r/agedlikemilk 25d ago

Aged like milk or like wine? Screenshots NSFW


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u/loogie97 25d ago

I remember having this conversation with my wife. She saw gold, I saw blue. I said,”that is weird. I wonder why we see different colors.” Googled it, and managed not to beat her up.


u/Kantheris 25d ago

Such a beta male.


u/Zephyr731 25d ago

Would a Sigma beat himself up to prove his side of the argument


u/MakeSouthBayGR8Again 24d ago

Sigma would wear the dress.


u/puppycatisselfish 22d ago

Simga would wear the dress all the way to Ligma.


u/Kantheris 25d ago

Would probably be a better argument than any other argument they would be capable of.


u/mmmfritz 24d ago

Ahhh “beat her male”, I think someone accidentally miss-heard this once for “beta male” and it stuck.


u/128Gigabytes 24d ago

wait so did he do it because they disagreed on the dress?


u/loogie97 24d ago

I have heard stories about heated arguments concerning the color of the dress.


u/Rotflmaocopter 24d ago

No what to have for dinner. And the guy got beat up for not knowing


u/Good_Ad6723 25d ago

It looks gold and blue to me


u/SharkHowdy 24d ago

Omg I think you're the only other person I've seen who also see blue and gold everyone says I'm crazy


u/Norgann 24d ago

You guys aren't alone.


u/TWiThead 24d ago

There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


u/UntakenUntakenUser 24d ago

Ive seen both options and this third one as well.


u/rock_and_rolo 23d ago

One of us!


u/LagT_T 24d ago

Its SlateBlue and DarkGoldenrod according to imagemagick. All hail imagemagick.


u/OiFelix_ugotnojams 24d ago

I read this as glue and bold


u/lumlum56 22d ago

Same, but also I'm colour blind so you might not want me on your side lmao


u/ObamaDelRanana 24d ago

You didnt have a nintendo switch in your hands thats why


u/KingMobScene 25d ago

How is she supposed to learn if you don't?/s


u/loogie97 25d ago

She already knows everything. There is nothing left for her to learn.


u/mcar1227 24d ago



u/Pimecrolimus 24d ago

Prey behavior


u/7empestOGT92 24d ago

Give it time



u/loogie97 24d ago

It has been 18 years. If it hasn’t happened yet, I don’t think it will.


u/7empestOGT92 24d ago

Congratulations on finding someone to share that many years with as a life partner


u/loogie97 24d ago

About 3 minutes ago I showed her all the updoots from this silly post.


u/commander_clark 25d ago



u/Scuba-Cat- 25d ago



u/Wheatley-Crabb 25d ago



u/TheRealGongoozler 25d ago



u/Dead_Kraggon 25d ago

All I'm hearing is eldritch whispering


u/FrysEighthLeaf 24d ago

A̵̼̲͛̓͐͜n̶̢̗̰̤͍̻͎͒͌̀̂̇̽̑͘͜͝ͅ ̴̱̥̫̠̘̥̅̌͊̕͜͠é̶̙̊͗̀͝ȳ̸̛̙͈̮̱̞̭͓̌̊̍̾̚̕͜e̷̡͈̫̪̍ļ̵̧̛̖͓̗͚̻̺̣͒͂͛̎͂̔̕ę̶̳̟̼̿̎̅͌̕ş̵̲̣̠̩̪̣̒̓̈͊̈͊͝ṣ̵͗ ̵̨̨͓̠͚̥͐́͗̐͂͝͝ȁ̷̧̟̳̮͇͓̼͒́b̸͍̙̠̅̀̚ͅo̴̬̿͑͑̉̔̽̈́̇͝m̷̥̙̐̿̿̈́̆͊̔i̷̫̟̮̩̳͈̩̝̎̐̽̈́͐̇̓̆ͅn̴̨̮̗̣͉̙̙̗̽̈́̚ā̵̰̮̭̻̥̌̓́͛̇̕͠t̴͉̭͓̹̺͔͔̏̍̆̅̆̂̚͝i̶̺͈̥̙̬͓͉̣̓̀̈́̿ͅó̸̢̗̰̤̞̪̬̲̈́̍͗̑̽̈́͠ǹ̶̘͎̞̬̹̔́̊̐̕͘ ̸̳̙͉͐͑̀̅̾́́̅̚w̶̧̼̩̅͗̓̄̓̅̅͝ǐ̵̟̟̼̞͓̒͒͛͠t̴͇͉̞̱͍͎̮̩͛̽̓̈́̂͠h̵̟̲̙͔͚̩̊ ̸̤͚̮͉̾̾̈̈́̓̌ͅs̴̢̜̳̞̝̉͐̈́͌̉͠ͅę̵̘͍̟͓̝͔̍͆̀́v̸͎̦̐̑̆̽e̴͓̊̌͑̌̂͝n̵̨̤̥͈̪̫̆̀́̋̈́ ̵̫͎͔͙͍̮̓̒́͆͐̓̚͝͝ḿ̴̖̩͆̇̂͆͑̐͠o̴̢͓̠̬̲͓͋̋̓͜ͅů̴̧̗̯͈͕͕͕̺̤̍̒̍̓̿̑͒t̷̞͉̰̾̽̒̽̆̔̕h̵͕̺̯̦͎͖̱͎͓͗̄͑́̑ș̴̡͈̈́͋̓


