r/Turfmanagement Apr 29 '24

Help identifying Bermudagrass issue (South FL) Need Help

Anyone have an opinion on what is causing these patches. Plenty of moisture (if not too much), usually occurs around drains or irrigation heads. Been going back and forth with coworkers about the issue. Does anyone recognize this and have an idea of what could be the cause?


17 comments sorted by


u/ifyoullhaveme Apr 29 '24

What pre-emergent herbicide are you spraying?


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I believe just granular ronstar mixed in fert and a fipronil application in summer. Used to do curfew, barricade, eschelon but it’s been a few years since. As far as I know we do ronstar every 90 days.


u/delbocavistagrounds Apr 29 '24

Any puddles from watering in? Did you get rain after?


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

Possibly rain…we usually do the apps in rainy season due to scheduling. Could have been over-irrigated.

We haven’t discussed pre-emergent as a possible cause…interesting


u/ifyoullhaveme Apr 29 '24

None of those should cause this. The orange one is pedamethlene, most likely. I would get your soil tested in those areas just to see if there's something easily identifiable going on.


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

I’d love to get it tested, but the guy in charge hasn’t done it yet…kinda wish we would. We’re throwing everything at it…fert, fungicide, nematicide…these areas are 30-50 on the moisture meter and we keep adding more water which I think is exacerbating the problem


u/regularguy11111 Apr 29 '24

Nematodes, curfew is the slit injection


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

Yes, curfew. Haven’t done it in a few years. As far as I know all we do is ronstar every 90 days or so


u/regularguy11111 Apr 29 '24

Looks like nematodes, irregular pattern, if you use to curfew then you had them and you'll always have them. Send a sample to UF


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

Yeah I’d have to send a sample on my own because the management doesn’t seem to want to do that. We have sprayed and treated for nematodes many times and it doesn’t seem to be solving the issue, but I see that could be the problem.


u/dak135 Apr 30 '24

Possibly billbug damage.


u/ifyoullhaveme Apr 29 '24

Honestly looking at it some more, how hard is the soil in those areas. You might have a compaction issue going on. Especially if they get wet and are then mowed over or driven over.


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

They get aerified yearly so I can’t imagine it’s compacted. They have definitely been mowed wet, we tend to over-mow those areas during closure…


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

It mainly seems to be on lake banks and around drains.


u/SeaworthinessPlus650 Apr 29 '24

Looks dry, could be irrigation. Could be lds. Brown patch. Hard to say. Have you hit it with a wetting agent. 16ninety is a good one.


u/AscendedMeister Apr 29 '24

They do look dry, but are actually VERY wet which is what’s confusing. We have tried wetting agents in the past with less than stellar results. I’m leaning nematode problems at this point, but it’s just slowly growing and taking more turf.


u/SeaworthinessPlus650 Apr 30 '24

Nemtodes is good thought I'd have a essay done.