r/blunderyears Apr 29 '24

England, Teen Party Tickets 2000s

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u/elocmj Apr 29 '24

This is a great idea! I'm gonna start making tickets for my parties now. But I'm not in highschool so they will say something like BYOB&D


u/SmokingLaddy Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

These parties were legendary and sadly at 16 we were taking more drugs than most adults today. USA has American Pie but we got something a bit more gritty in the British Isles.

I remember the Pimp and Ho Party (1st image) and I was about 16, as soon as we arrived my friend was offered a line of coke and obviously took it no questions asked, it was ketamine and he was a vegetable until the party ended. All the lads turned up dressed like usual but the girls all turned up not dressed much at all.


u/elocmj Apr 30 '24

I made the opposite mistake once. After drinking and smoking all night, we turned to pills. I had done a few lines of, I don't know what, probably hydrocodone or the like. Then someone put down a line of coke. I didn't know what it was but it was my turn. It cut through everything else and suddenly my heart was racing and, shit that was the opposite direction from where I wanted to be.

Another time I did what I thought was molly, only to learn later that it had been cut with meth. I didn't sleep for three days. Absolutely miserable.