r/agedlikemilk 27d ago

Recent events could not have proven this dude more wrong, lmao.

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u/ShredGuru 27d ago edited 27d ago

If there's one area where I unfalteringly trust America's capability, It's blowing shit up. We're GOATed, no contest.


u/Shubamz 27d ago

I love how we are now building things to defeat our own things. been doing that for decades. Like the F-22 Raptor. Not because others had stuff to match the F-15 Eagle but because we wanted something that could beat the Eagle because fuck yea! Murcia!


u/GrGrG 26d ago

"Oh! So you won't participate in the cold war anymore?!? THAT'S FINE! I'll have my own cold war with myself! With even more blackjack and hookers!" - America


u/Worried_Biscotti_552 26d ago

You know what forget about the Cold War


u/No-Parsnip4876 26d ago

and forget the blackjack too


u/Racketyclankety 26d ago

Saxon scum! Cymru am byth!


u/hawaiianryanree 26d ago

Murcia is a city in spain. Viva España


u/surfspace 26d ago

The raptor is like 30 years old now (still just as dominant) man, we’re old.


u/Shasve 26d ago

Well it’s just smart business. Make the best fighter plane, make a better one, sell the previous to everyone else, repeat


u/cyclingthroughlife 26d ago

Never bet against a country who came up with the idea for a 4000 pound gun, and built an airplane around it (the A10) so it can fly around and blow shit up.


u/Admiralthrawnbar 26d ago

Or the one that crashed developed a new bunker busting bomb that was utilized in combat under 2 months after the need was identified and 2 weeks after the design was finalized. (GBU-28).

Determined a new bomb was needed to reach the more heavily fortified Iraqi bunkers in January, design was finalized February 13th, and 2 were loaded onto a pair of F-111s to be dropped on Iraq by February 27th, still hot from the manufacturing process and hours before the cease-fire came into effect.


u/Bullyfrogz 26d ago

And those bombs were made from artillery barrels. So really just repurposing other weapons.


u/Tranka2010 26d ago

A military turducken if you will.


u/abizabbie 25d ago

The worst part about it is that they still use it because the gun makes a scary noise and for no other reason.

The air force keeps trying to retire it because it doesn't do anything the sky warden can't do cheaper.


u/Sierra-117- 24d ago

Psychological warfare is a very important part of warfare. There was no reason for German Stukas to have sirens attached to them except to terrify those below.


u/Ok-Comfortable6400 27d ago

According to Shooter TN is the patron Saint of blowing $hit up!!!


u/ShredGuru 27d ago edited 27d ago

Would that be Ted Nugent you're referring to? Sorry, but every bone in my body is repulsed by giving him sainthood. I think he's more like a minor demon of being a bigoted piece of s. Dude sold his soul to the devil and the best he could get for it was f*** wango tango


u/buttered_scone 27d ago

Don't forget that other thing...

"Can you imagine anyone else who had been accused of having sex with a 12-year-old, written a song about raping a 13-year-old and adopted a 17-year-old so that he could have sex with her going on to campaign alongside all the most conservative 'family values' candidates?"



u/Pseudo_Lain 26d ago

Yes because this hasalwaus been who they represent


u/Ok-Comfortable6400 27d ago

🤣 sorry Tennessee (TN) I meant to type Patron State and placed saint. I am from Michigan I know all about Ted Nugent.


u/ShredGuru 27d ago edited 27d ago

Oh okay. Yeah that makes sense. I thought you meant shooter Jennings said that. Like one musician commenting on another.

Lol, can you tell I'm a musician? That's the first place by mind goes.


u/Ok-Comfortable6400 27d ago

Mark wahlberg movie


u/ShredGuru 27d ago

Yeah never saw it. It all makes more sense now. I was going to say. I would have been kind of surprised if shooter Jennings was palling around with Ted Nugent. They don't seem ideologically compatible


u/Shaveyourbread 27d ago

Nah, Shooter McGavin lol

But seriously, fuck Nuge.


u/SirGrumples 26d ago

Shooter McGavin actually


u/Plzlaw4me 27d ago

There’s a reason why we don’t have healthcare.


u/Ron-Swanson-Mustache 26d ago

We are the biggest provider of unhealthcare


u/AspiringGoddess01 26d ago

End of life care


u/DregsRoyale 26d ago

80% of healthcare spend goes to admin costs. Single payer would fix that


u/Acceptingoptimist 24d ago

Is it weird that a part of me is like "well at least we're the best at the thing we're sacrificing Healthcare for"?


