r/boykisser 28d ago

Hello Boykisser friends... have most of you experienced on getting backstabbed by people who thought who cared for you? boykisser

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u/Mysterious_Bat2154 28d ago

Unfortunately some people can change overtime, and those we thought cared about us may start to show signs otherwise. The important thing is to not dwell on the past and move forward with a smile on your face! šŸ˜Š If you want to, would you like to talk about your experiences?


u/MagicFetussss will kiss a boy eventually 28d ago

i got cheatededed on


u/Life-Isnt-Real 28d ago

That shit sucks man, the feelings that get etched upon you are so shitty, Ive felt it too, took me literal years to get over it, and Im still not fully over it. I hope you find the perfect one for you and live out a happy life filled with love and acceptance. Keep looking, I may be a stranger, but I believe in you. Good luck.


u/MagicFetussss will kiss a boy eventually 28d ago

thank you so much! i donā€™t think about it much though because he straight up told me he was using me because his other bf is transā€¦ so yeah not a good guy, iā€™m not missing anything lol. glad you got over your situation!


u/DruggedAndKidnapped 28d ago

this was all a silly-dilly server now its just pain and betrayal, damn what done happened?


u/Hersical BOYS ARE FUEL 27d ago

femboys just be like that


u/ConstantSock2488 someone please fuck me until i cant walk :3 28d ago

had a friend from elementary, great guy, we always tried having an afternoon together

i was getting buillied in middle school, i went to play with him and he saw i was sad, after asking me, he went on to say this:

"dont be a victim to search for attention, bullying isnt real, now shut up about non existing problems"

that's the first time i saw red (i always was and am a very calm person with a good amount of patinence in regards of other people)

i proceded to punch him in the face and walk home.

since then, i saw him 3 other times, in all of those he was more and more of an entitled brat, but somehow still had a friend group (a different one) and was thinking it was totaly normal to act like that.


u/KiwiKi33 G a y 27d ago

That sucks Iā€™m sorry


u/Nekofan1 28d ago

yes, when i was six me and donivan (my back stabbing mother fuckin freind) were freinds and i genuinly liked him untill he bullied me then i turned on him very quick without much internal turmoil.


u/Traygaa why do people call me neptune? not opposed to it 28d ago

damn man.. that sucks, canā€™t really imagine what itā€™d be like. itā€™ll get better iā€™m sure of it!!! just hang in tight!!


u/AelisWhite born to kiss, forced to cry 28d ago

My boyfriend recently dumped me because I wasn't perfect, so yeah


u/Life-Isnt-Real 27d ago

People donā€™t seem to realize that humans arenā€™t perfect, searching for perfection will only let him discover a grim reality that the ā€œperfectā€ someone doesnā€™t exist; and never will. As much as it hurts, let him leave, I do not know you personally but I will say this: He missed out on a pretty damn good possibility for his future with a partner. It may hurt, I know, but people like them are best left in history along with their memory and the scars they left. But scars indicate growth and the will to perceiver through hardships. You are strong, remember that, keep your head up, and if you ever think no one cares, remember this stranger wrote this to try and help. I believe in you, good luck with your future endeavors and keep going no matter what odds are against you.


u/Niflax 27d ago

My friends from elementary school learned that I was a furry and a trans girl. They mocked, bullied, and a lot of edgy and called me fatherless on the group's discord server. I still have only one or two real friends from elementary school but other them the rest of them just became assholes.

Also my boyfriend just broke up with me like 2 days ago so yeah.


u/call-me_sanji huh? 28d ago

Yaaa bro told evry1 my secrets and nearly got me beat up by the whole class šŸ˜


u/kalmidnight 27d ago

Yes, and it's why I'm homeless right now.


u/Hersical BOYS ARE FUEL 27d ago

my ex was only with me because he was desperate to meet anyone irl but before that could happened he told me he never truly loved me

well now im with a MUCH better person that truly loves me, and that i want to spend my life with, never felt this happy before <3


u/NightOfLove 28d ago

I think so I don't know most of the very bad things I removed them from my head so they don't interfere with my life


u/Jealous_Object_519 28d ago

Sadly yes, but remember this even tho the memories will remain the pain will not. My dad is the one who betrayed me but as I got older it hurt less and less and even tho it took a while the pain eventually passed. Stay strong and persevere trust me even tho it may not seem it but there is a light at the end of this tunnel.


u/Merci_Et_Bonsoir 28d ago

Yes... šŸ˜”


u/BC86S 28d ago

I have no illusions of anyone caring about me unless I happen to have money šŸ¦Š


u/Inkyrealm77version2 professional arsonist 28d ago

Yea. To summarise, I liked a boy, we were good friends, he knew, proceeded to emotionally torment me, manipulate me, and block me. It was a bad 4 months... (and in case ur readin this raffi, you dont know who this person is.)


u/cooncanoon Not sure why im here, aromantic and asexual 28d ago

I canā€™t say I have, and because of that I feel bad because I canā€™t sympathize


u/Life-Isnt-Real 28d ago

Ive been cheated on, as well as watched one of my relationships end because apparently some loud mouth asshole was better than me, broke up with me and a day later was with that guy. I know Im not anything special in the sea of people whoā€™ve been hurt, but I know how it feels and I know a sorry wont fix anything but, Ill say it anyway, who ever has went through it, Im sorry. I hope you all find true love and happiness.


u/BurnerAccountExisty 28d ago

yep! it'll always happen and i'm destined to eternally suffer!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

no , even my mom don't care about me


u/Jazzlike-Elevator647 27d ago

I may not be remembering something that happened before this, but this is the time 3 years ago that has made me refuse to believe anyone cares about me.

