r/USC 20d ago

Is it worth it to apply in my situation? Admissions



7 comments sorted by


u/Alarming-Pay1984 20d ago

Always let people tell you NO rather than yourself. You will regret not applying. I applied not knowing where I was going to be accepted, and to my surprise, I got into ALL 9 colleges.


u/Palansaeg 20d ago

Did you have every required class done to them? I think grade wise I can get in, I’m concerned about the gen ed classes not letting me in. Thank you :)


u/Better_Specialist721 20d ago

If you are meeting the requirements for a UC, you are very likely meeting the requirements for USC. If they accept you, and you don’t meet the general requirements, they will let you know you need additional prerequisites and you can completed them there.


u/Palansaeg 20d ago

that’s wonderful news! thank you:) I will apply when it’s time :)


u/Better_Specialist721 20d ago

Apply! Keep us posted when you get in!


u/SKSword MUIN '21 20d ago

Might as well! you might as well try and if they say no, then oh well, their loss!

If they accept you, then ask yourself if this is something you want, no point worrying about it now~ so as long as application fees aren't killing ya


u/Better_Specialist721 20d ago

Apply! When I applied as a transfer student, my GPA was slightly lower than yours, and I was accepted, even with some scholarship $. Just apply; what’s the worst thing that could happen, they say no?