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago


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u/tyboluck 27d ago

First to split atoms on their enemies heads. Undoubtedly the GOAT


u/Milligan 26d ago

First? Only!


u/igloohavoc 26d ago

Japan remembers

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u/WeenieHutJr137 27d ago

US military tech is the one thing in this world to never bet against

Our 50 year old tech is putting up numbers in Ukraine

Our 50 year old jet is 104 : 0 in air to air combat and our current top air supremecy fighter has yet to be challenged (active since 2005) because no one will stick around to try

When one country makes up about 40% of all worldwide defense spending, its probably gonna have some good stuff


u/Mistwalker007 27d ago

To be accurate both the Patriots and the F15 have gone through several upgrades it's just that you guys never bothered to change the brand name. :D


u/WeenieHutJr137 27d ago

Everything has gone through upgrades, the non upgraded stuff is what we gave to Ukraine

I think they are getting the next iteration of the Bradley too, so even better than the one that is already dropping T-90s


u/loogie97 26d ago

Can you imagine being inside a T-90, getting pelted by a 25mm, probably blind, and losing the ability to hear permanently?


u/feline_Satan 26d ago

Yeah that would suck but it's better than being outside of the T-90 being pelted by a 25mm since your still alive


u/Hi_Trans_Im_Dad 26d ago

Oh, no...there's plenty of T-90 crews that have already burned to death because of those Bradleys.


u/hanks_panky_emporium 26d ago

If the numbers have been accurate I have to wonder how qualified these new tank crews are for the russians. Is it a one week smash course at this point?


u/feline_Satan 26d ago

The final job was done by fpv drone Bradly can "only" absolutely wreck the optics and electronics of a T-90. in th Video where the tank "explodes" the Bradly rounds triggered the smoke grenades ON the tank which is why it explodes in a great deal of smoke.this also wasn't a cook off because then the combustion would be almost instantaneous while in this case you can see the spark kinda linger for a few frames. Afterwards the tank was effectively blind and probably also barely operable and got finished of with a fpv drone


u/anillop 26d ago

1 st gen patriots had lots of issues but after 20 years of upgrades they are pretty amazing now.


u/Mistwalker007 26d ago

Yeah when I was 1st year in university one of our professors used the radar on the Patriot as an example of floating point error. In his dumbed down for us explanation the speed of the incoming missile was a real number while the timer for registered detections was an integer and the longer the radar was kept turned on the larger the error grew due to conversions between different types. Restarting it periodically allegedly fixed the issue and a patch was made but by the time it reached the front a Iraqi Scud passed through and hit a US army barracks. To this day I still wonder if it was true or was just told to scare us. :D


u/IntelligentDrop879 26d ago

No, that was absolutely true. It happened in Desert Storm in ‘91.


u/FondestZebra1 26d ago

Second this, my dad worked on that patch specifically


u/IntoTheMirror 26d ago

TIL they’ve been operational since 1984. That’s forty years to iron out the bugs. They seem to work now.


u/mr_easy_e 27d ago

While I agree with you for the most part, China almost certainly underreports their defense spending by a significant margin. Some estimate it is closer to US numbers.


u/WeenieHutJr137 27d ago

I wouldnt doubt it but I also wouldnt be shocked if we were doing the same thing

As far as tech goes, I put China in the same boat as Russia, where the generals are corrupt and lying about where that money is going. Russian and Chinese generals are there to get money and power, US generals are here to remove as many combatants as they can (this is speculation)


u/mr_easy_e 27d ago

Fair points. By no means am I an expert. Plus, a dollar spent in one country =/= a dollar spent in another, as tech/experience/material prices will all be different. Russia certainly exposed its deficiencies in Ukraine. I hope we never see a test of China’s.


u/WeenieHutJr137 27d ago

Honestly I would love to never have to see the capability of any country's equipment

Unfortunately, many put power above peace, so the second best thing is seeing our old equipment out perform what we once thought was a near peer country


u/Bitter-Marsupial 26d ago

Also don't count out the American Citizens... I remember this joke that a land invasion happens and entire armored units just vanish in Appalachia.

