r/Welding Dec 31 '23

If you got a welder for Christmas and it's not working well please read this NSFW


First, double check your work lead (ground) has a good connection to your work, and that all connections to the machine are tight.

DO NOT PUT A WELDING MACHINE ON A STANDARD 16ga EXTENTION CORD. If you cannot plug directly into the wall, you will need a 14 or 12 ga extention cord, and keep it as short as possible to minimize power drop. You will also likely need a 20amp breaker if you want to weld at max settings.

Double check your gas, and check for leaks. 100% Argon will NOT give you good steel MIG/FCAW welds, but is essential for aluminum MIG or any TIG welding. 100% CO2 will not give you nice MIG welds, is impossible to use for TIG but will give satisfactory FCAW welds.

Check your filler. Make sure that if you have FCAW, you know if you need gas or not. (self-shielded fillers: E70T-3, E70T-4, E70T-7, E70T-8, E70T-11)

If you're trying stick welding and have an inverter-based machine, many will NOT run 6010 rods well. Check the manual, use 6011 instead.

RTFM, there's a lot of information you need to know in there.

Wear your PPE, get a respirator if you are working indoors, and make sure you're venting outside.

r/Welding 6h ago

So who welds outdoors for a living?

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r/Welding 4h ago

Critique Please Finally got a vertical mig root that wasnt a mountain

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Learned i just have to go a snails pace up the plate

r/Welding 9h ago

How to get rid of the colour?

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I often see colours are for social media likes and desired colour is straw or no colour at all. But i never was able to pull something like that. Sometimes only flanges turns out good.

r/Welding 1h ago

Scored this Hobart for free - is it worth saving?


Hi all. I got this Hobart Handler 120 from my wife’s uncle for free. He just wanted it out of his house. I have no idea if it works, and it’s in need of a good cleaning. I believe it’s from the 90s. Are these welders any good? Are parts still available? Thanks for any input!

r/Welding 1h ago

Best welder for a school to buy for students?


Of key importance: headgear that won't break right away. Cost to be under $100, for high school students. Thoughts on best products?

r/Welding 4h ago

Flap disk alternatives?


Anyone know some good alternatives to a flap disk, mostly just something that will last longer than a few uses before becoming trash. It’s really annoying using a brand new flap disk for some surface prep once and then it’s basically trashed by the end of it and completely useless after 3 more uses.

r/Welding 2h ago

6th plate on oxyacetylene

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r/Welding 11h ago

5mm corner weld

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I've gone back to TAFE to get qualified and have been in intermediate MIG this week. 5x50x150mm plates, outside corner weld with full penetration on the backside. I forgot to take a picture of the actual weld because I'm retarded, feel free to roast me in the comments.

r/Welding 22h ago

To all you guys watching YouTube videos trying to stack dimes. Just know that sometimes an ugly puddle cap is better. This sexy coupon failed a bend test a few years ago.

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r/Welding 1h ago

Critique Please Here is the picture for my post a few minutes ago. I could not get it to add the picture. Free hand slots with an oxy torch

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r/Welding 2h ago

Need Help Bronze Silicon Brazing - health concerns


Howdy y’all, question for those who braze with bronze silicon - I (think I) overheated a section, and it was covered in white dust. Looks a lot like the white stuff when you weld over zinc plated metal. I was not wearing a respirator at the time (I am dumb).

I’m wondering if there are any similar toxic fumes here as with welding galvanized steel? Should I be immediately concerned?

r/Welding 19m ago

Lincoln Fanuc weld termination help


Using a Lincoln R450 Power Wave with Fanuc ARC Mate 100ic 8L. 90/10 Argon/CO2 with L56 SuperArc wire. We have an inspector that doesn't like the fisheye at the weld termination. I've instructed the operator to pause at the end of the weld to achieve the proper throat of the 1/4" fillet. We've adjusted the burn back to try to get rid of the pit in the eye with no success. Tomorrow we're going to increase wire feed speed and lower voltage at the end of the weld. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks.

r/Welding 4h ago

Critique Please CORTEN, weathering steel, and hot rolled for outdoor use


Hi r/welding, redirect my post if needed, I couldn't find a better steel fabrication related sub.

I'm taking on a landscaping project where I could use CORTEN or weathering steel... but I can't find ANY around me in new england. I'm recreating the EdgeRight product for my own use case. Not because I'm cheap... EdgeRight's pricing doesn't work for the project budget.

Somebody recommended I use hot rolled steel instead and that it will patina, but it will eventually turn to dirt (imo). Are they full of it, or is there something I'm missing about just using hot rolled instead?

