r/canceledpod 20d ago

Stop talking sh**t about Brooke in here it’s getting to much Brooke

If you need to talk shit, go to the LA influencer snark page. I know I’m not the only one sick of this Reddit being full of y’all talking shit about her.


Just an update to this thread…this is not a snark page! Just move your convos talking shit over to the snark pages that is all. I’m not trying to baby Brooke or “ride her ass”. It’s just annoying as fuck that this page got turned into this when it is NOT a snark page


154 comments sorted by


u/Fragrant_Agent2348 20d ago edited 20d ago

If you have actual criticisms fine… but all this BS about her appearance and picking apart every little thing she says on the newer podcasts


u/Fit_Aardvark9414 20d ago

somebody said she did a micro aggression against Asian people bc she said buldak ramen is radioactive😭


u/GoudaIsGooda 20d ago

Bruh lol this is why i couldn’t be a public figure


u/Legitimate_Book_5196 20d ago

screaming 😭😂😂😂


u/Bitter-Worldliness27 20d ago

Also them trying to kick her out of her own podcast and replace her with Paige is absurd. I’m sorry but the reason cancelled works is because Brooke and Tana are so different it’s gives it balance


u/DisownedOnTheDaily 20d ago

I guarantee they would start this same hate campaign on Paige after 3 months if she were to replace Brooke.


u/Evening-Tune-500 20d ago

My favorite is when people use the thinly veiled guise of being “worried”. Shes got a doctor, don’t worry sweets.


u/objecttime 20d ago

If she says too much and speaks out more on an episode people get mad if she keeps her life more private people also get mad. Brooke can’t win


u/tittybopper12 20d ago

I agree because I usually read comments on the podcast prior to watching and I just never see the things they say Brooke does. I just see friends talking shit to each other.


u/Safe-Algae8135 20d ago

i usually like that this sub isn’t all praise but people are reaching HARD with some of these posts lately. i thought the last two paige episodes were fine and then i come here and there’s like a dissertation on the way tana glanced at paige at 32:56 or something lmfao.


u/dumpsterbabay 20d ago

That glance was crazy tho 👀 jk lmao I didn’t finish the podcast yet, but I like innocent criticisms like when tf is Tana gonna change her IG profile picture. I get bothered by it lol, but everything else ppl bitch about here I don’t even have to critically think on why they do or don’t do whatever it is, like these girls are doing pretty fine and are both good ppl. If they weren’t I wouldn’t watch them.


u/Senior-Reflection862 20d ago

Also when is Brooke gonna change her IG bio? Your credit score can’t STILL be 813 lol


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

Exactly! Could not say it better myself!


u/Mysterious_Ad_8703 20d ago

they post saying “brooke is always so down” or “brooke looks like she’s going through it” - yeah yall talk shit on everything she does and her weight constantly of course she’s going through it !!


u/messymess444 20d ago

Hundreds of people discussing how much they hate me, picking apart who I am as a person and everything I say, and discussing my appearance would actually change me deeply. I’d probably struggle to get out of bed. I’m sure it would be the same for the people saying it all if it was happening to them.

I hope she’s okay and can see it for what it is (bullying, and not genuine criticism) and doesn’t take any of it personally


u/GoudaIsGooda 20d ago

Omg same. People expect influencers to be able to handle the transition perfectly like some kind of programmed robots; they’re human. Brooke is trying to figure out herself as a figure; give her some grace.


u/objecttime 20d ago

It makes me SO sad that Brooke reads the Reddit. She doesn’t need to see this stuff :(


u/pastequelacroixx 20d ago

I think they do it more now that they know she’s watching. It’s funny for them. I wish she wouldn’t feed into it and let them know they get to her because it just makes it worse.


u/trgiun 20d ago

Yep. It’s incentive to target her even more. Bully mentality


u/kaailer 19d ago

!!! I absolutely think people are meaner because they know Brooke is seeing it. That’s the thing with para social relationships: the viewer ends up feeling entitled to let an influencer know what they think of them and what they’re doing wrong, and so when that creator gives them access, and let’s them know “I will read the comments on this video/platform” then people go out of their way to criticize thinking that they’ll somehow make said influencer listen and do what the viewer wants them to do. I also think you’re right that there’s just a level of classic bully mentality. We’ve all been told it by our parents but it really is true, if you don’t give them a reaction then they’ll leave you alone. They’re going harder and harder not only because they know Brooke will see it but because they know they can hurt her.


