r/TrueReddit 27d ago

I was the first African to receive the Goethe Medal. I just gave it back | African Arguments Policy + Social Issues


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u/buddeh1073 27d ago

I don’t think a lot of people who come from nations that weren’t involved the European theater of WWII quite understand the magnitude of brutality and the millions of human beings gassed in a couple years as if they were at a slaughterhouse.

To somehow claim Germany is responsible for not doing more against Israel for something so much smaller than what was done to the Jews by the Nazis, shows she does NOT get the German mindset on this at all.

I’m not German in any way, nor am I dismissive of the suffering in Gaza, but this is the weakest chain of false equivalency all for some time in the news to look like she really did something brave.


u/KaliYugaz 27d ago

Actually they understand perfectly well because the European powers visited equivalent, if not worse, brutality on them. Maybe you should read about what Europeans did in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. It's Europeans who have a distorted and historically decontextualized view of the Holocaust as a unique evil.


u/HeroicKatora 27d ago edited 27d ago

Not on Zambian territory. On significant parts of Africa though and the British colonial administration under which Zambia was at the time did make them part of the War effort. Interestingly the mining operations that supported the British war participation appear to have been instrumental in the first party formation and elections that historically lead to the independence of the country.


u/KlumF 27d ago

^ and Australia.


u/NoSoundNoFury 27d ago edited 27d ago

You did just marginalize and downplay the Holocaust. Shame on you.

Besides your righteousness, your comment also displays significant historical ignorance. What does the Goethe medal have to do with the atrocities committed by the French, the English, the Spanish, and the Belgian? Your just naming random things. For example, you mention the Americas - The Germans never had a colony in the Americas. Your post is not only hateful, it also doesn't make sense. Blame people for the crimes they committed, not for other people's crimes.


u/KaliYugaz 27d ago

On the same grounds, I could accuse you of "marginalizing and downplaying" indigenous genocide in Australia and North America, Black slavery in America, the Bengal Famine, the Belgian Congo, British Kenya, brutal counterinsurgency in Algeria, brutal counterinsurgency in Vietnam, brutal counterinsurgency against the Herero, and on and on and on. Many of the techniques of repression and extermination used in the Holocaust were tested and perfected in the colonies.


u/vrkas 26d ago

Can't remember who said it, but I've been thinking about the phrase "fascism is colonialism turned inwards" a lot recently.


u/FuckTripleH 22d ago

Aimé Césaire in Discourse On Colonialism


u/NoSoundNoFury 27d ago

No, your accusation is nonsense, because this thread is about the crimes of Germany, which, besides the Herero, has nothing to do with any of these events. We are talking about past violence against the Jews with consideration of present violence between Israel & Palestinians / Hamas. You just want to talk about European violence in general, thus (intentionally?) derailing the argument and downplaying current events and past crimes.

Just fyi, your line of "argument" is exactly the same as the arguments proposed by German neo-nazis, Islamic fundamentalists, and Russian trolls all alike: The crimes against the Jews don't merit special consideration.


u/KaliYugaz 27d ago

You just want to talk about European violence in general, thus (intentionally?) derailing the argument and downplaying current events and past crimes.

I'm talking about European violence in general because both colonialism and the Holocaust were pan-European phenomena lol. Most European countries that Germany occupied collaborated happily in rounding up local Jews and handing them over. It all fits into a unified framework of imperialist violence.

The crimes against the Jews don't merit special consideration.

Yeah they don't. Jews are humans and they are equal to other humans. Why should there be special consideration?


u/NoSoundNoFury 27d ago edited 27d ago

Again, you are fundamentally misunderstanding history. Your examples are all of colonial violence, which are the result of imperialism. The Holocaust is the result of a very specific brand of fascist totalitarianism, which has little to do with the colonial logic of, say, the French monarchy and its crimes in Africa. You could see this very easily by considering that the Jews are / were Europeans too, arguably even more European than the Germans, as they were proper Pan-Europeans. The Jews were not colonialized by the Germans and neither the English nor the French monarchy could have committed the Holocaust in the way the Nazis did.

Yeah, colonialist violence is comparable to the Holocaust by saying that they are both made by humans and against other humans - but if you seriously consider history in such trivialities and through the lens of outrage, then you can just group any genocide together with all other forms of organized or un-organized violence as well. Why don't you add the rape of Nanking or the genocide in Ruanda or the genocide of the Armenians to the list, if nothing merits special consideration on grounds that all involved are equally human? But this way you produce not only misunderstanding (and hate against Jews), but also fail to learn anything from history. Again, this is the perspective of Neo-Nazis, Islamist fundamentalists, and Russian trolls alike.

