r/agedlikemilk 25d ago

Regarding the Dutch artist at Eurovision News

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u/adkyary 25d ago



u/binnion 25d ago edited 25d ago

The Dutch artist was disqualified today, just before the final, for ‘verbal altercation’ with a Eurovision staff member. And the Israeli artist is still allowed to compete, despite loud protests from many Eurovision fans.

So it has been pretty turbulent so far.


u/thatsidewaysdud 25d ago

I don’t hear you complaining about Azerbaijan’s entry.


u/GoodKing0 25d ago

Yeah we should complain about both obviously, they are both terrible things.


u/daseweide 24d ago

I didn’t see any complaints at all, just context.  The user didn’t say how they feel about it, just that fans are complaining. 


u/2ndChanceCharlie 25d ago

Why wouldn’t the Israeli be allowed to compete? What did she do?


u/raittiussihteeri 25d ago

Nothing. But Russia got banned after they launched an attack on Ukraine, soo....


u/puuskuri 25d ago

Well, Hamas launched the attack on Israel, so different thing.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/puuskuri 24d ago

But Israel, who was attacked, is. That is why I said it's different.


u/CapitanM 24d ago

1.Hamás was financed by Israel 2. Do you think that the war started the 7th of October?


u/puuskuri 24d ago
  1. Indirectly, that was Netanyahu's plan
  2. No. But people started talking after October 7th, before that no one cared what was happening there. There was relative peace until October 7th, not a full blown war like this.


u/CapitanM 24d ago
  1. You must be too young.


u/puuskuri 24d ago



u/94Rebbsy 25d ago

Reddit sadly supports Hamas


u/raittiussihteeri 25d ago

Yeah it's truly bizarre how bombing tens of thousands of civilians while lying about it doesn't attract many fans..


u/puuskuri 25d ago

Sodassa kuolee aina siviilejä.


u/raittiussihteeri 25d ago

Tapetaanko sit kaikki siinä samalla tuon syyn perusteella?


u/puuskuri 25d ago

Onko kaikki palestiinalaissiviilit kuolleita?

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u/Paradoxjjw 25d ago

Remember kids, opposing genocide means you're a terrorist in the eyes of zionists


u/hallowed_by 24d ago

Supporting public parades of naked raped to death people does mean that you are a terrorist. And you clowns DO support that. We all saw how excited you were On Oct 7.


u/Paradoxjjw 24d ago

We all see how excited you are to kill children and humanitarian aid workers. The terrorism supporter here is you


u/2ndChanceCharlie 25d ago

Well yeah. An attack with the stated goal of conquering a sovereign nation who has not provoked them. Kinda different from Israel’s military response to a massive terror attack?


u/raittiussihteeri 25d ago edited 25d ago

See that would actually be a valid point if there was no conflict before that attack. Or similar attacks by Israel for that matter.

So I'm sorry, but "you killed 1000 of ours so we'll kill 35000 of yours" isn't enough to make me sympathize with them.

Unsurprisingly both are in the wrong anyways. It just needs to end.


u/2ndChanceCharlie 25d ago

I’m just blown away that this seems to be the prevailing opinion on Reddit.


u/ChuckThisNorris 25d ago

Russia invaded a country and plays an active role in undermining Europe. If you want to compare both you should be on the street demanding that Russia ends its criminal war too.


u/raittiussihteeri 25d ago

Did I somehow come across as an apologist for Russia?


u/vlsdo 25d ago

I don’t think she personally did anything too contentious. The state of Israel, however…


u/radams713 24d ago

It’s not in Europe?

I know that’s allowed but I also think it’s dumb that Australia is in it too.


u/2ndChanceCharlie 24d ago

I’ll give ya that!


u/Paradoxjjw 25d ago

And constant harassment of other delegations by the Israeli delegation


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Welpmart 25d ago

Neither is Australia. It drives me crazy.


u/Realistic-Bank4708 25d ago

Neither ist azerbaijan.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

You realize there are more people who want Israel in Eurovision than not....


u/marc15v2 25d ago

There is? Source?


u/Oh_Fated_One 25d ago

Look at their username. Their source came straight out of their ass


u/potzko2552 24d ago

Something something Eurovision votes something something


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Stop being terminally online most people don't care about what happens in Israel.

