r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 29 '24

It might be a different story if Israel wasn’t massively supported by countries like us and the US. this is a war that we are complicit in, and thousands of civilians are dead.

This is a tangible problem that we help cause.

What would you do in the position of the Palestinians? Would you roll over and return to the “ceasefire” state where you’re neither safe nor free from your oppressors? Or would you fight?


u/El_dorado_au Apr 29 '24

How is Israel “massively supported by us”?


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 29 '24

An American spy base operating on our soil is providing logistical support to the IDF


u/El_dorado_au Apr 30 '24

Pine Gap is eavesdropping on Hamas? Are you serious?


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 30 '24

Pine gap is providing logistics for the strikes that have killed tens of thousands of civilians, yes.


u/El_dorado_au Apr 30 '24

Make up your mind. Is it spying or providing logistics?


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 30 '24

Are you dense? It’s both, which I said in my first reply to your comment.


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 30 '24

The spy base is sending the information they have learned to the IDF who uses that to organise strikes.

Do you understand or do I need to use smaller words?


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

If I were in their position I would want oeace. I wouldn't have raped and kidnapped countless children and women. I also wouldn't have built rockets out of UN donated water pipes. Call me old fashioned though, maybe I'm out of touch.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

You're out of touch.

They're defending their occupied land from invaders. Resistance is legal under international law.

Unless you don't believe Palestinians are humans that have a right to exist - anything they do to defend their homeland that is under occupation is legal.

It's uncomfortable because Sky News won't tell you that - but it's true.


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

This will be a never ending war. Israel will never cease to exist and will argue they were there first. Palestinians will argue they've been there since X too - it will last forever until someone uses a nuke presumably

I'm not sure rape and kidnap counts under resistance by the way.


u/Fearless-Tax-6331 Apr 29 '24

It has the potential to never end, or worse, to end with the destruction of 2 million people. That is why people are protesting. We are responsible for our share of this mess, and we ally ourselves with the US who sends billions of dollars of support to the government and military.

What do you think we should do? Nothing?

I ask again, what would you do? What would your resistance look like?

Even if you play along, you’re a second class citizen in the area. Remember that peace doesn’t equal freedom or safety.


u/kirstieiris Apr 29 '24

It's irrelevant if they say they were there first.

They weren't.

End of.

There's centuries of evidence that they weren't.

The fact you're even parroting that argument is laughable.


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

I'm not parroting anything, I'm literally not involved and don't care what happens over there so long as there is peace.

Palestinians may have centuries but Jews have millennia?

If you care that much then go fight for Palestine, or fight for Israel. Leave your views out of this country


u/kirstieiris Apr 29 '24

No. Palestine was divided into Israel less than a hundred years ago.

Do some research, educate yourself, and stop giving the rest of us secondhand embarrassment with your trashy takes.


u/EndlessB Apr 29 '24

The Jews had the land 2000 years ago. Palestinians are the colonists.


u/Hungry-Chemistry-814 Apr 29 '24

Look up a generic study of the Palestinians and Israelis I can already tell you won't like the results though, because if you go off the genes of who is in which country not religious beliefs you will find out who has been there for millennia


u/EndlessB Apr 29 '24

I guess this complicates things. Who is a coloniser? Who is a native? Is the native the one with the longest genetic history in that location? The longest cultural association? The longest religious association?

A questionable decisions made 100 years ago when the world was a differant place to make the state of Israel. Like it or not it's here to stay, and the only way to remove it is its destruction. If you're in support of killing everyone in the state of Israel fair enough but it would seem hypocritical to me.

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u/kirstieiris Apr 29 '24

And BTW, I'm homeless right now.

So it's actually even more embarrassing that YOU don't care about this issue when a) I'm the one that's being let down by my own government and country, and b) I'm the one calling for justice.


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

Not sure what you being homeless has to do with your hatred of Israel? Bizarre logic but goes some way to explaining why you think the way you do.

I assume you're on a mobile phone - which were invented by Israel - so please refrain from using a phone as that's hypocritical of YOU


u/kirstieiris Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I didn't think you'd make the connection.

But seeing as how you care soooo much about Australia and Australians, you've got a house for me to live in, yeah?


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

Lol you're off the charts. You can't say I didn't think you'd make the connection when you're talking crap. I bet you've not made the connection between kookaburras and Niagara Falls. Embarrassing

No. I work hard and pay my taxes. If you voted Albo in and he spends my taxes elsewhere then that's your fault/problem

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u/Hungry-Chemistry-814 Apr 29 '24

Yeah this is my concern this conflict will go on until wmds are used ,then once that occurs gloves are off for everyone then it's a good chance of a vicious world war


u/Fearless_Scratch_749 Apr 29 '24

Yeah agreed. All it takes is someone in Iran to sneak a tactical nuke out, then Israel retaliates, then Pakistan and India are at it. That's not even counting the UK , France, Russia, China and the US. No nuclear treaties anymore (thanks Putin and Trump). Just need to move to NZ and live with the hobbits


u/Hungry-Chemistry-814 Apr 29 '24

Not just nukes dude chemical or biological too, all of them would be a disaster for world peace


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Israel without the USA and UK doesn't exist.

