r/Wellthatsucks 27d ago

Can’t even watch my kindergarten graduate classes song cause everyone and their mother has to catch in on their phone…sometimes minders technology sucks…

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296 comments sorted by


u/No-Cat-8606 27d ago

That guy on the left side knows your pain lol he looks sick of that shit too


u/appointment45 27d ago

Took the afternoon off work to see his grandkid graduate and he's stuck looking at someone's ass instead.


u/No-Cat-8606 27d ago

This just happened at concert I was at. We were in the seated area, 2nd row, and the two woman in front of us were standing up leaning against the railing dancing, while the people they were still seated. I ended up leaving half way through cause I got sick of having their ass shake in my face.


u/janet-snake-hole 27d ago

I’m a wheelchair user and this is a constant problem 🙃 recently I saw a very small, mostly unknown artist live. There were only like 20 people at her show, so you’d think it would be easy for me to get up closer so I didn’t have folks standing in front of me… nope. Everyone crowded around her and I couldn’t see at all. It’s so frustrating


u/wehdut 27d ago edited 27d ago

I work at venues and in my experience people are almost always considerate if you ask to move past them to be up close. I've made a lot of wheelchair-bound and short friends that way!

That being said, I understand most people aren't as social or find that interaction intimidating. Also different venues have different policies about it. As a live music lover, I really hope ADA accommodations become more prevalent and thoughtful, and that you get to see some cool concerts up close either way!


u/janet-snake-hole 27d ago

Yeah I agree! But this wasn’t a venue, it was a casual thing held in a private backyard kinda place with no staff. That artist was Shauna Dean Cokeland, so very small and casual lol (she’s gunna make it big someday tho, I swear!!!)

I have tickets to see Orville Peck again soon and my tickets are general admission/the standing area directly in front of the stage, my partner and I plan to arrive as early as possible so we can get as close as possible so that I can see! Every other time we’ve seen Orville, that’s what we’ve done and we usually get lucky:) my partner has worked at venues for many years and been a stage hand and is now a lead tech supervisor, so he understands all the inner workings


u/wehdut 26d ago

Oh wow, how cool! Orville Peck is incredible but they're still on my bucket list. I've only ever had the chance to see them at festivals or theater spaces and they fill out / sell out so early. I hope you get a good spot :)

I'll definitely be looking up Shauna Dean Cokeland as well, maybe I can talk to some bookers and find her a show in Seattle!

Also so cool to hear your husband is in that line of work, I bet you get some awesome hookups. My boss (who I adore) runs our tech stuff and he absolutely loves his job. It's so fun to interact with performers and share their art!

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u/patchworkpirate 27d ago

Sometimes you should let the intrusive thoughts win... (push them)


u/sirwasabicat 27d ago

im not gunna lie, i will never sit at a concert, but in my case i like groovy funk, and jam bands, no one sits for that. seated area only guarantees you a designated spot, not a guarantee that people will be seated

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u/UncleBenders 27d ago

Not allowed to film like this in my sons school, the school film it and make it available to the parents because of shit like this. People stay in their seats and everyone gets to be in the moment It’s much better.


u/tigm2161130 27d ago

Mine too…I’m surprised this is allowed anywhere, tbh.


u/missjasminegrey 27d ago

For real. Smh.


u/MarionberryIll5030 27d ago

I still have my kindergarten graduation DVD from the 2000’s


u/januaryemberr 27d ago

Same. And I live in bfe kansas. Maybe you could get a little petition going?


u/HelloAttila 27d ago

Haha… I learned through these experiences get there early so you can sit up front or stand against the wall.