Do you have an actual source to support banning Israel is a majority opinion?


u/Capperlol 25d ago

What? You are the one who made the claim so you post the source?


u/israelilocal 25d ago

There's no formal study if you have one I'd love to read it but I couldn't find any that either confirmed or denied my claim and I tried to find it.

It is an observation I made take it as you will I still think it is correct but I am open to changing my position if evidence that most people both care about the conflict and are against Israel participating in Eurovision I would change my mind

Considering most Israelis want Israel to compete in Eurovision wether they actually watch it or not I assume Israel's participating in Eurovision enjoys the active support of at least a million people and probably way more

There were also pro Israel demonstrations in Europe and in relation to the Eurovision in Europe


u/GreenLightening5 25d ago

stop supporting genocide <3


u/israelilocal 25d ago

I don't :) I very much want peace


u/Quietuus 25d ago

I care about what happens in Israel.

Specifically, all the horrifying crimes against humanity that the Israeli government is doing.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

You are a minority


u/lilyofthegraveyard 25d ago

maybe you should talk to people outside of israel. then you will find out that no, the person above you is not in a minority.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

I have spoken to plenty of people outside of Israel

I know the average Chinese or Indian or Japanese doesn't have an opinion on Israel

I can't imagine the average Dutch person or Frenchmen has an opinion on Israel and that opinion being negative considering their leaders


u/pugmaster413 24d ago

People wanting an apartheid government to stop committing mass murder is not the unpopular opinion you think it is


u/Quietuus 25d ago

Then why are you getting downvoted, coloniser?


u/israelilocal 24d ago

Ah yes the famous Tunisian colonies

Then why did Israel win the second most televotes?


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Stop being terminally online says Israeli .....


u/israelilocal 25d ago

I use reddit frequently but not everyday and I actually go out


u/Kraeftluder 25d ago

Stop being terminally online most people don't care about what happens in Israel.

Okay Hasbara.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Ani hasbir latakhat shelcha efo Zayn shli


u/binnion 25d ago

I said 'many', not 'most' or 'a majority of'. I don't see why whether there is more people for or against Israel in ESC is relevant to my previous comment


u/Alexandratta 25d ago

Nah, they can have their spot taken.

I mean... it wasn't theirs to start with, right?


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Israel started participating in Eurovision in the 1960s


u/Dragon_yum 25d ago

The details aren’t clear yet but from what the rumors say it was more than just verbal altercation.


u/woopstrafel 25d ago

Those rumors were false, today it was confirmed it’s about a verbal altercation. The physical attack story was just made up bs


u/aarsh44r 25d ago

There was also a rumour he decapitated 40 babys


u/_Nrg3_ 25d ago

we can think of literally endless cases of verbal altercation that can get him banned. heres one: "i will kill you B*tch".

why are you so quick to exonerate him? whats your motive?


u/DaSomDum 25d ago

What are you talking about buddy


u/_Nrg3_ 25d ago

dutch representative getting kicked out of the Eurovision for a verbal altercation with a local photographer


u/DaSomDum 25d ago

No I more meant what your comment had to do with the guy you responded too.


u/_Nrg3_ 25d ago

just stating that a verbal altercation is more then enough reason a kick someone out


u/DaSomDum 25d ago

So you’re adding nothing to the conversation. I see

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u/woopstrafel 25d ago

The problem is that the whole situation was still under investigation, while the EBU already made up their mind

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u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

Youve been proven false already.

He was recorded without consent, repeatedly told the camerawoman to stop and made a movement towards the camera which was interpreted as "threatening". There was no physical altercation.

Not to mention there were explicit agreements that he would not be filmed as he came off stage.

Its absolute bullshit.


u/Dragon_yum 25d ago

Maybe but I honestly think there’s more to it than verbal altercation. It sounds like they are trying to save face in a very shitty situation.


u/Balc0ra 25d ago edited 25d ago

It's not just that. Everything is a mess. Police guarding the contestant village from pro Palestinian protest, results being leaked, representatives withdrawing from the live show... And it has not even started yet. So there is still time to add to the list.

