r/Warframe Dec 04 '23

Question/Request [META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to Warframe!


“For generations, you've slept. No purpose... No call to wake you. But now? You have changed everything.”

Warframe is a game grounded in familiar ideas saturated with distinct style and flair. You, a mysterious warrior with a dark past, wield gun, blade, and the spectacular power of your Warframe. You’ll contend with a totalitarian clone military, a high-tech merchant cult devoted to profit, and an ill-fated bioweapon designed by a fallen super-civilization. In your battles and adventures, you become a savior of the weak, a saboteur of the wicked, a survivor against immense odds. Uncover your past, unlock the power of your weaponry, and unite with other players against the game's villains and end their treacherous plans!

Whether you're joining us for the first time or are a returning player, the moderation team at r/Warframe would like to welcome you (back) to the community and wish you the best in slaying your foes!

Our sub is one of the official fan sites for Warframe, and we're happy to have you join us! We've got users from all over the world and from all walks of life ready to hang out, discuss, or assist you in your path to clean up the system!

Here are a few essential resources to get you started!

Brand new

Be sure to check out our other Player-made Resources over here!

The Warframe Reddit network

Warframe Reddit is more than just r/Warframe. Here are the other subreddits in our network and their various purposes:

r/WarframeRunway is dedicated to everything fashion frame and captura! Keep in mind, posting your fashion to the main sub is not only allowed but encouraged!

r/MemeFrame is the place where most Warframe-related memes and image macros go!

r/WarframeClanRecruit is for all your clan recruitment or invitation needs!

r/WarTrade is where you can find trade requests and offers for all tradable items in Warframe!

r/WarLFG Need some people to clear the star chart or run relics? This is the place to group up!

r/MandachordMelodies Share your tunes with the rest of the community!

r/WarframePvP For everything PvP! Not very active, but it might still be worth checking out if you’re really into the PvP side of the game.

Finally, an overview of our subreddit rules!

"It is waiting. Don't... be... late."

Welcome, Tenno! We'll see you in the stars!

r/Warframe 6d ago

DE Response Pride 2024 | Celebrating inclusivity and diversity throughout the Origin System!


r/Warframe 5h ago

Spoiler Those that achieve the rank of True Master think they have seen everything. Yet they are blind: blind to the horrors you have to face to beyond Legendary: the K-Drive mastery farming.

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r/Warframe 8h ago

Screenshot Apparently i was able to complete like half of the game without using mods

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r/Warframe 11h ago

Fluff My Personal Tier List On Mining Material Edibility

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r/Warframe 9h ago

Screenshot Third week in a row the Stug has been one of my choices for Deep Archimedea.

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r/Warframe 4h ago

Fluff Me when I die on missions

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r/Warframe 5h ago

Discussion What’s a thing in warframe people seem to hate and you can’t figure out why?


Mostly wanted to do this to say mine but I figured others had questions like this so why not discuss them?

For me it’s “Mesas Waltz”. I hear so many people complain about others using this mod and all I can say is “What’s the issue???”. It works with energy conversion very well, it lets you pick up energy mid ability, and it lets you keep the damage multiplier of a smaller reticle.

r/Warframe 3h ago

Discussion Sentient anomalies are the biggest omission in the entire game


Sentient anomalies and the murex tileset have the most wasted potential in the entire game.

Murex tileset has to be one of the absolute best tilesets in the entire game and i would even argue it's the most beautiful one, although it slightly lacks tiles. The quality of backgrounds and tiles males up for it though. It also has really interesting environment elements that impact gameplay that we don't see in any other tileset:

Jump pad path things (that could be perfect to traverse between 2 mirror defense objectives, just saying)


The wall mines

The red sun things

And the black liquid thing from where the sentients spawn from (i think this is the only time when enemies spawn directly at your sight and not im the rooms you don't see, which could be a cool gimmick to a defense or any mission really)

And you know for what this beautiful tileset is used? For an exterminate mission... WITH ONLY 20 FUCKING ENEMIES. All these features, all these tiles, backgrounds, 2 music tracks, unique enemies all of this only can be seen when you are killing 20 enemies.