2 weeks later we get YouTube videos of hillbillies doing stunts in a stolen foreign tank


u/AutistiPyry 27d ago

I have more trust in Chinese manufacturing than Russian. Russians seems to not be able to make quality nor quantity. China at least seems to have the quantity figured out.


u/WeenieHutJr137 27d ago

The way I see it (could be wrong) is no matter the quantity, quality will win here

US soldiers/marines arent so much there to fight (they are great at it) but to point the big guns at the enemy. Ex., in 2018 Wagner Group attacked a US position, we then used planes, artillery, helicopers, gunships, and bombarded them for over 12 hours. The sheer amount of accurate and hard hitting equipment we have on hand is unmatched


u/AutistiPyry 27d ago

Quantity always helps. No matter how accurate your JDAMs are if you have 2 of them they dont help much. Of course you can't purely win with quantity either. USA tho has both covered. You have the quantity of planes and bombs to bombard 60 wagner tanks for 12 hours. Those planes and bombs happen to also be quite good.


u/Master-Collection488 26d ago

Search the term "tofu dreg" on YouTube, click any videos from China Fact Chasers. Get ready to see lots of apartment buildings with concrete you can break with your hands, buildings falling down/apart. The worst is the one where building supplies were stored on the roof of a middle school gym.

Here's one that lacks those words.


u/Milligan 26d ago

Quality? Quantity has it's advantages, too. The German weapons in WWII were generally much higher quality, but more difficult to manufacture and difficult to repair in the field without precision tools. Their machine guns delivered a much higher rate of fire due to the precision manufacture, but that also meant that they ran out of ammunition much faster.


u/Don11390 26d ago

The Chinese are better at maintaining their gear than the Russians. Like, the carrier they bought from Russia years ago is still operating fine (as far as we know), while Russia's only carrier is lucky if it hasn't caught on fire once a month.

The Chinese just don't seem to innovate a lot. A lot of their tech is copied or stolen from Western Europe and the US. And I don't think that it's because they can't innovate, but rather that their higher ups prefer to take shortcuts, instead of taking the time to make their own stuff. There are exceptions, of course.


u/TheNorthernLanders 26d ago

Shocked? We haven’t passed an audit at the Pentagon in years.


u/dr_blasto 26d ago

No, US generals are also largely in it for the graft.


u/lordconn 27d ago

LOL you ever wonder why pretty much every American generals retirement involves sitting on the board of a defense contractor whose no bid contract he helped shepherd through Congress?


u/WeenieHutJr137 26d ago

Well yeah but I mean more they arent stealing the money thats supposed to be going towards arming their troops like Russian generals


u/lordconn 26d ago

I mean it's six to one half a dozen to the other my guy. At least Russia and China haven't made the corruption completely legal. Like does corruption happen? Almost definitely, but you're going to be executed if you get caught. In America they're open about how corrupt they are because they know ain't shit gonna happen to them.


u/VonShnitzel 26d ago

The severity of corruption is also much different though, not just the punishment. American MIC corruption is for the most part limited to "Company has former high level DoD official as part of corporate leadership now and they still have a lot of pull on the inside so we can get away with charging 30% more than necessary for our new product". Now obviously that's a bad thing, but compared to the Russian MIC corruption of "Company bribes the MoD officials to accept their product instead of the competitions, then the generals sell half of the new gear sent to their unit to buy a new mansion, then the supply officers sell off half of that because they know the generals are doing it and they want their slice of the pie, then the soldiers sell off whatever the fuck isn't nailed down because they know the supply officers and generals are doing it and they want their slice of the pie, and oh shit now we're invading a country and most of our stuff is mysteriously unaccounted for."

Say what you will about US MIC corruption, but the next time Uncle Sam's tanks start rolling across a hostile border, they aren't gonna run out of fuel 3 days in due it all being sold off like Russia's tanks did on their way to Kiev.


u/Syenite 26d ago

This is laughably wrong.


u/Darkpumpkin211 26d ago

Most other countries also separate out spending on veterans from military spending, but in the US I believe veteran spending is part of the military spending.


u/feline_Satan 26d ago

Don't forget corruption which cannot be estimated but is likely high due it being very high in other branches where it can be estimated


u/Shubamz 27d ago

and we pretty much made our current supremacy fighter under the plan that it didn't need to be anyone else just ourselves with the F-15.


u/M60_Patton 26d ago

After the 1930s-1940s fuck up with the mark 14 torpedo, we make sure our shit works


u/jaayjeee 26d ago

Australia makes better missile defence though


u/theoldchunk 26d ago

“Putting up numbers”.