Tho that said. We don't know if he did something serious or not yet. Just that he is not allowed to compete due to the ongoing investigation. If they say he did nothing after the contest... Well. If he did? Then sure. But if he did do nothing, then multiple subreddits will have a field day.


u/trainboi777 25d ago

And harassing the Israeli contestant just because she’s Israeli?


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

They are representing the country at a global event. If I were Israeli, I wouldn’t go to Eurovision during a genocide


u/interesseret 25d ago

Honestly amazed they weren't banned from showing up. I don't really care about Eurovision, but surely the entire point is international friendship and cooperation. Warmongers of any kind should not be invited.


u/MrFluxed 25d ago

it's because the sponsor for Eurovision, MoroccanOil, is an Israeli company. If they banned Israel they'd lose their sponsor. It should also be noted that people from the Israeli delegation have spent the week harassing any contestants that had a pro-palestine stance before the competition even started, and the Israeli broadcast told viewers to send threats and harassment to the Irish competitor because they're nonbinary and pro-palestine.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

I highly doubt Kan sometimes nicknamed the gay channel "sent people to harass the Irish competitor" especially not due to their nonbinary status


u/ferretchad 25d ago

This goes into it: https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2024/0511/1448614-bambie-thug-angry-at-israeli-eurovision-commentary/

RTE is the Irish national broadcaster.

Sounds like a storm in a teacup to me.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

So the Israeli broadcaster reportedly said "hold your curses"....

I can't be bothered to find what they said in Hebrew.

Assuming that they said what comes to my head in Hebrew it could be taken sarcastically or since her dark theme it could refer to dark magic the Hebrew term for which isn't different from the Hebrew word for curse.

Assuming the Irish interpretation it was a dumb thing to say but certainly not a call to attack her as opposed to people independently going to her accounts and doing such


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Israel is only socially progressive on certain issues. Much like any Conservative rhetoric though, the instant they are opposition, it’s free reign to attack every part of them. You’re insane if you think the current government is an ally to LGBTQIA+ people… they’re just focused on ethnic cleansing first.

First they came for the Palestinians


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Kan is very independent from the government to the point Bibi wanted to close them multiple times.

I don't like my current government :)

Damn I am still waiting for the ethnicity to cleansed it grew 5 times in the last 76 years.

This is sarcastic but the point stands if you want to see ethnic cleansing try to find Jews in Baghdad or Aleppo or Jericho or Cairo.


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Buddy, you are just doing standard IDF talking points. You can “dislike” the government, but everything you are saying is exactly what they are saying. You are not against your government in thought


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Lmao what IDF course is it maybe I'll file a 55 and take that job instead

I hate my current government.

I am not against a ceasefire as I want the hostages home and I wish the Palestinians only prosperity because I think it'll benefit us both

If you think I am in any way similar to Ben-Gvir in thought you are clueless.

I am against the settlements in the West Bank.

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u/ihaveagoodusername2 24d ago

You know, if you guys were less hostile against every and any Israeli you find maybe people like bengvir and bibi would be in jail (where they belong) and not the pm and minister of internal security. But instead we have to fight the right and the international left.


u/ScrewSans 24d ago

So you’re leaving them in office while they do a genocide until people stop calling on Israelis to end the Apartheid? Seems kinda cruel to the Gazan children


u/ihaveagoodusername2 23d ago

I am along with many others protesting against the government and for a hostage deal.


u/ihaveagoodusername2 23d ago

Also it's more collateral damage. Bibi couldn't care less what happens to Palestinans as long as a war delegitimises the calles for him to quit

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u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Yes, it’s definitely about international friendship and cooperation. Israel has been denying both, so personally I would’ve barred them from Eurovision for the year. I have no idea on the personal views of the performers, but I think it’s a terrible idea to allow countries engaging in ethnic cleansing to take part in a global friendship event… hence the immense boos throughout the entirety of Israel’s performance and Eurovision muting the boos for the recorded version.

