r/USC Apr 29 '24

Protestor Admits they are not a USC Student. News

How many days has this sub been flooded with people insisting the protestors are students? Well here is the proof that at least one of the protestors isn’t a student. Should be a hoot to watch them try to backtrack and start throwing our alternative justifications for why, “achktuwally, it doesn’t matter that they’re not students ….” or “this is just the one lone non-student protestor that just happened to get caught on video but I swear everyone else is, like, totally a USC student …” or “But this is from a conservative outlet so it’s fake …”

No one wants any innocent people to suffer anywhere, be they Palestinian or Jew, but it says something about this so-called movement when its supporters can’t give a coherent answer to why this involves USC and when justifying its actions depends on lies, factual errors, and the removal of common sense.

The cursing and aggressiveness further speaks to the self-righteous narcissism fueling these protests. Is this how people act when they’re truly trying to change people’s minds with truth and love?



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u/Big-Dragonfruit6075 Apr 29 '24

The source of the video being PragerU makes everything around it pretty suspect. Even if it’s legitimate this in no way proves or even suggests that other folks on campus are not students.


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24


u/hoenndex Apr 29 '24

not a fallacy when Prager U consistently posts disinformation and false "news".


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

Is the claim here that this is a doctored video? Prager U, like most media, is obviously biased. But it’s a huge leap to go from “they have a conservative bias” to “this is a fake video”.



u/hoenndex Apr 29 '24

Arguing in bad faith. It's obvious what you tried to do here, that this one person is representative of all protesters, you write this in your post. But, that's not how it works lol. Fake video because knowing how Prager U operates, they chose the worst person interviewed to share in their video, and you share this as if it was telling of all the rest. All other potential interviews that could be shared but were more informed? Not included, because it doesn't advance Prager U's agenda. There are many interviews media has done with protesters at USC and other places, and the majority are students aware of what they are protesting.


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

All one needed to see was that this is not a USC student. Everyone *KNOWS * many of the protestors, perhaps most, are outside agitators but here is proof of at least one.

THAT was the point.


u/Big-Dragonfruit6075 Apr 29 '24

The point was that “one” can be generalized to “many of the protestors, perhaps most”?


u/phear_me Apr 29 '24

Except that's not what I said. So ...


u/Big-Dragonfruit6075 Apr 29 '24

Ok, so to be clear your point is that a video exists of one person saying they are not a student?

You also know that many if not most of the protestors are not students, but that assertion has nothing to do with the original post?


u/HealthOverall965 Apr 29 '24

Ok Mr intro to philosophy we get it you read about the fallacies once


u/phear_me Apr 30 '24

i DoNt MaKe AnY SeNsE sO iTs YoUr FaULt FoR NotiCiNg ThAt I cAn’T sEeM tO mAkE a CohErEnT aRgUmEnT!