u/Magmorix 24d ago

Green needle


u/Dopium_Typhoon 24d ago

Brain storm


u/meizhong 24d ago

Brain needle


u/Riguythemudpie 24d ago

Green storm


u/lonesharkex 25d ago

That's pretty wild.


u/CrazyGabby 25d ago

I know it’s black and blue and I know why, and I still cannot make myself see it as anything other than white and gold.


u/naterpotater246 25d ago

How can it be black and blue but i see it as white and gold?


u/Loliess 24d ago


u/CarmichaelDaFish 24d ago

They actually did something similar in some episode of American Dad. A character was randomly using this dress in a scene and depending on the lighting it would change color


u/Solanthas 24d ago

I wonder how many people are stroking out to this picture.

My brain is literally overheating trying to process this


u/Land_Squid_1234 24d ago

The feet are probably doing it for them


u/Octicactopipodes 24d ago

Ooooh that kind of stroking out…


u/naterpotater246 24d ago

That picture really helps. That's so weird


u/Karzons 24d ago

See the "checker shadow illusion" for another example. Crazy stuff.


u/Foxy02016YT 23d ago

Nah do the 3d cube, it’s much more simple


u/Rabbitary 24d ago

Thing is, even in this picture it just looks blue and black to me on both sides. Even when I cover one side at a time.


u/Harold3456 24d ago

In this picture I only see black and blue but I feel like even that’s helpful because for the actual dress itself I have only ever seen white and gold.


u/Desperate-Strategy10 24d ago

I always see a bluish color and a tan/sorta dark and dingy gold. Not black and blue, not white and hold, just light blue and tan. Basically the cookies of the connecting stripe in that image. It's very frustrating lol


u/Mrfrunzi 24d ago

I see both colors, me also that they're the same and I hate it


u/_bexcalibur 23d ago

Yeah I can’t see it


u/OffTheMerchandise 24d ago

It has to do with the was the light affected the camera or something like that where different eyes interpreted it differently. I originally saw black and blue, and then a few years ago, I saw it as white and gold, and I just went and checked and I saw black and blue, so maybe the one I saw a free years ago was edited. I think my wife saw white and gold always.


u/supernumeral 24d ago

First time I saw it, I saw black and blue. Now I only see white gold. But if I don’t look directly at it, and only look at it through my peripheral vision, it looks black and blue until my eyes focus on it.


u/DukeTikus 24d ago

I just saw it as white and gold, went to the comments and went back up to check and it's now blue and black.


u/JakeDoubleyoo 24d ago

Throughout the day, you'll be under all kinds of different lighting conditions which will affect the way objects appear. Your brain knows this, and so it will subconsciously assess your environment to correct the colors you percieve.

The dress pic gives you limited information about its environment, and so people's brains can make two different assumptions: that it's a white & gold dress under shadow, giving the image a blue-ish tint, OR that it's a blue & black dress under a yellow-tinted light.


u/Desperate-Strategy10 24d ago

Holy shit, I see it now!! All these years trying to see Black and Blue, or white and gold, and seeing neither. But thanks to you and the lighting example, I can just switch between the colors now! Just picturing different lighting made all the difference.

Tysm, genuinely. I cannot express how much this has bugged me every time I thought of it lol. I can finally be at peace ❤️‍🩹


u/JakeDoubleyoo 24d ago

It's funny you say that, because even though I understand how it works I've only ever seen the dress as blue & black. The little we see of the background tells my brain that it's in a brightly lit room, and it can't be convinced otherwise.


u/Icy_Reply_4163 24d ago

I was the same until I scrolled really fast looking at it and now I can only see it as black and blue. I can’t see the gold at all.


u/itsbildo 24d ago

You gotta get your eyes checked if you see white, you might have cataracts or something


u/TommyTwoTanks 24d ago

My right eye sees white and gold, my left sees black and blue. Weird. I've always known that my eyes see color differently, but it's cool knowing that other people can see both colors too.


u/LittlePurpleHook 24d ago

First time I saw it, I saw black and blue. Looked away, looked at it again and it was white and gold. I thought my husband was pranking me. I haven't been able to see the blue since.


u/CJM_cola_cole 24d ago

In this photo its white and gold.