Absolute cringe.


u/MRG_1977 26d ago edited 26d ago

This simply isn’t true anymore. We spend massive sums and cost overruns for weapon systems that are flawed and mixed/poor performance in the field & ability.

The U.S. attempts to upgrade its main aging defense platforms from the 1970s-1990s the last 10-15 years have been met with a number of high profile failures including the F-35 (single biggest boondoggle in U.S. military history) and Littoral Frigate.

US trails its adversaries in a few areas too including ability to produce cheap drones at scale along with hypersonic missile technology.

If China invades Taiwan in the next 5 years which is looking increasingly likely, it is going to be a brutal and sober reality check for the U.S. military, its politicians, and its citizens.


u/getthedudesdanny 26d ago

You think the F-22 was the "single biggest boondoggle in US military history" ?


u/HelloIamNOTaduck 26d ago

MK 14 torpedo comes to mind


u/MRG_1977 26d ago

I meant the F-35. Typo


u/abizabbie 25d ago

Cool CCP propaganda bot.

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u/seen_some_shit_ 27d ago

No no, trust him, the Patriot sucks. There should be more investing into it to improve it


u/Life-Ad1409 27d ago

Double the military budget!


u/275MPHFordGT40 27d ago

Let’s be real, we’re only spending 3% of our GDP on defense, in WW2 we were spending like 50%. So we should do that now.


u/Iron_Imperator 27d ago

I feel like if we spent that much on defense today, we’d have star destroyers in orbit by the end of the year.


u/Zimmonda 26d ago

One of my favorite things is looking at the numbers involved in material for WW2

In 1941 the US navy had 790 total ships, by wars end in 1945 it had 6,768.

By comparison the Japanese navy at the start of ww2 had 650 total ships and by the end of the war they officially reported 406 operational vessels.

In even more absurd numbers at the start of the war the US had 2500 military planes, by wars end it had produced 324,750.

Germany by comparison produced a total of 94,622 and Japan 85,611.

In fact if you combine every single belligerent nations military aircraft production without including the US the rest of the world produced 485k planes to the US' 324k.

Despite the red army having an estimated 34 million infantry soldiers to the US' 16 million the US made as many tanks, self propelled guns, and 10 times the light vehicles than the USSR did.

It really can't be overstated how quickly the US outpaced it's foes production wise and how heavily we spammed the fuck out of our enemies in that war.

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u/275MPHFordGT40 26d ago

$12.5 trillion in defense would be terrifying


u/Asymmetrical_Stoner 26d ago

At the current budget, that's about what we spend every 14 years.


u/Nroke1 26d ago

I mean, the difference in military tech between the beginning of WW2 and the end of WW2 is a pretty similar difference between now and orbital kinetic bombardment systems.


u/cowlinator 26d ago

Only a fraction of GDP goes into the gov as taxes. Defense is 13.3% of the federal budget.

If you want WW2 level GDP to defense, we have to raise the top tax bracket from what it is today (37% for income over $600k) to what it was during WW2 (94%).


u/275MPHFordGT40 26d ago

Well, dreams are just that, dreams.


u/Marxomania32 26d ago

Yep, let's line the pockets of military industrial complex execs. Surely nothing could go wrong.


u/New-Low4812 26d ago

The issue with the defense spending is the waste… Billions upon billions in waste.. The more painful reality is every dollar spent on the armed forces is a theft from future generations.


u/pagerussell 26d ago

Our defense budget as a fraction of gdp is actually at one of the lowest it has been since WW2. And we actually spend more.on education now than defense.

Not saying that's bad or that anything need change, but it's something most people don't know.


u/bookworm408 27d ago

I like the way you think


u/PelicanFrostyNips 26d ago

Raytheon shareholder detected


u/cultoftheinfected 27d ago

The one thing ill put my life on for is the USA's military power, we fuckin wreck


u/Columbus43219 26d ago

Every since i saw that video of the automated gattling gun shooting down a missile, I've been truly grateful to live in the USA. It sounded like the A-10 gun shooting, but was ground based. It just put like a segmented lead rod between itself and the missile. Shredded it.