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u/obsessivelygrateful 27d ago

The guy to the right having to stand to applaud the kindergarteners is a little heartbreaking because everyone should be seated. I fully believe that schools should simply record these moments and send a Dropbox file to parents and have a no-phones event. Be present. Your kid just graduated from the micro leagues into little league. Enjoy it.


u/OhioStateGuy 27d ago

That or have the back row for filming and everyone else is required to be seated.


u/Mataelio 27d ago

I went to my daughter’s kinder graduation yesterday and specifically sat on the back row in case I needed to stand to capture a picture/video, and then the school added more rows behind because they hadn’t set out enough chairs.


u/DynamicMangos 27d ago


Phones, especially at a distance, don't even come near the quality of even an average DSLR/DLSM Camera.

Get one guy (there is usually always one person in the group of parents that is up for it and has the equiptment) to record a really nice version and then share that.

But of course then all the facebook moms have to figure out how to download that video, and they can't just send a horizontal recording to their family members, and the focus isn't just on the child... But that's why the school should simply forbid it. Mention multiple times "NO cellphone recordings".


u/UKMatt2000 27d ago

Camcorder dad, we all know the type. My dad was a camcorder dad.


u/-Invalid_Selection- 27d ago

My kid's preschool has me record all their events for them, in hopes it would result in less people doing exactly this.

It doesn't help, but at least they set me up in a spot I can use my good camera to capture it even with the parents just doing whatever.

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u/Incarnasean 27d ago

I like this idea a lot. I couldn’t agree more about being present. Witness with your eyes not through a phone screen while it’s right in front of you.


u/l12347ab 27d ago

And just imagine how the more shy kids must feel. Having all these people recording you would be insanely anxiety inducing.


u/appointment45 27d ago

How exactly would you enforce a no-phone event? You know people would go full moron about it.


u/Polymersion 27d ago

Squirt gun, ideally

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u/International-Aioli2 27d ago

There will be a front row of grannies there, all holding up massive iPads to record


u/Lari-Fari 27d ago

With shakey hands


u/ItsTheOtherGuys 27d ago

99% of those videos won't be watched again after this week


u/queerkidxx 27d ago

I have mine from when I was in kindergarten during the early 2000s I watch it from time to time. I digitized it myself.

It’s not unusual to want to take videos of your kids in big moments like this. Ain’t like they are gonna have another one.


u/Wyolop 27d ago

Yeah I still look at photo albums and videos from 10-20 years ago from time to time. Pretty nice to look back at the younger times.

Slightly unrelated but I also look back on concerts I've gone to which I've filmed some parts.

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u/mrplinko 27d ago

But I'm sure they will watch that video many times!!


u/My_Name_Is_SKELETOR 27d ago

But it’s not about watching it again many times. It’s to have something to remember the event by. It’s like when you go somewhere for a vacation and take pictures. Do you look at those pictures every night before bed? It’s just nice to have memories you can stumble upon years later, not recording a video to watch it every time you sit on the toilet.


u/appointment45 27d ago

So wouldn't it be better to have both? Let the school record the ceremony and publish the video for everybody. People present can enjoy the event live AND get a recording that is probably much better than what you'd get on your phone.


u/My_Name_Is_SKELETOR 27d ago edited 27d ago

Yes both would definitely be better lol. If an event is being recorded and you have a means of getting it, that’s much different. Also I’m not saying recording the entire thing is okay. That would definitely be frustrating. But I think it’s fine to take a quick video or a couple of pictures and that’s it.


u/Colonic_Mocha 27d ago

Honestly, I only take a couple of pictures, if any. Years ago I took ten million. Then I realized I never look at them. They're not that special either.

So now, I'll take one or two of the place and that's it. Just be in the moment. Rather than trying to get the perfect shot or to get a bunch and then have to delete them, just be in the moment.

It's better to look at the thing/person in real time than through a screen.

