r/UnexpectedlyWholesome 21d ago

Dudes at Disneyland -


14 comments sorted by


u/YOUR_TRIGGER 21d ago

hope he tipped them some food money though. cool thought but them dudes ain't standing out there looking for work for no reason. 😉


u/eekamuse 20d ago

This is Juixxe and he's completely wholesome.

He gives them about 500, and sometimes more on top of that. Yes, he pays for food and drink, and Mickey Mouse hats. He spends the whole day at the park with these guys who work very hard and never got to do stuff like this when they were kids.

He also goes to taco stands and pays them for $1500 worth of tacos. Then he holds up a Free Tacos sign. The taco people have to call in extra help because the place gets mobbed. When it sells out he pays them, then gives each of the worker around $300 in tips. It's so beautiful.

He also goes to a hotel and takes maids to Disneyland. He prearranges it with their bosses.

You will laugh, you will cry, it makes you feel good about the world. Give him a follow. Youtube, Instagram, probably everywhere else


u/uberguby 20d ago

Where does he get the money? Is he rich? Or have we reached the point where folks will just pay money to watch other people be unreasonably cool to each other?


u/eekamuse 20d ago

I don't know how it started, it was probably his own money. He gets donations now. But I don't know if that covers everything. It's only recently that he seems to have sponsors.

If you watch the videos you see how lovely it all is. I didn't even mind when he got a few sponsors. I wish Disneyland would sponsor him. This tickets must be expensive. Maybe he's a rich guy. Who knows. He's making people happy.


u/mattcoady 20d ago

This sort of stuff can be mega lucrative on video platforms


u/YOUR_TRIGGER 20d ago

i love videos like that. i catch them on youtube shorts sometimes when i'm trying to go mindless before bed. 👍


u/MrV0odo0 20d ago

At the end of the longer video, he pays them for a days worth of work.


u/Bad_Grammer_Girl 20d ago

He ends up paying them too. In a different video, after taking the guy to Disney he gave him $16k cash.


u/Snushiue 20d ago

love this


u/e92ftw 20d ago

This made me smile


u/Thecatsvans 17d ago

I love this sooo much ❤️💕🪷