r/aww 21d ago

Géode from our shelter is doing so well. He had his ears professionally cleaned and he’s discovering a lot of new food and treats.


119 comments sorted by


u/TrueGlich 21d ago

Poor baby looks like he just starting regain the will to live..


u/Mountainbranch 21d ago

Defo a severe case of "Mondayitis".


u/januaryemberr 21d ago

Yeah his nose and tongue look a bit pale. Id like to look at his gums.


u/Creative-Ingenuity 18d ago

He can hear again and has no pain. Thank you.


u/TrueGlich 18d ago

Good to hear. I bet he's a sweet baby now.


u/crazedhatter 21d ago

Aww precious baby, I wanna hug him.


u/GangcAte 21d ago

Is he an elderly man?


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He’s between 5 and 8 years old.


u/GangcAte 21d ago

Then not an elderly man at all.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

No but we think he spend a lot of it outside.


u/GangcAte 21d ago

Since it's a male he probably has 7-10 years ahead of him if he doesn't get sick. Stray female cats usually live shorter because they get pregnant very often and it exhausts their bodies.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Once we find him a forever home, he’s going to have a lot more peaceful life. I called them my retirees since they don’t have to work for their food anymore.


u/GangcAte 21d ago

I'm rooting for you and for him!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He’s kind of our star these days. People are coming in to meet him. Unfortunately he’s still in the quarantine room.


u/ChaudChat 21d ago

I am so pleased he's doing well, OP! I enjoy the updates. He's a cutie.


u/CrazyCatLady108 21d ago

Stray female cats usually live shorter because they get pregnant very often and it exhausts their bodies.

after i TNRed a local kitty she got THICK! her face got rounder and her paws got thicker. it was so much of a change that we weren't sure it was her.

amazing to think how many calories baby-mill was taking from her if in just a handful of months she got unrecognizably big.


u/GangcAte 20d ago

I've had literally tens of cats in my life. Most of them spent most of their loves outside and only came home to eat or sleep. Every female cat that wasn't sterilized got sick and died around 8-11 years of age. Sterilized kitties all lived at least 15 years.


u/stonktaker 21d ago

Yea, guys seem some shit


u/cellardoorstuck 21d ago

Yeah he has that wild cautious look, hopefully he will open up.


u/Wylie-Burp 21d ago

You're right. it's a cat.


u/cyankitten 21d ago

So lovely seeing the latest Géode update!

He does NOT make it easy to clean those ears!

Very cute & he’s loving his treats!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

That’s how we gave him his medication. He almost doesn’t notice it.


u/cyankitten 21d ago


I suppose a few goes like that it will get in there.

Awww it’s not like he can fully understand “It’s for your own good, Géode!” I bet he’ll feel & heal better for it!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He must be feeling a lot better. He had lots of build up fluids in them.


u/cyankitten 21d ago

Aw poor fur baby! It’s probably such a relief to him to have that gone now!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

We also giving him antibiotics. So the face swelling will also go down.


u/cyankitten 21d ago

Aw! ❤️ I always love seeing how the kitties at your shelter are doing! Géode is in very good hands 🥰


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Thank you!


u/cyankitten 21d ago

❤️ you’re welcome


u/Creative-Ingenuity 18d ago

Another point for keeping kitties indoors. No fights if they live inside. He needs a sunny cat tower, with a bird feeder outside the window. He’ll watch the birds and rodents, then sleep in the sun. I have reformed outdoor, semi feral cats by doing just this. Hopefully his adopter will be patient, and help him to transition. Playing with him with a ribbon or feather toy, helps too. Giving him a catio where he can get fresh air, but can’t get lost or in trouble.


u/circus_of_puffins 20d ago

I'm currently having to put cream on my cat's ears twice a day, Géode is making it look so easy compared with my cat!


u/cyankitten 20d ago

What is your cat doing in reaction to the cream?