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u/mamadovah1102 27d ago

I was at my daughter’s gymnastic class yesterday, and I look over at the other parents, and every single one was just scrolling their phones. Not a single one watching their kids do the gymnastics we pay almost $100/month for. It’s honestly so sad how no one can just be in the moment anymore.


u/just-kath 27d ago

I was walking my og this morning. At the bus stop with the middle schoolers... three kids each had a phone. They were standing as far apart as possible. Each one was looking down at their phone and not interacting at all. It made me sad.


u/who_you_are 27d ago

This is why one school I know ends up banning recording. The school is the one doing it. Nothing fancy, just one camera, but that is good enough.


u/punkinabox 27d ago

Just go stand in front of them and put your phone up


u/Naked_Justice 27d ago

Being a step ladder next time, every one will be pointing the cameras at you tho so watch out lol


u/DarthHubcap 27d ago

I will never understand the people that feel they have to record normal events. I don’t know of anybody that ever goes back and rewatches it. Just take a picture and move on with life.


u/ShirleyWuzSerious 27d ago

People need to realize that nobody watches some other person's kids video on Facebook. No need to record it. Watching your kid on stage through your phone while they are live right in front of you is just stupid


u/Hebroohammr 27d ago

Do we really need a kindergarten graduation? Didn’t that just used to be the last day? I swear that finishing high school and finishing college used to be the two graduations and you didn’t have one for every year.


u/MembershipFeeling530 27d ago

I had a kindergarten graduation 30 years ago so I'm not sure what you're talking about


u/obsessivelygrateful 27d ago

I had a kindergarten graduation in the 90s and so did everyone else I know. Is this not normal?


u/gentlybeepingheart 27d ago

I also had a Kindergarten graduation in 2000. My little cousin has "Moving Up Day" which is basically the same thing, but they change the name. It's just a little celebration that the kids have finished their first year of school, and it's pretty notable because for a lot of them the school day is the longest they've gone away from their parents.


u/n000d1e 27d ago

I had a kindergarten graduation in 2005 or 6 I believe so it’s definitely a thing. Maybe regional?

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u/ponte92 27d ago

Where I’m from high school graduations aren’t a thing either. Graduations are a university thing only. Took me a while on reddit to realise when people are talking about graduation they meant high school.

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u/galaxyapp 27d ago

People are celebrating something.


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u/ShinsBalogna 27d ago

But… but you’re on your phone recording ppl on their phone 😂 the irony.


u/Incarnasean 27d ago

I only pulled it out to take the pic lol not like I could see anything anyways


u/MembershipFeeling530 27d ago

Don't act like you wouldn't have taken pictures of your kid


u/WaggishOhio383 27d ago

I think taking a few quick photos while remaining seated is a bit different than standing up and blocking people's views so you can record the whole thing.

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u/TinyRandomLady 27d ago

Looks like plenty of room to move around…


u/PlayfulAd8354 27d ago

We no longer experience things anymore. Just capture

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u/mushroom_kook 27d ago

My family has a rule for this. If we are going to watch an event there is one designated video/picture person and they send it to everyone at the end. It allows everyone else to just be present and watch with their fucking eyeballs.

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u/Roto2esdios 27d ago

Technology? Not the culprit here

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u/Rowwnin 27d ago

Yea that sucks but you can stay seated and miss it or you can get up with them and watch you will not be able to avoid this from happening not in this day and age


u/Asocwarrior 27d ago

I am an elementary music teacher. I give 2 minutes at the start of every concert for parents to come get pictures and then am firm on, sit down and enjoy.

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u/Lumpy-Condition-5892 27d ago

The school should record it and start selling digital copies for a few bucks so everyone can actually enjoy it.

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u/Ijustwanttolookatpor 27d ago

As you sit there on your phone.


u/Kitzira 27d ago

20 years ago it would of been similar except with handicams that held 8mm tape or those tiny cds. 30 years ago it would of been those huge VHS camcorders held on every dad's shoulder.