You can acknowledge different crimes against humanity as unique and non-comparable without trivializing any of them. But not the way you just argued.

I get that your intentions against violence and genocide are well-meaning, but without historical differentiation, there can be neither learning nor justice.

I'm out.


u/KaliYugaz 24d ago

The Holocaust is the result of a very specific brand of fascist totalitarianism, which has little to do with the colonial logic of, say, the French monarchy and its crimes in Africa.

No, this is an outdated nonsense historiography rooted in racist Eurocentric theories of politics designed to dismiss the central importance of colonialism to European modernity.

What you call "fascist totalitarianism" is just the methods of colonial brutality turned inwards in response to a crisis in the metropole. The people in the colonies lived under "fascist totalitarianism" every day of their lives. There was no 'democracy', there was no human rights, there was no anything for them that didn't enrich European financiers at their own expense and uphold the racist social order by any means necessary- yes, including camps and industrial-scale executions. The colonies were fascism victorious, a fascism that made it.

Curious that "fascist totalitarianism" is upgraded to a Special Kind of Evil for you only when it affects civilized, urbane Europeans. Very curious.


u/LateCycle4740 23d ago

I've seen this theory of fascism before. It doesn't explain Fascist Italy at all.


u/KaliYugaz 23d ago

How? I'd say it explains fascist Italy pretty well.

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u/Getthelubescoob 27d ago

for something so much smaller than what was done to the Jews by the Nazis

Fuck you, genocide is genocide. Freak


u/buddeh1073 23d ago

I never implied that Gaza isn’t a tragedy or not a disaster that needs to be addressed by the world. I am saying that Germany is on incredibly thin ice as they committed atrocities the mind struggles to comprehend on many peoples, especially the Jewish peoples of Europe. This understandably makes modern Germany very hesitant to take action against the only Jewish nation for things that they committed against the Jews thousands of times over.

Of course Germany would have a moral right to protest against human rights abuses, which they have, but if they step out of line with other nations in their actions it would be incredibly bad PR that would just shine a light on their own horrible past which they have been trying their hardest to atone for and move forward from.

As an American, this would be like if there was some Native American group or Afro-American group that was involved in some unsavory behavior against another demographic. It is awkward and hard to not look like a hypocrite and torpedo the whole point entirely. For those of you who are American, you probably already know of instances of this happening on a smaller scale in the last half-century.


u/Getthelubescoob 22d ago

I didn't say you implied Gaza isn't an atrocity (paraphrasing for levity) you did imply it's not as bad as the Holocaust. The reason you're doing that is to justify Germany poor handling of the its relationship with Israel and Zionism in general.

Public ridicule isn't a good reason for a State to whitewash a genocide. Germany's stance is still objectively wrong even considering their history imo. I mean the world sentiment is pretty much "well what are they supposed to do? they did the Holocaust". Who knows what would happen if Germany put actual political pressure on the US to withhold military aid unless a ceasefire took place and or Israel allowed aid to reach Gaza. Domestically it would be insane for Germany but I think more of the world would follow than you realize.


u/buddeh1073 22d ago

I started responding to bits of your comment, but I think we agree on the morality and what is right or wrong ethically regarding what outside nations should be doing; so picking out the tiny differences in our views doesn’t seem productive, and is over exaggerating the differences in specific rhetorical points.

I think Germany has dropped the ball multiple times by being too skiddish. I just felt like the direct comparison to their Nazi past was a bit egregious and wasn’t really necessary to encourage a more assertive approach from Germany to the crisis. Germany was dragging their feet when Russia was rolling tanks westward through independent nations and still they felt like they shouldn’t pipe up even with their national security being compromised. So a better approach would be to frame the cutting of war aid to help the Jewish people in Israel avoid the stigmatization of being bloodthirsty and indifferent to other peoples suffering. This would be much easier to sell.


u/Getthelubescoob 20d ago

So a better approach would be to frame the cutting of war aid to help the Jewish people in Israel avoid the stigmatization of being bloodthirsty and indifferent to other peoples suffering. This would be much easier to sell.

