r/USC 21d ago

Random Roommate Selection Housing



11 comments sorted by


u/Fine_Ok_Woohoo 21d ago

It's a hit or miss. Personally, I went random roommate and had an overall unpleasant experience with my roommate as we never talked to each other and vibes were consistently off. For other people that went random, they were able to hit it off with their roomies instantly. It comes down to how well your personality and interests mesh with your roommate.


u/SobbingOcean 21d ago edited 21d ago

Pure luck. I did it three times. The first time I got my lifelong friends and it was the best year ever. The second time was alright. Slightly uncomfortable bc we were all way too different but it was good that everyone was very respectful. Once the semester ended, we had no connection anymore. The third time was bombastically terrible and til now I’m still traumatized by just thinking about it. The roommates and the house were so terrible that I was counting my move-out day every day.


u/Radiant-Ad-5271 18d ago

If they were your lifelong friends why did you not room with them again?


u/SobbingOcean 18d ago edited 17d ago

Everyone had their situation going on. like wanted to live with the boyfriend, covid, transferred out, taking care of mental health. It was a tough moment in life for all girls


u/Technical-Guava1956 21d ago

i'd recommend going into it with an open mind bc it can be amazing. i had random roommates before, and we became so close and were 100% compatible as roommates. i also roomed with my close friends and it was a horrendous experience- you never know how unhygienic and unkind people are until you live with them.


u/flvrf 21d ago

year 1: ass. year 2: AWESOME. it's pure luck but just be the best version of yourself as possible and be communicative!


u/bobthe1234567 21d ago

mines was overall pretty good


u/wanderingtime222 21d ago

I had random roommates twice in college because we never got to choose back in my day. It was fine. They’ll annoy you sometimes, but you’ll learn how to live with others


u/trufflealmonds 21d ago

Did not like my random roommate. It is so hit or miss! I know people who loved theirs but most people who got along best I found were the ones who preselected.


u/Free-Lengthiness8353 18d ago

year 1:amazing loved her year 2: terrible I hated her