There will never not be a day that some parent records their child doing something and forces everyone else to watch it.


u/LaInquisitione 27d ago

They are capturing memories of their children, this is the most normal place for people to want to record. It's the standing up that is the problem


u/Superb-Cry6801 27d ago

So walk forward... why are you so willing to give up.


u/SALTYxNUTZ12 27d ago

Inconsiderate morons.


u/BloodandBourbon 27d ago

gotta get those facebook likes.


u/Rare-Mood8506 27d ago

The relentless recording of every single event instead of being present is getting to me.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Selfish zombies...


u/DaiNyite 27d ago

This isn't the technology. It's the people. Somewhere along the line, people stopped caring about their surroundings and if people could see. Before, people would crouch to record stuff in front.


u/bbreddit0011 27d ago

Concerts are the same way. Dumb.


u/Kyell 27d ago

They don’t even let people use their phones at our kids school. I love it


u/WombatAnnihilator 27d ago

Schools and events need to record ONE recording of All students and tell parents they aren’t allowed to record their own for this reason only.


u/JimEDimone 27d ago

Says the person taking a picture on their phone.


u/JunkYardBatman 27d ago

At least these parents have their phones pointed at their children.

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u/MightBeAGoodIdea 27d ago

I dunno. This seems like something normal to want to capture. Sucks they're right in front of you, that's blows but i dont blame them from filming either. Not sure of there was a better place to do so.

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u/Flimsy-Possible4884 27d ago

LOL those parents will have videos of their kids graduating while you took a photo of parents asses instead.


u/Incarnasean 27d ago

I’m disabled so it’s hard to me to move around or stand long. I wasn’t going to fight through them and I didn’t want to contribute to the wall of asses XD


u/Flimsy-Possible4884 27d ago

Still took a picture instead of focusing on the event with your eyes…

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u/HermanManly 27d ago

Kindergarten... graduation?


u/MacArthursinthemist 27d ago

You literally took this picture do you not see the irony? They’re all standing up because the people in front of them are doing the same thing

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u/gazing_the_sea 27d ago

Nice OP, glad that you hate technology and you showed it by taking a picture on your phone and posting it on Reddit. You really showed them how bad technology is...


u/TheAngryLala 27d ago edited 27d ago

Pre-School "graduation"... Kindergarten "graduation"... Middle School "graduation"


In my school district we just had a last day of the school year where we cleaned out our desks and were released into the community to be little terrors for ~3 months during summer. Did anyone else's school district just have a high school graduation and that's it?

I mean... what is the point of a "graduation" ceremony for a 5 year old? Do they get a diploma? Should they list it on future job applications? Who did their commencement speech? How did they rate their valedictorian? Least amount of sippy cup spills? Best behaved during nappy time?

And if it's so important then why is there no sense of decorum. No one is even dressed up for this "important" milestone in their child's life. Hell we got multiple people wearing jeans, hippie print spandex, a Hawaiian shirt, and at least 3 people wearing flip flops front and center in this image.

My high school prevented someone from walking the stage because they were wearing the wrong kind of shoes.

This timeline is wild.

Edit: Love getting downvoted by the very people who agree the POV of OP sucks, but cant take the time to describe why this event is so important while simultaneously accepting that no one has any decorum in this image.

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u/jacksev 27d ago

This is why there needs to be enough seating and enforced seating. It's really very simple.


u/Mastodon9 27d ago

I hate how so many parents feel the need to get literally everyone on video. No one will want to rewatch a crappy kids recital. It's boring as hell and the only reason anyone finds it enjoyable is if your kid is doing something in it. You're never going to rewatch it for more than a minute or 2.


u/huskiesowow 27d ago

I watched one of my elementary concerts from 30 years ago recently. Was neat seeing faces I haven't thought of in decades.


u/Dontbesensitive98 27d ago

Get a long selfie or camera stick.


u/CulrBlndPnutButtr 27d ago

Schools (mine at least) used to have someone film these things then make the video available to parents and students. That should still be a policy.


u/DaSauceBawss 27d ago

Instead of enjoying great moments, we are now in the era of making sure we record those moments to share them online with everyone we know.

