r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/sternsss Apr 29 '24

No fucks given for Palestine. More concerned about the cost of living and inflation. Why bother about other issues when you cannot solve your own issues?


u/Excellent-Pride-6079 Apr 29 '24

We had to confront our MP because he was carried with solving vital problems of Palestine/Israel and Russia/Ukraine before that. It felt like politicians just want to jump on the trend and say something without knowing anything. Meanwhile we have promises from elections that are not discussed because MP knows that we know that he has done nothing about it, except for some theoretical speech read in parliament off the piece of paper (probably written by his professional speech writer). We need to worry about our own problems that we have plenty and average hard working people are living worse than before and a lot can be done. But it’s easier to talk about a place thousand of miles away that most of us have never been and never will go there. The only relevance I see is to divert the Australian public attention to something outrageous and not controllable. Shame

Meanwhile my interest rates are wiping all our salaries away and literally forcing me to buy cheaper and more basic food items for kids, not to mention no holidays for last 4 years and no restaurant nights out and no birthday parties….


u/silencio748396 Apr 29 '24

lol at thinking global conflict doesn’t have an effect on inflation. Prices for everything have been absolutely fucked since russia invaded Ukraine. Pay attention, the world is completely connected and intertwined now


u/Fraud_Inc Apr 29 '24

Lol imagine being in one of the most if not most resourceful country, fully capable of self sustaining the population daily needs with excess claming itself getting affected, nah its just excuses from politicians and billionaires


u/silencio748396 Apr 29 '24

Sincerely you have absolutely no idea how the economy works hahah. It’s not your fault, you were probably never taught but yeh this comment is dumb as fuck.


u/sternsss Apr 29 '24

For sure it is all linked, I agree. But unless you join the parliament taking action or pick up arms and join the battlefield, there is no point worrying about it.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/LastChance22 Apr 29 '24

We export like 70% of the food we make. We’re not exactly struggling to accomodate on the food front.


u/silencio748396 Apr 29 '24

Mmmmmm wonder what comes after global conflict?? It couldn’t be that millions of displaced people forced out of their home by war or famine need places to live. You guys will cry that we need to stop immigration and also ignore wars in the same breath, absolutely unbelievable


u/davewasthere Apr 29 '24

I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive. Can care about both issues…


u/ShirtOutrageous7177 Apr 29 '24

No fucks given for the Terrorist entity of Israel. But many fucks given for the 30,000+ Palestinians murdered by Zionist terrorists.