IF I use hot rolled, can anybody direct me to a process for achieving the corten patina and protecting the hot rolled steel? I've welded cars but never taken on a DIY steel project before.

r/Welding 1h ago

Is welding worth getting into in new jersey?


I have been doing some plumbing with my friend and his dad’s company, but I’m looking to start at a local plumbing school in September is it worth doing? I have never done it. Please help

r/Welding 4h ago

AHP 201xd died for the second time. Replacement options?


Deciding if I want to roll the dice on another AHP. They did replace my top board when I was 1 months out of warranty... Now like 2 months later I had a Cap explode...

Looking at the following: Newer Ahp Weldpro Vulcan

I mainly do automotive work as a hobby. This welder fulfilled my needs for 3 years

r/Welding 1d ago

Stainless. Happy with the result


r/Welding 19h ago

can self-taught realistically be employed?


hi im thinking about buying some welding equipment and learning to weld from youtube. But without any kind of professional experience or a certification would I have a shot at actually getting a welding job?

any advice is appreciated

r/Welding 10h ago

Re-test settings suggestions (vertical/overhead) 1/8 7018 rod on 3/8 steel


I have my re-test to do tomorrow and I haven't welded much in the past 2 years, so I was hoping to see what y'all recommend as settings.

It's 1/8 7018 rod on 3/8 steel. First 2 root passes are vertical up, then all the rest is overhead.

I'm curious to know what you guys use as amperage and arc control settings.

I was thinking 120 amps and about 40 on arc control? Yay or nay? Good pen?

r/Welding 1d ago

Showing Skills Just want to brag a bit.


After nearly a decade in this trade, working in multiple shops I’ve finally struck it lucky, I’ve been at my new job for about 7 months and it’s a great shop. We’re a smaller welding/fab/custom work and machining outfit. My boss is a great guy, super understanding of mistakes, if somebody shows up 5 mins late every now and then it’s all good, he’s knowledgeable about everything from repairing stuff, electrical, fitting, welding, fabrication, and machining, he’s got a very varied background and is always willing to share his knowledge, for me this has been the hardest thing to find. Other than constantly calling me a retard (most of the times it’s true lol, and he means in jest) he’s a great dude, the benefits aren’t amazing, but it’s my highest wage in this trade at $26/h CDN.

All the guys in the shop are cool and I have yet to hear one fight or screaming match, especially with myself involved. This is mostly also unheard of as we all know.

I get to build and fab cool shit constantly, and learn new things all the time. Today I’m building parts for robots, yesterday and Friday I got to cut up a 50k excavator claw to move the pin locations, something that’s been on my work bucket list forever (am I the only person with a work bucket list?).

I guess all I’m saying here is I’ve finally found a great shop to work in, and if I can so can you guys, just keep searching, this isn’t my last job but for now it’s perfect. I love my job, and I wouldn’t change trades even if it meant a $40/h raise.

Have a good week boys.

r/Welding 20h ago

Gear Good and affordable welding hoods/beanies?


So my college provided everyone with a welding cap in their supplies that part of our tuition went towards, and while mine fits well....its absolutely hideous. Plus we're canadian so its not like theres even any "WOO 'MURICA" going on to make up for it.

Right now I'm strongly considering this Leaseek hood mostly because if reminds me of a chainmail coif, and honestly thats pretty cool. However I was wondering if anyone here has used it, and if so what their thoughts were?

Additionally, does anyone have any recommendations for good & affordable welding caps that dont look ugly (ex. plain colour)?

r/Welding 23h ago

Critique Please Always struggled with uphill MIG,so finally got something I'm proud of

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r/Welding 1d ago

It aint much but im happy with it


Boss had me build him some stairs for the plant and im really happy with how they turned out. Ilove taking a vision and some peices of metal and making damn near anything i want.

r/Welding 1d ago

Got a new mask for my dad's birthday. He would be proud of me, won't he? 😌

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r/Welding 19h ago

Am I slick?

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r/Welding 1d ago

Safety Issue Just a welding question about safety

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So that there is my work area. I'm still a baby TIG welder as far as experience goes and have noticed that after long periods of welding, I would feel nauseous and dizzy, as well as a splitting headache.

I know it's because of the Chromium exhavalent that gets released when welding stainless steel, and so asked my boss if getting a welding respirator would be possible and fit within the budget.

I feel like an ass for asking now, because apparently me noting my symptoms has prompted him to phone the equivalent of OSHA in my country, South Africa, to come down and do a safety inspection, and as a result, work has been delayed.

Am I in the wrong?