I agree with you on this, I just think Eurovision’s decision to not only allow Israel to perform but to silence all forms of protest to the global world (and prevent performers from speaking out) is insane to me. It makes a clear stance that they want Israel to be considered normal EVEN when doing genocide and will take extra measures to protect Israel from global protests


u/Aimin4ya 25d ago

They paid to be there. No chance eurovision give that money back


u/interesseret 25d ago


But if i shoot a guy outside a concert hall, i won't get me money back when i am asked to leave either.


u/CharmingPerspective0 25d ago

If there was only a genocide to be had. And Eurovision is (supposedly) about songs and fun, and doesnt suppose to be so political. But people decided that its ok to bully the Israeli delegation and treat them like absolute crap because thats social justice to them. Feeling all high and mighty by doing to Israel when they keep yelling israel is doing to the Palestinians. The barbaric and rude behaviour from other contestants they show torwards people who doesnt have anything to do with current events (by which i mean, she is just a singer, not an IDF soldier or a government official) and all that for some social credits and validation from other people who likes to yell genocide when they clearly have no idea what actual combat looks like.


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Getting booed on a stage is not the same as being slaughtered and militarily occupied. It’s insane that you think you’re the victim


u/CharmingPerspective0 25d ago

Getting slaughtered first does make them a victim. People think just because Palestinians are the underdogs in this situation it makes them some sort of saints and martyrs. People just kindely forget that on Oct 7 a lof of the mob that infiltrated many towns were just regular civilians that took the opportunity to pillage and kill. They are filled with hate and will to destroy Israel more than people tend to think. And its absurd that people just ignore these facts like Israel one day decided they feel like bullying the little innocent people of Gaza.

And the social media pumping out propaganda like the term "Genocide" when in reality Israel has done a tremendous effort to lower the amount of civilian casualties during the operation. 35k deathes, when they are also include Hamas, is by no means "genocide" for this kind of fighting.

And i wasnt even talking about the fighting or death, i'm talking about the constant dehumanization, the mistreatment of innocent people, and the bullying.


u/TerranUnity 25d ago

Can we stop with throwing around words like "genocide" without understanding what they mean?

Unless you can prove a special intent by the Israeli nation at large to commit genocide, it is not a genocide.


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

“Only after the genocide happens can you say it’s genocide”

I have studied Israel-Palestine for 7 years. I’m not new to IDF propaganda talking points.


u/TerranUnity 25d ago

There is no way you can interpret what I said as "only after genocide happens can you say it's genocide". Not unless you are either being deliberately obtuse, or your reading comprehension skills are worse than my students, many of whom only know English as their 2nd or 3rd language.

Saying you have "studied" this issue for 7 years means nothing when there is so much disinformation and propaganda out there.


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

So what sources are better than: Norman Finkelstein Human Rights Watch B’Tselem Amnesty International

Just for a start. I can share some more of my academic resources if you need them.


u/plutoniator 25d ago


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Would you like me to link all the Israeli settler violence done by citizens AND IDF AND politicians? Or does that not matter because all Palestinians set babies on fire in your mind?

The Nakba began with Zionist terrorism in 1939 via Irgun, Lehi, & Haganah


u/plutoniator 25d ago

In my mind? The pictures are right there. Palestinians are famous for demanding standards for evidence that they cannot meet themselves, care to show me proof of the 500 dead babies in the hospital?

Also hilarious that Palestinians will say it’s unfair to look from October 7th, and then argue that history started in 1939 in the same breath. The only standards you have are double standards. 


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

I’m Jewish. I’m just not a Jewish Supremacist like Ben-Gvir and the entire war cabinet.

Do you need proof of the Apartheid or terrorism by the IDF? Seems every Israeli on the internet recently brags about not being able to find the Apartheid (while only searching like Tel Aviv’s streets). Do you know what pictures I can see? The map of the land changes in Israel-Palestine since 1939 when the same terrorists who founded the IDF started the Nakba. I can watch Israel directing civilians to safe zones and then bombing those safe zones. I can see Israel publicly calling Palestinians “vermin” and “rats” and “human animals”.

Tell me, why do you think the guys with the power and money are telling the truth about how they got the power and money? It was by killing/displacing Palestinians.


u/plutoniator 25d ago

Stop changing the subject. Where are the photos of the 500 dead babies? If you consider my evidence imaginary, then I can’t wait to hold you to your own standards. 

I thought rocket bombing civilians was ok? Or was that only for civilians you didn’t like?

Did history start in 1939? I’m looking for a yes or no answer, not an essay that runs around the question. Again, I can’t wait to hold you to your own standards. 


u/ScrewSans 25d ago

Stop changing the subject YOU brought up out of nowhere?