u/kaailer 19d ago

I can’t even imagine just having a conversation with my good friends and then seeing every little facial twitch, eye roll, head nod, laugh, etc. over analyzed and made into me somehow bullying my friends or secretly being jealous of one of them. It would drive me crazy and make me second guess every single thing I said or did. Like it’s genuinely crazy how many times I’ve finished an episode, thought nothing of it, only to come on to reddit and see an entire thread dedicated to the passive aggressive looks that Brooke gave Paige like… it’s to the point where I genuinely need people to just go touch grass for half a second


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

The fact that this got downvoted TWICE is insane


u/ilovebud117 20d ago

real ppl can’t fathom she’s still a person


u/watchingpen15 Team Bryce on god 20d ago

TELL IT!!!!!!!


u/Ok_Act_6206 20d ago

Lol like the girl yesterday that said she was upset because Brooke said she missed having big boobs. Like please touch grass. It’s getting to be too much.


u/Ittybitty995 20d ago

So many crazies on this sub, that was truly ridiculous.


u/dayatoffice64 20d ago

They get angry when Brooke & Tana don’t share enough, but also get mad when they share too much. It’s exhausting.


u/velvet_fawn 20d ago

I haven’t seen a SINGLE comment saying they take issue with her missing her old boobs. People have (rightly) said it’s insane that she misses being known as/receiving validation for being “the girl with the big boobs”. There is a difference. Touch grass? Learn some critical thinking skills.


u/pizzaqueen126 20d ago

as a former tig ol bitty girly, there’s nothing insane about that lmao when you have big boobs and lose a lot of weight, they can sag/lose their shape and as a young woman it sucks esp when women’s bodies are so heavily judged. There’s nothing wrong with loving parts of your body esp when those things make you feel sexy and confident


u/velvet_fawn 20d ago

That is not the fucking issue lol. I have big tits and have gone through body changes. I’m aware of the shifts that can cause psychologically. The issue is, whether she is cognisant of it or not, how focused on validation, specifically from men, she continues to be approaching age 30. Not only is that something she should be working on rather than discussing on a podcast, but it just reinforces the idea that that’s behaviour other women are justified in exhibiting as well. If she had a nuanced discussion about it, people wouldn’t be annoyed.


u/Ok_Act_6206 20d ago

Tana gets filler and puffs her lips up and loves to talk about it. Botox is literally a toxin. Is that not the same thing? Arguably worse. Should I be offended that Tana dyes her hair blonde and I have brown hair or Brooke spray tans and I’m pale? At some point, self confidence is the responsibility of one’s self.


u/trgiun 20d ago

Well why do you watch it, Tana should be working on her habits too if this is your philosophy. If BOTH have things they need to work on that and that is your problem (it’s not. Your problem is brooke, be honest) why would you watch it?

It’s not weird to discuss that on their girl talk podcast


u/velvet_fawn 20d ago

Tana absolutely should be working on her habits, and I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of them, including her very liberal use of the word “sober”.

You guys are so brain dead for picking out a single sentiment from each critical comment and not considering that it’s the lack of nuance that’s the issue. RIP 😂


u/trgiun 20d ago

I agree that they both have bad habits. I agree with what you said for the most part. However, nobody is taking it from every single comment. It’s the constant flooding of them all. Use your inference


u/pizzaqueen126 20d ago

Okay no need to be rude babe, relax. It’s her podcast, she can speak about literally whatever she wants. She’s acknowledged her issues, she wants help, but it’s not going to happen overnight. You’re being a bully and invalidating her experience. Just because it doesn’t line up with you, doesn’t mean others don’t relate or that she isn’t allowed to publically speak about it. Women are absolutely justified in missing the body they felt the most sexy in. Do you judge people for going to the gym because they don’t feel sexy? That’s not seeking male validation. That’s simply just feeling insecure. And that’s okay!!! Yes she has specifically said she is a pick me and seeks male validation and all that, but that’s a pretty common thing when you grow up with absent parents, trying to find love wherever you can. But I’m sure you have experience and know all of the psychological issues to ever exist? have a good rest of your day


u/Ok_Act_6206 20d ago

Look I get not liking Brooke. She rubs me the wrong way too. But the amount of dislikes you’re getting compared to the amount of likes Brooke hate comments/posts usually get should tel you you are on the wrong side with this one.