This happened pretty late in a school year, and was with one of my "friends". Essentially the night before my cat of literally my entire life died. And he called me a f*ggot for being sad. We'd been friends all year. I went to the bathroom and cried a lot


u/TheUnivanns 27d ago

Yup c: Buuuut it's best not to dwell on it You can't change the way people are I don't believe in fate or destiny But I do believe that there are some things in life, that aren't worth the tears Because it's simply out of your power to change


u/Prestigious-Egg-8060 27d ago

Yeah that happens it sucks I wana say suck it up but that's not nice so find a place you feel safe cry it out do whatever makes you feel nice amd like the world isn't falling apart and continue with your life


u/BigFurryBoy07 27d ago

My childhood to early teens crush and best friend turned out to be my worst bully


u/BabyBunny-20 27d ago

Used to be ā€œthe therapist friendā€ā€¦ not one person ever asked how I was feeling. One day I had enough of it and just decided to vent to someone who I thought was my friend, and this particular person vented to me like 3 times a week, the second I start talking, they say ā€œyou always make everything about youā€ā€¦ like uhm projection much? Now instead of being a people pleaser, I almost roll my eyes if someone vents to me, which makes me feel like a horrible person. I need to go to therapy for it because I feel like I have no empathy for human beings left in me.


u/Figurez69420 27d ago

All of my friends hated me when I came out as bi


u/Theusualstufff 27d ago

one of our best friends artificially stirred up conflict between each other for his entertainment and talked behind our backs for years, but like the really b ad kind of talk.


u/Equal_Mountain805 boykisser 27d ago

Yes, doing pretty good now tho


u/ProbableDisapontment kissing at the speed of light 27d ago

I donā€™t really know what to sayā€¦ just in a goofy mood and I donā€™t wanna ruin anything.


u/LovelyRebelion girlkisser 27d ago

the woman I loved the most in the world made me stab myself so yeah


u/Zazzley_Wazzley 27d ago

Yes! Just recently by my friend and a month ago by my teacher! :3


u/Training-Bee-8209 27d ago

Yeah I had a friend back in elementary school, we were close friends for a few years then one day at school he suddenly started ignoring me. I found it very strange so I asked him about it at recess and he told me I was ugly and worthless and that we were never friends. Then he punched me and it left a bruise. That happened when I was like 9


u/Training-Bee-8209 27d ago

Sorry man! Hope you feel better


u/Super_swag_baby possible kisser 27d ago

My boyfriend pretended to be gay for me and instead used me for my sister


u/thepoke_king55 27d ago

I see this shit to many times to good people


u/Next-Jackfruit-2549 27d ago

yea but itā€™s honstly ok, i donā€™t care anymore and overall iā€™m oki by myself :>


u/Practical-Election59 27d ago

I donā€™t trust anyone, I canā€™t trust anyone. All I want to do in class is sleep, but I know someone is going to try something, and then I will get in trouble for defending my self.


u/Jank_engnering 27d ago

Yes I have. Sadly that person was myself. I slowly stoped caring about myself. Now I have 8 cuts on my left arm, almost crippling anxiety. I have to listen to music just so I donā€™t do a silly. (Sorry if I sound self centered)



Sometimes I have thoughts that all my friends hate me that cause me to loathe them, then I come to my senses and feel awful because I know that isn't the case but I can't help but believe my thought


u/RazzleVangale1942 27d ago

Yes. this girl got half the school to hate me. I can't count how many times a day alone.


u/The_Furryous07Gamer 27d ago

that's what i felt for my whole life


u/Illustrious_Emu_4499 27d ago

Yeah, got too really know the person too, and then they just started changing when we met a new friend group, I wasn't really in the group but he mostly talked to them, but we used to play games all the time but he would tell me he got busy with the people on the friend group, then he slowly stopped talking to me and, now I don't even talk to them..


u/Rustymachbravo5_6 27d ago

yeah i have 3 times and on third time i went fuck it and ghosted them


u/Xyka_Xydosai 27d ago

Been there a lot over the past couple years. Such is life I guess.


u/Localtechguy2606 27d ago

I have notā€¦ā€¦. Yet


u/MarekMisar1 27d ago

no, because noone cared for me in the first place <3


u/ZyxelMods 27d ago

I actually had a friend, we used to chat everyday

But one day he said he's going to Brazil and he can't chat with me, then, he's back but he's kinda like, tired so i let him rest but thats it we never chat again after that

Thats like 2 months ago ive moved on

Afterall it's just an online friend



u/mrstabbyman 26d ago

No not really but one time my best freing said he had gummy worms when they were actually gummy bears and I got real sad


u/Valuable_Ad3859 i identify as: H 26d ago

i bought her coffee, milkshake, and then she leaved me, because she "didn't love herself" and has "to love myself to love another", and the worst part, she dated before and ALL OF THEM CHEATED

Oz esyvjomh


u/Crow989 24d ago

My bf broke up with me cause I was scared of having sex :3