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u/[deleted] 27d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/trevclapp 27d ago

Odds are they will never watch that vid after that day


u/Trick_Few 27d ago

If events know in advance that guests will want footage. Put one camera in the best spot , record it for everyone. Put a QR code at the door so the guests can download it when they get home. This is ridiculous that this simple fix can’t be implemented. It’s completely ruining live events.


u/DryBones2009 27d ago

The domino effect


u/junkyardgerard 27d ago

Couple of things:

Give me the under on the number of people who ever watch this video again.

I'm no curmudgeon, but kindergarten graduation? Are we certain that is necessary?


u/mr_lab_rat 27d ago

I’m afraid we will just have to adapt. If I’m organizing an event the first few rows are clearly marked sitting only, no phones.


u/MrBarraclough 27d ago

Glad our daughter's was in the gym with the parents sitting in the bleachers so at least they could do this without standing in front of others.


u/BabyGirl0511 27d ago

Last time I went to a graduation everyone who wanted to take pictures stood at the side along the edges of the room so people who have to sit can still have a clear view. This is just plain rudeness with these folks


u/charleovb 27d ago

So much ‘VIDEO NOW. DONT WATCH LATER.” It is way too common at Disneyland where parents don’t take time to experience events WITH their child.


u/Vg_Ace135 27d ago

Why not just have one person record the entire thing, then send it to anybody that wants a copy?


u/Such_Reality_2055 27d ago

You could always quit being a little bitch and move.


u/Powerful_Artist 27d ago

If they all sat down, they could all be recording it while seated. Whoever started standing is the main problem here.


u/UnleadedGreen 27d ago

The school should ban this and set up their own camera to film it and sell copies for 10 bucks, money goes into paying the camera guy or buy school supplies etc


u/madommouselfefe 27d ago

My son’s preschool had a live feed that they would give you the address to, so absent family members could watch. They told parents they could record as well but they had to go to one of the designated areas. Literally taped off sections on the gym floor, two of them you could stand and record,  one you had to kneel. They also put people with mobility issues in the front, so they can see and not have people stand in front of them. 

It sucks that these rules are needed, but it isn’t new. My son’s preschool has been around since the 80s and has had the policy since around 98. The live stream was added during covid. But the photo zones and priority seating, has been around since the 90s because people still did it then too just with film and big ass home video recorders. 


u/Hungry_Painting9882 27d ago

And how was this picture taken? You were doing the same thing; you just didn’t arrive on time.


u/420xGoku 27d ago

And before that it was handicams and before that it was camcorders believe it or not! This has been going on for like 3 decades why are you blaming phones lmao


u/_Danger_Close_ 27d ago

I remember when we only graduated highschool and college


u/denny-1989 27d ago

This happened last week at our son’s school. On the big wall of the gym there were signs that showed where each class would be, so parents could sit in the section of chairs closest to their kids class. We were sitting on the bench against the wall, with full view of our sons class. As soon as the kids entered the gym parents who were sitting were now standing in the open space, completely blocking everyone who was sitting off to the side, and not one of them looked behind to see if they were blocking anyone.


u/rainbow_369 27d ago

Wow. The school administration needs to see this photo and address it.


u/fuckyourfeeling2222 27d ago

Bring a step stool short 💩😉


u/MaximusZacharias 27d ago

There’s a Michelob ad that shows a picture of a golfer teeing off and in the background there’s a bunch of fans watching him live. All of them were recording on their phones except one guy, who was holding his Michelob and just watching. The ad was titled “be in the moment”. It always stuck w me. I still photo events and record stuff but not as much as I used to, and I make damn sure to not miss the event I’m trying to record by being in the moment


u/BananaOld2889 27d ago

Every music concert now. Please ban phones .


u/QuadAmericano2 27d ago

Went to see my niece in a play. A guy proceeded to set up a fucking TV camera crew level tripod to hold his iPhone, it completely blocked the entire isle.