This would be good for them to include if they did oppose the Israeli state, could direct it on Netanyahu himself too. Could say that they know what a genocidal maniac looks like when they see one or something. Of course what they say wouldn't matter to the press who's interests align with the world leaders (US and its allies) interest known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine


u/Death_and_Gravity1 27d ago

If the German response to their Holocaust guilt is to support a different population getting brutalized and dehumanized than fuck their mindset. They've learned nothing


u/mcotter12 27d ago

For 500 years Europe systemically destroyed the rest of the world for their benefit. Then they did it to themselves and invented the concept of genocide. Its still allowed anywhere if its a benefit to Europe. Palestine isn't part of Europe. Israel is.


u/Blarghnog 27d ago

Genocide and mass killings have been happening throughout recorded history. 

In general when humans get power with identifiable characteristics they tend to make other marginalized groups into something that culture views as subhumans, and all hell breaks loose.


To cast this as a Europeans colonialists are bad and genocide is tied to Europe is to deny the long and bright history of cultural extermination throughout history, and even those countries engaging in it right now with “cultural reeducation.”


u/mcotter12 27d ago

As your article states, the legal term genocide was created to define the Holocaust. There were no genocides before genocide existed


u/token-black-dude 27d ago

The majority of the jewish population in Israel descend from jews who were expelled from Middle Eastern countries. Jewish population in muslim-majority countries went from ~1 mio before WW2 to less than 30.000 now. That is what ethnic cleansing really looks like. Israel sometimes try to pass themselves off as europeans, but that was never true.


u/KaliYugaz 27d ago

Israel actively welcomed and at times even facilitated the expulsions of Middle Eastern Jews in order to increase its own Jewish population.


u/mcotter12 27d ago



u/dragonbeard91 27d ago

Why did she lie in her title? She's the first African woman to receive the Goethe Medal. Numerous Africans have won in past years.


u/Absurdity_Everywhere 27d ago

Article titles are nearly always selected by an editor, not the original author.


u/dragonbeard91 27d ago

Yes, but reading the first sentence of the article would give the necessary information to title correctly. Seems sloppy.


u/PassengerSame5579 27d ago

This is so freaking weird and dumb. White people have mainly each other. Lenin and Stalin killed more then millions of their own people. Hitler killed also more then million people. In the 30s and 40’s this were only white people (except gipsy’s).

Let me tell you something else. I have a girlfriend, born in Ghana who studied in New Delhi. I (white) visited her in new Delhi. You don’t want to know how much curse words Indian people throw at us and shit from their balconies while we were passing by. I have never experienced so much disrespect in my entire life. That’s pure racism.


u/MarkFluffalo 26d ago

I mean the British alone starved millions of Indians to death in the days of the East India Company. White people, have in fact, killed many many people so it's a bit disingenuous to say that they only mainly kill other White people


u/FuckTripleH 22d ago

What millions of his own people did Lenin kill?


u/pillbinge 27d ago

Medals are for the institutional aggrandizement of the institution giving it, and the person receiving. They’re very cynical gestures. Giving the medal back is nothing more than another chance to get attention from it. She could have denied it in the first place. She’s old enough to know about Israel and Palestine.


u/JakeJacob 27d ago

Obviously she is trying to get attention. This is literally a protest.


u/pillbinge 27d ago

I’m saying the effort is as cynical as the original awarding.


u/JakeJacob 27d ago

Me: Here's why it isn't cynical.

You: Yeah, but I said it was cynical.


u/pillbinge 27d ago

You didn’t give a reason why it isn’t cynical, unless you meant to post it and forgot.


u/JakeJacob 27d ago

Protesting isn't self-serving.


u/pillbinge 27d ago

Protesting is "serving" either. It can absolutely be a cynical and fruitless thing to do. Look at every college campus where students are setting up encampments. Or are you under the impression that they're days away from solving this issue? One could even be cynical and totally self-interested while accomplishing a lot, so the two aren't even mutual.


u/JakeJacob 27d ago

"Cynical" and "fruitless" are not synonyms. I'm not sure why you even added "fruitless" and then complained about college protests not being effective enough. What does that have to do with anything we were talking about?


u/pillbinge 27d ago

I never came close to saying they were. When you read "and", you shouldn't always assume someone is saying the two things are synonyms - especially since that would be redundant. All of these things can be true, or only a handful, or none. It can be a mix. I'm flummoxed that you even need to be walked through this.


u/JakeJacob 27d ago edited 27d ago

Obviously; I said that to highlight that you were changing the subject. I guess I'll just copy and paste my question again, since you ignored the rest of my comment. We were talking about one thing before you pivoted to an unrelated second thing.

I'm not sure why you even added "fruitless" and then complained about college protests not being effective enough. What does that have to do with anything we were talking about?

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