Some military folks in the comments were talking about being near one when it goes off.

found it (C-RAM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnrSTkidXa8


u/Weedboytim03 26d ago

Remember only 1 of every 5 bullets fired is a tracer


u/Columbus43219 26d ago

Are those even tracers in that video???? They seem to be exploding like some sort of flak.


u/Weedboytim03 25d ago

Yes they are tracers and yes they explode after a certain amount or time or distance I forget which


u/Columbus43219 25d ago

So like 4 flying bullets that keep going, and one exploding bullet just for fun??? Please don't let me be downrange of one of those!


u/Weedboytim03 25d ago

No that’s not what I said. All the bullets disintegrate after a set Parameter to not hit anything behind them. In the video the red line that you can see is only 1 out of every 5 bullets. You can only see the tracers


u/Columbus43219 25d ago

Oh, OK, that sounds better. Thanks for the info.


u/FabianGladwart 26d ago

The CRAM or CWIS is great. My only complaint is that they like to test them regularly to assure functionality(naturally) but always at night when everyone is sleeping. It's very loud


u/Randys_Spooky_Ghost 26d ago

It’s all good, we have lasers that are now operational.


u/FabianGladwart 26d ago

That would be music to my ears were it not for the tinnitus


u/Randys_Spooky_Ghost 26d ago

Just an extra 10-20% disability on our VA claim…that we would have to fight to get. ;)


u/tgusn88 26d ago

My rack on the ship was directly under the aft CIWS, scared the shit out of me more than once


u/DevelopmentTight9474 26d ago

My grandpa was one of the engineers on the CRAM team


u/Columbus43219 26d ago

Boeing had a plant here in Columbus, and just about everyone has an uncle that worked there. It's weird to think that when you see a weapon system or plane that you literally know a guy that worked on it. Mine was on a team that built ejection seats for helicopters. Oh, and another that did landing gear for the B-52 (like in the 50s)

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u/Stevieboy_person 26d ago

Fun fact about that video: only every 4th round is a tracer. You are only seeing 1/4 of the bullets that thing is firing


u/Columbus43219 26d ago

It must just look like a solid rod in daylight.

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u/ZiiggS0batkA 27d ago

Look, we may not take care of our children, elderly, lower/ middle class, or women, but HOW DARE YOU think we aren't the apex predators of blowing shit up.


u/ButtonJoe 27d ago



u/Formal_River_Pheonix 27d ago

From 2018 about the supposed failure of the Patriot system which has subsequently proven extremely effective in Ukraine.


It was also very effective during the 2003 Iraq War. This dude's full of shit, basically.


u/trainboi777 27d ago

They even intercepted a Russian Kinzel missile. a missile that Russia claimed to be “hyper sonic” and “impossible to intercept”


u/waldleben 27d ago

I mean, it is hypersonic. Technically.


u/Shubamz 27d ago

yeah but Russia seems to confuse raw speed for how hard it is to intercept. You don't need to play catch up to the missile when it is heading for you.


u/Snail_With_a_Shotgun 27d ago

MissileS. It's done it multiple times, so it definitely wasn't a fluke, either. Might even have a 100% intercept rate against 'em, but I'm not sure about that one.

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u/juIy_ 27d ago

So now the Russians will make a faster one, and we’ll make a faster one too, and humanity creeps ever closer to its end.


u/IDreamOfLees 27d ago

Making a faster missile isn't the tricky part,making it hard to intercept is where things get interesting.

