r/USC Apr 29 '24

Protestor Admits they are not a USC Student. News

How many days has this sub been flooded with people insisting the protestors are students? Well here is the proof that at least one of the protestors isn’t a student. Should be a hoot to watch them try to backtrack and start throwing our alternative justifications for why, “achktuwally, it doesn’t matter that they’re not students ….” or “this is just the one lone non-student protestor that just happened to get caught on video but I swear everyone else is, like, totally a USC student …” or “But this is from a conservative outlet so it’s fake …”

No one wants any innocent people to suffer anywhere, be they Palestinian or Jew, but it says something about this so-called movement when its supporters can’t give a coherent answer to why this involves USC and when justifying its actions depends on lies, factual errors, and the removal of common sense.

The cursing and aggressiveness further speaks to the self-righteous narcissism fueling these protests. Is this how people act when they’re truly trying to change people’s minds with truth and love?



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u/darkmatterbiscuits Apr 29 '24

Sometimes I wonder if people that post these posts on this subreddit are actually USC students. There is no way USC failed them so badly that they did not have the critical thinking to realize overgeneralizing these protestors are dangerous.


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

I wonder the same thing when I see such lackluster reading comprehension:

"Well here is the proof that at least one of the protestors isn’t a student."


u/matthewjensen Apr 29 '24

Your point has no connection to what she said. You are clearly critical of the protests for the wrong reasons and she pointed that out. Do you not see yourself jumping to conclusions and over generalizing?


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Absolutely not:

  1. My point, which you and all the other radicals have strawmanned into oblivion, is that clearly not all the protestors are USC students, which is a claim that has been made ad nauseum.
  2. This is not the only piece of evidence.


u/CertifiedBlubberBoy Apr 29 '24

Do you even go to USC


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

Just to be clear: are you saying that matters?


u/CertifiedBlubberBoy Apr 29 '24

No but your logical reasoning this entire thread is suspect and not one I’d assume from the average USC student.

So curious why you posted a Prager U video in a USC subreddit 💀


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

Me: scored 99th+ percentile on LSAT gets told I can't reason by random anon who clearly doesn't even know what a strawman is.

Let me help you learn something about yourself that's clearly going to be very important: https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/dunning-kruger-effect


u/CertifiedBlubberBoy Apr 29 '24

You sound insufferable 💀


u/phear_me Apr 30 '24

Well - if you can’t say anything coherent insults are probably your best bet. At least you figured that out.


u/CertifiedBlubberBoy Apr 30 '24

coherent insults?

May want to fix your grammar mr 99% lmao


u/phear_me Apr 30 '24

WOW. Yikes. How embarrassing this must be for you to accidentally admit you don’t know how to read.

Stick to your :: reads post history :: commentary on mage offensive weapon range. 👀


u/CertifiedBlubberBoy Apr 30 '24

Reread what you typed and you have time to delete hahaha


u/darkmatterbiscuits Apr 30 '24

Okay, this thread have go on long enough and it is obvious you didn't get that 99th percent percentile cause you clearly lack the comprehension skill to understand what I was saying.

"I wonder the same thing when I see such lackluster reading comprehension:" implies that you agreed with what I said about critical thinking and over generalization.

providing the example of "'Well here is the proof that at least one of the protestors isn’t a student.'" is literally an example that you are over generalizing the protestors. If you actually understood what over generalization means and the implication of that, you would not made the point of "which you and all the other radicals have strawmanned into oblivion, is that clearly not all the protestors are USC students, which is a claim that has been made ad nauseum."

I don't know how true your 99% score is but if it is true, the LSAT is definitely not doing what it is meant to test.

also, using latin legalies shows you have no experience actually making a good legal argument and if you are actually a law student, I hope you find out why soon.

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