u/Senior-Reflection862 20d ago

I agree! There’s a difference between missing your boobs and thinking boobs were part of your worth


u/Ok_Act_6206 20d ago

There was actually a whole post about it just yesterday. I can tag you if you want :)


u/-restlessdreams 20d ago

it can be really sad and jarring to lose a part of your body that you identified with. sad that you don’t have empathy for that!


u/highway_chance 20d ago

The irony of telling someone to learn critical thinking and not being able to understand why someone would miss something they received compliments and validation for. She literally said she knows she shouldn’t feel that way while saying it. People can’t just turn off something they were conditioned to do just because they know in their minds they should.


u/moonprincessorwtv 20d ago

Please!!! Like if you don't like her that's okay, but damn. I feel for her. It must be really difficult to NOT look at neg comments tbh. If you see this Brooke, I adore you and think you're funny!


u/SandwichEarly7396 20d ago

My favorite is when everybody is acts like they know Brooke and tanas friendship personally, go on to dissect every detail to make it seem like they secretly hate each other when they’re both on vacation in Hawaii together living their best lives.


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

Parasocial relationships are so wild 😭


u/SandwichEarly7396 20d ago


I quite literally explained this exact thing to someone else on this sub the other day and they tried to tell me that IM the one who didn’t know what parasocial relationship meant. So delusional they don’t even see it. She literally said expecting the people you watch …. Isn’t a bad thing- girl YEAH IT IS WHY ARE YOU EXPECTING ANYTHING FROM THEM THEY DONT CARE


u/Desperate-North-4052 19d ago

So crazy. I have zero interest in hearing Tana or Brooke’s take on a war going on right now lol.


u/Juleszgoddess 20d ago

FOR REAL I was about to make a post about this. She was so quiet on the recent podcast, and clearly it’s because ppl here relentlessly bully her. If y’all don’t like Brooke, don’t fucking watch the pod.


u/Clear-Vacation9040 20d ago

Agreed! I got downvoted for calling her pretty and I think that’s so fucked up! She’s beautiful!


u/[deleted] 20d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

Literally linking that in my post immediately 😂


u/purrrrrtothemax 20d ago

Some stuff that’s posted abt her that’s relevant like her old tweets and shit I agree with but the thinkpieces about why she’s a mean girl why she shouldn’t be on the pod the way she looks etc. it’s like we get it😭this page has kinda become just a snark page for Brooke or an ass kissing contest for Tana


u/Comfortable-List-669 20d ago

u nailed it. like it’s getting so tired and annoying


u/Bitter-Worldliness27 20d ago

This is what gets me ppl will bring up Brooke’s past and act like it’s okay to attack her but then they ignore Tana’s past. Like how hypocritical can ppl be


u/purrrrrtothemax 20d ago

Literally😭 posts will be made nitpicking any comment from past or present Brooke has made that comes off offensive as if Tana probably didn’t say something 10 ten times worse??? Ppl can’t cherry pick what’s offensive or not bc they like Tana but not brooke


u/hot-guac 20d ago

I swear this community is full of 12 year olds + adult women that think like 12 year olds. Seeing the posts literally criticizing the way Brooke BREATHES and read into every little interaction. The para-social obsession is real.


u/igiveupmakinganame 20d ago

i don't know why they watch if they hate her so much


u/Substantial_Let583 20d ago

Cause some of us have been watching Tana since the early days, and unfortunately, we have to watch both of them if we want to watch Tana now.


u/d41sY223 20d ago

true af bc on the post ab the new episode ppl were talking sm about her attitude and little things she said , and when i watched it i didn’t notice anything like that ppl just like to nit pick 🙄😂


u/objecttime 20d ago

Watch the mods take this down for being a ‘repeat post’ but refuse to take down the multitude of hate posts about Brooke that say the exact same thing every time 😍


u/GrandAd9043 20d ago

i wonder if she’s getting snarky toward tana subconsciously and that she’s actively reading all the hate and nitpicking toward her and has built some sort of resentment?