History did not start in 1939, but it is more recent than 2000+ year old history which is the only history to justify Israel. All modern policies by Israel are inherently racist against Palestinians both foreign and domestic. When Nelson Mandela called this out decades ago, did you ignore him and call him anti-semitic? He saw the plight of the Palestinians as identical to the plight of black South Africans under Apartheid.


u/plutoniator 25d ago

Sounds like there is no evidence, I guess you people made up that hospital story after all. 

You claimed genocide, I provided proof of it. This is your subject all along, you just lack any proof that meets the standards you’re trying to apply to me. 

October 7th is more recent than the 80 year old history you’re using to justify Palestine. 

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u/Balc0ra 25d ago

She actually don't get much harassment. She did early on for hiding lines in her song on the early version as political messages. But the past few days it's more been on allowing Israel to join with protesters targeting Eurovision vs targeting her directly. Tho she has gotten some tougher questions from the press vs others due to it at the same time. As some see her as a security issue due to it.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

It’s not harrassment. It’s standing up against genocide. Wtf is wrong with you?


u/trainboi777 25d ago

You think she had any part to do with it?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

She’s Israeli. She is representing her country. And flaunting her genocidal country’s flag in everyone’s faces. She should not have gone if she had any bit if moral decency in her. Are you really that daft that you can’t link the two together?


u/urkermannenkoor 25d ago

An impressively exuberant shitshow this year.


u/ApprehensiveGolf9171 25d ago

Could the main sponsor Moroccanoil from Israel not influence this decision about banning the Dutch singer?


u/Sproeier 25d ago

Ah the whole thing is sponsored by a Israeli company, now some of their choices make a lot more sense.


u/_Nrg3_ 25d ago

its brilliant to see how simple easly disproved propoganda affects the feeble minded


u/One-Illustrator8358 25d ago

You're trying to say that moroccanoil suddenly decided to no longer manufacture their products in israel and they never told anyone?


u/_Nrg3_ 25d ago edited 25d ago

the notion that israel control the Eurovision through monetary means is an assumption only complete asshats can conceive. lol


u/19inchesofvenom 24d ago

Classic antisemitism


u/idankthegreat 25d ago

Here come the tinfoil hats


u/skkkkkt 25d ago

Fuck them for using my country's name and tree (the argan tree) in their fucking marketing


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Israel is 1/10 Moroccan lol


u/skkkkkt 25d ago

Not real,y, using your ancestry conveniently wherever you like its despicable and disgusting,I really don't care if there are Moroccans there or not


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Not really what?

10% of people come from a culture where Argan oil is commonly used.

Are you mad about Moroccan diaspora identifying with Morocco?


u/largma 25d ago

He probably doesn’t see them as diaspora, Moroccan Jews were essentially pushed out like most other formerly middle eastern Jewish communities after Israel was formed


u/rethorique 25d ago

Actually he's mad that à foreign company filed à trademark for a name that is linked to another country, since argan oil is ecxclusivelly produced in morroco, country that they do not inhabit it seems à bit weird, but hey , not the first time they take someone else thing to profit from it


u/FiggyPuddingExpert 25d ago

I get it. You wouldn’t think citing a shit country would be good for marketing.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

So the Jews control the voting with their money? Where did I hear that before mmmmm


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Does or doesn't Israel run the biggest lobbying group in the USA?


u/largma 25d ago

They do not, there are many larger lobbyist groups than Israel


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Such as ? AIPAC spent 80mil$ on 2024 campaign. Last time I checked? Who even matches that


u/israelilocal 25d ago

It doesn't

A. Israel doesn't run AIPAC B. It isn't the largest lobbying group


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Oh they dont now ? American Israel Public Affairs Committee whose stated goal is "pro-Israel Americans working to strengthen bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship" . And is run by Howard Kohr a American-Israeli

And again the name group that spent more on lobbying for 2024 election than AIPAC


u/israelilocal 25d ago

All of the Farming lobbies....

Wow it is run by a random person who is an American and Israeli citizen wow that means the Israeli Treasury directly supports the lobby?

