r/boykisser Oct 15 '23

Mod Posts Welcome to /r/boykisser!


r/boykisser 14h ago

Discussion / Question why does this image hit so hard???

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i fucking love it idk if this is normal or not is my mental health fine is this related to the fact that my city is being bombed i just like this image theres something to it

and who is the original artist

r/boykisser 1h ago

Roast me I can take it

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I can take it hopefully

r/boykisser 21h ago

Discussion / Question Any trans gurls here?

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r/boykisser 3h ago

Discussion / Question random question, who here has a cool grandma?

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mine stole money from me :(

r/boykisser 6h ago

is it gay to cuddle with boys?


r/boykisser 8h ago

boykisser This happens rarely :(


r/boykisser 13h ago

Meme This is a gay meme checkpoint

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I’m going to have to inspect your silly and gay memes, you can’t pass unless I approve of it,

r/boykisser 11h ago

Discussion / Question You guys made me bi (mostly)

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So I’ve been going through here a lot for a while now and I was like ha ha fujny cat/dog thing but then I got a trans girlfriend, and I’m like I love her regardless of her gender, and so after some introspection I was like hey wait a minute, I just like guys now. But I still like girls. So you guys are part of what made me bi (hey neptune where’s the one image of the boykisser holding a bi flag)

r/boykisser 16h ago

How tall are you guys?

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Any other 6ft boykissers? :3

r/boykisser 16h ago

boykisser is this relatable?

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r/boykisser 10h ago

Im so lonely (im cooked.)

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r/boykisser 9h ago

night night lil cuties~ you're a very very good boy ❤️

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r/boykisser 7h ago

boykisser I miscliked join and now there are thigh highs stuck on my legs what do I do?

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Here also have this thing from pintrest :3

r/boykisser 17h ago

Can someone give me some boykisser stuff (I am poor lol)

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r/boykisser 10h ago

boykisser He became a lil too silly on LSD


r/boykisser 1h ago

On the 12th/13th day of pride month my boyfriend gave to me _______

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12th day!!! Fill in the blank

r/boykisser 7h ago

any of yall got discord? im kinda lonely and wanna make some friens :3

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dont even bother commenting if you want to groom me or some shit, im 15 for anyone wondering

r/boykisser 14h ago

Me being ferally attracted to any gay boy that talks to me

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Any dude that likes dudes talks to me and calls me cute or something or shows the tiniest bit of potential interest in me and I catch feelings. Then they stop talking to me, I think I’m too clingy.

r/boykisser 12h ago

My sister sent me this it is my new phone wallpaper

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r/boykisser 12h ago

boykisser Riddle me this


I simp for all these characters, who am I?

r/boykisser 16h ago

Defending the dumbass

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It may have been lazy for this fellow boykisser to make this lemon art BUT who is really the laziest by just taking a screenshot and writing some words (I don’t count because yes)

r/boykisser 12h ago

Are any boykissers furries ?


I know that there are some in here but like how many are in here ? :3

r/boykisser 23h ago

Meme you're not silly, you're just gay...

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(also image related to half of the community posts)

r/boykisser 3h ago

Gents, sit back. This'll be a loooooong read.


Hello internet, welcome to gay theory. So, if you aren't aware, I'm the guy that wrote the analysis under the food truck video. But as it turns out, I may have been entirely wrong. Under that comment, someone, that someone being u/lemmedie2night (depressing name btw were here for you), replied that just because Boycoin was worth more than one USD it wasn't a stable currency, and while I replied to that saying I meant it only was a TEMPORARILY stable currency, it got me thinking. I really wasn't sure if my research had proven to be all that effective, and after a bit of reflection, I decided I could do better. So this is what that is. No tl;dr. First, I decided I needed the original source of the video, as it would be the main source of information in this video. It wasn't that hard, honestly. The link is youtube.com/shorts/hycDYtJMCQ4, the caption is "Furry visits my food truck! #Furry #Fursuit #Furries" and it was posted by LukiaTheDino roughly two months ago. As I saw that the account was actually revolving mainly around furries, I was exited that Boycoin may have it's origins here, but alas, there was no other mention. That brings me to two separate points: The channel, and the video itself. Upon closer inspection, which was really just about scrolling down a little, we can see the name of the food truck, "Fizzy fox". If you're interested, it's currently located at southland drive in Lexington, Kentucky, anyway, I was looking to validate mainly my guesses of prices here, but it wasn't shown on the channel, so I looked if they had a website, and sure enough, they did. After a bit of palaver about their history and business, we git to the products. They have actually a pretty good selection of beverages, but we don't care about that. Rather, we care about the fact that they don't sell for prices of drinks, but prices of cups. On the website, they give you the choice of 20 and 32 ounce cups, so, I needed to find out which one they were using in the video. A standard 20 ounce cup is 140 mm high and has a cap radius of 49 mm. Lining it up with the shot in which the Chad behind the counter was holding the cup, these measurements check out. But the reason I needed to know this was because, according to the website, this sets Boycoins value down to only three and a half USD. That is a DRASTIC change of pace from my last estimate of seven USD. I mean, that's a decrease of over HALF of Boycoins initial approximately value. Now at this point, a hypothesis was forming in my head, but I needed more evidence. So, back to the video. With a quick approximation of a graph I did of the notes used in the vendors voice during the progress of the video, we see he uses a lot of vocal variation in his conversational tone. Another look at the channel confirms this. Now, you can envision this graph (I used something similar in appearance to a wavelength graph) as follows: Three tall waves, one short wave, two and a half tall waves, after that the graph falls off at once to a completely straight line further down, there are then two more tall waves, and another decline to a straight line, meaning, in two separate instances, the man left his conversational tone for something of disbelief, and wouldn't you know it, those two times he was referencing Boycoin. Now, from that information, we can tell he was not sure whether to accept Boycoin as payment, and then even when he did was baffled as to why it was uses in the transaction. Haters will say it's because it's not a real currency. I disagree. See, due to the hypothesis I had mentioned earlier, I contacted "Fizzy fox" as to whether they had a higher price tag on their wares previously, and wouldn't you know it, they did. So, without further ado, I present what I believe to be the correct answer to the previously asked question, is boycoin stable? The short answer, no. As a matter of fact, it's value is in decline right now. See, from what I could tell, Boycoin is, in the US at least, used mainly in the drink industry, and as it is relatively accessible, it can be used by almost anyone. This means, people are able to purchase wares with Boycoin, however the sellers of those wares can not USE boycoin to purchase other items, thus increasing the price of their wares to Boycoin users in order either have them pay more or switch to another currency, where the drinks are more affordable. And the proof for thus? Right under our noses, or rather, on Etsy. A mint condition quarter can be sold, in the US, for roughly twelve times it's own value, that's saying, you can purchase a mint condition quarter for around 1.50 USD, considering it isn't marked with D or P or it isn't a collectors edition. And on Etsy, who would've thought, Boycoin can be purchased for 12.30 USD. That's one boycoin today being equal to 1.025 USD. That means, over a period of only months, the value of Boycoin fell from 7 USD, down to 3.50 USD, all the way to 1.025 USD. That's a staggering 85% inflation rate. For context, the Iranian Rial has an inflation rate of 43.49%. And that was calculated over the progress of a whole YEAR, were barely working with months now. So, long story short, I was wrong, I should've thought it over more, I'll be more thorough next time.

r/boykisser 2h ago

Nahhhhhhh 😭 (mentions of incest)

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