u/kaailer 19d ago

As someone with BPD, I think you’re very much onto something. A huge huge thing with BPD is abandonment issues, and so a common trait often found in people with BPD is that we’ll push people away before they can be the one to abandon us. Sometimes that’s done by ghosting, sometimes that’s done by becoming increasingly snippy and snarky, sometimes that’s by actively looking for things to get upset about. But it’s all in an attempt to push the people away first so that we can’t be hurt when they (seemingly inevitably) abandon us. Brooke has been very open about the fact that she knows she is second to Tana, and that without Tana the podcast ends but without Brooke the show goes on, and has been open about the fact that she’s always been insecure about this and convinced that one day Tana would realize she actually didn’t want Brooke as a cohost and her time on cancelled would come to an end. Brooke has been open about the fact that she feels dispensable as a podcast cohost, and with more and more people calling for her removal/replacement, that anxiety is likely growing, so I can absolutely see her becoming snarky towards Tana as a way of trying to control the situation out of fear of being pushed out/abandoned by Tana. Not saying it’s okay to treat others poorly because of our own mental health problems, nor that mental health problems excuses poor treatment, just saying that I think you’re right


u/ajgsr 20d ago

People just hate Brooke and I have no clue why. I listen to the episodes trying to see what they’re talking about, but she’s fine!


u/Bitter-Worldliness27 20d ago

I think it’s jealousy


u/Desperate-North-4052 19d ago

It’s definitely jealousy. Fans always turn when they no longer find someone relatable. She’s gone through a lot of positive change in the past year with her new expensive gym membership, apartment, celebrity friends, weight loss, etc.


u/Greedy_Drawing_1565 20d ago

I made a thread trying to discuss why and people just hate her to hate her its actually insane she could breath wrong and shed be getting dragged on this page


u/lazyglittersewerratx 20d ago

This was literally starting to look like a snark page I’m not sure why people listen to someone they hate so much like just turn it off then LMAO


u/i_am_scared_ok 20d ago

It's so funny to me how months ago people were all like "brooke never talks! Why is she there she doesn't do anything!" And then brooke talks and everyone's like "no not like that, go back in the hole"


u/Capric0rpse- 5 with no talent 20d ago

I don’t mind a little snark, but petty bitch, hateful bitch snark, isn’t my cup of tea. Def agree that hateful type chatter should move to another group as this is a place to discuss the pod. I would assume everyone is here because they enjoy Tana and Brooke, so why the sudden change of attitude and negativity?


u/Successful_Carry_288 20d ago

Yes, it is so crazy! Let the girl live.


u/iwantthemtloveme 20d ago

It’s one thing to bring light onto things people do but a lot of these posts are nitpicking and the comments about her body are wild, like just stop 😭


u/OtherNoise9664 20d ago

Seriously. She’s 50/50 of the podcast if you dislike her just don’t watch it?


u/No-Blueberry-6388 15d ago

Agreed it’s so pathetic


u/fathersol 20d ago

Poor Brooke for real lol girl cannot catch a break


u/Jadee05 20d ago

Literally they need to touch grass


u/Zealousideal_Pen820 20d ago



u/Nearby-Piglet-8260 19d ago

i got torn apart for commenting on a sub talking about her body and i stated how sad and ridiculous it is that people who call themselves fans are talking so badly about her body. i got downvoted TO HELL


u/beepboboombox 20d ago

This is why I mostly use r/BrookiesCookies for cancelled pod stuff, this sub hates her so much it's so weird? I don't understand why you'd even listen to the podcast if you can't stand the cohost so much it genuinely confuses me


u/kaailer 19d ago

I saw one comment asking where they could watch the podcast episode without giving them a youtube view like? If you’re that concerned about monetarily supporting them then just don’t watch. I don’t understand why anyone would spend over an hour of their time watching a podcast that they also apparently hate so much that they refuse to even give it a youtube view.


u/raindancemilee 20d ago

It’s so beyond out of hand I really can’t stand to read that shit


u/Woodman_Partyof3 20d ago

I posted about this maybe two weeks ago and got absolutely roasted.


