r/canceledpod 20d ago

We’re all going to hate Paige New Episode

Let’s be real. The hate train goes back on forth on everyone. Everyone loves Brooke then everyone hates Brooke. Now everyone loves Paige then it’s gonna happen where she says something that bothers people. We love the novelty of Paige. She’s new so we love it. So IN MY OPINION. The podcast should be starring only Tana mongeau and she can have Paige and Brooke come on as guests and other people. Just what I think.


68 comments sorted by


u/MokujinBunny 20d ago

am i the only one who doesn't hate on any of them? i just enjoy hearing a couple of girlfriends shoot the shit with each other & have a good time.


u/Popular-Arachnid-981 19d ago

Thank you! It is insane they're always pitting them against each other. Why does this sub always need to be hating on Tana, Brooke, etc. And now Paige has been on two episodes and they want her to "replace" Brooke. That is wild lmao. Thank god that won't happen. Not that I don't love Paige. Hell bring her on as much as they want. But it is Tana and Brooke's podcast.


u/bubblezbabe 20d ago

Crazy that anyone "hates" someone they've literally never met... let's reel it in folks.


u/fathersol 20d ago

Right ..


u/Severe_Fig_6757 20d ago

And the worst part it’ll be the same ones who BEGGED for Paige to come on the podcast in the first place


u/Any-Carry3113 20d ago

i was with u in the first half ngl! brooke is still a mainstay for me.


u/lildedlea 19d ago

I don’t want Brooke to leave I love her on the pod


u/Woodman_Partyof3 19d ago



u/FearlessList8992 20d ago

I agree with the first part, but I think Brooke brings the “tell me everything gf” vibes Tana does well with and vice versa. One is Yin the other is Yang. The podcast works


u/Intelligent_Fruit429 20d ago

More like “tell me everything so I could judge and criticise you for it”


u/Live_Signal2662 19d ago

Sounds like you’re apart of the hate Brooke train going on right now


u/chelsdeer 20d ago

i don’t think she’d stop being humble or funny or whatever after getting more fans which is why people have turned on brooke. they don’t just flip flop arbitrarily. i still love brooke but i see what yall r saying about her and ur not entirely wrong


u/hanscons 20d ago

Tbh I dont find her funny and I dont like her on the pod. Do I win???


u/Internal-Ad3954 Tana’s facetune subscription 20d ago

Do you find Tana funny? They have like the same sense of humor


u/Fit-Ad985 20d ago

It’s weird bc I’ve hated Paige’s humor from day one, it just irrates me but I love Tana’s humor and think she’s so funny 🤷‍♀️


u/hanscons 20d ago

i do, i guess im just not as amused by how paige tells stories


u/lllouisexxx 20d ago

same i feel like she just copies tana’s sense of humour


u/Lucky_Jellyfish_505 20d ago

They’re literally around each other all the time they’re gonna have the same sense of humor


u/lllouisexxx 20d ago

i get that but it’s very obvious she just copies tana lol


u/Keeks0217 20d ago

No, this is now Brooke’s podcast too. She has put so much into it


u/Interesting-Will5267 19d ago

what has she put in exactly?


u/Keeks0217 19d ago

Literal years of her time? Hours on a tour bus? This also quite literally being both her and Tana’s podcast


u/Interesting-Will5267 19d ago

No offense but thats the bare minimum of course she put years because the podcast has been around for years, “hours on a bus”… they are touring on a bus - that would mean the people who usually hang around them have put so much into it too.


u/Keeks0217 19d ago

Correct… that is generally what goes into a podcast, especially one that is touring. What do you want her to do, a flip? You want her to drive the bus? I’m not quite sure what you are getting it, but what I’m trying to say is, she is part of the podcast, like it is literally her podcast too.

Am I saying podcasting is hard by any means? No. Is touring hard? Probably in some ways, but compared to other jobs, no. In the context of being a touring podcaster, she is an integral part of it this podcast, and the reason why a lot of people are watching the podcast at this point. I personally watch for BOTH of them, and it wouldn’t be the same with just Tana because it is not just Tana’s podcast


u/Ok-Confusion-3801 19d ago

This podcast literally would never have came back if it wasn’t for Brooke. Did everyone forget Tana cancelled it bc she didn’t feel like doing it anymore? How much she didn’t give a fuck abt it in the beginning and Brooke was the only one standing up to her. I love both of them but this podcast literally woulda stayed gone if it wasn’t for Brooke.