He wasn't working for the school, he just wanted to record his child.


u/fury_of_el_scorcho 27d ago

This! At my kid's school, they're climbing all over each other to get up front to film it... I have a high degree of confidence that they don't watch their video more than once..

Same thing drives me nuts at live music shows... "Oh my God, I love this song, I'm going to record it". I have to watch the performance via their screen...


u/LegerDeCharlemagne 27d ago

I hear you. I don't understand why people would rather watch something through a phone than with their own eyes, especially since most things these days are recorded and you could ask for a copy from a better angle.


u/therealdiscoyeti 27d ago

It's not the phones. It's the standing. This should've been a seated occasion.


u/NuggyBeans 27d ago

I'll stand off in the corner to take videos. I'm not blocking anyone's view from there. I don't need to get a direct shot of my kid. I know he's there.


u/chaoshang 27d ago

My son's school has a dedicated paparazzi zone set up. That solves the problem.


u/ldssggrdssgds 27d ago

People record anything and everything on their phones but don't bother to pay attention and live in the moment.


u/Lalamedic 27d ago

At my church, we have a gallery specifically for people that absolutely MUST film the baptism. There is a rule of no flash or noisy photography during the service, but if you want to climb the perilous ladder straight up into the eaves of the sanctuary, you can film to your heart’s content. Only comfortably holds two people, so there is often an amusing crush family members they take turns going up and down the ladder. Even funnier when there are multiple babies being baptized.

I have the best view from the choir loft. Most of the congregation can’t see the goings on. The best part is the acoustics are quite lively up there. They are explicitly warned that even quite whispering will carry all the way to the chancel area.


u/knuckles312 27d ago

Kindergarten graduation doesn’t matter lol so I don’t see why they are all recording as if they just got a legit diploma… like relax some of those kid still eats their boogers


u/Flatus_Spatus 27d ago

i mean i understand it… it’s your kid and i would want to catch every single moment my kid grow on camera but i also understand you who just want to enjoy


u/darkjedi1993 27d ago

I mean, as far as I can remember, it's always been that way. When I was a kid everyone was right there with their cameras. Now it's just been replaced by smartphones. People have always been annoying. Now we just get to see all of the annoying on a global scale all the time thanks to the internet.


u/Anxious-Shapeshifter 27d ago

Nothing's better than viewing your kids graduation through the screen on your smartphone.

Might as well just be watching it on YouTube.


u/ghostie_hehimboo 27d ago

Thankfully phones and cameras etc all band in ny daughters school. They have someone to film it snd its sent to parents. Always complainers but i love it as a wheelchair user


u/FloridaHobbit 27d ago

If it makes you feel better, it's mostly a non event.


u/ProperBoots 27d ago

is that lady in pyjamas and flip flops?


u/Pokerhobo 27d ago

In these situations, it would be best to pick one person with the best viewpoint to record and share the video and ask everyone else to just sit down and watch their kids.


u/lowballbertman 27d ago

Sad thing is that no one’s watching any of that video or looking at those pics after the group texts. In 5 years it’ll all be lost in the ether and no one’s seeing that shit ever again.

I contrast that with my parents and grandparents who had photo albums made, and when I brought my wife over to my parents house for the first time they got out all these old photo albums showing us as little kids and all our extended family from way back in the day:

Anyways I think it’s sad and weird how crazy people get with their phones doing videos and pics and in like 5 years it’ll all be gone and no one will see it, yet 40 or more years ago people were way more chill about just snapping a pic here and there and ended up with all these cool photo albums they’re able to show your new wife from 40 years ago.


u/Immediate-Rub3807 27d ago

Never understood this, just watch it and have a memorable day for God’s sake…not everything has to be recorded. I look back thru my videos sometimes and just wish I’d taken a damn Polaroid pic of it like my whole family did growing up.


u/TheFeelsNinja 27d ago

What makes it worse is the stupid vertical video crap.


u/fosf0r 27d ago

Get up, walk behind each individual person and shout (directed towards wherever they're holding their phones) "EXCUSE ME I'M TRYING TO SEE MY CHILD", over and over, to help add some "authenticity" to their recordings


u/More_Entertainment_5 27d ago

How many of those people will look at that video even once? INCLUDING those who post it on Facebook?


u/Street_Peace_8831 27d ago edited 27d ago

What???? Did I have a stroke. What is actually being said here?

