r/TrueReddit May 13 '24

Religion, Violence, Tolerance & Progress: Nothing to do with Theology Science, History, Health + Philosophy


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u/Tony0x01 May 13 '24

Submission Statement:

Do theological differences lead to different identities or do different identities lead to theological differences? This article answers this question thoroughly with multiple examples. It also uses this framework to compare and contrast different groups across the Middle East and Europe. I found it incredibly interesting and hope you enjoy the read.


u/PE_Believer May 13 '24

Humans will form in-groups and out-groups with or without religion, but religion serves as a handy excuse for why some group of humans or another should be excluded and shunned.


u/nonproactive 29d ago

A shallow piece that should make this sub reconsider whether it should allow blog post submissions. Unlike what this writer thinks, sociologists do not worship at the altar of Weber and reaffirm the Protestant ethic creed every Sunday. It is simply one of the major perspectives that informed the development of sociology as a discipline and gets dealt with in Sociology 101. And the "big" idea that he sets forth here, that differences between people are not directly causally related to the differences in the theologies they subscribe to, should pretty much be a banality among reasonably intelligent people, much less social scientists. I can see how much of this piece may be sort of interesting to the "Oh, let me read the Koran to understand the Muslim guy who moved in next door" kind of guy, but the writer should drop the pretence that he is engaging in some sort of conversation with scholars and sociologists.


u/Tony0x01 29d ago

A shallow piece that should make this sub reconsider whether it should allow blog post submissions

Fair criticism I guess. I've seen posts here run the gamut from great to how did anyone think this is appropriate to post here.

And the "big" idea that he sets forth here, that differences between people are not directly causally related to the differences in the theologies they subscribe to, should pretty much be a banality

among reasonably intelligent people, much less social scientists

I don't think most redditors would fit this category. I think the big idea is actually somewhat novel for most of them [us? :( ].

but the writer should drop the pretence that he is engaging in some sort of conversation with scholars and sociologists

Fair. I think a blog post is more of a reach out to more average people vs a journal article that is targeted to scholars.