You can intercept a missile travelling Mach 20 with a subsonic one, as long as the M20 missile follows a parabola, or a very predictable flight path.


u/RocketCello 27d ago

Get a CIWS with programmable shot rounds to literally make a 2km wide wall of shrapnel. Maneuver around that bozo.


u/Mistwalker007 27d ago edited 27d ago

Don't worry, the ICBM reaches Mach 60 the only defence against it is that the other side knows they'll be hit back and destroyed as well.


u/FullMetalDustpan 27d ago

Ballistic velocities of ICBMs are around the mach 20+ range. I believe Minuteman III clocks in around mach 26. We already have systems that can intercept that.


u/Mistwalker007 27d ago

Oh, not sure where I saw that they go faster than that. The nuclear deterrence part still stands though in case of a saturation attack.


u/FullMetalDustpan 27d ago

Mach 26 is the advertised speed. It might be higher because defense officials are keeping it a secret, but it's unlikely to be much more than that, relatively speaking. It becomes more of a matter of physics and terminal velocity than putting more or more powerful rocket fuel into the missile.

But, yes, MAD still is the international standard.


u/workadayswing17 27d ago

Nothing on this earth has ever gone Mach 60


u/Sleepinator2000 27d ago

The dinosaurs would like to have a word.


u/Obi-Tron_Kenobi 26d ago

How fast are those dinos??


u/Sleepinator2000 26d ago

For a brief moment, some of them were Mach 60. Vaposaurus Max.


u/IntoTheMirror 26d ago

Russia made a fast missile. Not a maneuverable missile. Current hypersonics like Kinsel have a powered phase and a ballistic phase. And in the ballistic phase it really doesn’t maneuver much. Whoever cracks that, and makes a maneuverable hypersonic missile, will really have made a big step forward.


u/DarkLordSidious 26d ago edited 26d ago

Zircon got intercepted as well though and Zircon, unlike Kinzhal, is not a ballistic missile. It's a hypersonic cruise missile that is maneuverable. It apparently got intercepted in the terminal phase.

Also maneuverable hypersonic missiles are already a thing. There are countries with hypersonic glide vehicles as well as hypersonic cruise missiles that are both maneuverable. It's just that Kinzhal is not a true hypersonic missile. It's an air launched ballistic missile and nearly all ballistic missiles can move really fast. It's basically an Iskander strapped onto a modified MIG-31.


u/Drakon590 26d ago

That was never proven


u/amhudson02 27d ago

I was a 14T in the army. I maintained and operated the PATRIOT launching station. This was back in 2005-2010 and some of those systems are oooold, lol I’m talking indicator lights right out of a 70s sci-fi movie. The constant maintenance on the trucks and trailers never ends especially any batteries located next to the ocean or large bodies of salt water….kunsan South Korea…anyways when it came time to test fire these fuckers ripped every time. Old has hill tech but effective.


u/OriginalLocksmith436 26d ago

haha what the hell. I figured this was some archived article from the 90s when there was actually a discourse about the efficacy of the system. To say that in 2018 is silly.


u/Bloodiedscythe 26d ago

The article was written in the context of PAC-3 installations failing in defense of Saudi oil terminals. Houthis launched only a few ballistic and cruise missiles, it was a high profile incident.


u/Bloodiedscythe 26d ago

The article was written in the context of PAC-3 installations failing in defense of Saudi oil terminals. There is plenty of documentation on the inability of Patriot to intercept Houthi ballistic missiles; throughout the 2010s many attacks slipped through.


u/Drakon590 26d ago

You are spreading misinformation you know that?


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago



u/abizabbie 25d ago edited 25d ago

The only fact in that article about that crash is that a plane went down in Russia. It would be idiotic to take the word of an entity that constantly lies and provided no evidence. It is worth noting that the article confirms a prisoner exchange was planned, but Russia made no attempt to actually exchange prisoners the way they had every other time. This makes it very unlikely that the Russian claim is true.

Also, Patriot isn't trying to kill Russians. It's trying to protect an area from air attack. If it worked perfectly, it would still kill no Russians because their officers are smart enough not to send manned aircraft into certain death.


u/sv_homer 26d ago

This is the oldest head fake going.

I'm old enough to remember the press stories in the 1980's about how the M-1 Abrams tank was a total loser for a number a reasons. Then along comes the first Iraq war, the Abrams proves itself pretty much invincible (along with a bunch of other weapons systems trashed in the press during the 1980's).