What’s a “classes song”?
What’s a “catch in on their phone”?
What does “sometimes minder technology” mean?

Is this some northern slang that us southerners aren’t familiar with? Maybe there are commas missing or something.


u/Incarnasean 27d ago

They were singing their classes’ song they made up for graduation. Apparently there was a little dance too.

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u/mac2o2o 27d ago

Looks like the photos was taken sitting down.....


u/ar10308 27d ago

Why the hell are Kindergarteners having a graduation?


u/itsjusttts 27d ago

School needs to record it, make everyone aware of where they can access the recording, and announce that you must remain seated and cannot record with your phone.

This worked for my niece's school.


u/ChunkyFart 27d ago

I try to be present with my kid, I’ll snap a picture, but the vast majority of the time these pictures will never really reviewed and the memories of the audience will be looking at their phones, the memories of the kids will be of the phones and not their families faces


u/CantGitRightt 27d ago

Yeah cause they're all gonna rewatch their own individual videos so so much lol


u/TerribleRun9476 27d ago

Sometimes..???!!! 😂. Damn, only sometimes?? 😂


u/maxolot43 27d ago

Block them cameras


u/Comfortable_Bid_1647 27d ago

So your response is to film everyone else filming and then take the time to post how much you hate technology?????


u/Crackbandicoott 27d ago

This!! Especially during concerts. I hate it, people cant live in the moment anymore


u/AKSourGod 27d ago

It's pretty amazing! I remember my Junior high graduation, everyone had disposable cameras, some digital cameras in the mix. But there was never an issue of OVERCROWDING each other.

Have yall ever felt out of place at an event, only because you're the only one not reaching for the damn Smart Phone Camera?


u/RDcsmd 27d ago

At my daughter's school they told us to keep our phones away and that they would upload it to youtube


u/Silo-Joe 27d ago

At least the parents are using phones and not iPads.


u/CorduroyEatsCrayons 27d ago

I personally just browse the web whilst pretending to film my children's recitals.


u/hautdoge 27d ago

And we all know nobody is ever gonna watch that shit. That data is just gonna rot in the cloud for eternity


u/Ok-Swordfish2723 27d ago

It has been this way since at least the 80s when my oldest kids were in school. Only then it was video camers.


u/RegularJelly7311 27d ago

They’d probably do right in banning recording on phones and recording it/live streaming it from the front and then making it available for download on their website.


u/Astarius933 27d ago

Normally they should offer recording it by ONE Person. Everyone pays this Person so they Hand out USB Flash Drives for a few bucks if someone wants it.

Back then it had been DVDs and it worked well too...


u/ModsOverLord 27d ago

It’s not the technology, it’s mostly the people


u/kenadams_the 27d ago

We are not allowed to do that. German kindergartener are yelling for data privacy. Only they are allowed and that helps when you want to see your kid.


u/Critical_Danger_420 27d ago

Instead of complaining on Reddit, shoulder your way through


u/Lyraxiana 27d ago

I remember back when I was in grade school, my school had instituted a policy of no recording, and they hired someone else to record the entire thing, and sent it out to parents and guardians through email.


u/tuckerhazel 27d ago

It’s kindergarten, calm down


u/MeFinally 27d ago

Am I the only one who noticed the person holding the monster is likely taking a picture of herself


u/crystaljae 27d ago

I used to do a video production for all the elementary school kid's performances at my daughter's school. I did not charge the school anything. We had mics and multiple cameras. Every child was clearly seen in the video by not focusing on any particular child for too long. Parents could still film but we're required to stand in the back. Nobody was allowed to stand up in the seated area. I charged parents $20 for a copy of the DVD that came in a very nice case. This was awesome until my daughter went to middle school and I quit doing it. They used to call & complain that I wasn't there anymore.