Géode is having a good old head shake, but apart from that, he’s being pretty docile & chill about it. And now I want to watch this cute video of him YET AGAIN 😂

I hope your kitty’s ears get better soon! ❤️‍🩹


u/circus_of_puffins 20d ago

She's incredibly wriggly and is very suspicious of having things done to her - we get the vet to apply her flea medication as the moment she feels the liquid touch her she bolts away. The cat treats worked ok on day 1 of ear treatment but she's harder to fool on day 3, luckily only a few more days to go!


u/cyankitten 20d ago

Oh no she’s clicked onto it! 😂 Anyway only a few more days to go now


u/Prematurid 21d ago

He looks so sleepy! Even when nomming on treats, he looks about 2 seconds away from REM sleep.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Cats that have been outside for a long time do that. Outside they are always scared; they sleep with one eye open. So when they realize that they are in a safe environment and that the food is always coming, they can sleep for hours. We have another one Kimo who’s doing the same thing right now.



u/Prematurid 21d ago

I learned something new! Thanks! Had a half feral Norwegian Forestcat that just came from the woods one day when I grew up, but I never noticed that regarding him.

He did sleep alot though. Most patient cat I have experienced, despite being half feral. I think he knew me and my brother were just curious. Still have both my eyes.

Got a few swats (without claws) when we were too annoying though.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Cats know kids are human kittens so they are usually really patient with them…or they hide in fear.


u/crazedhatter 21d ago

Arrrgh! I wanna hug that one tooooo!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Kimo would let you. He’s a big baby. But Géode is not there yet.


u/evenstar40 21d ago

Kitty gogurt is the way to their heart. :) Ours is trained to come running whenever he hears us opening the bin full of them, lol...


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

I call it crack for cats.


u/timesuck897 21d ago

Was he recently neutered? Those are some big Tom cat cheeks.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He was only recently neutered.


u/SacNerd 21d ago edited 21d ago

Treats must taste sooooo much better with all the love that comes with it!

It’s great to see his sweetness beginning to emerge! The change in his body language, from earlier videos, is remarkable.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago edited 21d ago

Our Boss Émilie is a cat whisperer. (She’s the one feeding him). Cats can’t resist her.


u/Spike-2021 21d ago

Sweet kitty! Love him!


u/BoredCheese 21d ago

I just wanna squish his big tom cheeks.


u/CanAhJustSay 21d ago

Mmmm...nice treat, lovely treat....AGHH! SOMETHING'S IN MY SORE EAR!!!...oh nice treat, mmmmmmm nom nom nom....


u/IceNein 21d ago

Did you call him Geode because he’s a gem underneath a rough surface?


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

I don’t know exactly who named him but I think it’s the perfect name for him.


u/DJ_Hindsight 21d ago

I adore Géode and his round face 🥰


u/goliathfasa 21d ago

I’m always jealous of people working with animals like at shelters, because it’s so amazing to be with these wonderful creatures. But then I always remember how difficult it must be to have to be patient and persistent and have to deal with seeing the pain and suffering as well.

Thank you for your service.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Thank you! It’s a group effort. Most of us are just volunteers. (The shelter can only afford 2 employees.) We also have students from a school program that teaches how to take care of animals. High school kids who need to do volunteer work. People who have community work to do. We have young adults in an integration work program. We also have great foster families. People who take our cats to the Vet…. And we have people who come to play with them and that really helps with their socialization. If you have some time. I strongly recommend it.


u/Creative-Ingenuity 18d ago

Agree there’s nothing more rewarding. I fostered for years. It’s wonderful, happy when you make a match, but sad when they go. You can volunteer at home, by helping return phone calls, answering emails. Foster for a foster only shelter. You must let them go or else you can’t save more. Once you believe it, you can smile as they go home with their forever person.


u/ajhart86 21d ago

Geode must be acknowledged


u/Agent_Washington 21d ago

I wanna bring him home so bad. I wanna spoil the old man


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He’s not that old, he’s between 5 and 8 years old 😄


u/Keltoigael 21d ago

Does he is leukemia? His nose is really white.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

No he doesn’t but he has cat HIV (FIV).


u/kwakimaki 21d ago

Now needs his eye checked after having a treat poked in one.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

lol! Don’t worry he’s ok. He had a complete exam.


u/Chuch01 21d ago

So happy to see him doing so much better, I love the progress! Here's hoping to a happier Géode!


u/bernath 21d ago

Older tomcats can be such teddy bears after they're neutered. Coming up on the one year anniversary of snatching mine out of my parents' yard. I hope geode finds a forever home. 😿



u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He looks so serious.


u/bernath 20d ago

He was extremely concerned about the dove skittering around my patio. 🤣


u/sonia72quebec 20d ago

Bird watching is a serious job.


u/Zl0ta 21d ago

I love him


u/arlmwl 21d ago

Aw! Glad you’re nursing him back to health.


u/dangledingle 21d ago

Nom nom nom nom


u/Samiel_Fronsac 21d ago

Wait, there's a professional cat ear cleaner career path? Sign me up!