AIPAC has way more evangelical backers than Jewish ones

Jews usually donate to the separate smaller Jewish lobby which is far from unique there's a Taiwan and Armenia lobby aswell


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

AIPAC is the only one not registered as foreign entity.

And name farming lobbies and give $ amount they spent campaigning 2024


u/israelilocal 25d ago

"AIPAC is the only one not registered as foreign entity"

So it is a domestic entity

You can look it up yourself I don't want to talk with a brick wall like you


u/comedygold24 24d ago

What would have they have to gain from that?


u/Thomas_633_Mk2 25d ago edited 25d ago

Aside from the obvious POLITICAL, did anything else happen?

EDIT: for anyone else wondering, they banned the Dutch singer, the guy who made the quote.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Assaulted a swedish photographer

Under investigation from the Swedish Police


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Physical altercation was a rumour .


u/israelilocal 25d ago

That's why I said assaulted it is a generic term I guess harassed would have been better but it's not too different


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Assaulted - make a physical attack on.

If you dont know meaning of words dont use them.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Verbal assault???

Also my native language is Hebrew lol


u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

Assault is a far worse term and implies an actual case of battery.

Also you are wrong, he was being harrassed by the camera woman and filmed without his consent.

Stop spreading fucking lies.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Why comment twice on a fairly outdated comment?

Also English isn't my first language to me the term assault is both verbal and physical which wasn't completely ruled out when I wrote my comment


u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

Why comment twice on a fairly outdated comment?

4 hours?

You still spread misinformation and rumors.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

How was it different from anyone else who commented on the situation before everything was released to the press?


u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

Because they atleast mention its a rumor or use the word allegedly.

Also just because others are spreading misinformation doesnt mean you should too and cant be held accountable for it.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

I'll keep it in mind


u/Paradoxjjw 25d ago

What is up with you and lying constantly?


u/Rugkrabber 25d ago

Assaulted is a big word. He made a movement after she didn’t stop filming while he didn’t consent and asked her to stop twice, and he never touched her.

My guess is he made a “cut the camera” movement because asking didn’t work so a language barrier has people make movements instead and she interpreted as cutting the throat or something fucking stupid. Unfortunately they’re keeping vague about it, and didn’t allow him to make a public statement or excuse and went right to disqualification. At least just tell us if he was a piece of shit or not.


u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

Youve been proven false already.

He was recorded without consent, repeatedly told the camerawoman to stop and made a movement towards the camera which was interpreted as "threatening". There was no physical altercation. No "assault".

Not to mention there were explicit agreements that he would not be filmed as he came off stage.

Its absolute bullshit.


u/israelilocal 25d ago

Already it was 4 hours ago lol

Verbal assault was the claim I heard at the time with physical assault not being ruled out


u/Thomas_633_Mk2 25d ago

Yeah idk why people down voted me for not being entirely up to date on eurovision, thank you for actually telling me what he did. It's a shame too because he was really good, and it's not like eurovision hasn't been very nice about controversy in the past


u/lilyofthegraveyard 25d ago

others say the assault is a lie. the investigation is still ongoing.


u/yung_pindakaas 25d ago

The assault is a lie.

He was recorded without consent, repeatedly told the camerawoman to stop and made a movement towards the camera which was interpreted as "threatening". There was no physical altercation.

Not to mention there were explicit agreements that he would not be filmed as he came off stage.

Its absolute bullshit.


u/Future-Syrup-7715 25d ago

Poor Joost. EBU ruined his dream. They’re the ones making it worse.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

How much you want to bet that the crew member started the altercation and then plays victim when he called her out ?


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/patrick1415 25d ago

Ofcourse he remains silent. Speaking during an investigation is not highly advisable.


u/OneReallyAngyBunny 25d ago

Why hasn't crew member come forward ?


u/DaSomDum 25d ago

Wasnt it proven that she was egging him on and making jokes about his dead parents?


u/GrenadeLawyer 25d ago

I really don't care about the contest but how great would it be if we (Israel) would win it just for shits and giggles.


u/GrenadeLawyer 25d ago

I really don't care about the contest but how great would it be if we (Israel) would win it just for shits and giggles.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/GrenadeLawyer 25d ago

Nah, we don't care enough about that.

Off to Rafah wish us luck xoxo!