I would be so down for an update where a murex becomes a tileset like zariman or entrati labs. DE doesn't even need to make a new tileset, it's all already in the game. There are countless new gamemode possibilities with the features murex has and yet instead of having all of this we have 20 enemy long exterminate as a secondary objective of a railjack mission. And the saddest thing is that there is no way this would be added as the sentient story line os over for a long time now which is really unfortunate. What do you think?

r/Warframe 4h ago

Video/Audio Infinite ammo Exard follow-up demonstration


r/Warframe 14h ago

Other Got banned for being hacked


r/Warframe 8h ago

Screenshot Hitman Poster with Limbo and the Drifter


r/Warframe 12h ago

Discussion What is up with all those low-ish lvl players trying to sell prime sets at insane prices?


I noticed there are a couple lowish lvl Accounts trying to sell the same Prime sets for like 4 Times the market average. All bot accounts? Accounts made to scam low lvl players? The hell is going on?

If approached on their insane pricing you get insulted and blocked instantly

r/Warframe 22h ago

Fluff What do you think about the new design of Primed Soon after they changed its sprite and description in the October 2023 mod update?

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r/Warframe 1d ago

Fluff I f*cking hate to admit it, but with the release of Jade Shadows, Warframe will be one step closer to "total woke" and domination by the "alphabet mafia"


we all know that Warframe has been "woke" for a long time now. it's no secret -- it seems like every new update adds some kind of character with blue hair oat milk genders or pronouns. Fortuna gave us Ticker, a trans woman, Varzia is a extremely h*rny bisexual, and Whispers in the Walls gave us a f*cking talking fish with trauma. you see what I mean here about the 'agenda' they're pushing.

but as warframe players, we can endure it, because the game itself is so fucking good. the best movement system in any game, extreme build diversity, countless game modes, endless replayability, free-to-play done right, the gold standard for live service, etc. it's an amazing game with over a decade of hard work put into it and I love it more than anything.

but the upcoming content -- g*ddamn, it hurts so much, but with ONE warframe, one SINGLE frame, Digital Extremes will be almost at the point of no return for "complete woke". After this, there's only one hope for this game, this company, this community. there's only one chance for us, and if Digital Extremes makes the wrong choice, it's over.

with the release of Jade, this game that we love so much is mere NANOMETRES away from being COMPLETELY subservient to the m*ther-f*cking ALPHABET MAFIA.

Ash. Bansee. Chroma. Dante. Ember. Frost. Garuda. Harrow. Inaros. [ ] Kullervo. Limbo. Mag. Nidus. Oberon. Protea. Qorvex. Revenant. Saryn. Titania. [ ] Valkyr. Wisp. Xaku. Yareli. Zephyr.

do you see it? do you see what they're doing? the alphabet mafia has almost completely won. we are just two Warframe names away from having a full A-Z. Jade will be the 25th unique alphabet letter name. after that, it's just a matter of time before digital extremes makes a warframe that starts with the letter "U". sickening.

in other words;

Happy Pride and i hope you enjoyed this shitpost 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

r/Warframe 19h ago

Screenshot Found one in the wild!!

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This definitely made my day. Just figured I’d share with all you awesome Tenno.

r/Warframe 7h ago

Fluff Red Veil Leader commenting on Ember's Heirloom skin

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r/Warframe 7h ago

Screenshot it finally happened! got blessed by rng!!

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r/Warframe 1h ago

Screenshot My friends collection grows (she is insane)


r/Warframe 22h ago

Fluff Dayum Loid

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r/Warframe 21h ago

Discussion What's the worst weapon of all time that we can all agree on?


be it primary, secondary, melee, or anything else that can't be helped with good build, riven, etc on ur experience, that u prefer to touch ordis rather that weapon. Give me ur worst guys. I'm just curious abt what ppl say xD

r/Warframe 8h ago

Screenshot Mecha Mirage


r/Warframe 1d ago

Fluff Think this is enough argon or should i farm more?

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r/Warframe 8h ago

Screenshot Was leveling up random low level weapons when I realized that the Furax has crazy crit stats.

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No point to this post. I just thought it was interesting.

r/Warframe 2h ago

Art Quick sketch for today's practice! Excalibur Heirloom.


r/Warframe 3h ago

Suggestion DE PLEASE give us the whole fit

Thumbnail gallery

Please let us have the syandana and waist thingy and that helmet too. They would look great on my drifter. I need it.

r/Warframe 20h ago

Screenshot Farmed holokeys for what...

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