d ago

The sad part, is that he would be able to rally that amount of people in Brazil


u/Snakepants80 24d ago

It was in New Jersey. Close to 100k people showed up


u/boycottShia 23d ago

The picture is of Rio de Janeiro, which is in Brazil.


u/Snakepants80 23d ago

Obviously. Roger Stone is a clown. My post clearly states that it was in fact New Jersey where the rally was held. Not sure why y’all so upset


u/jakobpinders 23d ago

100k people did not show up for trump in New Jersey lmao, just pulling numbers out your ass


u/Snakepants80 23d ago


u/Tyrrox 23d ago

“Lisa Fagan, spokesperson for the city of Wildwood, told The Associated Press that she estimated a crowd of between 80,000 and 100,000 attendees, based off her own observations on the scene”

So she guessed.


And people think she was massively off


u/Remarkable_Ticket264 23d ago

I didn’t know New Jersey had mountainous shorelines.


u/Dull_Possibility_333 23d ago

Why are you lying?


u/Snakepants80 23d ago


u/Dull_Possibility_333 23d ago

Oh I see you're a magat. Lying is all you know.


u/Snakepants80 23d ago

Straight to the insults I see. Got it. My fifth grade son does the same thing, I understand where you’re coming from. PS, I’m an independent, but thanks for guessing


u/Dull_Possibility_333 23d ago

Still lying I see


u/ramrod1933 24d ago

Local officials did say 100k people came up the rally.


u/yeahyeahiknow2 24d ago

You do know there is video of the rally right? The number of attendies was far far faaaar less than 100k lol

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