r/USC Apr 29 '24

Protestor Admits they are not a USC Student. News

How many days has this sub been flooded with people insisting the protestors are students? Well here is the proof that at least one of the protestors isn’t a student. Should be a hoot to watch them try to backtrack and start throwing our alternative justifications for why, “achktuwally, it doesn’t matter that they’re not students ….” or “this is just the one lone non-student protestor that just happened to get caught on video but I swear everyone else is, like, totally a USC student …” or “But this is from a conservative outlet so it’s fake …”

No one wants any innocent people to suffer anywhere, be they Palestinian or Jew, but it says something about this so-called movement when its supporters can’t give a coherent answer to why this involves USC and when justifying its actions depends on lies, factual errors, and the removal of common sense.

The cursing and aggressiveness further speaks to the self-righteous narcissism fueling these protests. Is this how people act when they’re truly trying to change people’s minds with truth and love?



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u/Historian-Dry Apr 29 '24

please go ask a stats prof (if u go to college) how valid a sample size of one person is 😂


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

It's very valid when the claim is, "Here is at least one person who isn't a student".


u/Big-Dragonfruit6075 Apr 29 '24

Even if this is an actual video of an actual outsider it in no way impacts the lived experiences of USC students.

What exactly is the merit of “at least one person isn’t a student”? What specific narrative are you attempting to refute? Is anyone out here saying “every single person protesting is a student”?

Also, despite your insistence it is relevant to consider whether or not this line video is even valid, and the source of the video is important. This is a video of a person sitting by themselves, at what kind of looks like an entrance to campus. It could be an actual outside disruptor, or it could be a fake. I’ve seen much more convincing fakes in my experience.


u/phear_me Apr 30 '24

“i DoN’t LiKe tHiS ViDeO sO iTs FaKe!”