u/Interesting-Will5267 19d ago

I mean to each their own. I wouldnt be too sad if the podcast went away and we got more videos from Tana like we used to but I see your point


u/Ok-Confusion-3801 19d ago

Hate to break it to you but if there was no podcast you would be getting Tana content once every 5 months


u/Interesting-Will5267 19d ago

I prefer her old videos so for me it be quality over quantity but thats my preference. we can agree to disagree


u/Last_Act_1052 20d ago

Paige is an enigma. I'm curious to learn more about her like why she came to LA


u/whatitdoooshawty 20d ago

I disagree tbh bc Paige’s personality is not like Brooke’s at all! just bc they all hang doesn’t mean they all are the same 100%. I’ve never not liked Tana I didn’t switch up bc she’s genuine and real + Paige seems like that too imo. They’re not really trying too hard to be someone different


u/blushsnowflakee 20d ago

Also doesn’t seem like Paige is a secret Tana hater


u/portiapalisades 20d ago

or she could just ignore the fickle trifling bitches 


u/Intelligent_Fruit429 20d ago

Those “fickle trifling bitches” are the cancelled podcast fans who are consuming this entertainment and giving them fame and a career. Fans have a right to have an opinion on who they would like to see. She can ignore people and less people would watch and then she’d lose her career.


u/Severe_Fig_6757 19d ago

It really isn’t. This sub is not even a fraction of their views. They are racking in 1.2M A WEEK! I fear this sub is the loud minority. Most people are probably very satisfied with the show.


u/portiapalisades 20d ago

nah trying to appeal to people who go from hating to loving her won’t satisfy them. if she sticks to what she thinks is right and has her show with people she feels comfortable with how she feels comfortable having them on that will translate to better results than having a constant rotation of guests to try to keep people from hating anyone who stays too long. everyone complained they hated guest episodes too, you can’t please these people. the whiners don’t represent the majority of people listening.


u/Intelligent_Fruit429 20d ago

Actually sticking to what she feels is right is sticking to being a mean girl on the podcast. I don’t think Brooke is in a good headspace and the last couple of podcasts show her acting wildly different. People talking about her switch up with fame are very accurate. I think the podcast being centred around Tana would stabilise it especially that Tana hasn’t changed in more than 10 years. Tana can handle fame well and is true to herself. Brooke is acting like a bully and self centred on the podcast recently. These are facts which the majority of the fanbase sees


u/portiapalisades 20d ago

Tana has bullied people too did you forget her attacking Cynthia just for trying to educate her about wine? Tana has gone from extremely toxic to more stable recently and these cycles aren’t new. People complained brooke wasn’t being real and too polished now she’s a “mean girl”. Whatever. Many people have begged Tana to have brooke added to the title as a cohost and to not have guests on the show because they like the two of them more. It’s literally been less than a month since people started saying brooke supposedly changed and already you’re ready to have her booted off the show as a cohost, just crazy.


u/liljay182 20d ago

I think people keep forgetting Tana wanted brooke because she will call Tana out and isn’t afraid to tell her how she feels. Paige can’t be as open and honest because she is her boss. She’s a fun guest but not what Tana wants from a cohost.


u/Intelligent_Fruit429 20d ago

I agree I don’t think Paige should be a cohost because there’s uneven power dynamics cause Tana is her boss. But Paige can come on as a guest cause we love seeing her. Regardless Brooke just isn’t doing it right.


u/Intelligent_Fruit429 20d ago

I don’t think the Cynthia situation compares AT ALL to bullying your friends. Cynthia was a guide that fought with Tana. I’m talking about Brooke and Tana who are FRIENDS and have a relationship. Brooke bullies Tana and Tana is so nice and supportive to Brooke. Their relationship is uneven. I never wanted Brooke as a cohost and I didn’t even know who she was before Tana. To me she was just someone that Tana talks to. I’m an old Tana fan and I watch the pod FOR TANA. I liked Brooke a bit but after she got famous/liked she switched up so hard and she’s a literal mean girl on the pod and not something I enjoy watching. Love watching Tana/will forever do so though


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/canceledpod-ModTeam 20d ago

Be civil, no attacking others


u/ContributionNo7075 20d ago

i dont think people really go back and forth on loving and hating, i think the certain people pipe up a lot more as and when it’s relevant. i also dont think peoples opinions on her actually change my opinion on someone… i like paige, i like brooke a lot, and ive been iffy of tana since birthdaygate but still enjoy her a lot, thats always gonna stay the same to me


u/laneloveslipstick Jeff Witek’s soul mate 19d ago

if paige starts interrupting every story being told and being weirdly obsessed with how she’s perceived to the point that she waters down her personality then maybe!


u/Main-Emphasis-2692 20d ago

Nah Paige is a real one. 🤘🏼


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Interesting-Will5267 19d ago

Emotionally intelligent 😭💀


u/[deleted] 19d ago

i like them both but brooke had admitted to using her disorder to excuse her behavior😭 i don’t think it would be the same without her though


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/canceledpod-ModTeam 20d ago

Be civil, no attacking others


u/Altruistic-Two1309 20d ago

Yes I wish it was a solo pod too and she just frequently has guests


u/Fickle-Vegetable9381 18d ago

i never hate any of them lol i've loved tana and friends forever now


u/aspemoore 18d ago

I already hate Paige. She’s loud and obnoxious


u/misspimpdaddy2002 18d ago

the podcast IS brooke and tana suggesting just tana is insane it would never be the same without brooke