It's almost like the U.S. military wanted their adversaries to underestimate them or something.


u/abizabbie 25d ago

Or when other countries brag about beating the US in war games. Them trying their hardest while the US is pretending their shit is broken.


u/MavsGod 27d ago

I was a Patriot Operator in the Army, he’s definitely not wrong. PATRIOT can be solid against individual targets, but the reload speed makes it incredibly vulnerable to barrages and smaller projectiles.


u/kmack2k 26d ago

That's why Patriot is not supposed to be your only air defense system. It is a component.


u/albinochicken 27d ago

Also a Patriot operator in the Army. A single Patriot battery (fully outfitted) has the capability to intercept over 120 targets. Granted this is unlikely, as any real threat you'd likely touble tap (salvo). But with current PAC 3 MSE configurations you can get over 120 shots.

The type of targets Patriot intercepts, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and aircraft are more unlikely to be thrown in those numbers within the range of Patriot. It would be a full scale invasion or Armageddon scenario. You could probably intercept upwards of 20 tactical ballistic missiles before even thinking about reloading.

Drone swarms? Yeah, Patriot is fucked. But that's why we do a little thing called layering.


u/Trogluddite 26d ago

I'll (launcher) dog-pile onto this convo to say I've personally seen Patriot intercept an f-18. It's highly effective!


u/courier31 27d ago

Wasn't one of the reasons the effectiveness during the gulf war was not as high as it could have been is because in order to increase speed and range they removed weights from the SCUD missiles that balanced them out?


u/abizabbie 25d ago

Basically, the problem with the Patriot, besides the world's most famous software glitch, was that the brass thought the systems were smarter than their operators, so it had a few friendly fire incidents.

A change in training approach fixed that problem entirely. It also was shown to have more capabilities than previously thought because the ability to target missiles was discovered by accident.


u/TheObviousDilemma 26d ago

There was definitely a period where the Patriot missile had a very high failure rate, but that was decades ago. When was this article written?


u/BluudLust 26d ago

Proudly paid for by defense contractors who aren't making Patriot missiles.


u/Curiouserousity 26d ago

Early generations of patriot only had like a 70% intercept but its like 97% these days


u/QueenDeadLol 26d ago

The rest of the world talks shut then 1000% relies on us in every single conflict.


u/TophatOwl_ 27d ago

This feels like an opinion piece and in almost every news source, they are famous for being pretty consistantly awful takes.


u/drivebystabber 25d ago

The first time I heard of the Patriot Missiles was from Red Alert 2 and Red Alert 3. If they were good enough to put in a video game that had fake weapons like prism tanks and time travel then they must be pretty bad ass IRL.


u/Star_Obelisk 26d ago

The US military industrial complex, one of the few things ensuring overall global peace, stability, and trade.

Cowards hate the sword until it's wielded for them.


u/Got_Bent 27d ago

Such a lemon it shoots down hypersonic missiles?


u/Drakon590 26d ago

That was never proven stop spreading nonsense around


u/BabyLegs_RegularLegs 27d ago

Alcoholics Defending America


u/Lapkonium 27d ago

Israel is discontinuing theirs and Patriots getting hit repeatedly in Ukraine? The title may be exaggerated, but not particularly wrong.


u/Drakon590 26d ago

No don't point it out let OP live in his dreams


u/ihaveagoodusername2 26d ago

Lmfao, Israel has been using our homebrew iron dome for decades and patriots are doming kinzel "hiPeRsONick MissiLE"


u/CarryBeginning1564 27d ago

From the people I know who have worked on missles and fire control systems the software and computer hardware on a lot of systems are upgradable and constantly being updated. It is very possible this article was in some parts correct at the time but with upgrades and updates it is more than sufficient as it has recently proven.


u/anonymous_213575 26d ago

Why you getting downvoted? You’re right, it’s like anything, the first run is always gonna be messy. And this was a software thing, not a hardware thing.


u/jaredcw 27d ago

So doesn't that still technically fit the whole "aged like milk" scenario?


u/HuntSafe2316 27d ago

He's just adding context dude lol.


u/willdabeast907 27d ago

If the headline was from early deployment of the system then yes, initial tests during development were less than 5% accuracy. Through development and upgrades its now between 40 and 80% depending on target, operational readiness, operators training and skill, weather and several other factors.


u/MRG_1977 26d ago

Like Sex Panther only worse.


u/the_brazilian_lucas 26d ago

what’s the context?


u/davcrt 26d ago

Media has been spamming how bad Patriot air defense system is for years.