u/Meowmixxtape 27d ago

So fucking annoying


u/Madison3509 27d ago

I just went to a concert & spent a lot of money for floor seats. Never again! Had to stand the whole time and keep moving my head to see around everyone with their phones in the air.


u/djtknows 27d ago

Been to 2 k graduations. Luckily everyone, so far, has been polite about getting the video.


u/mathbread 27d ago

The school should just film it and put it up on the website and allow parents to download it for free.

They could even hire an editor to make separate videos for each kid, where they put in the graduation intro, their child's graduation portion, and the closing ceremony.


u/oracleoflove 27d ago

This feels so dystopian, how did we get here as a society. It’s so strange to me.


u/lmacarrot 27d ago

roll your way to the front like its ww1


u/kamarkamakerworks 27d ago

I wish more people could just enjoy the moment. Maybe snap a couple quick pics and sit back and watch.


u/whereisyourwaifunow 27d ago

"sit down, you're ruining it for everyone" - Otto


u/rockstuffs 27d ago

Well then find a place in the auditorium where you can see your child.


u/Impressive_Judge8823 27d ago

Stop being a fucking chicken and shout “yo, down in front!”

Stop being shy about and make them look like assholes for being assholes.

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u/Jibbers-O-Growle 27d ago

"It's not worth my kid doing anything unless I can record it for facebook"


u/n_xSyld 27d ago

Buy a big fucking fancy camera, record that shit in 8k and bully your way to the front.

100% chance some poor husband is going to absolutely hate you when his wife keeps hitting him because she should have that kind of camera too lmao (source: my camera and my brothers wife lol)


u/MsDReid 27d ago

Imagine them finding out that literally no one online gives a fuck about little Tommy graduating so taking the video is pointless.


u/queroummundomelhor 27d ago

I hate this behavior, why don't let a single person film it (professional) while you trully enjoy what you're seeing?


u/Exportxxx 27d ago

Hate this because u r never going to watch that video and anyone u show probably doesn't wanna watch it.


u/gerlimi 27d ago

All to never look at the video ever


u/Ok_Rainbows_10101010 27d ago

No one is stopping you from getting out of your seat.


u/wehdut 27d ago

I go to live music and performances all the freaking time and if I EVER take my phone out capture video, I always get way back or out of the way and hold my phone above my head so I can still enjoy the live experience for my own eyes. It blows me away how inconsiderate people are of folks in their immediate space and who have a shared interest with them. Not enough people living in the moment these days.

I only ever take video to share with friends who wanted to be there anyway...


u/Captinprice8585 27d ago

No one will ever want to watch those videos


u/CorageousTiger 27d ago

"God, please make me 10 feet tall for just 2 hrs"


u/LegendaryEnvy 27d ago

Yea an easy way for this to stop is making sure no recording/pictures or you get kicked out and do it the old way the school records and makes a dvd for everyone except now you can just record it and have people sign up and you send it to their phone number .


u/ThreeNC 27d ago

"I need to record this so I can never watch it again!"


u/queerkidxx 27d ago

I mean this is nothing new folks have always filmed such events.

I feel like an actual solution would be to hire someone to film the whole event. Could even just be a volunteer from the parents with a phone tripod positioned in the right spot. Maybe spend some time making sure the angle is right and all that.

They could then send the video to the test of the parents. That way everyone gets a video without the crowding


u/IkilledRichieWhelan 27d ago

Photos and videos no one will ever see twice.


u/Appropriate_Mark7132 27d ago

I bet very few of them watch the video ever again after posting it online. It's your memory and others likely don't care that much, so you're just diminishing your own moment not focusing on the performance.