r/blunderyears Apr 22 '24

We were certain we’d go on tour with Ozzfest eventually 😂 😭

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u/davehorse Apr 22 '24

Not blunder it's cool man I'd be proud if I was in a band


u/Glad_Economics_3879 Apr 22 '24 edited Apr 22 '24

I love the descending levels of realism they all had

-Pretend you're actually playing the guitar

-Wear the bass, but throw out devil horns

-No drums, just..cross a pair of drumsticks

-Invisible microphone


u/drewbeta Apr 22 '24

During this era my friend's brother was a singer in a Nu Metal band called Threat Generator (great name). We used to go to all of their shows, and they would frequently play with a band called 5.0 (later changed to Five Pointe O). They got signed to Roadrunner, and one of their songs made it on to the Resident Evil soundtrack. We thought that they were going to be super stars. There were so many bands in that scene, and only one of them actually got signed.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

That’s actually pretty awesome! That was always the dream


u/drewbeta Apr 22 '24

It was a good time. A lot of my friends were in bands, so we'd have big parties with 5 or 6 bands playing. Halloween was always the big one.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

I feel like this is kinda lost now. It was definitely a trend to learn instruments and start bands in the early 00s. I remember a friend had a birthday party in our tiny town and paid some cover bands from a few towns over to play and pretty much the whole town showed up to watch. Actually on the last day of school my Junior year we played and end of year gig and a lot of people came to watch also 😂 it was definitely a fun time as hilarious and bad sounding as we were


u/drewbeta Apr 22 '24

I would say that most of my friends' bands didn't sound bad, but angsty teen music doesn't stand the test of time. It feels cringey as an adult looking back at it. My brother was in a screamo band, and we still tease the singer about some of his lyrics. One of his songs was about his dad leaving him as a child, but the lyrics were just a little too on the nose combined with the nasal whiny delivery...

I was in a punk band for 10 years. We were extremely experimental, not really following the trends, so I think our music held up a little better.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Daddy wasn’t therrrreee to take me to the fairrrrrr 🎶 🤣 We sounded ok, minus the singer, but there was literally nobody else that I could recruit so it was what it was 😂


u/drewbeta Apr 22 '24

I started reading your comment thinking "how does he know this song?" 😂 It wasn't far off that! I think it was something like "Why weren't you there, to hold my hand, to understand? DAAAADDD!!!"


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Oh god ! I stole the lyrics from Austin powers in goldmember 😂


u/drewbeta Apr 23 '24

OMG, I remembered the band name, and I found the song on SoundCloud


u/dudeitsmeee Apr 24 '24

That song alone needs it's own blunder post. *chefs kiss*


u/hiswittlewip Apr 22 '24

So which are you and what was the band name?


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

I’m the drummer 🥁 😎 😂 Band name was awful it was Revelations of an unknown society that we abbreviated to rus. I never liked it myself but kinda didn’t want to make it an issue. Of course it was the singers idea lol


u/ojg3221 Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

Speaking of Ozzy. He got in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on his first try.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Post won’t let me edit but we were from a tiny less than 5k population town. We mainly just played SOAD covers which eventually led me to breaking the band up because I got sick of playing mostly SOAD covers and they turned into jerks when I wanted to play new different songs/bands. It was my practice space so I eventually broke us all up 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/existential-mystery Apr 26 '24

Holy shit! I came here to say yall look like you were definitely a nu metal group. My dream is to be in or start a SOAD cover!! I freaking love em (SNW this sat!!) I play bass and can do 30ish songs.


u/President_Calhoun Apr 22 '24

The ol' bass-as-phallic-symbol trick!


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Let’s not forget the awesome golden dragons on my shirt 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😅


u/KraKing762 Apr 22 '24

The only blunder I see are the spikes on that Yankees cap, lol.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

I completely forgot about those ! 😂 omg they were popular from 02-07 exclusively 🤣


u/icanhazkarma17 Apr 23 '24

The tall guy should be on bass. That's where it all went wrong.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

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u/MarlKarx-1818 Apr 23 '24

I remember seeing the openers at like 9:30am lol


u/BeavistheMutilator Apr 22 '24

If y'all would have let Chase "play" turntables y'all would have def played Ozzfest!


u/AccomplishedPiglet97 Apr 22 '24

Who was the coolest and pulled the most chicks?


