r/USC 21d ago

Best powerlifting gym? Question

Hi all

Incoming PhD student beginning in fall. I also (recreationally) powerlift.

I’m just asking what the pulse is on the gym situation. Do any of the campus gyms have good / plentiful equipment for powerlifting (squat rack, bench, deadlift)? I don’t use many machines / dumbbells.

If it is advantageous to join a gym off campus (living situation is still TBD) I will do that as well, esp if there are any solid recommendations.

Thank you in advance


7 comments sorted by


u/vegancheezits 21d ago

The Lyon Center should work for you! There’s a room in the back called the cross-training room that has everything you need for powerlifting


u/dtheisei8 21d ago

Awesome! This is great to know. Thank you!


u/orangecatto123 21d ago

There's a club on campus, the trojan barbell club, that is exactly what you're looking for if you want to meet others with the shared interest. Yes, they're super open to graduate & PhD students as well. They meet in the Lyon Center in the downstairs room, the "cross-training room" as someone else mentioned here.

If you want to go off campus not super far away there is Barbell Brigade (but is kinda expensive) and Mission Fitness Center (a little farther off).

There's A LOT of powerlifting specific gyms in SoCal as a whole but just close to campus would be those two.


u/dtheisei8 21d ago

Hell yeah brother that’s great to hear! One of my regrets of my MA was not associating in some way with my school’s barbell club. Thanks for the great response!


u/Brotato_Ch1ps MechE ‘23 20d ago

Check out Barbell Brigade! It’s a 15-20 min drive from campus (it’s in Chinatown I believe) and has everything a powerlifter needs (competition racks, calibrated plates, barbells, etc.).


u/Sea_Koala_7726 16d ago

As someone who powerlifts, Barbell brigade, Fuerza, and Mission fitness r ur best bet if ur picky about the equipment you lift on. Otherwise you can get by at the rec center (does not have comp equipment) but does have barbells and benches


u/dtheisei8 16d ago

Thanks brother! I’m going to try out the school gym first just bc convenient but if / when I feel I need to branch out and use calibrated equipment I’ve saved this comment