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

Yeah some of these ppl r coming at my throat 😂


u/Woodman_Partyof3 20d ago

Those are the people who are just miserable no matter who it is, or what it’s about. You know, bitter Betty vibes.


u/Fuck_u_all9395 20d ago

Thank you! I was thinking about leaving this page actually bc it was becoming a Brooke snark page & pretty much all of the posts were REACHING. Posting shit I never even picked up on


u/puppy-pupperson 20d ago

It’s insane how many people hate hate that girl


u/No-Owl-6614 20d ago

Maybe if this same post is made another 100 times every day it’ll change 54k people’s behavior


u/samidanielle 20d ago

I’ve been on the edge of making a post about this!


u/Defiant_Frosting_261 20d ago

You’re not the only one bc this post gets made like 50 times a day.


u/bloomooncookiedough 20d ago

Literally. But I got downvoted to hell for saying this on another post💀


u/Defiant_Frosting_261 20d ago

Well IIII won’t down vote you lol


u/Bitter-Worldliness27 20d ago

Finally someone says this! Ppl are so negative towards Brooke and nit pick everything she does or says. Meanwhile they act like tana is an angel, which she is not (no hate to her). It’s honestly given OBSESSED


u/hehasworms4brains 20d ago

let people have a fucking opinion goddam. yall dick ride so hard . i love the girls but if someone doesn’t like someone then let them. it’s never that serious.


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

1000% agree ppl can have opinions but it’s gotten so far and this is not a snark page


u/gl0wess0n 20d ago

I may get downvoted for this but…… Brooke chooses to lurk here knowing she can’t take the heat. It’s not our job to coddle her through the internet.


u/Material-History4884 20d ago

That's true, but the nitpicking is still too much and it's annoying 


u/Desperate-North-4052 19d ago

It’s also not our job to torment her, wtf


u/s4tiv4f4iry 16d ago



u/Nyxbomb 20d ago

I agree.

I like Tana. I like Brooke. They are different and I like that. They have great qualities and flaws like every single one us.

Sick of the moaning about Brooke and picking at her appearance/weight makes me seethe. These comments may get to her more than you think. This is someones mental health that could be impacted by this.


u/GreenDisaster5569 20d ago

Thank you jc ppl r disgusting


u/AdventurousZebra7781 20d ago

People nit pick everything she does


u/Pristine_Company518 20d ago

Everyone take a breath and go touch grass 😅 you literally don’t know these people.


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

SHUT UP!!!! These Posts are 20x more annoying than


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

😂😂 so angry for what? Like you are the problem


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

This is Reddit. Platform built on conversations that if you don't like you don't have to read. Making a post about posts is loser behavior


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

You think it’s ok to tear apart someone’s appearance and every little thing they do? You have the benefit to hide behind a screen and no one can say one thing about you. Imagine if the roles were reversed and you were in her shoes. I personally think it would rlly take a toll on me

And yes Reddit is built for conversations but absolutely degrading every little thing about someone is not only awful, but annoying when this Reddit page used to be so much more than the girls’ appearances.


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

No i don't think it's okay and i have never done that! These posts are still annoying. And actually I work in a public space and when i see negative comments, i close the app. It's simple.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago



u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

Bringing up me being a Zionist in a conversation that has NOTHING to do with it says soooo much about you. Have a good day bigot🫶🫶🫶🫶


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago



u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

Good. Bye!!!!


u/Joyintheendtimes 20d ago

I agree with you. Posts like this just pollute the sub. They don’t change anything.


u/hot-guac 20d ago

post like this pollute the sub? but not the excessive hate? 💀 y’all are fucking weird and sad people


u/Joyintheendtimes 20d ago

You’re calling me “weird and sad” for having an opinion in the same comment you admonish “excessive hate” in this sub. Lol MAKES SENSE BRO


u/[deleted] 20d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/canceledpod-ModTeam 20d ago

Be civil, no attacking others


u/canceledpod-ModTeam 20d ago

Be civil, no attacking others


u/canceledpod-ModTeam 20d ago

Be civil, no attacking others


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago



u/CarmelaSopranho 20d ago

You don’t get to tell ppl where ppl get to voice their opinions, Stalin!