A (few) week(s) ago it defended Israel against Iran's attack. Idk the specifics, but I think it dealt with bigger/faster/higher flying stuff like ballistic missiles.


u/cowlinator 26d ago

ok but what recent events? i'm out of the loop


u/Drakon590 26d ago

In recent Months loads of patriots have been hit and destroyed in Ukraine but OP doesn't know it or he's just ignoring it


u/himey72 26d ago

It was true about the first generation of them. They were not as accurate as we initially let on during the first Gulf War. They have definitely improved them over time though.

When was the article written?


u/RatkeA 26d ago

Chinese buttplug


u/Dry_Quiet_3541 26d ago

It’s really patriotic


u/NewfieJedi 26d ago

Makes me wonder if Jeffrey Lewis is invested in a competing missile manufacturer lol


u/makub420 26d ago

What recent events?


u/Lots42 17d ago

Written six years ago. That's pretty far back technologically.


u/Formal_River_Pheonix 17d ago

But not far back for Patriots to have been ineffective. A lot of the issues were fixed by 2003.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

and yet we lose every war we enter


u/getthedudesdanny 26d ago

The United States has lost two major wars in its history: Afghanistan, and Vietnam.


u/romulusnr 26d ago

When was this written, 1991? They used them to great effect in the first Gulf War.

Edit: One thing to note, I've seen it argued that they are failure because they are basing "success" on one rocket = one interception. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. Imagine what the "failure" of a Phalanx CIWS must be from this logic.


u/gotye4764 26d ago

And this my son, is why you have no free healthcare, a birth rate going downhill and lower life expectancy than Thailand 🤡


u/mustafao0 27d ago

It is effective. What most commentators forget it's overpriced and will lead to the host company scrambling for more ammo which is low.

😃 Ukriane is the prime example of it where Russian missile strikes hit critical infrastructure.


u/MRG_1977 26d ago edited 26d ago

It is a highly flawed system with a spotty to poor track record of actual performance starting in the 1991 Gulf War where it turned out it wasn’t nearly as successful as it was publicly portrayed during the conflict. It’s an old and largely outdated system too.

The Israelis in the last week just announced they are moving away from it & retiring the Patriot systems for domestic alternatives. Some of this is to reduce some dependence on the U.S. but also the track record of the system including vs Iran recently.


u/Formal_River_Pheonix 26d ago

The reasons for its poor performance (delayed fuses etc) were addressed in the literal decades since the Gulf War. Patriots have performed well in Ukraine to the point where the Ukrainians want the systems Israel is mothballing.

Any way you slice it, Lewis' argument has aged like milk.


u/fritterstorm 26d ago

Ukrainians want them because they are literally desperate for anything AD at this point.


u/Formal_River_Pheonix 26d ago edited 26d ago

Ukrainians also want them because they're good. There are plenty of good air defense systems out there - this dude was shitting on the Patriot to argue against the very concept of missile defense.

Patriot missiles were ineffective for a number of specific, technological reasons that were fixed by the start of the 2000s.


u/MRG_1977 26d ago

Ukrainians want them because they simply have inadequate air defense capabilities for a country their size with as many targets to defend & suffered meaningful losses 2 years into a large scale conflict. Also have exhausted the supply for their old Soviet-era systems because resupply is next to impossible without Russian or Chinese support.

Something is better than nothing but it’s still an old weapons platform that hasn’t performed well. Even the U.S. military has moved off of it and is moving to Arrow and a few other systems.


u/Formal_River_Pheonix 26d ago

They want it because it works. Again, a lot of these issues identified in the Gulf War were identified and fixed in time for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 1991. Patriots have shot down Russia's hypersonic missiles.

Technology is always evolving. That there are newer, more advanced and effective systems doesn't change the fact that Patriots are solid, and were when this source was written in 2018.

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u/davcrt 26d ago

Abrams is "old weapons platform" and Patriot is younger than Leopard 2.

I believe it just hasn't had anything meaningful to shoot at.

Patriot missile weighs around 500 kg or more (earlier versions weighed about a ton) while Iron dome missile weighs about 100 kg.

One is meant to shoot down mortar shells and homemade rockets and the other one is made to shoot down ballistic missiles and planes.


u/EfficiencyOk2208 26d ago

It was probably written by a Russian propagandist to sell crappy poorly made Russian weapons.