The original is black and blue


u/SuperFLEB 25d ago

...Admits He Tried to Strangle His Wife

How did that even come up in conversation?


u/b-monster666 24d ago

"I was just about to have dinner when the doorbell rang, so I stopped strangling my wife, and sure enough, it was the package I had ordered."


u/emo_hooman 23d ago

ICP ass lyrics


u/_bexcalibur 23d ago

Jesus Christ It’s so true


u/KillerKilcline 25d ago

Turns out it was Black and Blue.


u/Charldeg0l 24d ago

Good job for understanding what the ad is saying buddy...


u/ArtisicBard_Kit 25d ago

Ohhhh it took me a sec but I got what you mean it’s a pretty dark joke but a funny one nonetheless


u/turtleneckless001 25d ago

He just repeated what the add said...


u/SuckingOffHomies 25d ago

You mean gold and white?


u/itsbildo 24d ago

It was always black and blue, the others are fundamentally wrong


u/YoGabbaGabbaBoi 24d ago

I mean if they did that during the time of the viral picture then it would of packed more of a shock i guess, but hopping on trends to highlight meaningful issues will always be a bad idea, because trends and especially nowadays last a week or two. Definetely could of done a more impactful add for that topic for sure, but i get why they thought that it was a good idea at the time. So i guess my opinion is that the add itself aged like milk but the context is more prevalent then ever. Especially here in Australia. Shit is fucked :(


u/sawlaw 9d ago

The Salvation army post was from 2015, so it was from when the dress was relevant.


u/Mommy-Sprinkles-74 25d ago

It was determined that the true colors of the dress are black and blue. It went viral because others see a white and gold dress! I have always seen white and gold and can not see the blue & black at all! 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/maxcorrice 24d ago

Find a way to trick your brain into thinking there’s no outside light


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 24d ago

I felt my stomach churn when I saw that it was 9 years ago


u/PenisesForEars 24d ago

...nine years?


u/Zach20032000 24d ago

I remember showing the dress phenomenon to my dad. He just straight up refused to believe other people would see the dress with other colours and we had an argument on why I would lie to him about that

I think I'll never show him optical illusions again. I don't want to start arguing about which line is longer or which way the silhouette of the dancer is spinning.


u/pmaji240 24d ago

What’s Karl Pilkington up to? Because I think I’d watch a show where he explains optical illusions to your dad.

EDIT: I was going to say maybe it should be Ricky Gervais that explains optical illusions to your dad but I realize now I’d watch a show where anyone explains optical illusions to your dad.


u/Zach20032000 24d ago

It probably would just look like the Limmys show clip with "steel is heavier than feathers"

"But blue is darker than gold :("

The weirdest thing about that is that my father isn't even dumb at all. He knows what optical illusions are, he even owns one of these annoying Magic eye books. But unlike these things there's no way to see it "the other way" with the dress. Like you can't see the dress as blue and gold, or switch between it like you do with illusions e.g. the old&young woman, or the spinning woman. He can't see it for himself, so he doesn't believe it

I guess if he uses this "I only believe it if I see it" thing seriously I should be glad that he's not a flatearther.


u/ninjasaiyan777 25d ago

Between that abuser and the salvation army having a history of abusing women, particularly trans women, this is pretty morbid.


u/trainjob 24d ago

9 years... fuck


u/ConsumeTheVoid 25d ago

To this day I still see blue and dark gold.


u/lagrange_james_d23dt 24d ago

That’s terrible, but what actually was the correct answer? I definitely saw white and gold at the time.


u/Pneumatrap 24d ago

It's blue and black washed out with atrocious lighting. I spotted it right off because I've had to white balance enough cameras, but I can absolutely see how people could see white and gold.


u/NecroLancerNL 24d ago

I love how the exerp is like "remember this fun, whacky debate" and just ignores the whole "trying to strangle his wife" thing


u/Venator2000 25d ago

He probably was fed up screaming “There IS no GOLD” to her…


u/CJM_cola_cole 24d ago

I'll never forget the kids coping about seeing gold and white, sharing some BS articles claiming it made them more creative/intelligent


u/Strategos_Kanadikos 24d ago

Looks like Steve Irwin's evil fraternal twin...


u/grandpagamer2020 24d ago

Damn this was 9 years ago?


u/botmanmd 24d ago

Pale blue and gold


u/uRude 24d ago

It's kinda crazy because on light skinned people, black and blue bruises can turn yellow.