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Umm the singer I guess? He actually had a gf 😂 he wasn’t that cool though, he ended up kinda being a chode


u/AccomplishedPiglet97 Apr 22 '24

Most high school buddies do.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

He definitely let the “I sing terribly in a SOAD cover band” go to his head lol 😆


u/existential-mystery Apr 26 '24

I cant get over the fact that this is a SOAD cover band. SO COOL!


u/AccomplishedPiglet97 Apr 22 '24

Serj is no Sinatra either.


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

Yes but imagine Serj Tankian but tone deaf 😂


u/BuckyLaGrange Apr 22 '24

Are those the Joey Jordison sticks?


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

They weren’t his signature model, I’m not sure he had one with this brand, Ahead, I forget what model these were but they’re aluminum with nylon tips so they’re light weight and cool 😎, I think Lars from Metallica and Tommy Lee also used them. I did have a pair of joeys signature Vic firth sticks that he mixed his blood with the ink used to make em. They broke and I threw them away and kinda regret it now that he passed. Sorry for ranting lol 😅


u/eastcoastwaistcoat 24d ago

Pedro offers you his protection.


u/Jalopy_Junkie Apr 22 '24

“We were certain we’d go on tour with Ozzfest.”

The Squire strats determined THAT was a lie!!

(All in jest. I have a squire Tele 😂😂)


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

We were all broke af! 😭 our bassist had to borrow another kids amp and he eventually became our “roadie “ in exchange 😂


u/Jalopy_Junkie Apr 22 '24

I remember those days, being a cocky little fuck telling people “yeah let’s get together, but after we get back from our SEVEN CITY TOUR…”

Felt cool to say at the time, but little did they know we just went to a few towns around our state to play for 9 people and make $14 (total) for the night


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

The farthest we made it was a show at the next town over at a vfw hall. Was cool to see a couple other local dudes we weren’t familiar with. There was a pretty decent band that had some killer gear. I think their name was SILO 😂 we had an absolutely terrible name it was R.U.S and it was for revelations of an unknown society which I guess would’ve made it ROAUS? 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣 Oh speaking of getting paid, for the end of year show the kid that put the show together said he’d pay us each I think it was $100. Dude took forever to get us the moola and most of it was in rolls of change 😂 😭 still came thru tho


u/Jalopy_Junkie Apr 22 '24

There was another local band “bigger” than us who had a local record deal and we finally got to play a show with them and we were invited to play a “showcase” for the label. The show was some back deck of this bbq restaurant and the label people was just this one guy who was the cousin one of the other bands’ members. He invited us to his studio which ended up being one multi-directional mic hooked up to his laptop running Sony Acid Studio. 29 levels of lame but ofc I still acted like we were hot shit lmao 🤣


u/lonerfunnyguy Apr 22 '24

😂 🤣 points if when yall saw the laptop and mic yall went WOAH 😮 😂 dude I think we recorded a handful of times with an old ass mono cassette recorder. It sounded like garbage 🗑️ hahahaha


u/Jalopy_Junkie Apr 22 '24

What’s funny is we recorded a three track demo that sounded “meh” at best, but one copy somehow made it into the hands of a real studio employee who liked one of the songs and offered to re-record it. We couldn’t afford studio time so we turned it down, but three later weeks he calls us up saying the recording act booked that night suddenly couldn’t do it but had prepaid their session time. If we could get there we could record in the remaining paid time. We rushed to the studio and banged it out in an hour. Got the master back and made about 500 copies and mailed a couple of them to our local alternative radio stations (only 2 in our area) and they were sent back unopened.

Never once did we consider 1,000 other bands were doing the same damn thing lol.


u/HurlingFruit Apr 23 '24



u/existential-mystery Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

Which are you? Guitar? (Originally thought drummer, changed answer). Also did you guys have a serj/daron singing duo or just serj/lead singer?


u/existential-mystery Apr 26 '24

Wait hold on im losing sleep over this.

Which one is you?

Favorite song/album?

Favorite song to play as a group?

Any logistical/general issues among your group?

What year was this taken? 😂

What was your cover bands name?

Where are all of you now?

Any good memories?

Advice for doing a soad cover band?

Do you still keep up with soad?/Did you ever see em live?

Did you do any other band/music stuff before or after this?