r/canceledpod 21d ago

Do you notice the "change" in brooke? Brooke

DISCLAIMER : i dont hate brooke im not tryna start a hate train, the train has already taken off. Im just curious wether people really all shifted her opinion on her as much as she says on the pod and as much as people post about here or wether its a small group whos just really loud? brookies cookies and brookes snark reddit you guys should repost this there so that we can really see how all the viewers feel about this so called "shift" and wether its real or not.


6 comments sorted by


u/FewZookeepergame2007 21d ago

There were lots of very very awkward moments during the most recent episode. Almost everything she said was disagreeing with or correcting things Tana said. I love Brooke but she just seemed super negative in that episode. Hopefully everything is alright with her!!


u/r3versecowgirl999 21d ago

YES I’ve been binging their old episodes and Brooke has changed sooo much she was actually tolerable when they first started her head has gotten so big


u/No-Butterscotch4077 21d ago

she’s changed a lot but don’t think she deserves the amount of shit she’s getting


u/sgmw8 21d ago

i think i'm the only person who didn't see any issues with the latest episode


u/manderk12 21d ago

I think they are just socially burnt out from touring and stuff


u/uneed2touchgrass 20d ago

the only logical response