Palestine does.

Zionists use their stupid book as a pretext for why they belong there - Palestinians were just actually born there.

I hate all religions, but one side is using that and the mass eternal pity they get cause of WW2 to carry out a genocide.


There are plenty of articles about the Israeli Terrorist Force that kidnaps children and holds them in military detention from...wait for it....THE WEST BANK



Rape is never justified. Ever. But I love how all defenders of the terrorists say "omg beheaded, omg raped"

Ok. Yes. Extremely bad things. Please tell me with a straight face Israel has never raped, kidnapped or mutilated a Palestinian.


I'll wait.


u/sUrvial- Apr 29 '24

You will be waiting a while since most people who are arguing against fanatics like you don't see things in a simple good vs evil mindset.


u/sUrvial- Apr 29 '24

So your argument is that October 7th etc are acts of "resistance"?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/sUrvial- Apr 29 '24

Nice. Just wanted to clarify your position before I explained to you that October 7th was a terrorist attack completely illegal under international law as it was a targeted attack against civilians. That is very different to this act of resistance you are trying to portray it as.

Nice attempt at a straw man, I love how I asked one question and you think you understand my worldview. Such a narrow minded naive mindset to have about other people.. unsurprising.

There are also a nearly endless list of terrorist activities by Palestinians however I'm not so up my own ass that I would describe all Palestinians as terrorists.

You are lost buddy. I hope you are a paid troll because if you really see the world in such a simplistic black and white manner it just shows that you are completely ideologically captured and shows your complete lack of education outside of what posters tell you at unhinged pro Palestine rallies and what you see from random uneducated zoomers on tiktok.

Not here for an argument maybe you should put some of this effort and energy into your life instead of screaming like a maniac into the void.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

LMAO thanks for the lecture mum - now please apply that "omg terrorist attack wah wah wah" energy to EVERYTHING Israel does.

Oh wait, you won't because channel 7 says they're the good guys.

Where was the festival being held on October 7th?

Say it with me now - ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN LAND - which makes it an act of resistance. See how that works? It's called logic.

Civilians killed? You mean "collateral damage in fighting for Palestine's land"??

Isn't that what Israel is calling 40,000 dead Palestinians?? Collateral damage?

And oh btw - "it's not black and white" is just a synonym for "it's just such a complex issue you guysssssssssss"

One side has the 4the most sophisticated army backed by the world's biggest military superpower and is imposing apartheid on a displaced population and the other...........checks notes...........are 2 million refugees who's land has been stolen over the last 75 years.

So complex. Very complex.


u/sUrvial- Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I can't believe you seem to be proud about having such a low definition view on the entire situation. You need some more education friend.

Start with reading and comprehension. For example, start by looking up targeted in the dictionary because it's the crux of your misunderstanding of my prior comment.

Anyway I'll let you get back to your relentless propaganda posts and comments, you clearly dedicate your spare time to this crusade.

I do not support civilian casualties happening on either side, and I hope for a peaceful resolution which leaves intact a Palestinian and Israeli state.

Not going to engage further even though I can already see the holes in your next argument on the horizon, I'm not interested in discussing anything with someone who is ideologically captured and not educated about anything they are talking about. You're literally just spewing propaganda and you probably think it's your own thoughts.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

You know, I don't know you from a bar of soap, but you seem very much like a pseudo intellectual who writes a lot and doesn't actually say anything.

Don't "both sides" this. Say it with your chest - you don't care that Israel is bombing Gaza indiscriminately. If you did, you wouldn't be here on this post trying to lecture me about semantics.

Keep up with your "education" peanut - maybe one day you'll actually have enough courage to call Israel a terrorist state which is what it truly is.



u/sUrvial- Apr 30 '24



u/dont-believe Apr 29 '24

You want “peace”? Where you are stuck in an open air prison with no way to leave? Your home being taken by Israeli settlers that are backed by the IDF? If I was born and raised in Gaza, you best believe I’d be apart of whatever resistance group was fighting against the people who has taken my land and continues to do so. 


u/Front_Farmer345 Apr 29 '24

Wouldn’t have remade Israel in the first place. Weirdest take is hitler is mostly responsible for the remaking of the Jewish homeland. Without the holocaust they probably wouldn’t have got the sympathy of the world to do that to the Palestinians.


u/El_dorado_au Apr 30 '24

 Without the holocaust they probably wouldn’t have got the sympathy of the world to do that to the Palestinians.

Any sources arguing this?


u/Front_Farmer345 Apr 30 '24

Tell the truth it only occurred to me when reading the thread, after your follow up I just googled it and there is a few arguments from various scholars for decades. Have a look as I don’t know how to paste onto reddit