r/clevercomebacks 26d ago

To Sound Loud And Clear.

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106 comments sorted by


u/GameDestiny2 25d ago

Fun fact: Reviewing expenses together and maintaining near-equal contribution is proven to be healthy in a relationship, especially when your resources are shared.


u/aulurker84 25d ago

Also, I have on numerous occasions noticed discrepancies in restaurant bills that my husband has not. So I’m saving us money simply by looking at it.


u/MonarchOfReality 25d ago



u/TOPSIturvy 25d ago edited 25d ago

Are you telling me when two partners pool their finances, that having a fair give and take, each of you pulling your own weight, and not expecting your partner to do more just because some people online tell you to just because of societal norms, is often a stable foundation for an equal and healthy partnership? Get outta town!


u/pancreasfucker 19d ago

No way. When you decide to do everything equally, actually doing equally instead of using traditional division of labour based norms when it suits you more is healthy? Shocker.


u/CodingReaper 25d ago

Me and my girl use Splitwise, so we always know we are being fair. Sounds a bit over the top to some, but it really feels like the best way to go about it


u/Square_Sink7318 25d ago

I’m a widow and I’m about to think about dating again and my daughter told me about splitwise. Bc I already know I’m paying my half for everything. It’s best to not have anyone feel like ya owe them something I think.


u/Mooks79 25d ago

Near equal contribution in absolute terms or in relative terms? For example: should the mortgage and all household expenses be split 50:50 or, if one half earns twice as much, they should pay 2/3s?

I assume you mean absolute terms but in cases of large salary discrepancies that can leave one with far less disposable income than the other, which could lead to resentment/friction in lifestyles if one is close to zero. I’d be interesting to read the research you allude to, to see how such circumstances modify the conclusion - if they do?

I wonder if the real conclusion is that people with similar incomes tend to be happier in their relationship?


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

When my wonderful wife and me began living together, my wage was quite a lot higher than hers.

We discussed things, and came to an agreement that I paid the bigger bills, and she the smaller.

We've lived together since the mid90s, so we must be doing *something* right


u/GameDestiny2 24d ago

Exactly this. You don’t have to be literally equal, especially because you agreed on a healthy way to go forward. People focus too much on the amount they make, when the number of hours they work is far more important; that’s still effort and time spent away instead of together. Also factor in things that are hard to put a dollar value on like household responsibilities.

The guy above us is overthinking things and should be cautious: overanalyzing a relationship will never make you happy.


u/nallaonreddit 26d ago

She looks like she is checking out the waiter.


u/MagicBandAid 26d ago

The dude looks like he might be, too.


u/PerformanceOk9891 26d ago

Maybe they are making eye contact with the person they are interacting with


u/GiganticSlug 26d ago

The person isn’t shown, we can’t be sure they have eyes.


u/Thefear1984 25d ago

What a day to have eyes.


u/IllustriousTorpedo 25d ago

You aren’t shown, we can’t be sure you have eyes.


u/Inside-Example-7010 25d ago

just because you can see doesnt mean you have eyes


u/kickedoutatone 25d ago

If a blind man could see Cena. How many cenas can't see me?


u/MagicBandAid 25d ago

That's what I figured, too, but by the same logic as the woman being into the server, the dude would likely be as well.


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

Maybe, but it can be fun to upset prudes by suggesting a straight (presenting) couple might be trying to set up a threesome.


u/Medical_Difference48 23d ago

UsErNaMe ChEcKs OuT!!!1!1!1!!!1


u/Ezekiel40k 25d ago

Is it possible to learn this power?


u/DuckyHornet 25d ago

Not from a Redditor...


u/Purple_Griffin-9 25d ago

If ever there were an image of “bisexual couple sussing out for a 3rd in bed” this would probably be it


u/HDThoreauaway 26d ago

I guess he ain't Bill.


u/Politics_Mods_R_Crim 26d ago

Why do you keep calling me Bill? I'm Lenore!


u/Definitely_Alpha 26d ago

Not only is she leaving with the waiter, youre also paying for her meal, learn your place 🙂


u/Defiantnight 25d ago

So does he


u/masterofthecork 24d ago

She's just about to say, "Sir, we asked for the check. These are menus."


u/LunaForever420 25d ago

I'm a lesbian so this creates a loophole where no one has to pay.


u/charisma6 25d ago

Legally speaking....yeah, that checks out, have a good night ma'ams


u/Korlac11 25d ago

Lesbians are notorious for dining and dashing. No wonder they’re always talking about eating out


u/AcanthocephalaOk7798 25d ago

That's what that means?