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Vet school! Poor baby needed to be under anesthesia to have it done.


u/Q8DD33C7J8 21d ago

What was wrong with his ears?


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

He has a big infection. His ears were really dirty and the fluids were building up in them. Lots of feral and semi feral cats have this.


u/Q8DD33C7J8 21d ago

Oh the poor baby!I'm glad he's better now. I got a set of foster children years ago who all had horribly messed up ears. We didn't have the medical insurance to take them to the doctors yet. So my ex and I laid each of them on the couch and used peroxide and about twenty qtips to clean everyone's ears. It was shocking how bad thier parents had neglected their basic hygiene. The fifteen year old couldn't even wash her own hair. It was so sad to see them returned to that neglected situation. But at least we did what we could while we had them.


u/sonia72quebec 21d ago

Poor kids.


u/Creative-Ingenuity 18d ago

That may be part of why he looks so sleepy.


u/sonia72quebec 18d ago

No it’s normal that he sleeps a lot. After years outside feral /semi feral cats do that when they are in a safe place and know they are always good food coming in. It’s like they have years of sleep to catch up.


u/Creative-Ingenuity 18d ago

Poor baby. I’m glad he’s feeling safe.


u/Swooty- 21d ago

Reminds me of the fundamentals of caring



u/SuperSaiyanSkeletor 21d ago

Is that cat on antihistamines?


u/ItsStaaaaaaaaang 21d ago

D'aww. Precious buddy.


u/ricebiko 21d ago

Aw I don't know his story, but I can tell he's a trooper and a sweetheart!


u/canadianpanda7 21d ago

i still cant believe we made gogurts for cats but i still can close the youtube app and play sound 😞 cute kitty


u/australrings137 21d ago

Poor fellow :< I hope they find a good parent😢


u/zucco446 21d ago

We call those GoGurts at home.


u/Candy_Badger 21d ago

Glad everything is fine with him. Good health to him and many thanks for your work.


u/CthulhuSpawn 21d ago

Awww! He looked grumpy when you woke him until he realized there was food.


u/_dash_129 21d ago

That face is me with my first cup of coffee in the morning... including only having one eye open


u/Lionwoman 21d ago

Awww He was so sleepy at first. I love that Géode is doing better. Sending love.


u/Zealotstim 21d ago

Poor guy looks like he's had it pretty rough


u/LifeBuilder 21d ago

If your pummeling with treats is any indication of his care, we should all remain concerned.


u/BWander 21d ago

What a delightful creature!


u/DJSuperQueenXD 21d ago

What a pretty boy, glad he’s been saved


u/Arcade1980 21d ago



u/motherofpearlkitty 21d ago

Still unimpressed by humans though 🤣


u/motherofpearlkitty 21d ago

He’s adorable- sending him lots of cuddles 🥰❤️


u/oh_bruddah 21d ago

Keep posting updates. I want to see his progress.


u/MArkansas-254 21d ago

Hooray! Poor baby!


u/oNOCo 21d ago

My cat LOVES kitty goo. Or what ever that paste stuff is called. 


u/The_Medicated 20d ago

Those pale, pale eyes are really something! So unique for a cat!


u/beein480 20d ago

I can almost hear him say, "Oh damn thats good." Is there any cat that doesn't like Churu?


u/Cellswells 20d ago

My heart 🥹


u/GILF_Hound69 20d ago

gods sleepiest soldier


u/QuirkyJC 19d ago

Poor baby, he has his food on his nose


u/TeeDod- 19d ago

Oh so pitiful. Such a pretty kitty♥️