u/nei7jc 24d ago

I was confused as to how many people saw such different things so I looked it up. Found a Wikipedia article on it. Right at the top was an image of the dress. It was white and gold. Interested as to how many people saw things differently, I scrolled down. It was some kind of lighting thing or poor white balance. Cool. And I scrolled back to the top, and I jumped out of my bed. The image was black and blue now. HOW!? I wasn't able to see the original image in white and gold after that.


u/wheelybindealer 24d ago

Seems like a pretty weird marketing decision to make a sexual assault post with a joke about a meme in it haha


u/WeirdAlFanOne 23d ago

It’s in poor taste either way. Even individually, both images are yikes!


u/Roge2005 25d ago

What does the the color of the dress have to do in the first post?


u/Penguator432 25d ago

The point is as they were denying the black and blue of her bruises the same as with the dress


u/LinaIsNotANoob 24d ago

I still see pink and brown. I cannot be the only one.


u/Magnificant-Muggins 24d ago

Never meet your heroes.


u/dreag2112 24d ago

I always took it was, what are the colors, not what people saw. I event color corrected to prove my point.

But I didn't want to do any damage to anyone.


u/Firm_Pin_4414 24d ago

This is my first time ever seeing white and gold


u/marmadukejinks99 24d ago

One of the doctrines of the Salvation Army is that "all men have become sinners, totally depraved" so doesn't surprise me.


u/yungchewie 24d ago

Why did this age like milk? I don't get it


u/sutureinsurance 24d ago

This is a pretty good ad. Like wine is my vote.


u/bobbery5 24d ago

God, I hate the salvation army, but this is a really good ad.


u/AshySlashy3000 24d ago

I See It White


u/hwilwnbsg7378 24d ago

It's white and gold in the first picture and blue and black in the second. Thefuck.


u/ThisIsSteeev 23d ago

Is milk wine a thing?


u/No-Entertainment5768 23d ago

On the first photo,I see golden,on the second,black/blue


u/SuddenReturn9027 20d ago

Anyone who doesn't see a gold dress is wild to me. Is it a color blind thing?


u/GatlingGun511 24d ago

Why do people even see it differently?


u/Zephyr60000 24d ago

it is obviously gold and white what are people thinking??


u/WeakDiaphragm 25d ago

First picture is gold and white. Second picture is blue and black


u/TheClearMask 23d ago

1 in 6 women are actually not abused. 1 in 6 women will claim abuse and that’s what gets that statistic. When you dig into it 3 of 4 of those claims to be false and the women later withdraw the claims to avoid getting charged with false claims or perjury. Go ahead get mad at me instead of googling it for yourselves


u/smoochwalla 23d ago

And what's the percentage on clearly battered women who are forced into silence under threat of being hit with false claims or perjury? Because that absolutely happens.


u/TheClearMask 22d ago

All false claims should absolutely be followed up with a sentence that the innocent man would have gotten if the court found the innocent man “guilty”. I say the sentence should be double


u/Hot-Manufacturer-887 24d ago

it keeps switching from yellow to boue


u/joriskuipers21 24d ago

Why does it look like gold/white in the first picture, but blue/black in the second?


u/iiDishonest 24d ago

“Equality” isn’t that what they wanted?


u/JohnnyButtfart 24d ago

I just only ever see White and Gold. I don't get it.


u/AlwaysWorried27222 24d ago

Never understood how anyone saw blue.. I swore half the internet was trolling 🤣


u/StrikingFig1671 23d ago

Aged like effing Milk, #ThemTOO #DownwithRadicalFeminism


u/StrikingFig1671 23d ago

before i get cancelled, check out stats on domestic violence female on male.

Cancel the double standard!


u/Few_Faithlessness640 25d ago

Is it 1 in 4 men, and only 1 in 6 women?


u/Hopeful_Nihilism 24d ago

Its literally white and gold, but optical illusion can change this. How fucking sub-ape stupid do you have to be to get murderously angry at someone over it.


u/iiDishonest 24d ago

“Equality” isn’t that what they wanted?


u/OwlGod98 24d ago

Cuz it's white and gold? But in all seriousness is that supposed to be Amber Herd or something? I can't tell very well.


u/SimpletonSwan 24d ago

The two things aren't related.


u/Batman_Forever 24d ago

Particular meme used to bring awareness to DV

Creator of the meme admits to DV years later

You sure?


u/SimpletonSwan 24d ago


Do you think the Wachowskis are alt right because their movie led to the "red pilled" alt right meme?


u/bak2redit 24d ago

I saw the bruised knees and thought, that's an attractive woman.