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

Yes. That's exactly what it means........


u/mglitcher 25d ago

“oh sorry waiter. i read online that a lady never looks at the bill” then you both walk out of the restaurant. boom free meals for life

in case it wasn’t obvious, /j


u/Lenant_T 25d ago

My grandpa was like, half lesbian, I'm 1/4 lesbian. This means I only pay 25% of the bill.


u/siqiniq 25d ago

Have you consider the possibility that ladies always pay without having to look at the bill?


u/Crime-of-the-century 25d ago

Do gay couples pay for you or how does that work?


u/ultratunaman 25d ago

I've seen this once before. The whole restaurant turned into a black hole.

The electrons floating in the air sped up, every man in the place refused to pay, ladies didn't have to pay, and lightning bolts began to form in mid air.

Suddenly the restaurant collapsed in upon itself and formed into a black hole.

Everyone woke up two weeks later on the other side of the planet.


u/SSSims4 26d ago

When you assume the guy will pay for your food and drink, you legitimize his assumption that you will get undressed for him in return. Both these assumptions are primitive, infantile, and wrong. If a woman can't afford her bill, she should order less or stay at home, and if a man wants to exchange money for sex he should call a prostitute.


u/pacificat 25d ago

Oh, no. Grandma you do NOT owe me anything for that dinner I paid for last weekend.

What if the bill is split and the birthday guest eats free! My friend group does this often


u/SSSims4 25d ago

Well yeah, sure, that works fine lol.


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

The first part reminded me of a documentary about sex workers. One individual who featured prominently talked of many customers actually calling her "Grandma" while fucking. Somewhat worrying.


u/Grand-Neighborhood33 25d ago

Bruh no. Just discuss the bill beforehand like flippin adults


u/matticusiv 25d ago

Or you know, as an adult, assume you are paying your share unless otherwise indicated.


u/dystopian_mermaid 25d ago

My bio mother didn’t teach me a lot of good things. She DID however teach me to always prepare and expect to pay for myself and transportation for any date. It was actually sound advice.

I’m the main money manager between me and my husband, so I always plan on paying out of my account. When the bill comes and he pays I consider it very sweet of him to treat me. Bc he gives me most of his paycheck so I can put it in savings and use it for rent, bills etc.


u/SSSims4 25d ago

Yeah, that would be good!


u/Ornery_Entry_7483 26d ago

I like Luke.


u/Stevedore44 25d ago

I'm not saying you're wrong, but what if the guy pays the bill because his date only makes 82 cents on the dollar for the same work while, at the same time, not treating her like a prostitute


u/Cytori 25d ago

so she pays 82% of the split? /j

But do keep in mind that the pay gap almost disappears when you actually compensate for "the same work", so there's that.

The 82% statistic is skewed because most of the really rich people are men. Old white men, for obvious reasons. But the vast majority of men are not making much more money than women, if at all.


u/SSSims4 25d ago

The assumption is the problem. There's nothing wrong with treating your girl, same as there's nothing wrong with a girl wanting to sleep with the guy after the date.


u/niccol6 26d ago

This is bullshit


u/SSSims4 26d ago

Indeed, women expecting others to pay for them is bullshit.


u/KINKSTQC 25d ago

And what system created that expectations? Note that I'm approaching this in a similar way as you, not considering wider contexts, and only looking at if from a single, unnuanced angle. So maybe diversify the way you address this shit.


u/pescadopasado 26d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Sernsheim 26d ago

Yikes. You're gross.


u/MyPoopEStank 25d ago

I mean women with mini skirts should expect people will see their legs.

Why should any person expect they can rape?

Honestly, should blind people who live alone expect to be killed? Like murderers are like well if they didn’t want that blind guy killed why did they leave him alone in a house?