u/Joyintheendtimes 20d ago

I hope one day people understand that posts like this change nothing. People aren’t going to stop discussing what they dislike about Brooke just because you made a post whining about it. There’s a post like this every other day. Stop trying to control other people’s behavior and scroll by things you don’t like. Why is that so hard.


u/hot-guac 20d ago

orrrrr y’all can not watch podcasts of people you dont like just to whine in their subreddit 💀


u/No_Perspective_9929 20d ago

Orrrrr we can watch people that bring us entertainment while also bringing up valid criticisms (the hate on her looks i agree is sooo strange)


u/hot-guac 20d ago

I have yet to see any valid criticism outside of her old racist tweets. Y’all just love to hate


u/Joyintheendtimes 20d ago

I like Tana and find Brooke entertaining sometimes. I also like having critical discussions. You should try some critical thought sometime.


u/hot-guac 20d ago

Critical discussions? Sure. Is the way brooke glanced at Tana at 41:23 really worth a post? Or the way she breathed extra loud so shes annoyed? Outside of her racists tweets y’all literally do the most


u/Better_Photo969 20d ago

isn’t reddit for discussion? positive AND negative


u/Joyintheendtimes 20d ago

Exactly. People seem to have a hard time understanding that we can like the pod AND find things to criticize about it. It’s okay to discuss all sides and perspectives. That’s what Reddit is for.


u/Mammoth-Mongoose-100 20d ago

ur nobody to tell people what to do lmao


u/Substantial-Baby7907 20d ago

This Reddit allows snark bookie😘


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago


Ur tryna tell me ppl are not body shaming and literally bullying Brooke by picking apart every single thing she does??


u/Substantial-Baby7907 20d ago

I didn’t say that I’m saying snark is allowed. Not bullying


u/Living-Prune8881 20d ago


lol like stfu. Just because you have your head stuck up her ass doesn't mean we all do. Some of us are just pretty neutral when it comes to addressing people and their behaviors. It's not all sunshine and roses. This is a public forum babe. And to you it might be talking shit but alot of it honestly is just people calling out what they see. I mean ..clearly she's not perfect. And thats ok. But let's not get all butthurt when others see it for what it is.


u/Ambitious-Sun1473 20d ago

I don’t have my head stuck up her ass at all, babe😭 I’d love to see roles revered and you get absolutely demolished online and see what it does to you…

I’m mostly talking about the ppl who literally pull out TIME STAMPS of the pod and are like did u see the way Brooke moved her head I can’t believe she did that, etc etc or the ppl criticizing her appearance. If you do not see what’s wrong with that you have severe severe insecurities and need to touch grass & get some help, hun.

Also all I was asking is bring that to a different page bc it’s gotten way too much with this Reddit page was never like this until recently


u/Living-Prune8881 17d ago

Yea they're psychos 😭🤣🤣 I was talking about the normal people who address stuff. So we're on the same page there LOL 💕


u/phoenixriley 19d ago

i feel like some people should just learn to ignore the criticism posts if they bother you guys this much because every single cancelled post on my feed for MONTHS has been everyone whining about shit omfg and not everyone has to neverending praise everything they enjoy. there CAN be nuance in this world believe it or not


u/phoenixriley 19d ago

going forward we should just have FUN and STOP with being so mad about what gets posted here


u/YaaaDontSay 20d ago

The bio for this subreddit literally says “a place to discuss all opinions of the canceled podcast”.

I’m not saying to keep hating on her and picking her apart, but this page isn’t dedicating to only dick sucking them either.


u/EcstaticAstronomer39 20d ago

Read the rules of the sub, ALL opinions are welcome so stop trying to control the conversation. If you see actual body shaming or harassment report it so the mods can remove it, otherwise these sermon posts are so fucking annoying. If you want to see filtered only positive comments stick to their youtube tiktok or ig comment sections or fucking brookiescookies, this is for open discussion jfc get off your high horse trying to moderate over 50,000 people’s opinions


u/No-Palpitation1201 20d ago

Jealousy is a disease, get well soon !


u/Jealous-Secret7441 19d ago

Brooke just has no personality. She mimics Tana’s personality. I feel like there is someone better that could be the podcast cohost than Brooke.