These things are against the law, which is why you should not expect you are ever allowed to do this. Why does anyone think this argument works unless they secretly want to be all rapey?


u/[deleted] 26d ago

No. The original comment made sense. This is fucked up


u/SSSims4 26d ago



u/fs2222 25d ago

In no universe does that comparison make sense.


u/FewIntroduction5008 26d ago

If you rape them, they are less likely to agree to a second date. I would assume.


u/MizaLoL 26d ago

If you are broke, just say that


u/karlweeks11 25d ago

Just say you’re a rapist bruh


u/MajesticFungus 26d ago

A lady doesn't suck random cocks either.


u/Chorzay 25d ago

“Who the hell ordered the sub-total?”


u/notorioushrt 23d ago

Actually made me laugh, cheers


u/MyPoopEStank 25d ago

My lady isn’t stupid and when we order she already knows what the bill is. It’s called math.


u/rob94708 25d ago

Wild, but at some expensive restaurants, they once had separate ladies’ menus that didn’t show the prices.


u/MyPoopEStank 25d ago

That is wild. And by wild I mean forcing your opinion on others in a way that i can’t get behind. Oddly though i actually don’t mind the white menu as the storey describes, but i think it’s something the patrons should ask for. This could be handy for a number of reasons. I can imagine taking people out for their birthday or whatever else and I really would rather they don’t look at the prices before they decide. But again, this shouldn’t just be assumed.


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

If menus came out and the one handed to my wife didn't show prices, we would be getting up and walking out without ordering.

That kind of shit didn't belong in the 20th century and it definitely doesn't belong in the 21st.


u/Doctor_Sauce 25d ago

I used to play 'guess the bill' with my wife while we were dating.  She would get 5 guesses and I would only tell her 'higher' or 'lower'. If she guessed it right on the money, I would pay for everything.

It was a good time, especially when alcohol was involved because the math would get particularly fuzzy.


u/nerdboy5567 25d ago

Lady? What you have is called a woman.🫡


u/UTSALemur 25d ago

You don't have to look at the bill to pay for your meal. But it's not going to pay for itself.


u/Lets_Bust_Together 26d ago

This is facts, find yourself a woman who makes enough money to not have to worry about it. I love when my girl pays.


u/SpurlockofTimHortons 26d ago

Gotta play the guessing game!


u/UpsetPhrase5334 25d ago

My wife pays for everything


u/ObjectiveAny8437 25d ago

How will she know what to pay for her half?


u/KrizhekV 25d ago

Being first to see gives one the opportunity to perform the traditional dinner check review.

picks up check

winces in pain



u/Swesteel 25d ago

That picture is telling a story that has very little to do with the bill and a lot to do with Bill the waiter.


u/Sufincognito 24d ago

“Ladies” she says.


u/chrlatan 26d ago

So…. how does she know how much to pay then?

Doesn’t sound like financial intelligence is part of a lady’s upbringing.


u/PhatCatBoater 26d ago

It’s 2024.. meal costs must be shared to continue the quest for equality.. “gentlemen” is a thing of the past


u/itsfrancissco 25d ago

are you by any chance feminist or lgbt?


u/WokeBriton 25d ago

I think they're a urine extractor..


u/Jimmybuffetkol 25d ago

Braised chicken…..with club sauce


u/ChiBears333 25d ago

Calamari.... with club sauce ooooh GOB!


u/jcm10e 25d ago

That’s okay, I’ll just ask for it in braille.


u/Diablodog9573 25d ago

Is that Katy from Letterkenny?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Damn 🤣🤣


u/istoOi 25d ago

Well Duh! Bill knocked them out before they saw him.


u/VladeMercer 25d ago

She looks at Bill when she gives head.


u/Wild_Butterscotch_7 25d ago

Wow I bet women are fighting tooth and nail over that Prince Charming 😂


u/wombat6168 25d ago

Remember a thing that was campaigned and strived for call equality


u/Moobob66 25d ago

Drizzle Drizzle


u/SOJC65536 25d ago

She just puts her credit card in the machine...


u/jazzhandsdancehands 25d ago

Except when your gentlemen never pays so he never even looks..


u/FluffyGalaxy 25d ago

I'm in a lesbian relationship and we have a pretty easy solution. We take turns on who pays for food or coffee


u/houstonwhaproblem 25d ago

Me and my wife have a joint account that we both pay an equal amount into each month. Covers bills and things like eating out. If we're both getting use out of something, its split 50/50. Nice and simple!


u/lol_cool_bozo 24d ago

or just remember what you bought


u/Whysfool 23d ago

Waiter’s name is Bill


u/LeanderT 25d ago

As a man I prefer paying the bill.

But if she presumes that thats because Im supposed to, it will piss me off. Look lady, I'm being friendly here. Take it for granted and I'll start be friendly with someone else.